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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1922, p. 3

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Washin-g Machines SPL.CIAL' FRIDAY HARDWARE BARGAINS Regular Friday Electric Washers $125.00 ..............$100.OO Ele(ýtrie Washers $135.0................ $110-00 Water Power Washers $32.50 ..............27.50 Hand (Closed Top) Washers $27.50 .......$19-00 Opei:r Washer-Cheap to Clear Johrison Floor Wax $1,00 ....................65c CASH PHONE 145 Nason & Dale's llardware, E, p i M r Seasonable Suggestionis There is money in Poultry if you use Blatch- ford's Poultry Supplies, Blatchford's Egg Mash is the Premier Egg Producer, Blatchford's Milk Mash the Ideal Starter for Baby Chicks, You also need Grit, Oyster iSheil and Hen and Chick Charcoal. We seli them all. HARDWOOD FLOORING Is better and more sanitary than anything else. We have a full ine of Oak, Maple, Beech and, Birch, and shaîl be glad to show them and give you an estimate on your job. Now is the best time for buying and layingyour floor. Come and let us talk it over with you. MClellan a& Co., Limited King St. East Bowmanville Office Phone l5 Hou.. Phone& 228, 274, 218 Overhauli*ng Now is the best time for having your car over- haulecl-. We can give it bett er attention and give you a set price for the job. W/e carry a large stock of Genuine Ford and Chevroletparts on hand at all times. Cail and get our price. Satisfaction guaranteed. MNew and second hand cars for sale. Gas, oil andl accessories, West E"nd Garcage- Bowmanville PHOZ*4E 148 BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 26tb., 1922 LOCAL AD OTHERWISE_- Ahl winter sports bave been in ful swing bere. Fifteen prisonens are in Cobourg jail-largest number for long time. For once Bowmanville bas bad more snow tban the townsbips te tbe nortb. Best Ladies' Coats ene-third off regular pnice, othens from $5,00 up at Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman's. When Holloway's Corn Remover is applied-te a cern it kilîs the roots and the callosity comes eut without injury te the fiesh. Ice barvest is in full swing and a good sample is being takenfrom Vanstone's pond. The tbickness is about 18 inches. Mrs. Beatnice Strong is the new chairman of Port Hope Public Scbool Board. It's lucky the hilîside tewn has strong women for public offices. Wm. Jobnston was fined $200 for efforts te intimidate Mrs. Alex. Ewan at Uxbridge T'p municipal election. He was a scrutineer for Reeve Davis. Martin's Theatre, Oshawa, owned by Mn. Hanry Cawker, bas been sold te the Ernie Marks Stock Company of Pertb, wbo will take possession Februany lst. At Brighton, Januar>' 17, County Magistrate W. H. Floyd imposed a fine of $50 on Wm. Parker for îm- pnoperly obtaining two prescriptions for liquor in one day. It is astonisbing bow quickly Tan- lac will produce results. You usual- ly feel better from the very first dose. Jury & LovelI. It is numored that Fred Slade, de- feated U. F. O. candidate in West Northumberjand is going te protezt the elcetion of M. E. Maybee, Con- senvative candidate on charges of al- leged bibery and corruption. At Methodist Parsonage, Cobourg, January 14, the marniage took place of Miss Violet Madeline Rowe and Mn. -Franklin J. Gilmen, botb of Newtonville, Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. A., B. D., officiating. Ladies' Silk and Serge Dresses, one third off regular pnices at Couch, Jobaston & Cnydenman's. 2-t Police Magistrate Floyd bad bis finst sitting in Bowmanville on Jan. 18, wben a charge of baving liquor in a room of a botel was beard against Wm. Baine s, Newcastle. Two cases of liquor wene found during tbe search. A fine of $200 and costs was împosed. Edward Martin, Welcome, was found guilty of shooting Austin Cbestnut during Hallowe'en jpranks. Amputation of the injured leg was necessany. Martin was ordered te appear wben called upon for sent- ence. He was advised by Judge Ward te do wbat be could toward settling Cbestnut's doctor bills. 'q King-st. Metbodist Cburcb Choir, held a most enjoyable skating party Tbursday evening, about 50 mem- bere- and soma fniends comprising the company. About 10 o'clock tbe party went te the home of Mn. and Mrs. W. Charles Werry, Agnes-st., wbere nefreshments were served and' a happy heur or two spent.-Osbawa Reformer. Wise mothens who know the virtues of Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- ton always bave it at hand, because it proves its value. Arthur E. Garbutt, Supervising Principal of Osbawa Public Scbools, jas been appointed Secretary of the Board of Education, and will fil both positions, saiary of $2,300. Mn. Percy H. Punshon, 21 years Board of Education Secretany, is now School Attendance Officer, owing te incneased- duties under the Adoles- cent Act and will devote al bis timeI te bis work. On Tuesday, January 17, these officens of Lodge Wellington, No. 19, S. O. E. B. S., wene installed by Bro. Edmund Thackray, District Deputy S. P. of Newcastle: P. P.--Jas. Gi; W. P.-W. J. Berry; V. P.-Wm. Mitchell; Chap-H. Pye;,Secretary -R. Holmes; Treasuen--Jas. El- liott; Committeemen: S. J. Rund- le, W. G. Widdicombe, S. Woods, A. Brookham, H. H. Richards, A. M. Hardy; 1. G.-S. Leggott; O. G.- Jesse Hunt. Ladies' and- Girls' Sweater Coats clearing at one-third off negular pnice at Coucb, Johaston & Cryden- man' s. 12-t Port Hope Daily Guide says: The Officens of Ganeraska Rebekab Lodge No. 131, were installed into their re- Attacked b>' Astbma. The first feanful sensation is of suffocation, whicbheur by heur becomes more desperate aud hopeless. TIe sueh a case the relief affoirded b>' Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is veny grateful. Its help is quickly ap- parent and soon the dneadful attack is mastered. The asthmatie who bas found out the dependabilit>' of this sterling remedy wlll neyer b. wlthout it. It Is soldeverywhere. t t A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Can Net Be Equipped To-ay Te Meet With An>' Degree Of SucceS. Under Ten Te Fifteen Thousand Dollars. In its leading editorial article in last week's issue, the Central Cana- dian of Carleton Place, Ont., refer- ring to its entering upon its forty seventh year of publication, goes on to say: It was only a few years ago when a country newspaper could be started with an investment of anywhere from one to two thousand dollars. To-day this is completely changed as nothing less than about ten to fifteen thous- and dollars will equip a country news- paper office in order that it may witb and degree of success compete with its rivals. In the f ormer days al the type was set by hand. To-day a linotype costs from $3,200 to $5,200; a press which was formerly worth $600 to $800 cannot now be bought for less than $2,000 to $2,- 500; type is trebled in price; labor costs three to four times as much as even in 1914, the year the war started. These increased costs makes the problem of successfully conducting a newspaper a very ser- ions one, and in large measure ac- counts for the amalgamation of many of our newspapers. In f act there have been quite a few news- papers which have been compelled to go out of business altogether owing te the great expense involved in c ountry newspaperdom. And yet in the face of these condi- tions and these facts we actually find, men of usually sound judgment on other matters, giving a sympathetic hearing to the frantic appeals of some irresponsible party who feels the Lord has called him to undertake toe do, under present conditions, with other peoples' money what he has failed to do in past years when conditions were favorable, with bis own. With printers so scarce and wages se hîgb that the publisher bas to send a paper for from ten to twenty years to pay one man a week's wages; witb a reduction in tbe price of newsprint for 1922 of but 11'4 cents a year on an 8 column, 8 page paper, and with postage doubled at New Years, tbere is no class of industr-y on tbe face of the eartb at the present timeso bard bit as the newspaper publisber save tbe farmer. And tbe farmer enjoyed war prices during the war wbile newspapers were publisbed at a loss 'tbrougbout the entire four years of the war. received word from Chicago, Ill., that Misses Viola and Robena Hunt who visited occasîonally at the Chalk home had botb been sbot by a returned soldier wbo bad been sbell sbocked iný France. Botb young ladies are in a critical condition. The young man sbot bimself after the tragedy and is dead. He was not acquainted with the ladies. He bad been in a bos- pital for treatment and was out on parole. Miller's Worm Powders are cern- plete in tbemselves. -Thocy do net only drive worms frorn the systern, but repaîr the damnage that worms cause and so invigorate the constitu- tion that it speedily recevers from the disorders cf the digestion tbat are tbe result of tbe work of these parasitie intruders, They do their work tborougbly and strength and soundness tollow their use. The senior editon bas just received news of tbe deatb of a first cousin at Holswortby, Devon, England, in the person of Mrs. Grace Ann Haw- king wbo passed to rest on Decem- ber 22, 1921, aged 64 years. An obituary in Exeter Western Times says: "Mrs. Hawking, of a brigbt and cheerful disposition, was beld in the greatest respect by ail who knew ber. Her marvellous fortit- ude and devotion during the five trying years sbe nursed ber late bus- band during bis distressing illness- while ber tbree sons were serving in the war-will always be a lasting tribute to ber memory. Unhappily as a result Mrs. Hawking's bealth became impaired', and sbe bad been ailing ever since. Her funeral was very largely attended". One of ber pons Mr. Thomas Hawkinz, iving at Medicine Hat, Alta., called to see bis Bowmanville relatives on bis way back from senving in the war in France. SKATING RN BOWMANVILLE WANTED A SMENT PARTNER This is an excellent op- portunity for a man with some money to get into a good paying proposition and be assured of a steady incomne. WEST END GRG BOWMAN VILLE ONT TENDERS WANTED Tenders wl!! 1,5 received up to 1 p. m., January 30th, 1922_, for the building' -fia two-storey bouse in Biackstock, the pr.p- erty of the Union Church. Plans and specifications xnay be seen on application to Jas. Byers, Blackstock, to whom al tenders shall be addressed. The lowest or any tender flot necesaarly accepted. Fred Veale, 2-3 Secretary Building Committee. Notice is hereby given that tenders for the purchase of the Grocery business including stock-in-trade and fixtures formerly owned by Miles Knowles of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham as follows: Stock-in-trade as per Invent- tory ...................1531.89 Trade Fixtures, Fittinge, Utensils, et 'c., as per In- vento>ry ................1377.80 wlll be received by the undersigned up until noon of the 28th day of Jan- uary. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. An Inventory of the above men- tioned Stock-in-trade and fixtures can be seen at the store of the said Miles Knowles in Bowmanvllle, or upon ap- plication to J. P. Mangan, Esq., So- licitor herein, Oshawa, Ontario. The Trusts and Guarantee Comn- pany,- Limited, Authorized Trustee, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. 87.2 -FULLER Sanitary Brushes and Mops F. O. Mason their advertising repre- sentative will be in town for a couple of weeks, to t take care of repeat orders and to deliver the free ad- vertising brush to any who did not receive same and to give demonstra- tions of these famous brushes, Anyone wishing a eall j; Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville No matter what you buy in kitchen utensils, de- xnand that each article carry the SMP trade-mark shown below. SMP Enameled Ware is safe to use; acids or aikalis ail not affect it; it cannot absorh odors; cleans like china; wears for years. Tell the storekeeper you want either SM P ë PeWA RE; Diamond Ware is a three-coated enameled steel, sky blue and white outside with a snowy white lin- ing. Pearl Ware is enameled steel with two coats et peari grey enamel inside and out. --SMIET METAL PRODUCTS Co04cgAUA MONTREAL.TORONTO , VWIN NIPEG EDMONTON VANcO4JVER Aý CLGARV without obIigatîngý you-i-n QJ any way, address U Box 4, or Carlisle Avenue Bowmanville Y Il H---R lu_ "'Tnhe Sheik, Dy the exclusive Club Royal Orchestra, who also play l"Dapper Dan," making a pair of Fox Trots that will aurely win many admirers for this new organization. Bis Master's Voice-Victor Record 18831, 10-i. 85c. p AUL \VHIT-EMAN and HIS ORCHESTFRA Play four wonder fui new Fox Trots "Weep No Mor~e My Mammy" "April Showers" Ris Master's Voice-Victon Record 18825, 10-im., 85c. "Everybody Step" "Ka-Lu-A" RIl Master'. Voice-Vîctor Record 18826, 10-in., 85c. Asic to hear them played on the at any "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufactured by Berliner Gramn-o-pbone Ce., Limiteck, Montreal HURRY UP CALLS For the Plumber DAY We are always at your Service. Greenaway &ElIliott 1Consulting Engineers IN CREASE THE VALUE 0F YOUR DOLLAR BY BUYING YOUR Groceries and Meats FROM Ce Me CAWKER & SON BOWMANVILLE BUTCHERS and GROCERS k4p

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