BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 3rd., 1921.1 COURTICE Visitors: M*. and Mrs. Chas. Wight and children, Providence, at Mr. Blake Courtice's; Mrs. M. G. Everson and Miss Aima Courtice at- tended Galli-Curci concert in Toronto Tuesday; Mrs. Jas. Rundie, Osh- awa, is guest of Mrs. Acy Penfound; Mr. Elmer Rundie and friends, Tor- onto, at home over the week-end; Mrs. A. Allun, Bowmanville, guest of bier daughter, Mrý. Geo. F. Annis; Epworth League was well attended on Thursday evening, Miss, Muriel Penfound, Social Vice, having charge. Community singing, games, etc., and the subject "What music means to mie", was nbly dealt with by several of thle members present... On Mon- ayevening Mr. and Mrs. G. F. An- nis entertaîned the Suashine and Live Wire Classes and a few friends. A jolly good evening was spent hy al. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanford, Bloomfield, New Jersey, U. S. A., spent the week-end with hermother, Mrs. M. Munday, Srv...Miss Elsie Martin, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. G. Freeman. ..,. Miss Laura Lane and Mv. Wm. Fairhead visîted at Tyrone on Sunday. . . Miss Reta Power gave a masquerade 1jarty to about 40 young people on Monday evening when all had a very enjoy-_ able time.... . Mrs. Truman Power, delegate to Sunday School Conven- tion at Brantford, will give hier re- port on Sunday afternoon in the hall in the place of the preaching service 1..Pastor Boyce is away for two weeks' holiday.... W. M .S. quilted and bound six quilts last Friday afternoon in, the Sons'. Hall .... Mr. and Mvs. Lou Hockin and Eileen, florhett's Point, spent Sunday withi friends. __ _____i HAYDON.' Special Thansksgiving Services will bc held as follows-On Sunday, Nov. 6th sermons wîll be preached by Mr. Milton Sanderson, of Toronto Univer- sity, at 2. 30 and 7. 30 p. m.. Lea- gue choir will furnish music at both services., Collections in aid of Ep- ,worth League fund. On f ollowing Monday at 8 p. m. a first Class con- cert will be given 'by talent from Pontypool, Tyrone and Enniskellen and other home talent. Refresh- ments wili' be served to ail. Don't miss this musical and literary treat. Admission-Adults 25 cents, Child- ren l5cents. Sunday movning a,,very interest- ing and instructive Temperance pro- gramn, under leadership of Mrs. Les- ler Graham, was given. An exercise entitled "Autumn Leaves" was nicely given hy three little Beginners. AISo4 the "Temperance" sainte by three Intermediate Boys, with a littie girl, bearing a white flag representing "Temperance ;"chorus by a class of Junior Boys; Readings hy Mr. Char- ence Avery and Mr. Theron Mount- joy. On Sunday afternoon, Pastor Wickett delivered another splendid sermon on "Love" which was apprec- ïated by everyone. . .. League ser- vice Sunday night was again welh at- tended. Pvogram was in charge of the Junior's, vice-Pvesident-Mîss Vera Slemon. The Bib le esson was read by. Master John Hand; the topic "What Thanksgiving Means" was nicehy given by Master Fred Ashton, Readings were given by Miss Vera ICoulter and Master Arthur Toole: Recitations hy Miss Mabel Beech and ~Master Harry Milîs; aiso two rousing 'choruses by the Juniors. President again efficiently performed bier duties an the opening and losing exercises. -Practise for the concert will be held on Friday night. Ail attend. SOLINA visitors. Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Smith and son Russell visited friends at Port Hope; Mr. Earl, Misses Grace and Edith Duthie, Toronto, and Mr. Robt. Saunders, Oshawa, at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacobs and Miss 'Wahmsiey, Oshawa, at Mr. S. Edgar Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. iHardy and babe and Mrs. Isaac Hardy visited the Allin Brothers, Newcastle; IMrs. S. H. Reynolds, Bothwelh, and sister Mrs. Nichoils, Ebenezer, at Mr. John Reynolds' and their sister, Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, Tyrone; Mr. F. Web- ber, wife and babe, Burketon, at Mr. W. N. 'Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Wilh Elford, Cambray, Mrs. Geo. Vice, 1Oshawa, called on relatives here on Tuesday; Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Chant have been visiti'ng friends at New- burgh. Mr. Norman VanNest was homnr from Tonrno over Sunday....À Womuen's Institute wvill mecet a, 'home of Mrs. S. F. Werry on Thiizs- da-, Novemxber l7th. Alil members attend. Taniac, the ceiebrated mledicinie, 'is now sold by Jury & LovelI, GeOOD' BY&E- C LO0T H I>NGI WE'VE, DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S,, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING. EVERY, SUIT, OVERCOAT, ODD PANT, OVERALLS, ETC., ETC., TO BE SOLD AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE.. WE NEED THE ROOM. OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT MUST HAVE MORE SPACE., THIS IS CERTAINL'Y A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TOSAVE ANYWHERE FROM FIVE TO FIFTEEN DOLLARS ON YOUR SUIT OR OVERCOAT., THE BIG MAJORITY, 0F OUR CLOTHING IS 20TH CENTURY BRAND WHICH INSURES, FIT, WEAR AND SHAPE-KEEPING QUALITIES. IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO PAY CASH, WE WILL LAY AWAY ANY SUIT OR OVERVOAT YOU MAY SELECT PROVIDING YOU PAY US A SMALL DEPOSIT ON SAME. Sale StartsStudy November 5th At, 9 a. m. and continues until every Suit and Overcoat is disposed of. Remem ber îlýi the charm of first choice, don't delay your purchase._ Çollars 5 f or $1.00, W. G. &SR. make, ail sizes, latest styles, ail linen, Regular 35c,' To Clear 5 for $1.0O Hanson's Sox 5 IL, 100 per cent pure wool, $1.25 quality, To Clear at 95c per pair $1.95 for Men's Caps, suitabie for Fail and Winter wear, fur-lined ear laps, big range of styles and colors, values to $3.00, To Clear $1.95 $3.48 for Men's Fiannel Shirts light grey, con- vertable collars, extra well-made, full sizes, Regullar $4.50,, To Clear $3.48 48e per pair for Boys' heavy ribbed wool stockings, excellent for hard wear, ail sizes, Regulan 75c,' To Clear 48c per pair $2.95 per pair for 1214 Flaninelette Blankets, Ibex, brand, "white or grey, blue or pink bord- ers, $3.50 value, To Clear $2.95 $2.39 for big Men's fine Shirts, sizes 16'2to, 18, excellent weaýring ma- teniais, double wear cufs and good full siz- es, values to $4.00, To Clear at $2.39 I~L $7.95 for Men's Rain- coats ýParametta and Tweed effeets, Regular prices to $15,00, To Clear $7.95 $1LM for Men's Over- ails and Smocks, such makes as Headlight, Perfecto, Kitchens, ex- cellent materials, plain on stripe,,ahl sizes, Reg- ular $3.00, To Clear $1.95 pair Men's, Boys',.Youths' Suits, Overcoats, Oddi Pants, Over- ails, etc., at a fraction ofthe.regular price,. LOT NO. 1 MEN'S SUITS 27 Suits, Men's andYoung Men's Models, ma- teniais-Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds,' Pencil Stripe, Checks, etc., good linings and tnim- mings. A good proportion of thlese suite are 20th Century, former, prices to $30.00, To Clear $16.95 MEN'S OVERCOATS AT $27.50 Ulster style, ail wool and Heather Mixture, brown, green and dark grey frieze, quilted lin- ing, a splendid coat for driving and hard wear, ail sizes, Regular $37.50, To Clear $27.50 MEN'S ODD PANTS AT $1.95 to $5.95 -Materials-Tweeds, Serges, Corduroy, Mack- inaw, fulli une of sizes, ail well-made and guaranteed to give you good service, Regular. $2.25 to $&50, Reduced to $1.95 to $5.95 22 Boys' Bloomer Suits at $11.95, sizes 35, Navy Blue Cheviots, Tweeds, etc., Regular Pnice $23.50, 31 to etc., To Clear $11.95 10 ohly, Boys' Overcoats and Mackinaws, col- ors-Brown and Grey, material Irish Freize and Melton Cioth, siýes 30 tô 2D5, Regular Prices to $13.50, To Clear $5.95 __ MEN'S OVERCOATS AT OINLY $18.9 Ulster style, belted back, shawl coliar, invis- ible plaids and tweed mixtures, Kerseys,, etc.,- ail sizes, Regular Pnice $25.00, To Clear $18.95 $1 7.95 for Young Men's Overcoats of ail wool Bianket Cioth, full lined, shawi coliar, iatest style, sizes 33 to 36, Regular Price $22.50, To Clear $17.95 LOT NO. 2, MEN'S SUITS 43 Suits, Men's three-button sacque model, big assortment of materials ,and shades, ex- cellent linings and trimimings, good- fitters etc., Regular Pnice $35.,0, To Clear $19.75 BOYS' OVERCOATS AT $14.95 Material ail wool Blanket Cloth, in a good shade of dark brQwn, full lined,,belted model, shawl collar, well-made, latest style, sizes 30, to-33, Regular $20.00, To Clear $14.95 BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS AT ONLY $8.95 13 only to clear,,at above price, mnaterials are Tweed Mixtures, new models, sizes 26 to 30, Regular $18.00, To Clear $8.95 60 PAIR BOYS' ODD BLOOMER PANTS Materials Corduroy, Serge, Tweeds, etc., made to stand hard wear, sizes 24 to 32, Regu- ian Price .$215 to $3.95, To Clear at $1.69 to $2.95 $1.29 for Meni's Shirts and Drawers, botany brand, unshrinkable, fine ribbed union mixt- ure, shrits have double breast and back, ail siz- ,es, 'Regular $2.00, To Clear $1.29 each $1.00 for 3 pair Men's Sox, (ail wool), mid grey only, nice soft quahty, plain knit or ribbed, Regular 45e To Clear 3 pr for $1.00 $1.95 for Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Draw-r ers, Penman's unshrink- able, aill sizes, 'regular À price $2.50,U To Clear $1.95 each $1.48 for Boys' Combin-... . ation Suits, 60 per cent wool ,plain knit, natural color, sizes 26 to 32, Regular price $2.25, To Clear $1.48 Boys' Overcoats reduced to $7.95, sizes 24 to $4.25 for Boys' Slickers, 28, Navy Blue, Green ail wool frieze, belted guaranteed Waterproof, model', full lined, Regulan $12.00, these coats will 'stand To Clear $7.95 ail kinds of hard wear. Men's Overcoats at only $5.95, sizes -35 to 42, Kerseys and Tweed Mixtures, good- staple sizes, just an even dozen to choose from. 20 Suits, Men's and Young Men's Models, material ali-wool Navy Blue Cheviot, 2Oth Century make, which means good linings,' trimmings, and perfect fitteis, two and three button sacque styles, Regular Pnice $50.00, To Clear $32.50 MEN'S FUR COATS AT $47.50 2 only Sheared Goat Coats, one black, one brown, big roomy coats,, extra well-made, large shawl coilar, quilted iining, a'splendid coat for driving,- etc., Regular Price $65. 00,, To Clear $47.50 ...Men'all-woolCashmere Sox,59c per pair, 10 dozen only, fine aJi-wooi Cashmere'Sox, black only,, double heel and toe, fine ribbed top, this same sox sold iast year at 90e per pair, To Clear 59c per pair ML?'cMlURTRY f&:CO PHONE 83 PHONE 83 89c per pair for Ladies' Rubbers assorted styles and sizes, Reguar $1.25, To Clear 89c per pair $2.95 for Men's Grey Flannel Shirts, union mixture, full sizes, weil- made collars attached, Regular $3.50,' To Clear $2.95, 69c for Boys' Fleece lind hitsand Draw- ers, ail sizes, Penmnan 's or York knit, easiiy worth 85e, To Clear 69c each $3.95 for Men's Hats, soft or hard, iatest mod- els and colors, Regular $5.501, To Clear $3.95 Boys' Leather Gloves 25 per cent off every pair1 of Men's and and.1'itens, lined or un- lined, big assortment to choose froni at, 1Clearing Prices 114~