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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1921, p. 2

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I nsurancel, Agency. The Sun Life 0f Canada is the largest and strongest if e insurance company in the Britîsh 'Empire-doingl BOWMANVILLE, NOV. lOth., 1921. THÉ EDITOR TALKS NESTLETON (Crowded out-last week) Hard and soft cQrns both yîeld te Holloway's Cern Remover, which is eniely safe oue and certain andi TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE n MradMs.Toa ugit x a fcoyin its gpti'nn 93500 - ,, - 8....c i c iLelt Deoaur readers agree with us when we say fer the teachers, parents, trustees and others înterested in the public sch ools and thECîr work that there is no bigger job in this Domin- ion than the training of the young, for upon the training they receive in their early life depends the future of this country and the wonld at large? exclusive ife insurance busi- hAite reading Bowmanville mer- eS S. the tremendous drop in the prices of men's, youths' and ladies' lething To December 31, 1920, It we said parents in West Durham .returned to its. policy hold- wrho subscribe for this journal may save two, three, five or ten tumes the 'ers........... $102,187,934,30 subscription price by taking advant- Its assets same date were, ,age of the merchants' bargain efers ...... ......114,839,444.48. acting wiseiy in anhg a vigoreus ýCombined- . . ..217,027,378.78i campaign cf advertising in order te Tota am unt eceved rom enlighten the people as to the very policyholders same date, been made in the cost of various pro- V~ ducts and te educate theni as te the ...... ......212,996,61.17. need for starting te buy goods at .ExesÉs paid overý receipts, once in erder te start the wheels of ..... ............4,30,5961commerce movng again. This would .~ seem to a very logical plan. lIn the wods hiscom any We have in Bowmanville an artistic paid to or credited its policy- painter who bas lettered a number cf olders with $4,030,759.61 rural mails boxes on Kingston Rond more than it recei ved fo can rend the names easily.- This them. A remarkable re- man is Mr. Needbam, Centre-st. Ed- iton H. P. Moore in bis excellent Sult, of which the company newspaper the Acten Free Press, is justly proud. stated in1 his last issue. that not more tan one in tbree of tbe namnes on MORAL-Join the, Sun the rural mail boxes were decipher- Lif e and bc in this Wonder- most Wheesi len diving pstb ani~i fui march of progress. througb the country te discover frein les on the fanms wbich are being 15 £~ 1I1 ssed. The townsman takes more interest in the neigbboring farmer Eain .Agoent , en lie can place tbe exact home- 2nd oorwestof he' Big20" stead wbereon - bie lives and knews 2nd oorwestof he "ig 0" omietbing about bis fanm and gen- Bowmanville Ontario.'eral surnoundings. It adds ta friendliness and interest aIl round andi helps. town and country folks te CHANGE 0F BUSINESS get betten acquainted. Having purchased the Granite andj Marble Works carried on by my late, In our boyhood the credit system brother, E. R .Bounsall, BowAmanville,1 was general between farmers and 11 ain prepared ta continue 'laborers and merchants, tradesmen, monmenal orkin ts ding doctors and other town business and branches. prfeionlmn. Vie turne for Phono 241 F. H. !.paying sucb accounts was frein Oct. ober first or as soon as fanmers renliz- ed o n their crops and paid hired belp. LEGAL 1Then a general dlean-up cf credit ac- LEGAL ceunts teek place, usually by cash M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., . .. bu t occasionally by note till iter when some fanm live stock could be B',ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, sold. This system left its imprýess Xoney ta boan on Farin and Town! on us, se that every nutunin we ?roperty. Royal Bank Building, expect everybody to pay up whnt Bowmanville. Phone 351. they ewe. Every man who pays bis debt up promptly belps busi- ness fer hiniseli as well as for every- W. F. WARD, B. A. body else.' This is a consideration ~BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY well worth keeping in mmnd in these Money ta boan. Bonds for sale. days wben money as well as labor bas Offices: 1Bleakley Block, King demanded bigher wages-that is to Street, Bawmanviile Ontario. say., wben interest rates have isen. Phonos: Office 102, House 178J. It is the active dollar that keeps business meving. The fact that the great bulk cf business is done by MEDICAL' check dees net in the sligbtest degree ater the trutb cf the foregoing state- B. J. HAZLEWOOD. M. D, C. IL.i'ment. Tbe check must be backed frold Medalist ofi Tinity unlvuity by value somewhere. There must Toronto. FPour years Attondin Phy-, always be a tangible basis for the ;llan and Surgeon at Mt. larmel 1 intangible cemmodity calied credit. Kospital, Pittsburg, Ne..Ofcad_____ - Reuîdoidnce, Wellington Street, Bow- mianville. Phono, 108. 86 A WORD FOR WAGE EARNERS C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., What would we. do but for the ,Gradute af Trinity 'Medical College, wage-earner? Toronto, formeriy of Enniskillen. What- would become cf ail our 0Rffce and residence, Dr. Bith's, boasted social and ecenomic struct- loürMer residence an Church-st., Bow- ures but for the invarîably happy and 'manville. Phono 259. 44-t igbt-hearted seul wbo-kisses the DR. H. TORR ged wife and the kiddies good-bye Gý;raduate Toronto University, year md ball reident physician and sur- flf~ "rnn+nC30 a,.1 lni+a to.r montha, Burnside Maternity> two and haif years Military Hospital. OfiRce: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phono 143w. 10-lyr.* DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 'jonor graduate in Dentlstry Torontoi Unitversity. Graduate of theé Royalj C oflege of Dental Surgeons of Ont-1 ;,rio Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Gýýraduate of Royal Dental Collège, toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 pm. daily except Sunday. Phone OOa. Hoine phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CL Mont complete equipment. Sunday and night xalls promptly attended to. B3owmanvlle phones 10 and 34. Brancb at Orono. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke- t., just opposite Canning FactorY, pays highest cash prices for ail kinde of poultry and junk. Phone 299 or caîl at his residence. 5-tif. Increase your Earning Power by attending the Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto This school is strictly first-class ia ail departments and enjoys a wide-spread patronage. It is kime-tried and truly-tested and yeu risk nothing by coming here. Our graduates are eminently sucecessful. Enter any tume. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. at a comparatively eaniy rnurning hour and hies himself to bsdal toîl? renîaps it~ uuaLt) Ioui'. a ie Factery, the Goodyear Werks, the foundry, the factonies, the farm or the mili. It matters net-be is the laboring man, the specialist in some Une or etner of whoiesaîe manuai ef- f ort, wbe keeps the hum of industry humming. And-thougb few stop te think of it-that man is in the majority. He is the man wbe makes up the great bulk cf' the natîon's voters. lis wonk is indispensable, and bis opinion is one that must and sbould be re- spected. The man who touls with bis bands at a hündred and one vanicus foens cf iab# comprises most of the cîti- zenship ,of most cf ahl our Canadian communfities. Wîtbout bis support and influence the cemmunity cannet get very fan. On the other hand, be is dependent directiy upen the success and presper- ity cf the community for bis regular empîcyment and-bis weekly on month- ly pay-cbeck. Should tbe cammunity slump, be is the one who- feels the slump Most keenly. The writer knows n great many iaboning men wbo are in all truth the most loyal men possible te thein com- munity interests. And, this is as it should be! Some say: "'I den't owe anytbing ta the business men of this town. MIh do my trading witb the out-of-tewn bouses if I feel like it; 1 believe in buying where 1 can buy the cbeap- est". That is all veny well' as fan as it g.s1 bt s in can testify, it is left-banded logic in its mest pernic- icus formi. Surely it is hardly necessary te re- pent what is already'so well known- that the retailer is the if e and seul af practically every tawn an the con- tinent worthy of the ame. Where you flnd nalive town yeu ALWAYS flnd live, prosperous retail businesses. Take these businesses away and you turra a live town into a dead one, just as the sotting of the sun turns day into nigbt. Your wide-awake workingl man ne- alizes this, and that is wy be is baund ta patronize home business bouseS or suifer consequences in sev- Pirices Change GET. YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED, 1 Men's Soled anà Heeled.. .$l 75 Men's Sewed Soles and Heels. . 2 10 Men's' Heels Rubber or Leather 50 Women's Soled and'Heeled nailed.................. 1 25 Women's Soled and Heeled sewed.................. 1 50 Wemen's Heels, Leather---------40 Wom e's Heels, Rubber....... 40 iavi' lea Aand Trs.<laA nalaPA Boys' Soed and Heeled 13 ta 5 1 Girls' soled and beeled 8 ta 13,,, Girls' soled and heelod 13 to 5 Girls' Heels 75c. Patches 15e Tee Caps froni 50c up, sewing Machine 50e per haur. G. W. ilumpage THE REPAIR MAN KING-ST E (Wall Papers, We have received this week an advanced ship- ment of Spring 1922 -Wal ,Papers. New Designs Beautiful Colorings Reasonable Prices which are much lower than formrer prices. W. T. ALLEN 1Big 20 Book Store1 F. -L 1- Ir bridge, isited his bohr r .H Suggitt on Sunday ... . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Emerson, Oakwood, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. John W. Emerson ... . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sutton are returning this week 'to their homo lin CaIrma4i, Manitoba, thence to Victoria, B. C., where they expect to spend the winter. They have had a very pleasant visit with her brother, Mr. J. W. Emerson and other fniends in Ontario. -They will be missed as they have made many extene1s during- the¶fr visit .... es., John McDowellrecently visited Mrs. Oscar Edwards ... . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Porteous and Mr. W. Port- eous at Millbrook Sunday. . Miss Murcheson, teacher at Boomington, visited the Misses Jackson over the week-end ... . IB>. and Mis. Sidney Trewin, Enniskillenf, and their boys visited ber sister, Mrs. S. M. Mal- colm .... Nestieton choir goes to Cad- mus next Sunday for anniversary ser- vices. No service at North Nestiet-I on ...Thankofering service ati North Nestieton on Sunday, Novem- ber 13 at il a. mi. and 7 p. mi. Chan- cýellor Bowles, D. D., of Victoria Col- lege, will preach ... . Epworth League had a Hallowe'en-prograni and enter- tainnient Friday and a jolly tume was spent bythose present .... Mr. W. Beacock, Township Clerk, and Coun- cillor Edgerton are improving their premises by adding to and beautify- .ng their residences .. .. Mr. Peter Wright and son Elmer are busy en- larging the Canadian Foresters Hall. Visitors: Mr ,and Mrs. Anderson at Mr. S. Crawf ord's on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolmi and two boys, Yelverton, with her parents, Mr. P. Wright; Miss Marie Proutt is visiting friends at Blenheini, Essex Co.; Mrs. Ted Marlow with friends at Oshawa; Mr, and'Mrs. C. Gerow at Jas. Dick- ey's; Mn. and Mrs. L .Joblin visited Mr. Rae Malcolmi, Yelverton. The friend of Ail Suferers.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectrîc Oul is a valuable remedy to ail those who sufer pain. It holds' out hope to everyone and realizes it by.stilling suffering every- where. It is a liniment that has the blessing of half a continent. It is on sale everywhere and can be found wherever enquired for. eral ways. The best wages are paid in the liv- est towns-the worker who knows anything knows that., He knows too, that if he--has bought a littIe nest f or his better half and little brood of children, and is paying for it month- ly he is f oolish to cheat himself out of both a job and the value of bis property-by systematically setting out tQ injure or kili bis town by spending his wages to help build up far-off communîties. The wise man warms and keeps alive his home community by covering it with the blanket of local loyalty. Who wants to sleep in a house with- out a roof? jJust west Royal Theatre REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE Thbis Cc iïPte Sehool Set Free e to -Boys and Girls Tlal outfît cotains: 1 chool case, a Jpeneae Penci gg 4 "',nclls, 2 Sen Points. i ox or Crayerms, ]> Sser, i31 BICombntlm (Gem e8be. entiua e «ga]es. iPackages Union jaeck ro.g tiIvesta.s that Yoen au t the Pfiat onl oUr Sehï,oo books, letters. e«c. vùW wll gvs you M this w,,S"Ohel Qult.. ,Itftree of &leh obrg, If you vili.0,sli ansi t*ree dollgra' wrh og ovely mge Xmas Carda, Se&a saisd Tpg& t Iii esstm àz, syour sea n(Iva yl zAnd Yeu the carda to seIl). WanSolU Se ' us the mawn.yanS va vil) seu7,01à th* vb.ds Riner Warren Ca. Dept. 34 Toronto STENOGRAPH;C AND BOOKKEEPING Complete commercial and general lm- provement courses. Our Fail terni will commence Sept. 6tii. CANADA BUSINESS COLLIEGE, Toronto and Oshawa. DON'T THROW YOUR OLD CARPETS AWAY They make new reversible "1Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 6 CANADA RUG COMPANY London Ont. Apples.'Wanted We are prepared to re- ceive Peeling Apples at our plant in Bowmanville for evaporating. Jno. A., Holgate & Son. PAR ISIAIN TA1LOR j Maker of High Grade Ladies' Gents' Garments. We can furnish you with best material, Serges and indigo dye, guarantee neyer to fade, nowhere else'can you buy at our lowest price. Ail work done by exper- Sienced tailor. Fit guarafiteed. L. COWELL Safeguard Your Valuables Lefore it is too Late It is not wise to leave moniey, secunities, je welny, or other val- uables unprotected in your home. Deposit your mioney in the Bank and yOur valuables in a 'Safety Deposit Box. Consult Our Manager. The Royal- Bank of Canada R. F. Aitchison Manager 5 v isit, %jur %-..nna Dept 'We now have in stock some very beautiful pieces of China, also several very attractive Dinner and Tea Sets. 4nd office attached, oppositeTon al $280 wilII purchase 7 rooni trame houge en Church Street, water. sewer, electric tight and furnace. 8-roomed brick bouse on Ontarjo-at.. fiowmanville good lot, every convenience. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. $3000 will purchase 2 story brick bouse )n Concession Street. water, sewer. elect- -lc light, furnace, garage and every con- ;renience. $7000 wilI 'Purchase 170 acres,lot11l £ownship of Clarke fine buildings, wel renced and watered, about 3 miles east of ,Iewcastle Wharf. ..$,700 wIlU purchase 116 acres parts lots 5, con. 1, and 6 con~. 2, Cartwright, known as the Bruce Fan, well feced, oil ay foam, good buildings. Ternis easy. $20.000 will purchase the Semers Fam, ,ontaning 150 acres, just outaide the cor- poration of the Town of Bowmanville, on aounty road. on which are erected an 8- roomed brick bouse commodlous out-I buildings. stone stabling for 40 head ofi cattie; the s011 la a rich clay loamn, well1 fenced and watered; this la consldered' onie of the beat fanms in the county. Ternme to suit the purchazee. L. A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT 15-tf Bowmanvîlle '?bone 41.1 PHONE 65. Prompt Delivery. The new Bowmanville. BuIlb TFime fHas Agari Arrived We have the following for immediate delivery: Hyacinths-AlI colors $1.00 to $1.50 doz. Daffodils-Single or double, doz. Chinese Sacred Lilies-Each 20c Paper White Narcissis-Doz. Free-sias, Purity-Doz. 175e 6 for $1.10 50e 50C Tulips--Double, Single and Darwin's mixed at 50c and 60c doz. or $4.00 per 100 In named Tulips prices range from 50c to 75c doz. S. J. Jackman & Sons- FLORISTS AND GROWERS PHONE 80 BOWMANVILLE 0Can7ada <askfo i h people of Canada au earnesf review of the real issue beore Canada te-day. 14 from mner, aZd women a calmn, thoughtful considération of serious public questWos ; and, so fazr as1 ancon cered myseif, I ask not lavors but fairnes."ý-ARTHUR MEIGHEN. ~~ OMEN 0IF CANADA. the coming GeneralEetin ilbeoeo th e _ __ VVmomentous in Canadian history, and Arthur MWeighen asks YOU to give the Isue f air, unbiassed consideration. Women and men alike 'are called upon to decide whether political, industrial and eioIomic stability is te ho replaced by class rule, polltlcial and induantrial chaos and possible economic bankruptcy. The facts are clear, and every Canadian woman will do ber ownm thfinki]ýf. 5h. WMl not be misled by others. She will not blindly follow family political procèdent, neithe will she be carnied away, by the falsetheories or empty "isms" of theorlats and exe tremists. Every woman will arrive at a personal decision by the applicatî,mon practical commonï sense. The great Issue is the Tariff and here are briefly the facts. The present Canadian Tariff, se far as it affects the necessaries of IMfe, is a Ve1y moderato one. It is simply a tariff malJtained to keep, Canadian factories In Canada, employing a steadily increasing volume of Canadian labor and developing Canadiait resources. Meighen stands finm for the continuance of a reasonable tariff. It is now even mare imperative than in the past. AIl other important countries are retaining or increasing their tariff s in order that they may hold their home maý'kets for their own people. Iffnder Crerar's Free Trade policy Canada would be swamped with foreiga gooda, principally froni the United States, Canadian industry would be ruined, thousand of men and women would be out of work with ail the hardships te theniselves and their children that must result. The fammer's great home market would be seriously affected, taxes would ho increased, and Canadian working mon would have ta go ta the United States for employment. While "King's Tariff 'policy is wobbly it nevertheless tends toward the destruction Of the Tnriff and would bring with -it practically the samoe results. DIEIGUEN'§ POLICY EVERYBODY KNOWS. It is tho only means whereby confidence may ho maintained aad omployment given te ail classes of the peoplo. P he foregoing is a plain statement of logical conclusions arnived at from the fact& hink the matter ovor carefully "without favor but with fairness", Make your own decision, stand by it unmovod and bo sure ta exercise your vote1 Canada Needs Your Vote;i and-m Publietty Comît"*. 1 Te es are sold by Harry A lin Come in and look around any time, lower prices prevail. ARCHtIE TAIT lir- 1Horsey Block Bowmanville The Double Track Route between Toronto Detroit Chicago Uxiexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cam on night trains and t'arlor cars en the principal day crains F-Ull infý mtion fromà any Grand i'runk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning ristriet Passienger Agent, Toronito. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phone 78Bomali J1C.C.M. Bicycles i 11 11 r -r e "Il , TT- m

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