MANITOBA WEDDING Adans-Sampen A quiet wedding took place Tues- day, Jan. 3, at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sampson ,Bagot, Man., whep Olga Kenneth ,their only daugh- ter, was married te John Henry Ad- ams, eldest son of Mi. and Mis. Adams, Buraside, Man. Rev. R. H. Lowrey cf Brandon, oficiated. The bride was prettily gowned in white satin and carried a bridal bouquet of roses and naicissis. She was at- tended by hlittle Dorothy Dingle cf Wnnipeg, as flower girl. The happy couple left for the south via Win- nipeg. The bride le a niece of Mn. D. Moriison, sr., and -her many fîiends and relatives in Bowmanville extend hearty congratulations. Diominion Stores Ltd THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES 0F CANADA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Machine Sliced BACON 29c lb. Pint Boule 3 Packages Queen Olives 39e Ammonia Powder 22c, Good 4 String 2 Packages Brooms 39c Shredded Wheat 25c Crown Syrup 5 lb tin 39 Cowan's Cocoa, '/z1b Currants, lb. 17c tin 24c Pure Gold or Sherriff's Bread, 3 lb. Loaf 15c Jelly Powders, 3 for 25c Panshine, 3 tins 25c Pure Clover Honey, 5 ConMa,6bs 2e lb. tin 89C ConMa,6ls 5 Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 23c Matches, 2 boxes 25c Eagle Brand MILK 22c tin Dominion Brand I Aunt Dinah Baking Powder 24c tin Molasses 12c tin Special Blend Lemons, -25cI Frankford Tea lb. 40c Dozen Corn 2tins 25c Pure Raspberry Finest Jam No. 4 tin 75c Cheese 24c lb Pure Old Arm Chair Lard No. 3 tin 49c Peas -15c tin Hardware At Extra Special Values ANOTHER LIST FOR THIS FRIDAY Gillette Safety Razors $5, Friday for $3.75 & $1.00 Safety Razors, while they last .... ............... 75c Keen Cutter (Bokers) $6.00, Friday ........$4.50 Johnson's Eloor Wax $ 1.00, Friday.............65c Tungsten Electric Bulbs, 25, 40 and 60 Watt, Friday 3 for..................................... $1.10 Spic & Span, reg. 20c, Friday 2 for ..........25c Electrie Irons, $8.00 Friday....................O PHONE 145 CASH AND CARRY PHONE 145 BOWMANVILLE HOW DID THEY FEEL? HOW DID THEY. LOOK? HOW DID THEY- WEAR? These are the things you remember about a pair of shoes on the day you cast them axvay. You think littie of the original price, but very much of the satisfaction they have afforded. Remember it isn't the price per pair. It is the price per wear that counts. No trouble to show goods. It's a pleasure. Corpeland Shoe bStor«e BOWMAN VILLE ONTARIO CLUBBING LIST 1922 The Canadian Statesman or The Bow- mianville News .............. $2.00 The Canadian Statesman or The Bowmanville News will be clubbed for 1922 with the under lications at the prices stated: Globe...............$6.50 Mail & Empire.............. 6.50 Toronto Star ............... 6.50 Weekly Witness............. 4.00 Farmers' Advocate........... 3.50 Christian Guardian........... 4.00 Faimers' Magazine..... 3.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star 3.50 Farmeis' Sun............... 3.50 Canadian Home Journal....... 4.00 Canadian Countryman........ 3.50 Farim & Dairy ...............3.00 MeLean's Magazine.......... 5.00 developunent of the modern publc health mevement. Accidents alone are responsible for loppfing off a trifle more than a year from the aver- age length of life. If people would co-operate te era- dicate preventable diseases and would take precautions against preventable mishaps, it is plain that the span cf existence would be lengthened. BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 19th., 1922 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Total Membership 153 in 1921-300 Wanted in 1922. The annual meeting'of Bowman- ville Horticultural Society was held in the Council Room on January 10., when these officers for 1922 were, elected llonorary Presidents-Hon. Sena- tor Robert Beith, Mr. J. W. Alexan- der,, Mr. Christian Rehder, Mr. Wil- liam Trewin, Mr. M. A. James, Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P.,y and Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. President-Mrs. J. J. Lord. First Vice-Mr. Richard Jarvis. Second Vice-Mis. (Dr.), C. W. Slem on. Secretary-Mrs. Edith V. Scobeil. Treasure-Mr. J. A. McClellan. Directors 1921 and 1922-A. H. A. Fletcher, Norman S. B. James, W. J. Morrison, Roy Jackman and S. J. Jackman (1922-23), M. A. James, Wmn. Trewin, J. W. Hynds, James Nookes, Mis. H. L. Quinn and Mis. Milton J. Elliott. Auditors-J. S. Moorciaft and jGeo. W. James. Messrs, Richard Jarvis, J. W. H-ynds and S. J. Jackman weîe ap- pointed delegates to attend the Hor- ticultural Convention to be held in Toronto in Febiuary, and M. A. James, Wm. Tîewin and Mis. Edith V. Scobeil, alternates. The Secretary reported a member- ship for 1921 of 153, which was a very nice increase over, 1920, but is far short of the membership Bow- manville should have in the society, to say nothing of the suriounding townships Mi. Trewin gave a short report of the pîoceedings at the 1921 conven- tion in Toronto, from which it would appeai that there is much to be leain- ed by the delegates attending the convention. The Roard is very hopeful that with Mis. Lord in the chair for 1922 that the membership will be increased and the usefulness of the Society brought before the public prominently, as Mis. Lord is a veîy enthusiastic member, The annual membership fee is only $1.00, and every house-holder in the town should belong to The Horti- cultural Society. Subscriptions may be paid in to Mis. Scobeil, Secretary, at her office any tirne before the first of June next, after which subscrip- tions will flot be received during the balance of the year. It is necessary that subscriptions be paid in hy the first of June so that full report may be made to the Agricultuial Depart- ment, as it is on the number of mem- bers each society reports to the De- partment that the government makes its grant, and while the Board would be very sorry for the disappointment of those offering to subsciibe before that date, refuse to accept subscrip-. tions during the balance of the year. It is hoped that at least thîee hua- dred will subscribe before the flîst of June. Bowmanville should give at least that number of members, Subscribers can also obtain for 50 cents, if they wish to subscribe, The florticultural Magazine, which is full of inteIresting information on ail uines of floral matters, as well as articles rertalning to apples, bees, etc., and it is the onîy floral magazine publish- ed in Canada. Tt is brimful of it- ems, interesting to the amateur gar- ener as well as to the farmer. HOCKEY NOTES Owing to the non-appearance of the officiai 0. H. A. referee at Tay- lor's Arena for the Bowmanvlle- Oshawa intermediate garne on Friday night the teams agieed, on using two referees, one from each club, This means of handling a game did not prove satîsfactory to players or spectators and as a resuit there were delays and disputes galore. Many spectators got disgusted and left the rink long before the burlesque ended. On the evening's performance Osh- awa had the edge on the home team and -,von by 6-4. Fletcher put up a wonderful exhibition in the nets for the losers. Bowmanville Juniors had their hands full Monday night when they defeated Whitby here 6-5. The winning goal was scored only a few seconds before full time. In an intermediate game in Whitby Tuesday night Bowmanville defeated the home team by a score of 6-3. Both teams played good dlean hockey. TO1NTHNLF LOST Keys found. Enquire at States- ma Office. LOST-Near the Town Hall, a pair of ilye Grasses. Finder kindly leave atl Statesman Offce. 2-tf. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TO RENT-Srnall place consisting of nine acres of land, bouse, barn and other convenient buildings near C. N. R. Station, apply to DavIdI Grlgg, box 37, Bowrnanville. 3-tf FARM FOR SALE-100 acre farma at Purple I-1111, C'artwright township. near school and, church, about 4 miles from Burketon. Price $3500. Apply to Bruce Honeywell., 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemens' farrn, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres; 20 acres young orchard; faîl work done; faîl wheat sown. Possession at once.- Apply Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st. Tor-' onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowrnanvllle. 52-tf~ TO LET TO LET-Two furnished bedroorne, centrally located. AIl convenlences, Ap- ply box 269, Bowmanville, 1-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Furnished, large substantial red brick, good locallty, good cellar, furnace and cookstove, electrlc lights, part can be shut off frorn beat If desired by couple or smaîl family. Renter rmuet guarantee cleanlIness and care. For terms apply to box H. H. or Phone 53. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Morgan Colt rising 3 years. Apply S. Holland, Klng-st., Bow- manville. 2-8* FOR SALE-$45.00 buys a new cutter. Apply te Norman Metcaif, lot 20, con. 1, Darlington, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 3-1* HONEY FOR SALE--Good quallty. 5 lb. pail 80c; 10 lb pail $1.,50; 60 lb. tins $7.20 while It lasts. Rl.Smt, ei- killen, phone 211-24. 41-tf FOR SALE-McLauhlin ligbt sleigb, one cutter, 2 sets single harness, one flrst class buffalo robe at 5Engle's'store; 5 good building lots in Bow ,7iani7ille; one double brick bouse $2300; one solid brick doublel bouse $1400-terms të suit purchsr. j« E. Cole, Bowmanville, Phone 256J. 3-t OARLINOTON TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR.i Applications for the office of Asslessor for the Township of Darlington for the year 1922 will bc received by the under- signed up te Saturday, January 28, 1922, at 2 p. M. Applicants are requested te appeai 9cr- sonally before Council on that date. W. R. AllUn, TownehLp Clerk. Hlampton, Jan. 2nd., 1922. 1-4w NOTICE 3 Notice is hereby given that tenders 3for the purchase cf the Groceiy -business including stock-in-trade and fixtures fornnerly owaed by Miles 7Knowles of the Town of Bowmanville lai the County cf Durham as follows: Stock-in-trade as per Iavent- tory....................1531.89 Trade Fixtures, Fittinga, Uteasils, etc., as per In- ventory................ 1377.80 will be received by the undersigned up until noon cf the 28th day of Jan- uary. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. An Inventoiy cf the- above men- tioned Steck-in-trade and fixtures can be seen at the store cf the said Miles Knowies la Bowmanville, or upon ap- plication to J. P. Mangan, Esq., So- licitor herein, Oshawa, Ontario. or 1 The Trusts and Guarantee Com- pany, Llmlted, Authorlzed Trustee, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontarlo. TO ALL Ex-SERVICE MEN At a' meeting cf Bow maaville Branch Great War Veterans Asso- ciation held on Monday, Jaiutary 16, it was unanimously decided that bal- lot for Overseas Canteen Funds be sent in immediately, uiging Funds be held over pending Izirther con- sideration, and 'would urge that ahl Ex-Service men vot2 to this effect. It was also t _solved to hold a social evening in the Club Rooms on Mon- .day evening, February 6, to celebrate the anniversary of formation of Local Branch. A large turn eut of mem- bers is iequested. PORT HOPE'S OLDEST FIRM CHANGES HANDS Buainess of John Wickett & Son Pur. chased by Toronto Man, One, of Port Hope's oldest and most reliable business firms chnnged hands this morning. The business cf John Wickett & Son, including dry goods, 3ladies' wear and gents' furnishings, three stores, ,has been purchased by Mi. D. A. Shay, Toronto. The firm name cf Wickett is prob- ably the best known ia this section and extends over a period cf 42 years. For seventeen years the firm name was J. & T. Wickett, but upon the retiiement of Mr. Thomas Wickett fîom business, Mn. C. H. Wickett be- came a partner with hi. father and the name was changed te John Wick- ett & Son. Hlonest, fain and upnight dealings, with couîtesy and every attention te customers, the firm enjoyed a large patronage beth in Port Hope and sur- rounding district. 1 WANTED WANTED--Capable girl itor genyýral housework to go to Oshawa. Âpply to Box 283, Bowmaniville. 8-tf MAID WANTrED-For generlal bouse- work. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) B. J. Hazie. wood, Wellington-st., Bowmanvllle. 2-tf BOARDERS WANTED-Roorn and board for two gentlemen, good bed and board. Apply E. A. Jones, corner Brown and Wellington-sts., Bowrnanville. 2-2 FOUND. FOU N -Parcel of wool goods in Bow- manville. Qwner rnay have sarne by proving property and pay,,ng expenses. Apply to H. Pawson, (Frank Farrn), Bow- manville, phone 28-r3. 52-tf BIRTHS MA YN ARD-On Friday, January 6, 'ý92, to Mr. and Mrs. Carli H. Maynard, son -(Jack McGiUl). DEATHS LOGKWOOD-In Leskard, January 18, Archie Lockwood, 1HALL-In Orono, January 16, Ezrg A. Hall, aged 89 years. H EN RY-In Orono, January 14, Joseph Henry, aged 68 years. HUTCHINSON-In Darlington, January' 14, William Hutchinson, aged 72 years. S HO RT-In Oshawa Hospital, January 17, Thomas Osborne Short, formerly of Courtice, LAW-In Oshlawa, January 15, Susana Goddall, widow of William H. Law, in ber 96th year. N ESB1ITT-In Cobourg, January 14, jas. Nesbitt, formerly of Enniskillen, aged 79 years. Interred at Newtonville. RACE-In Lindsay, January 15, William Race, in his 8 th year, forrnerly of Hope township. Interment at Canton. CRAWFORD-m, Toronto, January 15, Nellie Srnith, wife of Harold R. Crawford, in her 26th year, forrnerly of Port Hope. PROUT-At Port Hope, January 13th., HXrriett Proctor, reliet of the late John Prout, late of Ivy Bridge, Devon, Eng- land, in ber 72nd year. IN MEMORIAM. Ia loving rnernory of Wrn. Henry, be- loved busband of Elizabeth Johns, who passed away January 19, 1918. Just a thought of sweet remembrance Frorn a rnernory fond and' true Just a token of affection And a longing stili for you. When the shades of night ane f$lling, And 1 arn Sitting ail alone There often cornes a longing If you only could corne home. WIfe and Daugliter. AUCTIONEER WILL. T. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. Live Stock a Specialty. Terms com- ply with times. Phone 167-14 3-t McMURTRY & GO., LTD. Our January Sale YOU CAN SAVE AT LEAST TWENTY- FIVE TO TH-IRTY-FIVE CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND AT OUR STORE DUR- ING OUR JANUARY SALE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LAY IN A SUPPLY 0F GOOD STAP<L LE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, SHOES, RUBRERS, ETC., MANY LINES WILL COST A GOOD DEAL MORE FOR ýSPRING. COME ON INi AND GET YOUR SHARE 0F THE REAL BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING YOU. i $18.95 for Ladies' Coat, of fine black Kersey Cloth, with shawl collar of fine dark Northern Muskrat, lined With ex- cellent quality black Astrachan box buck, loop fasteners, regular $32.50, One Only To Clear at Only $18-95 $47.50 for Ladies' Astrachan Fur Coat, 45 inches long, full box back, turn back cuif, shawl collar, full lined with mid grey moreen, an excellent lining for good hard wear,ý regular $75.00, One Only To Clear At Only $47.50 $2.29 for Boys' lace or two buckle Sox Rubbers, No. 1 quality, ail sizes. 59c per pair for Ladies' Toe Rubbers 69c per pr for Children's Tan Rubbers, No. 1 quality, sizes 6 to, 10. $1.39 per pr for Men's Rubbers, No. 1' quahity, ail styles and sizes. $2.48 for Men's Flannel Shirts, grey only, union mixture, well made, full sizes, regular $3,25, January Sale $2.48 3 pr for $1.00 for Men's Sox of nice soft wool yarn, grey only, ribbed tops, value to 45e,' January Sale Price 3 pr for $1,00 $3.19 per pair for Men's Lace or Two Buckie Rubbers, ail sizes, No. 1 quai- ity. Men's and Boys' Shoes and Rubbers greatly reduced during January Sale. 20 pair of Boys' Boots of Vici Kid, Box Caîf, etc., solid leather, odd sizes from our regular lines, values to $4.00, January Sale Price $2,25 pr '1 16 pair Boys' Hockey Boots, black only, sizes il to 2, values to $9.50, January Sale Price $1,95 per pair 50 pair Men's, Soiid Leather Work Boots, black o r tan, plain or cap toe, sizes 6 to 11, values to $5.00, January Sale Price $3.95 per pair 36 pa ir Men's fine Boots, Box Caîf or Vici Kid, black or 'tan, ail solid leather, good staple styles, ail sizes in the lot, values to $8.50, January Sale Price $5.95 $4.75 per pair for Men's Rubber Boots, lst quality, sizes 7 to 10, regular price $6.50, January Sale Price $4.75 60 pair Men's 1 Buckle Rubbers, No. 1 quality, ail sizes 6to 11, regular price $3,00, January Sale Price $1.95 $1.48 per yard for Corduroy, medium cord, 36 inch, shades of taupe, nawF blue, regular $2.25, January Sale $1,48 per yd McMurtry & Co., Ltd. PHONE 83 WTVEST END HOUSE PHONE 83 Bowmanville Poultry Show Jan. 24-25-26 will be held ini Holgate's Evaporator (Opposite Bowmanville High Sehool) It is expected there will be on exhibition 1500 BIRDS, PIGEONS, RABBITS AND PET STOCK $600 - IN PRIZES - $600 In addition to above regular prizes many Special Cash Prizes, Silver Cupà and Medals are being off ered. Special feature-Classes for poultry and pet stock have been arranged for sehool children up to 12 years of age. SHOW OPEN TO PUBLIC-9-12 a. m.; 1-5 and 7-10 p. m. ADMISSION-Aduits 25c. Children 10c. Entry lists close Monday, January l6th. W. A. Edger, Secretary, Bowmanville. Mason & DaIe's Hardware ýl