el T, T T, Ti Opening Announcement W. Claude Ives makes his bow to the citizens of Bowmanville and community as a boot and shoe merchant. This is to give you some idea of the excellent values to be had at my store: HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN Robert Jonea, G. T. R. baggage- man, died suddenly li Cobourg Hou-. T1'owrn Public Schoolau About 25 members o the W. M. Mr. Cousins ipeit tii. week4fld in pital after an operation on aur S. met at the home of lire. C. Haàt- Toronto ... . Mrs. Wesley Oke 13 vis- l7th. - ~~~~~~~ings o Tuesday, January 17. Meet- iting hier sister in Toronto.. ..Dr. _______________ ing was opened by singing after .11 Ferguson in a busy man these days Treasurer's Statement of Receipts and ExpendittIres for the Y6a which Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Corden owing to much sickness ... Mr. December 31, 121, as presened inthAutrsReotld praypr. After Roll Caîl and Harry Feguson and c1iÀ_i re have Con fiden ce nding Dcme 1 91 speetdi h uioa eot business Mrs. W. Wilbur and Mrs. been quite ill but ar2 ii rÂooving. ... F. G. Kersiake took the leading parts Master Leslie Wotter, is 'ander medi- Receipte Expenditures in our study book, several others cal treatment .... Mr. and Mrs. W. 15 one of the greatest o cshonhad an 1$ 2.7 Tacer' alris ....$10,924.69 giving short readings. Meeting Moorey enterta --ed a few of tbeir assets we have in business o Government Grant .... 141.46 Teachers' Supply ........576.25 closed îhbndcin red nMndyeeig . r The confidence our o Crpoatin Gant.. 4,40.0 Jaito's nd ecrtar-~League meeting of January 2th Leslie Robbins, Rochester, N. Y., is oTahrSpeanaTeauesSaais. 107.0was in chreo isLuaVrue, visiting at his father's, Mr. Frank CUStOiners have in us, be- ion Fud .-.--. 26.4 cbo EurnentSlaie. 741.47 rd Vice-President, and was opened Robbins ...Say, Mr. Editor isn't cueo aradhns 1on ud210 School Fes........7.0 iht mae tc........ 146.43 by singing and prayer by Principal Durham Old BOY going to give us cueo aradhns Fuel................... 1,010.67 F. J. Groat. Psalrn 67 was rend by more about the "Early Days in En- dealing in the past seven- Misceano--Accounte -272.-4 Mis-, -Cera---larke --and - tha topie -niskillen and Darlington"? Hope- his te eas Balance on Hand ... 303.32 "Time and Opportunity" was given reminiscences are not ahl told. ____________by Mrs. Knox. Miss Mildred Souch Best Ladies' Coats one-third off We have at ail times $15,002.97 .$15,002.97 favored with a solo. Miss Marion regular price, others from $5-00 up endeavored. to conduct Stephens gave a short reading. at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman ' osbuins JOHN LYLE, Secretary-Treasurer. Meeting then closed by singing and _____businessBo that every ________________________________________________League Benediction. sl sm tal eeiil ____________________________________ At the Leaue meeting next Fni- BURKETON Tat is, goods r eefiedby day at 8 o'clock Rev. D. W. Best, B. A severé: wind-storm swept the our cst go ers must b o A., St. Paul's, Bowmanville, willgive cutySna onn n ae u.cso esms eo a tlk f Intrntioal.Reatin-developed Into a blizzard, which bas more use to them than the CASH Again we say; "Why 8 % when you ships", being an interpretation of the left some of the ronds in poor shape. m nyw eev n ean et 5% wih prfec andab- Washington Conference. Everybody . ... Social evening at League was moe *rcle n esage 5~ wtb erec ad h- corne to bear this interesting address. well attended. The Bible contest likewise the money re- solute safety'i" A fiv-ininute talk Be on time, please. Don't miss it. wa won by Miss Bessie Johnson, ceived more useful to us wilcnic o.Fresh frozen fish, several kinds tbough Miss Florence Avery and gosdlvrd wlcnvneYagain in stock at Will Horn's. 2-tf Master Bert Waterhouse did no weîî than gosdlvrd OPPORTUNITY Our long Bast of clients are maklng Mr. W. R. Alitn, Hampton, has that it was a difficult thing to de- J ee re money every day. WHY not you? been appointed Issuer of1 Marriage cide the maatter. To-night in Citi- I you have ee re REALESTAE COSULTOUR XTENIVE STS Licenses by Order li Coýi1c 43-tf zenship night, Miss Lela Rahm wil our store ser-vice we would REAL STAT1CONSUT-OUREXTENIVE LSTS 1-ýý- li1 preside. A good attendance lu ex- lask yut oeoc n ADDITIONAL Real Estate for sale. COURTICE pected. The revival meetings con-out me ncad ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Duetta are if we don't make you want Tint beautiful, lot known as the felatne n uhejydb Senkler lot, corner of Horsey and Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, spent th'wel e.dadmchejydb to come again that's our Lowe Streets. We consider this the the week-end at home; Mms. Acy Pen- won f or the Klngdom of God.... aut bes buldig lt i ton. t an f ound is visitîng ber son John, in Sunday School at 10.15 a. m., service Won't you come first beutbuidinglotin twn. [t l an Toronto; Mrs. Herbert Nichols and at il a. m. and evangelistic ev investment, not a speculation. There Miss, Addie Nichols spent a few days at 7 in the evening. Ah arerwel' time you have Drug Store in no other in town just like it. in Oakville, guests of Mrs. M. Bell- cre vrbd on..nnyo ed? ma;M. n rs .S. Brooks our citizens are suffering from severe ý PRICE $1,500-00 and Miss Dorotby spent the week- colds. Oufr mild wnter weatber F m end with'their daughter, Mms. M. S. seems favorable to the spreadîng of . Kesa BONDS Good Bonds are getting more scarce Soules, Toronto; Mrs. Andrew germa.F.X e sa Brown, Peterboro, is guest of berDRG ST ND PTCA every day, buy before it is too late. friend Mrs. John Walter .... Cburch RGITADO IC N We buy and sell Bonds for CASH. services were not very well attended SOLINA Phone 49 Bowmauville AUlnsofSOK dati.last Sunday owing 'to weather con-_____ Aillina o SOCK deit ndtions .... Mr. Roy Nichols, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Moore- LOANS Advances to FARMERS for cattle is at home .... Miss Annie Hoît spent field, visited at Mr. J. T. Rundle's ___ ________ a f ew days in Toronto ...A large and with other friends here.. 1andhogf n rr f Kpworth Leger-mtt Messrs. Everett Cryderman and Har- SALE NOTES We CASH and COLLECT SALE Maple Crove lagt Wednesday evening old Pascoe have returned home froni and were royally entertained. It aig'hSorCusetOnro NOTES.---Our rates are reasonable. la, ne visit for al ... .De- tkn h hr orea nal Conis Cuel Cbug ligbted witb it. . .. Small attendance at Church Sunday-Weather too se- Ea -- - --- - l ere..., Mrs. Julia VanNest has re-N firrner1 home to Toronto frnon vîsït-