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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1922, p. 1

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or Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAIMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JANUARY l2th., 1922. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy.No Pre-Stock-mTaking Sale Offers Special Values One-Third Off On the following we have made a reduction of one third off regular prices: LADIES' BEST COATS LADIES' SILK AND SERGE DRESSES LADIES' AND GIRLS' SWEATER COATS OTHER WORTH WHILE BARGAINS Ahl Skirts at reduced prices. Furs at cost and beîow cost prices. Siîk Poplins, regular $2 a yard for $1.00. Blouses, regular $8.00 to $5.50, now haif price. MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT A BARGAIN Stanfields Red Label Underwear $1.50 a arment. BOYS' OVERCOATS DROP IN PRICES Balance of Boys' Overcoats being sacrificed at one-third or- iginal price. Couch, Johnlstoin& Cry dermfa uni Bowmanville Phone 104 Limiteas LOOK, MEN!l Special Values In, Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Al ThisMonth Here' s an opportunity to save many dollars in pu~r lothing needs. wH ) * Outfitter for Men, Young Men and Boys$ Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville i -a- COLE, -.Z THE EDITOR TALKS A COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE j INAUGURAL MEETING FESTIVAL 0F ST. JOHN That threat in The Daily Guide Some of Many Questions A O TWNweredA JRUAEMLOG that at the iVext Provincial election Briefly. Standing Committees Appointed. Installed Newly Elected- Officers- revenge -would bie had for appoint- Frank Williams, Worshipf ni îng Police Magistrate Floyd to ad- Many questions are arising as The newly elected council for .922 'Master. minister justice to offenders in Port to the why and wherefore of Public was sworn in by Town Clerk John Hope seems to have put the local Health Nurses. In order to answer Lyle, J. P., on Monday morning and St. John's night was fittingly cele- M. P. P. on the anxious seat and seine of these questions and give the adjournment was made to 8 p. m. brated by members of Jerusalem hie hied himself to that town on Sat- uninitiated some light upon the sub- The Council for 1922 consists of- Lodge, No. 31, A. F. & A. M, on Wed- urday and soon poured oil on the ject the following is submitted: Mayor-il L. Quinn; Reeve-E. C nesday evening, December 28th. troubled waters. Mr. Staples prom- Everybody is familiar with the Rebder; Deputy Reeve-M. J.* El- Over 150 members of the craft were ises that if se desired a Port Hope nurse in the sick room. She is a liott; Counillors-C. S. Haliman present and thoroughly enjoyed the man will be appointed. He had very necessary person there, helping A. L. Milmine, R. E. Yats, . H proceedings. been waiting for some suggestion te restore health to thýè invalid bY Thickson, Geo. W. James, Win. Mer- During the early evening the re- from the Town Council. 11e will ai- hier care and watchfulness. IMost 'ritt. cently elected officers of Jerusalem se endeavor to get the Port Hope man of us are also f amiliar wîth the bis A h vnn esinbfr o Lodge were installed by R. W. Bro. the same jurisdiction as Lt.-Col. that have teolbe paid 'after an illnesst.theClloar, P.esD.oD. G. M. The Floyd has. I h atscnsdco s andducting the regular business Mayor F. olCloing o.fDersDwere nsta Thed nrse bu is avnben acdctead asQuinn called on Rev. S. C. Moore, fllW. M.-Ffieran eWlia;I. . M nures'bils av ben acetedasB. A., B. D., to offerprayer. -T. A.-Dusan;S.lias;W.. . Cîtîzens generally will agree with inevitable. The present view of MTo un hnra i drs or . . u-F; . R .-Wle Tr. J Mmnetaprmtadthese things is undergoing a change. Mao un hnra i drsâ-a*J.W - R Fle;Ta. Councillor MlietaWeop n hihapasinfl naate o-- decisive action should be taken teo re beginning to see things as the whc apar n ul nanterll--on Lyle; Secretary-J. S. Moor- enforce the law regarding 'speed of Chinese saw them over a thousandum craft; Chaplain-Rev. W. H. Spargo; autmoils i Bwmnvile Snc years ago. They paid their doctors' On motion of Messrs. Yates and S. D .-Alex. Elliot; J. D.-L. T. the new pavement was opened for bis as long as they were well, bue Elliott a striking committee of Mes- McLaughlin; 1. G.--John Baker; D. traffic the law has been violated, we when s'ickness>came upon them, the srs. Rehder, Thickson and Merrîtt of C.-A. W. Mingeaud; Organist should think, daily and several times . otor lost his £ee., We, are realiz- was appointe& to draft the- standing - .J rgM .P;S twr daily. The speed limit within the ing that an ounce of prevention is committees for 1922. Their report -D. W. Downey; J. Steward-R. bounds of the Corporation of Bow- worth a pound of cure. To thîs end was adoipted as follows: J. Gi; Tyler-W. H. Densem. manville is twenty miles an bour. comes the Community Nurse. Standing Committees Committees: Finance-C. A. Caw- This is not very fast, we admit, but First and f oremost a Public Health Finance-Rebder, Haliman, James. ker, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Gus fast enougb for safety of the citi- Nurse is -a teacher. She teacnes Public Property-Thickson, Elliott, Bounisali; Charitable-A, W. Min- zens, Young or old. The number of health. Whether it be te a school Milmine. geaud, F. F. Morris, H. J. Knight; accidents tbat have occurred at in- boy or girl, or to a Young expectant Roads and Streets-Elliott, Thick- Health-A. L. Nichoils, W. H. Den- tersections of streets in towvn speaks mnother or to a person suffering with sn edr sem, J. Ross Stutt louder than words. Motor cyclists tuberculosis, or to a group of girls sn edr Following the installation R. W. should take warning, too, as the same or, mothers, ber aimi is to stimulate Fire and Water-Milmine, Yates, Bro. J'. T. George, Port Hope, and speed limit applies. interest in healthful living and to Thickson. R. W. Bro. A. T. Lawler, Whitby, prevent disability. Cemnetery-Merritt, Halîman, El- ýon behaif of District No 12, present- The beginnîng of a new year Take the nurse as she visits the liott. ed R. W. Bro. F. C Hbar with a seems to us always a specially proper class rooms at school-Each child is Poor Relief-Halîman, Merritt, Grand Lodge Regalia which was suit- time for personal introspetion-for examined by hier, periodically. A Yates. ably acknowledged holding one's self up toeone's self- suspicious looking skiný conditon is Police-James, Rehder, Thickson. Adjourning to the banquet hall a and taking a mental inveitory of our- noted; the chi'ld is sent home, in order Waterworks-Yates, James, Mil- sumptuous supper was served under self. This bas become pre-eminent- Le protect the other children in the . h aal uevso fBo.D Iy a pleasure-loving and a pleasure class. The nurse advises the parent mine. WhecDowneueydr.vJ.sion ,sterds. D seeking age, unfortunately, in too of the child to immediately consuit Manu facturers-Rehder, Halîman, TWenfoowead a .toast lstcnewr-s many instances, to the neglect of re- her doctor so that'1 the necessary care Milmine, James. ablen lngth a bu t lo ofroenye ligious duties by parents and child- and treatment may lbe given and the Court of Revision-Mayor, Elliott, ail present. The toast to the King ren. In our youthful days we had minimum amount of tîme lost from Merritt, James, Tbîckson. and Craft was proposed by W. M. a full round of social parties, enter- schooi. The nurse notices another The Mayor took occasion to offer Williams, Toastmaster of the even- tainments and pastimes but we were chîld who is not making progress with some tîmely advîce to the councillors ing, and the National Anthem was expected te attend all church ser- his lessons-he is deaf or vision is and suggested that the various comn- sung in response. Toast te Grand vices and Sabbatb School, too. That defective. The parent who is prob- mittees meet as often as business re- Lodg was responded to by J. T. was in the country. We cannot ably ignorant of the fact, is noti- quires and present monthly reports George, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, F. C. speak*-1or the country now but in fied of this condition and advised te to council along with estimates of any Hoar. Responses to Past Masters town there are mnny parents ana have it corrected. proposed expenditures. toast was made by W. Bros. T .11.- more young people who do not take1 When the sebool doctor makes his Reports of Finance and Water- Spry, W. J. Bragg, A. L. Nicholls, or, any cburch duties or even attend visit, each child is completely examin- works Committees were presented the latter liresdnting the wo'rkingý church services regulariy. To ah ed by him, the parent being present. and adopted. tools of the Fourtb Degree. sucb and some others we commend At ýthis examination and also the class By-laws were passed authorizing Toast to visiting brethren was re- the article on another page: "Can- room inspection made by the nurse, Mayor and Treasurer te make tem- sponded to by A. T. Lawler and W. ada Must Find Time For God". agreat number of defects--some of ptf-. 8,h ditures;rentexpen 1 717 M. Jermlyn, Whitby, James' Jarvis, jminor nature, are found., The vast porary boan up, te $45,000.00 for cur- Pontiac, Mich., and AX N. McMillan. MARRIED SIXTY YEARS mjrt arn al ramn.6 rent expenditures; appointing Mes- Frank Erskine, Whitby, proposed a per cent of these defects are remed- srs. V . R. Oliver and W. P. Wilson toast to Jerusalem Lodge, responses audMis.J. ~ owr, ar-:iable, that is wîth proper care and auditors at salary of $30 each; and being made by Frank Wiliams and Mrigtreament te conition s permnent-appointing Dr. G. C .Bonnycastle John Lyle. wrgt elbarDimn y remedied and no il]i eff ects are ieft. ihSocTu-e Weddina. O h te adi bot4 e hSho rut-ee for 8 years. It is 'interesting to. note thiat this cen thothee'caentinabud40nerc Roads and Streets Commnittee was was tbe Sth consecutive celebration On New Year's Day of 1922, Mr. ivilI ieaîve a permanent dftsabfflity, empowered to erect signs with "Bow- of St. John's Night which Mr. Lyle J. L. Power and bis bride of sixty probably entaiiing early and serious manville" displayed on them on main had attended. Recently Mr. Lyle years, highiY respected piolleer citi- consequences. The effilciency of the roads leading into the town. Copies was presented hy, the Lodge, witb a zens of "Cartwright Township, COM- children for future citizenship can of Traffic Regulations wiii be printed Past Master's Jewel and aiso made memorated the event. Chiidren, be increased by 33 per cent where a and distributed to auto owners. a Life member of Jerusalein Lodge. geandchiIdren and gr(eatrndch'lld- proper systeni of medîcal and dental Coun. Merritt referred to practice T. A. Dustan proposed the toast ren gathered at their home in honor inspectioni is introduced. This in- of cbildren sleigh 'riding on front te the newly installed offilcers wbich of the occasion. Foliowing the an- creased efficiency would resuit in a street and thougbt council should was responded te by the oficers. niversary feast of good things, pre- gain te the Province of Ontario of take immnediate action te have this Special song seets bad been, pre- pared by bis daughters, the bride- many millions cf dollars annually te stopped. Chie£ Jarvis said that he pared for the occasion being mostiy groom of the day recailed and retoi sav nothing of tbe discomfort and had- aready endeavored0tecut eut aois o h fles the events of bis first wedding day re'al suffering that it would eliminate. coasting on the west bill road. speeches were interspersed witb these ~îtyyersag.The nurse visits those absent from - Couin., Milmine, the only member melodies led by H. J. Knight, R. M. H1e said"Sixty yenrs ago to-day, a scbool on account of sickness, advis- of counci net ewning an auto, in M itcel, W. H. Densemi, Jes. Ter- bright, ceid, January morning I was ing and assisting with care and treat- bis maiden speech at this board, dir- rett, Geo. E . Chase and T. S. Holk up e'er the suni and on my way- froni ment when necessary and encourag- ected particular attention to the gate. near Bowmanvilie te St. Christepher ing a speedy return te sehool. many motorists'exceeding the speed An original poem entitled the "War the home of my bride te be, I went lri atclryaogtenwpvdHre a ie yisato'.A on berse-back ( a cotrast te the .A great part of the nurse's work lm atci aryaon h n pvd Hesea"Tshien bdya itsltngrT.oA bridegrooln of to-day, in bis cushion- visiting homes. Sometimes it is te street. H1e theught the law sbould DutnTh u1r Kpig c ed lmouine andon y wy me hae ahelpul hatwitha Yung. be strictly enforced if accidents were Jerusaleni", whic hbad particular re- ed imosin) nd n m wy mt' avea elpui ha wib ayo n- f te be avoided. . ,f erence td Arthur W. Mingeaud and Mr........... who remin.ded me that experienced expectant mother. If,,Ci£Jrs adtesln cp"hepeddsrvelernesJr it was "the eariy bird who get the as a resuit, a mother's mind is made CifJrissi hu"un e s helenLdd ervndi e mbrnersJr worm" which 1 guess was true in my happy and contented and bier babe stationed at tbe street intersections Muaem Lodglen ts m emberswr case. I was met and escorted given a better chance, is the nurse along. King-st., ýte regulate traffic Mayomlmnryearswe thtrough the iast few miles of bush by werth while? were ia bad shape and shouid be given paî'd Worshipful Master Frank Wil-, Willam Msonas Idid et now hen "spring tenic" before going on liams for the efficient and capable, WiliamMaon s di ne kow he The nurse may go into a home and duty again. dutie i which efe dcted ra cei t road well. Later in the day the give a mether valuable advice regard -________________rea cedi t marriage ceremeny was performed ing the hygienic and sanitary con- himself and bis ledge. and Charlotte Mason became MY cition of bier home. She may also The singing of "Auld Lang Syne$g wif e. Sbortly after 1 had occasion talk with bier over the condition of a brougbt the happy -Athçurlng te a* te speak te bier and cailed bier "Mrs. child attending school advising bler HIGH SCHOOL NOTES close. ________ Power" mucb te bier consternation. bow te carry eut'the doctor's in- Furtber I may say, that 1 have en- structions te evercome a cendition In the report of the Christmas ex- COMPANIONS OF THE FOREST jeyed the Christmas pudding to-day, cf malnutrition. She may discuss aminations, pùblisbed recently, Hazel and have enjoved a great many witb bier a grewn up daughter evi- Rundle's name should have apipeared The new efficers of Maple Leaf C'hristmas puddings prepared by my dentally suffering from consomption, in the iist of Form 1 students, eh- Circle, No. 143, Companions of the daaughters. But girls, aithough yeur advising bier how te get botter treat- taining over 50 pe r cent. Forest were installed on January 5 rmother bas come tbrougb many years ment for the girl and hew te protect by District Deputy High Chief Coin- of service. T wiil put bier up against the other members ef the family. panion, ?Miss Wiggins of Peterboro, ~v one cf yen fer makigapding She may give advice regardi*gaof Queen Alexandra Lodge, the ~Tsaid before. I bave en oeihinblgo be o oryer fao WINTER POULTRY SHOW Marshall beiag Past Chief Companion 7nudding and, if kind Providence who is evideatally net up te the Mrs. E. G. Mitchell. Tbeyperform- 'ýpares me, 1 hope te, eat and enjoy mark. She may advise regardiag At Bewmanville, Jan. 24, 25, 26. ed their work in a very able manner. another". the feeding cf a baby just weaned. - Officers installed were: ChiefGem*- Mr. and Mrs. Power wiil be, re- She may further notice that a chiild 't is 28 years ago since a Winter nanion-Mrs G. W. Humpage; C. spectively, 86 and 82 yeare old next Las some skia disease such as "Itch" Pcultry Show bas been held in Bow- qu.CifGm Ms .Cmr month. Their family tree is as fol- or that n cbild shows eviricaçes of manville. At that time the Show Secretary Mrs Chris' Robinson; iows: tbree daugbters (ene dead) oecf the contngious disenses sncb took place in the old Bible Christian Treasurer-Miss Mabel Hobbs; Night and one son, fourteen grandchildren, as mensios or chicken-pox, and she Church, at corner cf Division and Guide-Mrs. Dalmage; Left Guide- eigbt greatgrandchildroîr. Tbey are ks in a position te bave measures in- Queen-sts., thon known as the Muslc Mrs. Barton; Inside Guide-Mrs. F. beth of English parentage and have qiituted te pretect other chiidren la HTall. TIrq. 1922 show will ho held in C(ook- Outside Guide-Mrs. T. Geuld; -anont ail their live% in this vicinity. the neighberheod, tho samne building which is now owa- Chanlain-Mrs. P. Alcumbrack. Af- in bis enriior days, Mr. Power taught Weeancsiyaie h us ed and occupied by Mr. John A. Hol- ter initiation refroshmerts wero ser- -scbool in Darlingtsitn trwns.ipheannursegato & Son, as. an evaporator. yod and a very plensant ovening was

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