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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1922, p. 6

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Bronchitis Sentenced to Death by Buckley! Amazing Free Trial Offer Spellis Disaster to Colds. Proof 1 Clear convincing proof! without risking a single cent of your money, that Buckley has the saf est and surest -Way of totally destroying every trace of that terrible cough or cold! justimagine! A bottleofBuckiey's Eronchitis Mixture FREE. Simply take the coupon below to any drug store and the botle is yours! Trry il on your cold. It will inmmediately convince you that the regular size is ail you require to smnash the cold and. give you a happy relief. It's the chance of a lufe time; but by al ineans act quickly. Riglit now, fil in the coupon and exchange it at any of the drugstores listcd below;- W. K. UUCKLEYLlmtd.UmuriiUUChm au 142 Muuel Sret, - Tenais -OUPON Free trial Buckiey's Broncitis Mixture. This coupon will not be accepted if presented by s child., Xame .................................... Address........................ ....... Dnruggist's X . . . .. . . . . Naine ................... SOLO IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE Priqces Change CET YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED t4eti's- Soled and Heeled,....$1 75 Men's Sewed Soles and Heels. . 2 10 Men's Heels Rubber or Leather 50 Women's Soled and fleeled nailed.................. 1 25 Women's Soled and Heeled sewed.................. 1 50 Women's Heels, Leather....... 40 Women's Heels. Rubber....... 40 Boys' Soled and Heeled, naflod 848 ...................125 Boys' Soled and Heeled 13 to 5 1 50 Girls' soled and heeled 8 to 13 60 Girls' soled and heeled 13 to 5 60 Girls' Heels 75c. Patches 16e Up, Toe Caps £rom 50c ,up, sewing by Machine 50c per hour. G. W. Humpage THE REPAIR MAN KING-ST E1 TI is ei the Mrs. Chiropractic Ms (Spinal Adjustments) lived RemIove thie Cause of Disease M' without Medicine or Knife. Chir- BruË opractors have remarkable 811c- Des. cou ln romoving the. causeOf Ali( Appendicitis, Deafneu, Âsthma, Earl Rheumiatiam, Lumbago, Lame Goul Back, Constipation, Piles, Female gue. Diseaies, Stomach and. Kîdney Troubles. Nervousness in many B forme respond readily to Chiro, minî practie. f or fori Examination Free at Office. Pres DR. S. M. JONES. Bowh 86 Simco, St. N. Oshawa got1 Phono 224. Newý kind er, 1 speng 13 ~frien speni The Double Track Route tarl between heri Montreal er ir Toronto thos Detroit tminu Chicago pany days Unexcelled diliing car service. lady Sleeping cars on night train, and to Pj Parlor cars on tie principal day trains it be Pull information from any Grand in N Trunk Ticket Agent or C. e. Hornlng Nistrict Passenger Agent, Toronto,. don J. H.. H. JURY. Agent cest Phone 78 Bw mv.Mai, and C., . Bicy..cles Ier are sold by harry Aluin Just west Royal Theatre REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE EMA Yeu are not expenme CZEM pu .rin hen' ment for Eczema and 5kin Irt tiOns. It relleves at one and grra- ilast Ise 8kim. ample box 1)r. (lhas's Intnseat YU etont paper ad&n 0 tm o ot .6C bo;ail dealers orEcmanîo, Bâfes& Co, LMtcd. Tnr9nto BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 19th., 19221 NEWCASTLE Irs, Ashley is visiting frienda in wmanviile. Miss Culley, Toronto, is visiting at 1Frank Bennett's. Mr. anti Mra. R. W. Gibson vis- dfrientis in Port Hope. Mr. F. A. Butler is home from eonte nursing a bad colti. tirs. Grieves anti daugîter, Miss aare visiting Port Hope frientis. Miss Bossie Renwick, New York, la ting her aunt, Mrs. S. McLaughin. Mir. Cocil Finley, Toronto, la vis- ig at lis fnt'ner's, Mr, Chas. Fin- Foreman Bevis is in receipt of te cars of brick for Community Il. Misa Etta Toîbie is over frem lhign visiting 1er Newcastle ends. tirs. B. Moise las gone te Hast- , te visit 1er daugisten, Mrs. Frank vkins. Mir, anti Mrs. John McKeever, ýona, spent a week in tewn visit- rfnientis. tir. D. J.- Galbraiths came down )m Toronto to look after some siness matters. tir, anti Mrs. Wm. Delong are vis- g their daugîter, Mrs. Albert mdows, Port Hope. tirs. Wm. Hunter paiti a short visit town tîls week while on 1er way )m Belleville to, Toronto. T'he Misses Drummonti lave gone Toronto wlere they purpose spenti- tise balance of'tise wintor. tir. A. A. Deline las left for awa where he las taken a position th a large merclantile concern. tirs., H. S. Britton entertaineti ,umber of lady friends on Tuestiay Pning with cards and other amuse- mts. tias A. Delemore of "The Globe" Lf, Toronto, came down to attend -funeral of tise late Mms. A. Mce- Mgîton. tir. Wes. Jones la onjoying a few l1-earned holidays, ýapending his ie in Toronto, Pontypool anti other -e cities. Mir. Mark Allun las moveti!nto Harolti Toms' bouse on George- lately vacateti by Banker J. S. mtgomery. tirs. Helen Brnnt las retnmned )u Belleville wlene ale las been oer troatment by a specialist. We pleasedti t report an impmovemont lier condition. tir, Arthsur Gibson ahippeti a fine, ang Holatein Bull te Calgary, La., at week. This is one of n mber purchaseti in Ontario by tise enta Governmont. tirs. A. H. Fishser anti littie tiaugît- left for tiseir home in Belleville ýr apentiing tise lolitinys with 1er cpe lere. We are gladti t report it Mrs. Fisher is rapidly rogaining rformer gooti bealtis. The sympatly of this community extondedti t Mrs. John Douglas in Sdeatis on Sturday of 1er sister, s. Chas. Watson of Chicago, 111. s. Watson wms Levina Brown be- se her marrînge anti fermeriy ti in Newcastle. Mir, anti Mrs. L. Young, Mastêr uce Richmondi, Mn. mand Mme. . clano, Misses Clama, Helen anti ce Descisane, Masters Kenneth anti il Descisane, Mr. anti Mrs. L. ilti, ail of Napanee, weno recent ýsts of Mr. anti Mrs. P. O'Neill. Bill Davey, says tînt tise last De- .ion Elections wns a groat boost the Chevrolet. On being aketi an explanation ho saiti W. T. R. ston drove a McLaughlin, Bort id drove a Ford, while Fred W. won, M. P., usèti a Clevroiet, anti there by 1300 majority. Now wcnstle people are msking wlat d of a car "Ab." Staples drives. [ta. W. T. Lockhart anti daugît- Miss Ethel Lockhart, have-left te id tise test of tise winter witl atis. Misa Locklart pumposes îding some time in Western On- and thon metnrning te Toronto, e Mrs. Lockismrt will visit with mother at the home of Dr. Hunt- in Toronto. Mms. Renwick las v entereti 1er OStis yoar, andifal- igi a littie feeble in body hem 'i is clear anti she enjoys tise com- iy of hem frientis as mucis as in 7s long passoti.' This grand olti T of Clarke Township bitis fair îass tise century mark. . Se mogy e 15 tise wish of her many frientis Nlewcastle anti district., Ur. Robert Moffatt, a fermer rosi- it of Clarke Township anti New- tle, wiso now resities at Homefielti, i, droppet injte town last week to rstore normud breathlngu mc heninge fn tise broachItbes, g=187 eita quiet sleep; cent" » n Lt019o1.11,31drug. $I.OOt7.urdru t. Trial Efret eur agenda o wit RIpleon, 142 rias W.. Te...& Sold by Jury & Lovel ORONO Township Council at its Inaugural meeting appointeti Mr. John R. Rowe of Newtonviile, a former nid Assess- or, te succeeti Mr. T. Smith as As- sessor for current year, Mr. S. R. Joncs, Newtonville, andi Mr. C. A. Chapman, Orono, auditors, If your are feeling badly, Dut your troubles away by taking Taniac. Jury & Loveil. Wolverhampton S. O. E. B. S., met Tuesday evening. D. D. E, Thackery, Newdastie, installedt the officers f or entrent year., At the close of thse meeting lunch was serveti and an impromptu program. of songs and short speeches foiiowod. Ac- companying thse Dist. Deputy woro J . W. Bradley and H. R. Pierco of Newcastle, andi H. Hancock, Newton- ville lotigo. Corna disappear when treateti with Holloway's Cern Remover without leaving a scar. The firat carnival this seasen on Orono rink was held Friday evening, with a fairly good attendance and some gond costumes. Prizes were awarded: Best lady skater, Edna Virtue; beat gentleman skator, Robert Emo; best gentleman's costume, E. Johns; beat lady's costume, Edna Virtue. Speciai mention might be matie of Misses 0dm Gamsby and Greta Davey as Indian twins, Gond exhibition of speed skating by boys under 15 years of mgo, won by Roy Cornish and E. Johns. An Oil Withont Alcohel. Some ilîs and many medicines have alcohol as a prominent ingredient. A judi- cious mingling of six essental oils compose Dr. Thomas' Eciectrie Ofi, iand there is ne alcolol in it, se that its effeets are lasting. District Loyal Orange Lodge con- venod in the Orange Hall Tuestiay afternoon with W. D. M., T. A. Reid in the chair and a fairly gond at- tendance of brotîren prenent. Offi- cors were nearly ail re-elected: W. D. M. T. A. Reid; D . D. M., Fred B. Lovekin; Rec. Sec., Raipis Stutt; Fin. Sec., Albert Morton; Treasurer, E.* W. Bowen; Chaplain, A. A. Colwill; D. of C., Harper Cmrscadden; Lect- urers, S. Allen and Gee. Morton. Next meeting of the lotige will be held in Kendal. Tise Poor.,Man's Friend.-Put up in smmli botties that are easily portable and sold for a very small, sum, Dr. Thomas' Eclectnie Oul possesses power in cencentrmted f orm. Its chemp- ness and the varied uses to whicl it can be put make it the poorman's frionti. No deaier's stock is complote withont it. The gallery of Orono's fine oid mon is indebted te a liberal hoarteti gen- tleman for contribution of a fine group photo of well-knewn citizens, ahl but three of whem, years ago passed te their reward: Freeman An- drus, John Waddell, Roderick Mc- Leoti, Robert Knott, Rev. A. Fraser, J. P. Wiiliamson, Robert Moment Robert Ferguson, Soloman Hamm, Chas. Keith, Wm. Tamblyn, W-in. McLeod, John Proctor, C. B. Borland and Dr.- Tucker are tise on- lY members of this honored gronp who survive, and the latter is thse on- ly elle now residing here. The photo was taken at an A. O. U. W. picnic held iu the greve on the farm at that time owned by thse late Robt. Col- ville, an ex-Reeve of the Township, about 37 years ago. Robt,ý Knott bnilt the honse that H . G. Macd on- ald owns and occupies, C. B. Borland eue time druggist here, R. Moment, poatmaster; Rev. Fraser, Prýesbyter- ian Minister; John Proctor, general merdhant where thse J. Henry & Store now is. The gallery is open at al times for sud kind denations-Or- eue News. Spare the chihdren from snffering from worms by using Miller's Worm Powders, a most effective vermifuge witis which te combat theso insidious fes of the young and helpless, It fa an excellent Worm destroyer, andi when its qualities become known in a household ne other wihl be useti. Thse medicine mets by itsehf, requiring ne purgative te assist it, and se thor- oughly that nothing more is desired. CLARKE MAN'S DEATH Richard Bowen, Brother of Mrs. Martin Farrow, Newcastle. From The dGazette-Post-News, Carnduff, Saskatchewan. The funeral of Richard Bowen tonk place Friday, Dec. 23rd, 1921, from MeGregror, Carnduff; Mr. W. C. Bow- on, Wainwright. Alta, anti Mr. F. A. Bowen, Choyer Bar, Aita. Other rel- atives are two sisters and two Ire- thers: Mrs. Martin Farrow, Newcas- tle, Ont., Mn. Alvin Jones, Port %~Çne, Ont.. Etiwarti of Peterboro. Ont., and Wns. HcnrY, of Carievale. ORONO METHODIST CHURCH RE-OPENING SERVICES Bowmanville Talent Highly Apprec- îated. Orono Methodist church ucver look- ed better than now~ frcmv the time it was buit nearly iixty years ago.. The work of the p, t f .Žw weeks, by local artists, Moýssrs. Walters, Gamsby and Cobbledic,, has modernized it from floor to ceiling.. Its new cath- edral windows and other up-to-date equipment, puts it in class with churches in larger towns, Rev, S. W. Fallis, D. D., Mthodist Book Room, Toronto, preached morn- ing and evening at the re-opening services, Sunday, to very large con- gregations. Dr. Fallis is a forcoful and pieasing speaker and his able sermons were much appreciated. A splendid program of music was rend- ered by the choir, in which there were quartets, and at the evening service a well rendered solo by Miss Buchi- anan. Monday the ladies of the congrega- tien excelled themselves in the splen- did supper served in the school-room of the church, and the abundance of provisions necessitatcd the holding of a social on Tuesday night. The concert, ton, foliowing the sup- per, Monday evening, held in tihe Town Hall, was a high-class affair; rareiy, if ever, have we had better outside talerit-Mrs. (Capt.) J. B. Neale is a soloist that Bowmanville has every reason to be proud of, her selections being very fine andi took weli with the large audience. Her accomipanist was Mrs. D. R. Mor- rison, also of Bowmanvillc, who is certainly an artist in her class. Thse committee certainly made no mistake in securing the services of Miss Thornpson, reader, Toronto, who is a delight to hear. One of our local soloists, Mr. Haroldi Allun, aise, con- tributed a few well rendereti solos. The proceeds, Sunday collections, supper and concert, totalleti neariy $450. The Ladies' Aid of thse church, under. whose auspices it was helti, and also the energetie pastor, Rev. A. K. Edmison, B. A., anti lis committee, are to be congratulated on the success.-Orono News. BEST TO TÂKE NO CHANCES Fniday and Thirteentis Day of January The sober, matter-of-fact and puri- tanical nid journal ycleped The Daily Globe actualiy got off this: "Who's Superstitious, Anyhow?" But its Best te take ne Chances." "The goblins'll get yeu if yeu don't watch out!" To-day is Friday, the l3th. There is only one other day thîs year, Frn- day, October l3th, on which thse two "perfect jinxes" combine to give the mîschîevous imps of misehance such a rare epportunity. The motte for' to-day is: "Stop! Look!I Listen!?' Upon rising do net leap bravely into tbe cold tub. You may slip on tise soap. Ai breakfast do not aim a vicious kick at tise wife's pet Pom- oranian. You arc sure te miss the dog and break a toc on tise leg of the table. Do net foolishly accept any letters to mail. Yen are sure te for- get them. To-dayl is Friday, the l3th-all day. "Watch your stop"! Backaches and hendaches arc among the symptoms. In sonie cases Bright's disease soon de- velops. others suifer froni high blood pressure until hardening of the arterles sets în. la order to forestail painful and fatal diseases prompt action should be taken at the first sign of trouble. Mr. A. D. MacKinnon, Kirk- wood, Inverness county, N.S., writes: "I can highly recommend Dr. Ohase's Kidney-Liver Pis tb al! suffering f rom weak kidneys, ï euffered f rom kidnev cisease for a long lime. 1 may also say that for three years 1 was nearly alwaysr troubler! with headaches, and! no treal- ment zeemed to do rnore tihan afford temporary relief. 1 av in ~'toîr! cf Dr. Chasc's Kidncy-Liver Pilla, and af'er ueing a few bores3 was coenrleely reliever!. 1 have alto used Dr, Cha<es Ointmnent with tle4 tst resîsits, and never fail to recommeor! ihese wonderful remdedies." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pilt a dose, 25C a bya'l dealers, or Ed-nanon, Bates& Co., Limited, Toronto. Peevi b, pale, restless, and sicklyl chilc'.rcn owe their condition to Orrns. Mother Graves' Wormi Ex- rminator will relieve them and re- health. TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3500 wlll buy 8 roomed brick bousE, ýnd office attached, opposite Town Hall $2800 will purchase 7 room framne bouse in Church. Street, water. eewer, electric îght and furnace, 8-roomefi brick bouse on Ontario-st., 3oWmanville good lot, every convenience. W'ill be solfi reasonable for qulck sale. $3000 wlll purchase 2 story brick bouse 'n Concession Street, water. sewer, elect- 'ic light, furnr c~e, garage and every con- renience. $7000 will purchase 170 acres,lot1li rownship of Clarke fine buildings, well tenced and watered, about 3 miles eaet of Slewcastle Wharf. .6,700 wIll purchase 116 acres parts lots 5, con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known wt@ the Bruce Parni, well fenced, soil dlay ioani, good buildings. Terme easy. $20,000 will purchase the Semers Fanm, aontaining 150 acres, just outaide the cor- poration of the Town of Bowmanville, on county road, on which are erected an 8- roomed brick bouse commodioue out- buildings, atone etabling for 40 bead of cattle; the soil ia a rlcb dlay loam, well Cenced and watered; this le consIdered ane of the best farme In the county, rerme to suit the purchaaer. L. A. W. TOLE. REAL ESTATE AGENT ~5-tfBowmanville Phon, 41, SCIENCE REVEALS Sthat foods that abound in Sthe vitamnins best promnote 3 healthful growth.I àcottSEmusols I as an aid té growth and strength should I have a place in the diet of most children. I Scott & Bowne, Toronto Ont. -ALSO MAKERS 0F- K'*MaW 10SI I (Tablets or Granules) !EORINDIGESTION' Farm ers' We are now booking orders for Co ntract Peas' for the year 1922 and will be glad to have o)rders- from a limited numberof good, careful fariners, having good soil prepared for the coming crop. We believe the price we -are able to offer wilL com- pare favorably with any crop on the f arm. Our stocks of FLOUR and FEED wiIl ,be found complete at ail times. Phone 203.- USE IT. Oshawa HAP 'YyN EW VYE A R May we take this opportunity of extending to our many friends and customers ail good wishes for a Happy New Year. We also desire to thank our many customers tfor their valued patronage and to hope we may again be at their service during 1922. MeClellan & Co-., Limited King St. East Office Phone l5 HORSE AILMENTS of mmny kintia quickly remedieti with DOUGLAS' EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. PREVENTS BLOnD POISONING. CURES TIIRUSEH, FISTULA, SPRAINS AND sBRIsES. The beot aIl aryrund Ltnment for th'e s table as well ci for Fousehold use, I(EEP IT HANPY. At ail Dealers and Druggjsts. Manufactrrd orrIy by 3OLJGLAS & Ce., NAPANEE, Ont. M Iler's, Proof That ZUTOO 1Ends Headache ài 1. .Tomus EX-Mayor fc oati YorTablets are a sdfo a" eec«tfr remedy for hcadache" Mr. Geo. Lege, Editor of dhe 'Gnb Leader-Mail ?reves it. "Yrour Zutoo abet3 deserve to 1; we ýyknowna a remedy that will t.p 'L C. Han$=n, B. A X . Colonel 02 thse Huasars, provesït . 91 nue Zutoo Tableti and fid the= a very satiafactory remedy for Headache." e,5 cents per box-at all dealers c'T The Great Fngrrsh Preparat;roi ý Tones anrd invigorates thre ihoý rrervorrs system. îakes new BIcùrj in coid Veins. Used for Nerr ou.ý .Debility. Mental ard Brait, 14ory frxp.nd~ieij. ,Lo o f Pnerge, Palpitation <i the H-eart al Memery. Price $2 pe., box. Il for $51SoId by ait druggists. or mailed in plain pkg-..o .rcipt of prïçc New p44mphfrt marrle Mre.iE WDOD M. EDIINE C.T8OT,?T Bowmanville HousePhones 228, 274, 218 HOT D-*RINKS ENJOY A HOT CUP AFTER SHOPPING We are now serving the following hot drinks: TEA COFFEE BOVRIL CREAM TOMATO along with toast, cakes, etc. SMALL DANCING PARTIES For persons wrishing to hold small dances you will find ou-, Ice Cream Parlor an ideal place good floor and piano. àCH rRI ST nI E'S BAKERY1 The Cash & Carry Bakery Phonie 97 Bowmanville Warning! LOOK SHARP AT THE WORDING 0F YOUR INSURANCE POLICY -olr The wording may make thousands of dolr worth of difference to you ff you ever need to coileet from the insurance companies. Don't leave this important matter until it is too late. Consuit us now with your insurance prob- lemls. Make us the insurance department of your tusiness-without a dollar's added cost. WE INSURE EVERYTHING J. J. MM-wA SON &Ê"SON Real Estate and In8urance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanvilie a a Attentioen HuggS& Lytie, Limited-. Ontario

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