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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1922, p. 6

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BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 12th,, 1922 WILL RUSSIA AND JAPAN A NEW YEAR'S WI .SH Buckley Giving, Away GO TO WAR?___ NOTICE TO CREDITORS CANAA MST FND IMEGlad Remembrance; Greetings and NOTICE [S HEREBY GIVEN THAT Over 100,000 BottiesCAAAMS FIDT EGO By Chas. M. Bce, B. A., LL. B., ail the hearty good wishes of the u ~s~having clajns against, h _________ Twn of Bowmanvilie in the County Th hefo od ilr t lyMore Things Wrought by Prayer As the civilized world is bending May two ligbts, deep in, your heart ' -Duham, FarmLaor. who died on l'ecifo odVlest ly Than Most Men Believe. its energies to save as mucli as pos- Forever shine orare reuirted9to ed y o t, brepa921, every cold in existence. sible from the human wreck in Rus- To guide you on yocir upward path or t0 deliver, to Wiliam AllUn, the care- Te The Editor,-aWaMnierTokyteRu- Towards the Divine. taker of the Post Office at Bowmnanvlle, 'h orhsRuk!CuhclsadSiaWrMnse rtk fteRs the Executor of the will of the deceased, Thhor a Rruk Cugscld ad May I pass- on to your readers siaë dicetato1iship isi breathing fire One light of faith in God to shine on or before he 241wh day of January, bronchiitis musit surrender!1 Thousands these extracts from two startling and and brimstone against Japan, and BiThat yourmayee 1922, a statement of their dlaims, with of free bottiee of Buckiey's Bronchitis significant articles which have ap- calîing for a large increase in army Befdteduls lus ta h lrpartiularsaAnd talkernotie,tthat Mitr ilyoet uféeseeY- peared recently in the daîly press. and navy; and the two divisions Will ever be. Executor will distribute the assets of the where that it is the most successful One entitled "England bas no0 time combined have a membership in One light of Faith in your own power deceased, among he parties entitied method ever discovered for combatuug for God" from the peu of James 44 God's work to do; thereto. having regard only to the cdaims dîsasegers. o cnvice Ourelipeace time" of more than a million ' f which be shall then have notice. hies em.T ovneyusl Douglas appeared lji The Express and a balf, Work that the Father, wise and kind0 that what over 00, 000eople are sayn-9 (LondonEgad)teohr" e Reveals to you. William Allun, Executor of the abuti eeyi boueytuThere is surely metbod in this. ToM .Juefu i redEstate of James Coulton eaut threedyouponbsloluteiy tuWoof eetNed nTe lb.The erstwhile itinerant soapbox ora- JmsL uhs techagstr ith e d foneurbat ny o From the, former we take these ex- ter and Eastside editor bas flot read TrnoNwYa,12 Dated this 19th day of Dec. 1921. 51-4w YVou'll be so agreeably surprised with cerpts: itryivanlewl koshtTrnoNwY r 12 thetes tat ouwil poced t oce "Over aIl the land the old grey hsoyi an ewl nw ht_________________ th ethregu lzinreocomlete oesan rsofnhehuchs stil 0long as lhe can point to the danger wittheeglarizeinrdetocmpetetowrsandspiesof he huche stllof outside attack upon Soviet Rus- the ajiraculous work of totally destroy bear witness to the faith that has sia, so long will hie be saf e in bis O ESL T ing your cold. Right here and now fil grown cold but they are empty self-appoînted place. Tbe Frencb KENDAL MERCHANT DIESTO ESL T lu tha coupou. cburcbes. The empty church is thé Revolution succeeded admirubly in REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, W. K, BUCKLEY.LImted, Manfactring Chsmists people to prayer. England bus nofitigofbeorgnoit as Avyprmntctznof e- $3500 will buy 8 roomed, brick lieuse 142Mutal trit - brots im fo Go. Te bngr shepwbeu there was littie danger of in- dal, Mr. W. H. Durliugton, general n~id office attached, opposite Town Hall 142 utul Sree - Trene tme or od. he ungy seepvasion tbat 'ztrternal tlange'r came mercbant of this village, passed away 82800 will purchase 7 room frame houge M" ý COUPON- -à- not ufed b theiser ds of theansour. and pette dreams of the ideal- on Wednesday 'of last week. A n Church Street, water. sewer, electric notfedby he hehers o th sol.ists of that day. Messrs Lenine and severe cold developed into double ight and furnace. Free trial Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture. Neyer bus the spiritualTrtk. 8-roomed brick hous on Ontario-et., This coupon wilnot be accepted if cuchbat Pulse of the rtk wiîî weîcome tbreat and even pneumonia. The remaîns were 13owmanville good lot. every convenience. presnte bya cild chrchbea sofeebly. England att pe (vasion,.. W'ben tbere tuken by C. N. R. to Toronto, where Witt be sold reasonabie for qulck sale. is nt esy i lir mid ad co- i no danger from witbout, danger hie formerly resided for interment, $3000 will purcîtase 2 atory brick bouse Nae................................ science. She is distressed 1by a pro- from vffithin ýwill -be apparent 'to after a short service at the bouse. )n Concession Street, water, aewer, elect- Naefound spiritual malady, a sickness of tb .Awio ndyug family suriv re lige uce. e arg n eeycn soul. In lber misery she bas sougbt e.e wdoad ou uvi e cllhefrc.graeadeeycn Âddres ............... _.......... _....... for all sorts of uarcotics. She bas Tbe next war of importance muy hlm. He was a Masou and Past $7000 will purchase 170 acres,lot1l »ruggis1s.................gone mad about gumes. Rather be assigned to the East, between Rus- District Master "of tbe Orange As- rownshlp of Clarke fine buildings, weil Nai ................. :than look steadfastly into bier tor- sia and Japan, It may come under sociation. tenced and watered. about 3 milles east of mented heurt she bas flown to every the.Soviet rule inRussia, or under a .$6,700_____________11__acrespartslot form of artificial excitement losing reorgunized government-a f orm of 5. con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY ail sane perception of perspective in government does not change the ed at Washington, regarding Asiatic ina the Bruce Farm, well feacefi, soit Cay F. R. KERSLAKE bier tragical eagerness toescape from national instinct. Tbe Russia of to- islunds is wel lu its way, but the loani, good buildings. Terme easy., the ilîs of bier inner self an d each day in territory is not the Russia other is more to the point.' 020,000 w150 purchs uttie the r an toy in turn bas nuuscated bier sick of the Czars that entered upon wur poration et the Towa of Bowmanvllle, on soul. lu ~~~~~1914. It bas been sbown ut Russia is Coming out of bier sheli, unyraowhcaeertean8 There is a mania for mteriaîistic every important point of the comn- and bas been preparing, ever since roe rc os omdosot huildings, atone stablng for 40 head of In self indulgence for the stimulation pass. New republics bave been forni- the armistice, hier defense ugaînst iattle; the soit la a rlch dlay loam, wei] 1'l"I es Ch ïfge of the senses. The ard set faces ed out of Europen Russia, and As- bier old enemy, Germany. This is tèened and watered; this la consdered GET YO R B OT A D rnk Threisa dliinbeen charged against Japan that the marines to guard bier coasts and keep L. A. W. TOLE, SHOES for tbe igher joy, the fluer rapture latter intends to tuke and bold pos an open passage betweeu France aud REAL ESTATE AGENT of existence.> There is un ignoble session of a large slice in Siberia bier African ports. 15.t Bowmanville Phone 41" REPAIRED fear of solitude and silence, a dreud wben the moment arrives, for the _________________ _________________ of contemplation. The empty faces present it is encoura ging Anti-Bol- Me's Soied and Heeled... .$1 75 are igns of the empty souls. Eng- sbevist aggression in thut land. The Men's Sewed Soles and Heels. . 2 10 land bas, no time for God. question of Siberia is now in effect, Men's Heels Rubber or Leatber 50 But the law of life is reaction.o ilb eysobfr h Women's Soled and Heeled The tidal wave of materiaiism bas Washington Conference. The Far__________ nea sub he tshghs point. i Eastern question cannot be settledZ naild ... ......... 12 ba sumerged conscience and drown- and remain long settied witb Siberia Women's Soled and Heeled ed spirituulity. ',Tbere will be, a left bhank. sewed...... ........... 1 50 revival. England mnust find time The Trotzky appeal for a greater Wome's Heels, Leather.......40o for God. army and navy did not faîl on deaf Woe'sHelRubr.....0 Not less weigbty is this from The ears. Not witbout a supreme effort ý, Globe: is the Siav going to 'permit bis em-Th Boys' Soled and Heeied, nailed "The uncertainty, perplexity and pire to be lopped and dislocuted. SomeTh &1.................. 1 25 disappointment universaîîy exper- day lie will demand a reckoning.Fre' potnt Bos'Soe5ad e1e 1 o 50is ienced since the Armistice tbe troub- Tbheoretically, "self determination' FresOpotiy Girl' sled nd eeid 8 o 1 60les in Ireland, India, Sihesia, Russia. îs ahi very well for a CommunistThr ist-a a Girls' soled and heeled 83 to 13 60 economic disturbance intensify thp dîctatorship, but that is not going to 'reyinurt for Girs' ole an heled13 o 5 60coricern feit blo vryhr n ast forever, and then tbe Shav in-ray m k fo Girls' Heels 75c. Patchles 15e up. impel the inouiry "Who will show u9 stinct wilh reassert itseif. Japun everything you can Toe Caps from 50c up, sewiug by any good"? It-is therefore singular- kosti n speaigacr produce. Cultivate ly imey tat t ~ch juctue ngly. The hast time it was a No ' Machine SOc per hour.tbe words spoken by Sir Robert Fnl- drawn battle, .e oi ad t h coner should be pressed on the ut- France, too, bas an eye to Russîn, lîmit. Increase your ~~Ii IV. Iiuofpage who fool th serious- adtbere may be soute truthinte ~But now the neuritis has gone,prdcinudou G.W H l pa e tâe tepishave ceased, the profits. kind. between France and Japan, for it system is restored and the writer THE REPAIR MAN KING-ST E "There is a !tue wbeu humun aid would seem relevant to the declared of thij5 letter pays a gruteful tribute A portion of your profits fails and buman beings are power- policies of the two nations, and in otemdcnwhhmaeim deposited to-day in our less and wben men must take them- accord witb the international trend t h eiiewihmd i.Savin1-s Department selves to1 prayer. There are more of events. This, France bas denied well. will have far greater things wrougbt by prayer thun most before the conference, and yet it 'S purchasing power in theB men believe. We who do beieve in there charged by representatives M.Jh odad ... future. Chiiropýrac LiC prayer sbould take ourselves to sup- present, that a treu'ty or alliance bas Luican, Ont., writes: Ryl~ (spinal Adjusitments) plication now on bebaîf of Britain been arranged betweon the two *'Il give, me much pleasure 10 recom-: The RylBn There is no otber way that 1 eau countries, ut least relative to the pos- mend Dr. Chsse's medicines, especislly Remove the Cause of Diisease sec", session of Siberia and to a general thse Nerve Food. 1 wss a sufferer f rom without Medicine or Knife. Chir- Wbile this has special roference prlicy affecting Russia as awbole. neuritis for seversi years, and tried al opractora have remarkabhe suc- to British problenis, it is specially ap- Tbe far Easteru Republic is au kincis of remedies, yet neyer seemed te, of Canada cen in removing the cause of plicable to the churcb. The sup- offsboot of the Lenine dictatorship, gel any beuter. At last my nerves and' Appendicitis, Dealness, Asthma, reme ueed of the present bour is for and is in possession of a large ter- whole systema seemed 10, give wayR.F Athio Rheumatýam, Lumbago, Lame a world wide revival lu tbe Cburcb of ritory in Siberia. 'It bas been a. through not being able te get any test Back, Constipation, Piles, Female God without roference to ,sect-not constant trouble withb Japan over its or sleep at nighîs for pain, which mostly M. .aagerso Disase, Somah ad Kdne a orwrd oveentbuta Dwn-territory, wbich is most likely to be used 10 take me in ail parts of the limbs Troubhes. Nervouneu in many ward Movement tr pen5tence and the scene of conflict between Russia and feet. My nerves would twitch ti11 forma respond readily to Chfro, faitb at the foot of tbe Cross-tbe before long. my whole body -would seem to jerk righî ____ practie. onhy place where mon can get rigbt t1dcdeytoteitrsof uashsynbd.AmîaIte Examination Free at Office. witb God. I sdcddyt h neeto pa a nbd lota h We would, therefore, suggest that France and of Japan, that Russia point of despair, h decided 1 wouhd gelî DR. S. M. JONES. ahI readers of this paper who are sbould be held down for the presont, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, which 1 did. 86 Simco. St. 'N.- Oshawa members of the Cburcb wbîcb is His broken into as many divisions froni and after taking twenty boxes 1 believe body spend more tme in tbe pros- the main body. as possible. Whou myself almost normal again. h aise keepIE C RE E L Phone_______224. _______ nce of God in fellowship with others, tbe Giant Shav takes an accounting a box of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills RE I:ý. or lu secret, in profound prayer for one of these days, the devil. will be on hand, and for thse past year I secm 1ta od ta budi ___________________________the greatest awakening to a sense of to pay on two continents. te enjoy my usual bealtis." m ta fod ha aondi the offensiveness of sin, of reuhiza- Before the great war, France was tr hs' ereFo,5che vtamins betpomt tion of the mouuîng of Clvary and dependent on Russia as against Ger- a Drxa easlervredmFood,Ohelfugow . A ~~~of whold-hearted entbusiasm for many, and lu order to boid Russia boaMMaes r dasn t m l God that the world bas evor known. in lino, she drained berseif in boans Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Th obeTakRue There is a secret in true prayer ,iust to Russia to build up that Empire a ttS M I"o Th obeTakRue as there is a secret iu wireless tele- and prevent Gemnfnaca8nd- between grupby. In despatcbiug wireles industrial 'domination, and so there a s n au wgrowusf Motelmessages the itransmitter must be ad- was alliance offensive and defensivean teghsol Toronto justed to precisely the samne number betweentetw conrs.Ihaeapceite Detroit of vibrations per second as the ro- tetocutre.hvI paei h & ceiver' or the message wihl not he The Russian Revohution, during 22 diet of'tmost children. cuugbt. If pae is t be effectnal the wr broke ' that alliance, and Sct " Ie oonoOt oems ein adjustment witb Io.i atmd Rsi neeyp fact madeddiRussiacaanervice.ALSO AESO Unexehld diingcar ervce. "If ye ubide in Me and My words France. The Communist administra- M ER 0F Sleeping cars on night trains andi abido lu vou ye shaîl ask wbat yc wilî flou bas heen- exceodinghy bitter to- Ç i Parlor cars on the principal day trains and it will be donc unto yoti". Shall wards the French Goverument over Ij Full information from n rn we dlaim the promise and togethrteissac fth utrta e, Ju s Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning send a united cry ýo God f or revival? !ore recognition of the dictatorsbip , , Tblt1o Gauls T)istrict Passenger Age-nt, Toro1nto. hC-H is ivoneacnowrdgmetaonRusis) TorntoSta - ...... sinc.v.y ;,ue vatthere must iîsovr r lts away pim.xples and _________________ p lm E S Do aot auter We"kly Witness............ 400( be anothor aceoumting witb the semi- ahenoin reosh and tonds toh keip ta a~nother day witiiFumiers' Advocate........ .. 350 Asiatie semi-European power s0 soon he complexonrestheudsclear. Tn DOI H SP O I Itchtng0Thret neeh cpaato ~ J ing, or 9f, = Christian Guardian ........... 100)as the latter is lu position. And 8 ditoincverycsorechdsde 5o- In& glia e& FumiIy Her uldaga ine . Star... 3.00 t e Frenh attitude lu Europe 18in fo, sts as a oniti and purifies thoe* bis and inigorates the whole L surîcalOperFarmiler l Weekly Sa 3.5o consonance wltb Japan's policies. We blood. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids in ol Ves. sefrnike ervBou5 Dr. C&qelsOintent w lonl Yu =Cu..........3.50 fbiuk that ut lbasf "conversations", Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., and receive &éÀebilMnaa adafllu rEians on BtesM& 6 tCunadian Home Journal ......4.00 is not a "gentiemunîy agreement" cofidentia mdia i d * DbfyPMnaliai oof delr rBmno, ae aainCountryman ......350)has t nplace despite officialie teH art Iîing Menwry. Price $2pe.- box,3 Torontc. Sample Box free If You mWOeMtb»aFarin & Dairy.............. 300 niais, charge. Ail druggista sel DiscoverTye for $59 Sold by ail druggists, or $2W npli Vaper anci enclosie 20. 5flDp t MVW110, MeLean's Magazine ........500 The Four-Power Agreement effeet- alteo iqi.fýgre eitrNewTlpamphlein aie wer freCO1.TO1 WOODTr4OHT Id I ~ BAKOF MONTREALI I ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS I BOWMANVILLE BRANCHI JA. McCLELLAN - manager-I Hogs-Cattle-Sheep T pI Bnis preao to make :dvancesto flocks and herds. If you seek assistance in this direction, the Manager of our nearest branch wiIl be glad to discuas the rnatter with you. STANDARD BANK5 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Bowmnanviile Branch: - - - Geo. L. Hall, Manager, Blackstock Branch: - - E. A. Preston, Manager. Branches ut Newcastle und Newtonvjlle. HOTD RIK ENJOY A HOT CUP AFTER SHOPPING We are now serving the following hot drinks: TEA COFFEE BOVRIL CREAM TOMATO along with toast, cakes, etc. SMALL DANCING PARTIES rior persons wishing to holài small dances you will find our Ice Cream Parlor 'an ideal place good floor and piano. à WarningI LOOK SHARP AT THE WORDING 0F YOUR INSURANCE POLICY The wordrng may make thousands of dollars worth of difference to you if you ever need to collect from the insurance companies. Don't leave this important matter until it is too late. Consuit us now with your insurance prob- lems. Make us the insurance department of your nusiness-without a dollar's added cost. WE INSURE EVERYTHING J. J. IMASON 1&kSOIN Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmainville I ~ i t

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