Insurance Agency. Ahl lines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESSY AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Edith V. Scobeil, Agent 2nd door wst of thse 'Big 20" Bowmanville ~Ontaitio. THEO. M. SLEMON, ALJCTIONEER Farm and flouse Sales a Speclalty. Terras moderate. 1-tf Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE 'VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calsa Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D.. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and Town iProperty. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanviile. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, Ring Street, Bowmanvilie Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 178J. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Musîc) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- lire. For terms phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attetiding Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Rs. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manvilie. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Coliege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- manvilie. Phone 259. ý44-tt 1 DR. V. H. STOREY1 Graduate Toronto Uaiversity, year and a haîf resident physician and sur- geon Toronto Generai Hospital (six months Burnside Matexn4ty) two and haif years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manvilie. Phone'143w. 10-lyr*1 DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT ýGaduate of Royal, Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manviile. Office hours- 9 a. m. to 6 -P. ri. daÎly except Sunday. Phone .9}a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE t iH&nor graduate in Dentistry Toronto 'University. Graduate of the Royal ,Colege of Dental Surgeons of On- rtario., Office Ring-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40 House pho ne 22.t FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complete equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS -TO 'EUROPE-Canadian Pacific, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone SI-ORTHANO, TVPEWRITING, BOO KK EEP ING Complete Commercial and General lm- provement Courses. Students' accepted at any time. Good pItion for aul graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshawa and Toronto. THE EDITOR TALKS Col.'Theodore Roosevelt has writ kten many sane and practical arcticle 0but neyer has he uttered or writtei a truer statement than this: "I an sure that I give utterance to a feel ing deep in the heart of teacher, when I express coatempt for thi "ýcuckoo type of parent," the fathe: and mother who deposit the chiid ii school and then think that ahl res ponsibility for its, intellectual, moral and spiritual, welfare falîs upoa thi 'teacher. No teacher can supply thq place of the home." It is, high timi that parents assumed their full re sponsibility for their rchildren's con duct in school and out of schooi. Some newspaper. discussion L taking place again on the ever exist ing vital 'question of corporal pua. tishment in schools and on the as. sumption that a teacher should pos. sess the samne right to punish a chiid as a parent has, the Guelph Herald points out that it may be well foi both teachers and pupi1ý to knom' that the law provides for the use of force by a teacher, "provided that such force is reasonabie under the circumstances," and it has been held in court that corporal punishment ln- flicted upon a pupii by a school teacher is presumed te be reasonable and for a sufficient cause until the contrary is shown, and if there is any reasonable deubt as to whether or not the punishment was excessive the teacher should have the benefit of the doubt. We belong to the old-fashîoned, clasa who would punish a child for certain offences. "Spare the rod andl speil the chiid" is as true as the scripture that saith that. But it is stili true that competent teachers are able to maintain discipline without frequent use of the strap; stiil, occas- ions arise when the strap is necessary and it is better to use the strap, but always with moderation, ef course, than spoil the chiid. If parents would exercise a littie more 'control over their children by keeping them off the streets at night, seeing that they study and impres[s upon them the necessity of being maniv and truth- fui, there would be very littie need for teachers to punish pupils. The trouble is that teachers are obliged net oaly to teach soies pupils, but also to do the work parents should do in bringing tiem up. That this is a woman's age we have had of late years many evi- dences as in the varions avenues of activity we have seen wemen taking places hitherto filled exciusively by members of the sterner sex. In this issue, under heading: "What Two Girls Did" orý The Wonderful Story of a Maniess ýFarm", is a case of "Truth being stranger than Fiction". This story fascinated us greatly, knowing weli, as we have known in our younger days on the1 farm, the constant effort and en- ergy, îndustry -and patience, strug- gle and straîn that such "carryîag on" as they heroicaliy performed. We hope the women of the homes visited by this journal, and especial- ly the younger girls will rend this thrilling narratve of what two am- bitions, enthusia-stic and intelligent English girls accemplished in a west- ern province of Canada, their efforts and business ability ultimately ne- suiting in prosperity and independ- ence. Rend the article without fail. The men are f ew we beieve who have passed through the mayorai chairin l any town or small city who will disagree with the conviction of Ex-Mayor Mclntyne of Peterboro, who after twelve years muncipal ser- vice retires with the conviction that the present system of municipal ad- miinistration is iittle better than a farce in mnny respects. Hie says, "I haven't hny doubts but that one ian could do the city's adminis- trative or managerial, work more efficientiy, economicàlly and success- fuliy than it is done now by ;the 10 men whom the people eiect. If the ratepayers would consider the cor- ponation's business in something of the iight of a manufacturing busi- ness, they miglit be able to see more ciearly the advantages of a com- mission or civic manager system. A lot of time is wasted in the couacil method of doing business. Under present methods, bad as they are, if the mayor met weekly or as often as conditions require it with the heads ~f ail departiments, fonming a work- ing executiv~e committee,, and the opinions of ail should be invited and given consideration, the system la operatien would be much. mere effective and greater ecoaomy would be the result. itoria sid: The spendiag of monley has got to be associated from now on wlth the saving of money as regards items that can be done without for a while at ieast. When things are back to normai it wiil be possible more generaily to appreciate what things, are ýabsôlutely necessary and, which ýare Iluxuries.* ý The soonen there is a necognition of this fact the better for ail concerned. BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 26th., 1922 THE MERCHANT PRINCE iThere was an old geezer -And he had a lot of sense, 3 He started up a business On a dollar 'n eighty cents. rThe dollar was for stock 1 And the eighty for an ad, -Which brought hlm three dollars In a'day, by dad! Weil, he bouglit more goods And a little more space, And he played that.system With a smile on his face. The customers flocked To hîs two by four, Soon he had to hustie For a regular store. Up on the square Where the people pa ss, Nie gobled up a corner That was aIl plate glass. H1e fixed up the windows With the best he had,' And'he told them ail about it In a haîf-page ad. H1e soon had 'em coming, And neyer, neyer quit, And he wouldn't cut down On his ad one jut, And he keeps things humming In the town ever since, And everybody calis him The Merchant Prince. "GOOD OUD' TIMES" The veteran Bowmanville corres- pondent to Orono News raid in last 'issue: It is curious to hear some of our citizens talk about the public health nurse that we have here just now, and the expense and so forth and s0 on, in connection with same. Since this piace was first peopl6-d, there were objectors to every reform for the benefit of the people. Weý had people who objected to shut up geese and pigs from running the streets, and what a howl went tip when 'the cow by-law, prohibiting the animais from grazing on the streets, was pas- sed-the poor man who had a pig and cow to heip to keep the family, would be ruined or forced to ieave town. Weii, how many in town wouid like to sec conditions as they were fifty or sixty years ago, with its cattle, pigs and mangy curs runrnng at large; with its distillerys, its nine bars and drinking shops, going full blast; one tavern between here and Newtonville, on the front, or King- ston road, three between here and Oshawa, and anyone can easily guess what ail that program meant ia those days. We don't wish to go back to those "good old times". Oh Pshaw, Bro. Scribe. No doubt these citizens were born kickîng and have followed that line of activity all their lives. They can't heip it. Pity them for their affliction. Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS1 HEREBY GIVEN TRAT ail persons having dlaims against the estate of Mrs. Agnes McNaughton, late of the Village of Newcastle, in the County of Durham. who dled on or about the ' rd day of January, 1922, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Mrs. Sarah McLaughlin of the Village of Newcastle, Ont.. Executrix of the will of the deceased, on or beforeth lst day of ltlareh, lp22, a statement of their claires. with full particulars. And take notice that after the 1 t day of March, 1922, the Executrix w1l distrlb- u'e the assets of the deceased, among theparties entitled theretoý having re- gard only te the dlaims of whlch she shall then have notice. Sarah,-MeLaughlin, Executrîx 0' the estate cf. Agnes McNaught.n, Decea*sed. Notice ToCreii ors IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of Betsey, Gage, late of the Town of Bowmanvillîe, In the County of Durham, Wldow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant te Section 56, Chapter 121, .S. O. 1914, that ail persons having diaims or de- mands against the Estate of Betsey Gage who died on or about the 12th day of October A. D. 1920, are required te send by post prepaid or deliver to the unider- s'gned Soictor herein for The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Adminis- trators of the Estate of the above named Betsey Gage, decqaaed, on or hefore the lst day of March, A. D. 1922, their Christian and surnamnes and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statemnents of ther acOnts and the nature of the securitya if etny, held hy themn verified by Statutory De- claration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the lst day of March A. D. 1922, the Adminis- trators will proceed te distrihute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entftled thereto, having regard only te the dlaimas of which It then shall have notice. DATED at the City of Toronto this lsth day of January A. D. 1922. O. G. M. GALBRAITH, 611 Lumsýden Building, Toronto. Solic.tor for The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Administrators of the Estate of Betsey Gage, deceased. 4-3 Notice to Creditoi's IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Nelson M. Gage, late cf the Town cf Bowmanviîie, in the County cf Dur. ham, Cabinet Maker, deceased. NOTICE ls hereby given pursuant te Section 56, Chapter 121, R. S. O. 1914, that ail persons having dlaims or de- mands against the Estate of Nelson M. Gage who died on or about the l9th day of July A. D. 1889, are required te send hy post prep.aid or deliver te the undersigned Solcitor herein for The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Ad- mnistrators of the Estate of the abovp named Nelson M. Gage, deceased, on or before the. lst day of March A. D. 1922. their Christian and. surnames and addresses and full particulars In writing of their claims and statemnents of their accounts and the nature of the securîty if any, held by themn verified by Statu- tory Declaraton. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the let day of March A. D. 1922, the Ad- ministrators wlfl proceed te distribute the assets of the sald deceased among the parties enttled thereto, having re- gard only to the dlaims of which it then shaîl have not'ce.1 DATED, at the clty of Toronto thimi lSth day 0f January A. D. 1922. - D. G. M. GALBRAITH, 611 Lumnsden Building, 'Toronto. Solicitor for The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, AKdninstratorÉ 'of the Estb&te of Nelson M. Gage, deceased. CLUBBING LIST 1922 Tise Canadian Statesman or The Bow- manville Newis.............. $2.00 The Canadian Stateaman or Thse Bowmanvîlle News will be ciubbed for 1922 with the under named pub- hications at the pnicos stated: Globe......................$6.50 Mail & Empire............ *6.50 Toronto Star................ 6.50 Weekly Witness............. 4.00 Fanmera' Advocate........... 3.50 Christian Guardian........... 4.00 Fanonrs' Magazine........... 3.00 Family Heraid & Weekiy Star 3.50 Faniers' Sun............... 3.50 Canadian Home Journal....... 4.00 Canadian Countryman........ 3.50 Farm & Dairy............... 3.00 McLean's Magazine.......... 5.00 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed te the PostmttAiter General, will ho received at Ottawa until noon, on Fridây, the 3rd March 1922, for the conveyance of HaL Majestys Mails, on a propoaed Contraci for four years, six times per week on the route N EWCASTLE RURAL ROUTE NO. 2 from the lst of April next. Printed notices containing further in- formation as te conditions ef proposed Contract may hc seen and hlank forma of Tender may he obtiained at the Post office at Newcastle, and at the office of the Post Office Inspecter, Toronto. A. Sutherland, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspecteras Office, Toronto, Jan. 18, 1922. 4-3 'I IYou'! Must Tell 'em To Seli 'emù On your shelves, in your stock room or warehouse, are, the goods you have for sale. In the homes ahi around are the folks for whom those goods were produced-The Buyers. You have the goods, they have the money. But there's no par- ticular reason why the public shouldcome to you. Mr ....... down the street handles the samie lune of goods. The happiest solution and the logical one is to ADVERTJSE. 'Tell 'em. Advertising is to-day the greatest force in modern busi- ness, progress. Its powers can be quickly, efficiently, economi- cally applied to your business. Get the facts from The CANADIAN STATESMAN. A WORD TO THE WISE The advertisements you see in our columns are the invita- tions to you of responsible, pro- gressive business men. SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP Issued by Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Head Office, Toronto, Canada. Prices, Talk Here. 5 lb. pail Lard .....................................0 3 lb. pail Easifirst, .................................4c 10 lb. pail Easifirst ...............................$.5 Smoked Breakfast Bacon, sliced by machine 30e Pea Meal Back Bacon, sliced-by machine, lb. 40c Finest Creamery Butter, Friday only, lb ......40c Fresh Scald Creani Always on Hand G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Go. Phone 21 Bowrnanville After Skating Why not bring her to our Refreshment Par- lors and enjoy a drink of hot Bovril or Cream To- mato? It puts the finishing touch to a very pleas- ant evening. Have you tried them? Eskimo Pies, only 10c. CHRISTIE'S BAKRY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 r Bowmanville 'P DO%»%MIÀNIOeN PIANOS In homes where there are children the choi(e of a piano seriously affects the future musical a)- preciation of the child. A fine piano accustons the impressionable ear of youth to tone perfect- ion,while a poor piano deadens the fine perce-- tions. As a furnishing for the home, the Do- minion is a masterpiece of the cabinet-maker's art. Its perfection of form appeals no less thaýn its perfection of tone. The Dominion tradition is to make the finest. possible piano and seil it at the lowest possible price and upon the easiest possible terms. And for this reason, the Dominion can be purchased at a price which probably w'ill surprise you by its moderation and upon terms that will relieve the purchase of inconvenience. F. J. MITCHELL Sales Agent Mitchell Bldg. Phone- 92 or 105 Bowmanville Big tock of Lard In order to reduce our stock of Pure Lard we are making this special offer. 20 LB. PAILS FOR $3.50 Have you ever given us an opportunity of showing you the very choice meats we supply to our custômers? There's no kicking about our prices either, Why not send us your next order? Wilbert J. Dudley- Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanvllle SURPRISE! SENSATION!! SUCCESS!! ICE CREAM leECLAIRS0l CHOCOLATE COATED IMAGINE: It's a bar of freezing cold ice Cream dipped into a pot of boiling hot chocolate, pulled out and shot to the freezer again. It gives you the most wonderful ice creaxn and chocolate combination you ever tasted in your life. ONLY 10c EACH-TRY ONE THr-OMAS TODr- Baker and Confectioner Bowrnanville nsurance ates Reduced In Bowmanville Now that the tariff rate for insuring dwell- ings in Bowmanville has been reduced 10c per $100 below former ratés it should induce owners of property to increase the amounts of insurance. It is a fact that very few carry anything like adequate insurance, and now that the rates are so reasonabile owners should remedy this in their own interests. CALL AND TALK IT OVER J.' J. MASON& SONI Real Estate and Insurance &okerm Phone 50 B0wmnvillej 1