BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 19t. 19221 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Citizens, don't forget the Poultry Show January 24-26. Brîtaiin has "flu" again. Let us hope nc-:: more of it crosses the At- Sir I1"obert Falconer was guest of Dr. ana3 Mrs, A. S. Tilley while in town. Mrs. Shirley Denison sustained a broken wrist in a skating accident in Torontoz. Ontarw4o Legisiature meets on St. Valentie-e's.Day-8 weeks later than in 1921- Rev. W. E. iHlassard was guest of Rev. am:d Mrs. W. C. Washington while in- town. Comn---unity Nurse will be out ýof town fr-om Wednesday this week to Monday , Jan. 23rd. Great- raid in Bowmanville. 1500 bîrds cr-ming to town for Poultry Show Ja-nuary 24-26. Mrs. U1 . McTavish and babe, Tor- onto, aiwe visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrss, F. Jî.ý Manning. Mrs. C. A. Bonisteel and son, Bellevili e, are visiting hèr sister, Miss En7ima Knight, Lakeshore Farm. Silk P'oplins, regular $2.00 a yard, now clE"aring at $1.00 a yard at Couch, OJohnston & Cryderman's. 2-t Mr. aand Mrs. Fred J. Spry and daughtemw Jean, Meaford, are visiting his'auntss, the Misses Spry, Wellington Street. BarriE,-n Methodists and Presbyter- ians strcDngly favor churcli cooperat- ing to âLvoid overlapping. Sensible people. Messrcs. Thos. Bottreli and W. Nichols --wereprize winners at Belle- ville Po-ultry Show of which Mr. J. B. Archibald is President, Mrs. Ci. W. Hoskin visited relatives in Toror-ito recently and also attend- ed the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Gemo. Reaman, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Mr. J . W. Cryderman, Bowman- ville, get.-s a free course at 0. A. C., Guelpli, for a reward for proficiency in Depazrtment of Agriculture cern. petitione-, Dr. J - D. Colwill is visiting rela- tives ar--d old friends here af ter spendin= the summer with his daughtee,, Mrs. Perey Phillips, Maid- stone, Oznt. Messrss. R. S. Mcbaughlin, Geo, W. McLaugl-ilin, W. A. Coad, R. D. Kirby armd W. H. Moyse of the Gen- eraL~otrsattended the New York Motor'-Show at the American Metro- polis.-Oshawa Ref ormer. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) McAlpine. H1e was re- +urning from Ottawa and Peterboro w here he delivered a lecture on "Rob- ert Burns".-Lindsay Post. Bowmanville Women's Institute wýill meet on Friday, January 20 at 3 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Fred Lyle, Scugog-st. Let every mem- ber arrange to be present as business of importance will be transacted. Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, K. C., M. P. P., Oshawa, and Mr. W. T. R. Preston, Port Hope, are emembers of the Committees of Arrangements for the Great Ontario Liberal Conven- tion to be held in Toronto in Feb- ruary, Big event in Bowmanville next week is the Poultry Show. Burgiars are on the rampage again in Port Hope. Sunday nîght they entered Mr. Norman Armstrong's residence, carried off a quantity of canned fruit, several pounds of but- ter and $12 in cash. Monday night they broke into Rev. J. T. Daley's residence and found $4 in cash. Lindsay's Boys' Conference last week was attended by nearly 300, del- egates, s0 the Warder reports and was a linge success. A good reason for sucli conferences is Roosevelt's terse remark: "If you want to do anything for the average man or woman you must begin before he or she is grown Up." Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, insurance agent, reports that on December 15, 1921, The Canadian Fire Underwrit- crs Association authorize.d a reduc- tion of 10 cents per $100.00 on al new fire insuranceplaced after that date and on aIl renewals of existing fire insurance on private resider;tial p7operty in Bowmanville. 1ýNotwithstanding the much talked of depression in trade the Salada Tea Company 'had an increaseý in 1921 of Two Million an d one third, mnaking their total output over eleven mil- lion five hundred and ninety-six Just bef «-re leaving Miss Ada Webber înoved -- vote of thanks te Mrs. Wi-ît's -lass for theix hospit.alitv and ..oT;-ev. and Mrs. W. C. Washingr- tion: for opening their home. This was geec:»n.ded hy Miss Eliza Kirkton and côr<c3ially endorsed by aIl the guests. Miss Marion Pickard, Presi- dent, r«2!stonded on behaif of the class ancl Mrs. B. M. Warnîca for her mothpr -.nd father, thus brin 'ging to a clise -ai-çery enjoyable evening. 1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Paul's Church, Rev. D . W. Best, Minister. il a. m.-"The False and the True". 7 p. m.- "Lest We Forget". 2.30 P. M.- Snnday School and Bible Classes.,1 St. John's Church, next Sunday services, Rev. C. P. Mirbead, Rect- or. 8 a, m.-lloly' Communion. il a. m.-Morning Prayer and Ser-i mon. 7 p. m,-Evening prayer and sermon. HOME NURSING CLASS Miss Heeley and Dr. Hazelw will meet the Home Nursing Clase the Council Room on Monday e- ing, Jan. 23rd, at 8 o'clock. i hoped there will be a good atte ance. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. John B. Martyn, ceive Congratulations of Thei Wood s in yen- [t is ,end- Re- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Lila Cole, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Furs below cost at Coucli, John- ston & Cryderman's. 2-t Miss Gladys Sanders, Brantford, is visiting Miss Marjorie Bounsal. Reserve Wednesday, March 8 for the Methodist Churcli Choir Concert. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gulley, Osh- awa, visited old friends here on Tues- day, Mr. Russel J. Perkins, Oshawa, vis- ited lis sister, Mrs. C. Wesley Mat- thews. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grant. I'oroni- to, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell. Mr. Richard Beckley, Whitby, was in town Wednesday and gave us a friendly caîl. Mr. Albert Colwell, Imperial 011 Agent, made a business trip to Tor- onto Wednesday. Some chicken! l'Il say so. 1500 of 'em at Bowmanville Poultry Show next week-January 24-26. Mrs. Harry Hocken, Toronto, and Mr. Wallace Hocken, Uxbridge, were in town Wednesday on business. Lt.-Col. W, H. Floyd, Police Mag- istrate for The United Counties, gave Police Magistrate W. M. Horsey a friendly caîl yesterday. Mrs. C. E. Thomas, nee Argue of Solina, Orillia, says she cannot fully enjoy life without her old home family newspaper, that she has read from' early girlhood. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur W. Mingeaud announce the engagement of their only daughter Nellie Vivienne, to Mr.' Adoîphus William Tucker of Toronto. The marriage to take place quietly the latter part of January, Thursday, February 1 6th is the date of the entertainment to be given in the Methodist Church, Bow- manville, by Victoria Glee Club, Tor- onto, under auspices of the Brother- hoods of the Methodist Sunday School More particulars next week. Ail skirts at reduced prices at - J'jMethodist Le'aguers had a very It muy also be mentiened thaf' anj oyable meeting Monday evening three schoolmates cf Mr. Martyn ai when a number cf Hampton Leaguers Brooklin and later at Chateuuguay HIGH SCHOOL NOTES put on a pageant, "The Challenge cf school (now Enfield) were among the the Cross" which was very iustruct- 'callers-Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Mr. and Albert Anderson, son cf Major C. ive ulong Missionary hunes. The Mrs. M. A. James, the two men hav. m.AviderHigni Schoolwheu the fa- young people deserve te be cengratu- ing, been deskmatas cf the groom in manvlleHighSchol hen he am-lated for their splendid work. The thýe cld frame school house of these ily removad te London last June and meeting was in charge of Misses days, their teachers in those years was admited te the Middle School at Marion Morris and Minnie Webber. haiv«ing been Miss Farquharson, later London Collegiate Institute, in Sep- Previeus te the pageant play the Mrs. Wml. Nidderie, Miss Strickland, tember, on his Bowmunville standing. seriptura lesson was read by Miss and Ebenezer W. Panton and Elisha At the recent Christmas Collegiate CIady aeaapaosl ed esp h fre eaeaPe3y examnatonshe ad irs clss on-ered by Miss Doris Foster and vocal terian minister and the latter a well- ors in Mid.dle Scheol Matriculution solo yMs anyMsn ttekonmdcldco n ebro work rauking second in his class loe theysMianey Mr thoe nowu mediu dco admmbro Albert did not write ou au v depart: l- etescalhu a aemor alaet mentl eamiatiu hre efoe îuv-en oyabla by a contest and light re-______ ing but he has now given evidence frashmants. Monday evening next Getsoigo olr vrse is in charge cf Social Committee. Getsoigc olr vrse lu another wuy cf the trainiugh o Everyoue attend. in Bowmanville at Holgate's Evapora- at Bowmanville. tor, January 24-26. 'I JT-he Shop That Leads' Buy Furs Now BEST QUALITY FURS GREATLY 1SACRIFICED IN PRICE Every fur gar ment in our store greatly sacri- ficed. We are off ering to the buying public of Bowmanville our stock of ladies' furs at cost price. We don't want to carry anything over for next season. Corne in and inspect these wonderful bargains. I Only, Large Sable Stole $165. Sale Price'$115.OO 1 Only, Large Sable Cape $105, Sale Price $75.00 1 Only, Beaver Cape $75.00, Sale Price $55.00 1 Only Isabella Fox Scarf $52.50, Sale Price $40.0 1 Only, Red Fox Scarf $50.00,' Sale Price $35.00 1 Only, Natural Wolf Set $18.00, Sale Price $13.50 The above are only a few of the, big bargains that await you. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Shirt Sale Gioing Strong $3.50 MEN'S SHIRTS FOR $1.39 Through quality channels we direct you to the sensation of the season-our usual sale of Men's Shirts. Quality and service are first in importance ,and style and comfort are flot for- gotten when it cornes to the excellent makes of our Men's Shirts. Shirts with $2.00 to $3.50, soft or starched cuifs, regular On Sale $1.39 or 3 for $4.0 Men's V=Neck Sweaters Regular $3.25, To Clear $1.00 Fancy Lisle llosiery Regular 75e to $1.25, To Clear 39c SEE THESE SPECIAL VALUES IN THE WINDOWS i. i * AReal Economy Event You neyer saw a more pleased lot of customers than those who have attended our Great Prîce-Reducing Sale of Ladies' Coats, Blouses, Skirts, Hoisery, Staple Dry Goods, Underware, etc. This sale has actually been the talk of the town, for one lady tells another about the great values in her purchases here-andso the good news spreads-and happy eue- tomers come and go pleased with the real genuine bargains which have saved them many dollars. More Goods Marked Down CLOTH COATS LESS THAN HALF PRICE Sorne were prîced as high as1 $48.00, your pick now at $7.50, $10.50, $15.00 SWEATER WOOL 2 BALLS FOR 25c Special line of one ounce Sweater Wool in maroon, paddy, strawberry, coqen blue and pink, best quality and going at 2 balîs for 25e $3.00 SILKS FOR $1.98 Just 25 pieces of special line of silks, ail good mnaterials and guaranteed or- iginal values $2.75 and $3.00 per yd, now on sale at $1.98 SKIRTS BELOW COST PRICE If you need a new skirt you'll neyer find a better time to buy than right now, while they are being sacrificed at won- derful values in 3 lots, $4.98, $5-95, $6.95 A NEW LIST 0F SPECIAL VALUES Corset Covers .............39c and 50c Flannelette, per yd .................23e White Carnbric, per yd ..........191/2c Huck Towels, each ................25c Cotton Eiderdown, per yd ........$1.18 Boudoir Caps, each ....5c and $1.00 Circular Pillow Cotton, 40,,42, 46 in., regular 50 and 55c yd, now ........39c GREAT RUSH FOR BLOUSES There's no argument about the un- heard of values we are giving in Blouses. Some are as high as $15,00, arranged in 3 lots clearing at' $2.49, $4.95, $6.95 YOU SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE Serge in navy and brown, regular $1.50 yd value, Sale Price 98c Plaids in many different patterns, were $1,50 yd, Sale Price 98c Tricolett'e, any piecýe in the store, in ahl leading shades, were priced as high as $4.50 yd, while they last $1.95 THES E BARGAINS ARE IN ADDITION TO THE BIG LIST 0F SPECIAL VALUES OFFERED LAST WEEK S. W. Mason & Son Phoe 06Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Gooda Bowmnanville GN. THURSTON Bowrnanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Far Shop. Phone 106 t VITAMINES WHAT ARE THEY? Vitamines is the namne givan te certain nutritive elements con- tained lu foods, and which are es- seutial te health and body devel- opmnent. Yeast, Milk and Veg- etablas are especiully rich in vita- mines,. but modern methods cf preparing muny of thase fods destroy the Vitamines contuîned therein. NYAL wVI 1T AMINE T AB13LET S contain Yeast and other Vita- mines lu concentruted formn and combined with vuluable Health- Giving, Nerve-Strengthening, Body-Building substances essen- tial te good heulth and Vitality. Take Nyal Vitamines and ob- serve liow quickly you will regain strength and energy. You'll put on flesh, your skia will take on a naturul, healthful glow, and yen will feel fit. PRICE $1.00 at F» R. Kers-lakea's Drug, Store Methodist Church, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. Sun- yFins day subjects.lil a. m. Passing Op- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Martyn are a portunities. 7 p. mn.-Man's Deep-1 comparatively youthfnl couple (es- est Disease and its Cure. 2.30 P. M. pecially the bride) to be celebratîng -Sunday School. the Fiftieth Anrj-irsary cf their The nnul Vstr metin ofSt.Wedding Day. This is a privilege The nnul Vstr metin ofSt.that only a comparative f ew are John's Chnrch will be held on Mon- spared to enjoy, although it seems day, January 23, at 8 p. m., in the, te ns that of late years the number Parish House. ARl members of the' cf Golden Wedding celebrations is churh ar ex ed t epeet greater than in the last century. Their and learu from the repot be pre- mn friends are glad te know that sented about the work cf the church these worthy citizen s have beau spur- for 1921. ed te enjoy the f elicitutions on thîs Rav. W. E. Hassard, Toronto, re-1 ives.xîu vn n hi are presenting the Bible Society gavel nusa feuo n vn addresses in the Disciples' Churchi1.O usa feno n vn Suniday moýrning, in tihe Anglican ing cf January 17, a goodly number and Presbyterian Sunday Schools in cf cîtizens, friends and neiglibors, the afternoon and in the Methodist called to off er heartiest congratula- Church in the Methodist Church in tiens. Among others cf our more the evening. The canvass in the agad citizens wus Mrs. Isabella Creep- interest cf the work it is expactedf er who completes hier 98th year on will be made by Rev. W. C. Wash- Friday cf this weelç, Januury 20 and ington later on. whe coutributed te the pleasure cf those present by giving a recitation with correctness and gocd expression Rev. S. C. Moore gave a very heurt- that she learned when a girl in Brud- searching sermon on Sunduy morning worthy, Devon, England, Sunday in the Methodist Chnrch fromn the School.. words "Shal1He Find Faith on the Mr. Martyn has been a leading Earth?". Miss Painton sang nice- merchat-one of the longest in act- ly "The Shepherd of the Flock". In, ive business lu town and we doubt the evening a double quartet cousist- if muny clerks in the present day ing of Mesdames Morrison, Pickard, can wait on custemers with greater Thempson, Hooper, Luuney, Tapson, axpedition thun he can still. Cola and Miss Leta L. Bragg and a MradMs, atyweercp sole by Miss Leone Quinn in addition.Mran s aty we ecp te the anthems for the day cemprised ients on this occasion cf many gifts, a vary enjoyable musical service. flowers, letters, cards, etc., conveying the good wishes cf their friands at a distance. « .1 1 t Ladies' Wrist Watches Speci*ally Priced This week we will sel any lady's wrist watch in stock $;~25 per cent - off regular price. This sale includes the best known makes of watches, every one fully guaranteed. We invite comparison of prices-and rernember you save 25 per cent during.this sale. DON'T HESITATE TO COME IN AND LOOK THESE WATCHES OVER ALEX. ELLIOT JEWELER - WATCHMAKER-ENGRAVER PHONE 207 BOWMANVILLE