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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1921, p. 11

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AST HMA "t.-A 92 S.mkilg-UuS;mymu h f Just Swallmw a Cauiu RAZ-MAH la Guarunt,,d ~te retore normal brcathlag, fftop Muat rterlngs in the breackial t.b.S, giva 'Ir ghts of quiet lep; centsim za 81.00 t & qt, rllfreeatourageac 'eýý zltm,142 Iag W., Tua. Sold by Jury & Loveli 3I rice aL-themoSt-oLweak-- iiess is logical advice to those rundown in vîitF hcott's Em*lulïsion nourishes the body, Itones the blood an. helps build strength. Scott & Bowne. Toronto. Ont. -ALSO MAKERS 0F I (rabiots or Granules) FOR INDIGESTIO 208sj Dr, as Mr. Gard xrL Amon A artw w.» Jmrwa oitrarf Ottava, celld th W tut, "oinfezor UOOTablotsdIY ana*!e- "Zutoo Tablets stop > and take Zutoo unTurà irtinr-- MSN C ON THiE FÂR',.A lielpful Advice as to Storing o a Good Supply. Dairy Produets Must Be Kept Cool- A Variety of Plans for Hanidling Ice-Good Drainag-e In the Ice House Necessary., (Contributed by Ontairio Department oý Agriculture, Toronto.) [t is a very rare occurrence Mn Ontario that the winter weather à flot cold enougli to malte plenty of tee on our lakes, rivers, smal] streams, and ponds. We can, there- fore, feel pretty sure of a good crop of ice this winter. Ice is the only other means of cooling'on farms, except in the case of very large dainies where the use of a mechanical system may be war- ranted. The one chief obstacle to proper cooiing,,of milk and cream by tee that many farmers meet is the lack of a convenient supply in thei Immediate vicinities. This may noi be an insurmou-,ntable diflculty, how- ever, as thiere is always the possibil- ity of ice being shipped in during tht wnter and, stored for. use in th(- summer. Dairy Prodncts iMust Be Kept Cool, If the qulity of ounr dairy prodnet. is ever to become supreme in th( wonld t will be ncr'ssary for thU Producers of milii to get thenr-tu,,ra hea', ont of the riik as quickiy a, possible after ii s abstrartetî irij the cows., This will tmean more effi- cient rnethods of r obng than m .-u farmers have to day. Then would ici be required-by ail d-airy farners, ain; they wonld have to secure. it eth1- from nearby bodies of water, _if pres ont,- or through-.soine-stil al ï ization shipping it in as referred t( before. The superior article seiîin, at hetter prices would likely pay th( 7Wf~ it77 a- household Tefrigerator o an Cold storage plant for keepiing C;, daily food for the table pure, sweet and fresh, and ne er fail to store icE for this purpose a,.one whether ineed- cf -for othe.- pupoEs, or noit. 'ihoý tuid Iye~r e-tuIids~m~e ie, worh whie. f muc rzil i NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce anti family spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Waiker, Hope, Mr. E. C. Fisher, proprietor of "Ex- celsior", matie a business trip to the city Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Hawkins, Hlastings; is visiting ber people here, Mr. andi Mis. B. Moise, Beaver-st., -Mr. anti Mis. Frank Allun, Mi. Geo. Allia and Miss Ethel Ailin, visiteti in Toronto on Wetinestiay. Mrs. Jno. Poole bas returneti home to Toronto after a pleasant visit with Mrs. John Cunningham. The Methotiist Suntiay School scholars are preparing a fine enter- taiament for Christ mas. Mis. B. Moise bas returneti home after -pemtinga.-week visting friends- la Oshawa and Toronto. Mrs. John Cunningham serveti af- ternoon tea on Thurstiay last in honor of ber guest, Mis. J. H. Poole. Mis. (Dr.) L. C. Fallis, Sheibourne, who basbeen visiting her mother, Mis. James Rowland, bas returneti home. Mr. anti Mis. L. Gould anti grand- daughter,, Gwentiolyn Clark, Nap- anee, spent the week-end at Mi. P O'Neii's. Mis. J. Haunter, Hamilton, stoppeti over f or a visit with Mis. P. O'Neil while on a visit ta her tiaugbter, Mis. S. Harrington, Trenton. Tanlac has mate iefe wo tbv ing for millions of people wif ad aI- most given up hope. It q4jl'dto the same for you. Jury & Lo'lèil. 1Mis. "George Rohinson (Pioneer Faim), visiteti ber cousin, Mis. Kirt- ley', at Osbawa inst week anti Miss Ellen Kirtiey accompanieti ber home f or a visit on the faim. Messrs. B. E. Moise, E. Waiton anti Chas. Moise have'returneti from a week's buating trip out north of-Fen- elon Falls. They report an excellent bag of partnitige anti rabbits. Deer bunters have returneti from henthera-w-ids, b-ut tbey were not s0 fortunate this year as usuai andi consequently titI not succeeti in get- F' - ., Il-1. .. . -. iit A-4 - frono n l Tuesda,- to--ral -n- some -of his obdÏ( friends and also to hear what Bert Reid had to say on matters political. Tom reports it was a fine meeting. Our esteemed townsman, Mr. W. E. Beman is in Wellesley- Hospîtal, -To-r- -ontoý),,wb.era lie neietaserions o-pera-ti0ll On Friday lastiTLatesfie ports sa iw \ n4to.g -p the, 1rr FSr1 illism~ nfNew crr tv Miler's--Worm--Powders--destroy worms without any inconvenience to the child, and so effectually that they pass from the body unperceived. They thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels atirdleave-them in a condition- not avral tjo zwms ntthere- wiîU be no ërvatnOf the- pts. - Mt Prti MÎ's. rLwer antIlM NEWCASTLE Mis. Frank Parker anti son Ken- neth, are visiting frientis in Wbitby. Messrs. Rickarti anti Grabam are botb in ieceipt of cars of coal this week. 1Mis. D. L. Dutiley entertaineti a number of hier lady frientis at euchie on Montiay eveniag last. Mis. C. W. Baker has returneti home to Montreal after a visit with hier mother, Mis. Rowlandi. Sneak thieves stole a boat of coali Saturtay night last £rom the base- ment of S. S. No. 9,' Clarke. What next? Eiectric ligbts are beiag installeti in ýthe houses anti bains of Messrs. D. J. Gibson, R. L. Osborne andi Eber Crago. The cement work of tbe new Coin- munftyHaTtis progressing very f av- orabiy under the able supervision of Arthur Bevis. Mi. Allan McLean Howard left for Toronto on Wednestay last to take a position with the Confetieration Life Insurance Co. 1Miss Clara McQueen bas returneti home to Kiagston af'eeii spending the summer here with bier sister, Mis. D. L. Dudliey. Apple parking at the Fruit Housel at Gibson's sîding bas been stoppeti for two weeks, owing ta the work be- ing well ativancedi. Mis. Bert McGuire who bas be resitiing witb bier motbeî, Mis. Re- gina Parker, King-st. West, is mov- ing into Mi. Win. Rickard~s place on the faim. Mi. Norman Allia bas solti the bouse at Trickey's corner to Mi. War- ren Pinch. Tbis wlll remove one of the oltiest lantimarks/ from that part of the township. Miss Frances Gibson bas severeti ber connection witb the Standard Bank after 41/2 years of faithful ser- vices. - --Ifiss- Gibson will- be great- iy misseti by the patrons of the bank here. Mi. W. H. Gibson, Mr. D. J. Gibson anti -Miss Dorothy -Gibs on--are on -a- trip to New York attending the wet- ding of bis niece, Miss Trixie Gibson, people- to know -how--you voteti, take - your ballot home witb you and burn it.I Asthma's Victims Relieveti. To overcome a severe case of asthma tr.y Dr. J. D-. lKellogg's Asthma-Remetiy.j co-mmenttcio yrlivn-the air I. . . . I.... .. NEWTONVILLE The Standard Bank staff say that olti gates make gâoot kintiling woot. Mi. Willis Jones anti Mi. Frank Ovens speat Suntiay evening la Eliz- abethville. Mi. Clemeas Perry spent the week- endi under the parental roof at Bow- manville. Mi. Harry Lane, anti bis sister, Miss Olive Lane, were ia town over the week-end. Miss Mary Lane attendeti the pro- gressive meeting in Bowmanviile Monday aigbt. Mi. Frank Law accompanieti by wif e anti family visited frientis in Bowmanville Suntiay. No one neeti endure tbe agoay of coins with Holloway's Coin Removez, aLtthanad to-r-emjove- them. -ý Mr. anti Mis. J. H. Penwartien anti family with Mis. Ferguson anti son, motoreti to Bowmanviile Monday last. The younger chiltiren are busy pie- paring for the Metbodist Suntay concert anti the Mission Bandi con- cert.- r Mi. Cecil Ferguson anti wif e anti Miss Annis Penwartien visiteti their parents at Lotus Suntiay, acrompan- led by Mi. W. H. Buriey. As a vermifuge an effective pie- paration is Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, anti it can be given ta the most tielicate cbilti witbout fecar of injury to the constitution. Many from oui commuaity witb motor cars went to Port Hope ta tbe Progressive Political Meeting Friay. Tbe Newtonville BandI was la at- tendance and ail piesent state the meeting was a great sucress. The Epworth League, next week will be favoreti witb tbe presence of Rev. G. W. Sparling who wlll atidress tbe meeting., This will be a social evening anti if oui young people ever tuin out it shoulti be-at tbis eetingz. One of oui citizens bantis ont tbis ativice to voters: When voting sîgn youiseif-"yours-sincerely", and your favorite candidate wili appreciate your kindniess for more. If you tion't like any of the candidates1 sérc ou thefae s wthhe WHEN you remit small amounts do you use the safest, most economical and most -satisfactory medium? Bank Money Orders are inexpensive, protect you against loss and relieve you of worry. These orders are obtainable at ail our branches and sub-branches. THE STANDARDBANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILUICrS Bnwmanville Branch: Oea. L Hall, Manages. Blackstock Branch: E.L A. Preston, Manager Chocolates Express Gladness By ail means, "say it With flowers" when the oc- casion warrants sympathy and sadness. But, in Te utt7e b1ilt-giving, fcCo atsrdft1à__ __ -piness-an i anong!ss is -the ëi-ff f1dnesWf7" Prom 130 varieties in pleasing assortment, your selection of Ganong's can happily express every. shade of sentiment. Delicious- conf ections for fora reings,-o1d-fasb-ioneclsweetnieats -for the î ol& olkcyluciou TfocIait~ t~r weéh6arts an-c ___________the charm of LDA' is ini its unique flavour of rlch delicacry. AncdI t neyer varies. Al grocer soeil "Salada" iii sealed metal packets only. Bas SmaII Remittances 1 ii ri 12 Hieir- -tffl - Eoiiele"4- ý - -"-F Br- =fý-- 'ITfî-r, ont To uron-o-un -1 -1 - -- AMASX- *A"b-ao- 7-36-1-- --j Ili

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