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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1922, p. 5

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BIRTHS ~ESTAWAY-In Bowmanville, Jaaiiary, 22, to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Westaway, a son. COWUNG-At Haydon, Jan. 5, 0 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowling, a eatghter, (Reta Eileen). ELLIOTT-In Bowmanville, Jan. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard El- liott, Carlisle Avenue, a son. DEATHS HORON-At Belleville, Jan. 20, Rev. Gilbert Horton, aged 72 years. BICKELL-In Whtby, January 21, Helen Grace, daughtex of the late George and Catherine Bickell, aged 55 years. ADAMS-In Clarke, Jan. 18th., Margaret Adams, beloved wife of William Adams, in her 7th year. In- terred at Pontypool. CRU ICKSHAN K-At Montrose, Ont., January 13, Andrew Cruick- shank, în, his 84th year. Father of Mrs. A. L. Nichoils, Bowmanville. MARSHALL-In Hamnilton, Jan. 19, Mary Grace Lawry, widow of the late George Marshall. 'Sister of Mrse> J. H. Crydernan, Bowmanville. WARREN-Suddenly at Jackson- ville, Florida, on January 17, M. P., Warren of Toronto, formerly of Oshawa, in hs 79th year. Entoxnbment at Jacksonville, Fia, IN MEMORIAM. WALTON-In loving memorY Of Our dear mother, Mrs. Wesley Walton, who f el asleep January 22, 1921. A. year has passed our harts stili sore, .As time goes on we miss her more We long for the toucli of the vanlshed hand, And the sound of the voice tbat is ettU! Mer pleasant smiles. her loving face, No one can M111 ler vacant place Friends may thlnk the wound ha. heal. ed. But they know not the sorrow our hearts conceal. Sadly missed by Son& and Daughtere. WANTED WANTED-.Cpable girl %or general housework to go to Oshawa. Apply to Box 283, BowmanvIllO. 3tf MAIO WANTED-FOr general bouse- work. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.> B. J. Hazie- wood, Wellington-st., Bowmnanvllle. 2-tf HOUSE WANTED-6 or 7 roomnef modem bouse, or unfurnished flat.. Ap- ply Thomson Knttlng Go., Bowmanville. WANTEO-To ent a six or seven roomed bouse with modern conveniences, lmmediately or by April lst.J. H. John- ston, Princpal of Public Schools, Bow- manville. 4-2 LOST L.OST-Near the Town Hall, a pair, of Eye Gasses. ,FInder kindly leave at Statesman Office. 2-tf. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TO RENT-SmaUl place consisting of nine acres of land, boutse, barn and other convenient buildings near C. N. R. Staton, apply to David Grigg, box 37, BowmanvillS. 3-tf FARM FOR SALE-100 acre farm at Purple Hill, Cartwright township, near school and church. about 4 miles from Burketon. Price $3500. Apply to Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemens' farm, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres, 20 acres young orcliard; fall work donc; fali wbeat sown. Possession ai once. A-aply Bruce Honeyweil, 60 Duke-st., Tor- onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf FOR SALE-Ilouse and lot, containlng 4 large rooms and large wood shed, eleci- ric fixtures, water, side walks and sewers laid. $1400 cash for quck sale. lso two building lots adJoned on same street, 30x120 each, 5 minute walk from three factories-.-Oldsmobîle, Sprlng and Axle, atnd Glass Factomies. Âpply Box 66, Osh- awa. 4-2$ BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 1 amn offering two of the choicest onî acre building lots In the town of Bow- manville nt very reasonable prices. In good locaity on Lliberty-et., just one block .outh of Nursery corner. Bxcellent Car- den wiih about 50 good apple trees on each lot just coming Into bearingr. Nor- man S. B. James, Stateeman OfiRre, Dow- manvIlle. TO LET HOUSE TOý RENT-'-F'nrnIshed, large substantial red brick, good locality. good cellar, furnace and cookstove, eectric llghis, part can be shut off from heat If =eird by couple or small famlly. Renter rteçuarantee cleanlinees and care. For terme apply to box H. H. or Phone 53. ,Good 6-roomn frame bouse on Concess- ion Si., llowmnanvlle, good cellar, softj and bard water, good garden wlth a' number of fruit trees and current bush- es. Apply to E. F. Weatherlit, Concess- ion St., East, Bowrianville. Phone 345. 4-tf. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Morgan Colt rlsing 3 years. Apply S. Holand, ing-st., Bow- manville. 1 23 CýG7WS FOR SALE-Some good young Hlstein Mlch Cows, some Just about to renew. Apply f0 Frank B. Rundie. R. R. 2, Bowmanville, or phone 176-r 2ý 4-tf FOR SALE-McLauhlin l4ght sleigli, one cutter, 2 sets single harneýss, one frst class bufftlo robe at Engle's store; 6 good building lots in Bowmanville; one double brick bouse $2300; one solid brick double bouse $1400-terms to suit purchaser. J. E. Cole, BowmnanvIlle, Phone 256J. 2-t FARM FOR BALE Tenders will be received up to Feb- ruary 15, 1922, for the purchase of my farm of about 154 acres ln lo's 12 and 13, 6th Concession, Fast 'Whltby. situ- ated just south of Columbus and 5 miles y mm Oshawa, near school and churcli. rme bouse, bank barn 100 x 32, horse table, wafer in stables, hydro power, -endm'll and other, conveniences. soli la dlay loam- well cultlvated, well fenced. 2V2 acresorchard and 10 acres hardwood tirnber. The highest or any tender flot quecessarily acceepted. Possession March lSth. 1922. Por further particulars up- ply to M. DoolItte, Oshawa R. R. 1. 4-3 MARLINGTrON TrOWNSHIP ASSESSOR. Applications for the offce of Âssessor for th- Toýwnshir of Darlington for the year 1922 will be received by the under- 91gnefi up to Saturday, January 28, 1922. at 2 p. M. Appltcants are reciue5ted to appear per- sg>nal1y before Council on that date. W. R. AllUn, TroWnehf p <"erk. Hfmmpton, Jan. Znd,, 1912. 1-4w, LOCAL AND,, OTHERWISE Miss Lena G. Haddy is holidaylngi with ber brothers and other Toron- to relatives. Miss Lulu Nicholson, Orilla, is vis- iting bier cousin, Miss Carnie Latbrop, Liberty Street. Mr. Willard Caldwell was ln Peter- boro recently atteuding the funeral' of bis brother. Miss- Beryl Oke recently gave a very enjoyable party to a number of hem youug friends. Mr. and Mms. J. H. Cryderman wene iu Hamilton atteudiug the fun- enal of bier sister. Mns. Allan Lavis, Taunton, bus been visitiug lber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Trull, Cburcb-st. Mr. Gordon Werry of Euniskillen spent a recent week-end witb Mn. Theodore Foster, Bloomfield. Mouday, Jauuary 30, is the date of the Encline given by the Rebekahs. You are invited. Admission 25c. Mrs, A. L. Nicholîs and Mr. Andrew Nicholîs recently attended the fun- eral of ber fatber at Niagara Falls. Misses Gladys and Louise Allia of Oshawa, were recent guests of their anut, Mns. Hedley Oke, Ebenezer. "Midsummen Night's Dream" in the Opera House, Wednesday and Thursday, Febnuary 23rd a.».d 24tb, Mrs. F. A. Fitchett and son Bil- lie, Montreal, are visltiug lber par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Painton, Westmount, Mm. Hugh Sbenwin, farmer, Haldi- mand township; dropped dead in bis stable wbile unbarnessiug bis horse aften visitiug bis faily doctor, Jan. 18, uged 71 yeans. Mn. Ewart Clemeuce bas sold bis higb stepping driver to Mr. T. A. Crow, the well-known Toronto horse dealer for $400. Who suys horse raising isn't profitable? Leaders and Older Boys' Confer- ence meets in Presbytenlau Church,1 Cobourg, on Friday, Sturday and Sunday this week. Over 800 boys1 over 154rears of age are expected to participate. Mn. and Mrs. C. Rebder leave Fnl- day to spend the balance of this win- ter ut St. Petersburg, Flonida. Mr.1 and Mms. J. D. Storie, Misses Birdie1 Pollard and Maud Squires, Osbawa,1 left last week for tbe South and will join tbem t that populan winter1 resort. Ref erring to Victoria College Glee1 Club wbicb. appeans lu Methodist( Cburcb, Febnuary 16, here's what1 two Toronto pupers say: "Some of their feature renderings were con- vincing proof of the tireless voices of tbe Cborus"-Globe; "A well balanced progrum wus rendered wth« a precision ln attuck and release, and l witb well rounded tonal effets-i Star. Make a note of the date o, this great musical treat.11 Bowmanville Women's Institute meetings for the pust two months have been splendidly attended. The December meeting was beld ut the home of Mrs. Milton Jamieson, West- mount, and the January one, ut the home of Mns. Fred Lyle, Scugog-st. In addition to the business, music wus contributed ut tbe former place by Misses Mangrettu Adams and Hilda Curtis and ut the latter by Miss Leolu McMann. Refreshments were served and a beurty vote of thanksý extended to each bostess. Next meeting on Feb 24. The funerul of the late Miss Heleni Grace Bickell, fiftb daugbter of the i late George and Catherine Bickell of this town, wbo died in Wbltby on Jan. 21, took place Sunday afternoon from the residence of ber brother-mn- Iaw, Mn. Wm. Richards, Duke-st. Service was couducted by Rev. S. C. Moore, pastor of the Metbodist cburch. The paîl-beurers wene Messrs. Blake Wilkins (cousin), Frank O. James, Melbourne Bickell and Chas. Bagnell (nephews). Among tbe ont-of-town relatives at- tending were: Mn. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins, Mrs. J. A. Bickell, Mn,. Ewart Pedley, Mn. and Mrs. Frunki O. James, Mn,. Orville Heard, Mm.1 .and Mrs. Melbourne F. Bickell of Oshawa. on Mouday evenîng in honor of iss Nell Mingeaud, a bride-to-be, when she was the reciplent of a miscel- laneous sbower which included many beautiful gifts. The eveniug was very pleasantly spent witb cards and refneshments and ail hWd a jolly time. Northumberland and' Durham Bee Keepers' Association wlll hold a meeting in Bowmunville, Februuny 1, wben addresses will be given by Mn. Eric Millen, 0. A. C. Apiarist, on "Brood Diseuses" and "Queen Rais- ing" and Mn. Agar, Guelph, on "Swarm Control". Everybody in- terested is invited to attend. At a necent Lmeeting of Florence Nightingale Lodge, 1. O. O. F. No. 66, Robt Towne, D.- D. G, M., witb bis degree team installed the f ollow- ing offIcers for the curnent tenm: Fred Bennett, Jr. P. G; Elgin R. Wight, N. G; Albert Cole, V. G; F. C. Petbick, Recording Secretury; F. Burden, Financlul Secretury; Wm. Edger, Treasurer; A. M. Hardy, Chaplain; W. J. Jeffery, Wanden; 1). Moore, R. S,. S. ;W. Corden, L. S. S; S. Little, R. S. N. G; E. Ma- ning, L. S. N. G; John Graham, R. S. 0. G; L. Henry, L. 9- 0. G; R. Cameron, 1. G; Jus. Johnston, O. G; W. Evans, Conducton. At the close nefresbments were served. h il 1The Shop That Leadsil F ÏP'vored Furs in Favored Sye Added to our thorough and artistic workmanship make our furs distinctly above the average. The value-seeking buyer will find bis interest keyed to the highest pitch when he compares piee for piece and price for price. Here are a few of our money-saving bargains in furs: I Only, Large Sable Stole $165. Sale Price $115.00 I Only, Large Sable Cape $105, Sale Price $75.0 1 Only, Beaver Cape $75,00, Sale Price $55.00 1 Only'Isabella Fox Scarf $52,50, Sale Price $40.00 1 Only, Red Fox Scarf $50,00, Sale Price $35.00 1 Only, Natural Wolf Set $18.00, Sale Priée $13.50 BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY ~Shrt aleGoing Strong $3.50 MEN'S SHIRTS FOR $1.39 Through quality channels we direct you to the sensation of the season-our usual sale of Men's Shirts. Quality and service are first in importance ,and style and comfort are not for- gotten when it cornes to, the excellent makes of our Men'sShirts, Shirts with $2.00 to $3.50Y soft or starched cufs, regular On Sale $1.39 or 3 for $4.00 Men's V=Neck Sweaters Regular $3.25, To Clear $1,00o 1Fanlcy Lisle Ilosiery Regular 75e to $1.25, To Clear 39e SEE THESE SPECIAL VALUES IN THE WINDOWS G. N. THURST N-'ý-ý Bowmanville's Up-to-date HaberdasheryI and Fur Shop., LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. and Mrs. M.- Barton spent! Mr. Gordon Morris, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mrs. A. Jacobs, Part Sunduy at home. Hope.Mrs. A. Tait bas been visiting Mrs. J. D. Fluker, Wbltby, recently friends in Toronto. visited ber sister, Mrs. Gus. Boun- Furs below cost ut Coucb, John- sali and other relatives bere. ston & Cryderman's. 2-t Rev. S. C. Moore was in Belleville Reserve Weduesday, Maich 8 for on Monday attending the funeral of the Methodist Cburcb Choir Concert. the late Rev. Gilbert Horton. Miss Marion Morris spent tbe High Scbool students are prepar- week-end in Toronto witb ber sisten, ing the play, "Midsummer Nigbt's Miss Louise Morris. Dream" for February 23rd aud 24th. Own t hokymces ex The ebeahsareholdng euhreweek band will play at Taylor's Skat- on Monday, January 3th, in the 1. ing Rink Monday and Saturday O. O. F. Hall at 8 p. m. Admission nights.> 25c. Mn. Samuel Elliott, Miss Hazel El- Mrs. W, Addinall and twins Don- iott and Mr. and Mrs. James Ewart, otby and Jack of Erieau, Ont., are Bolton, spent Sunday at Mr. Leonard visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott's. Chas. Cox and other relatives bere. Mrs. Orville Heard and daugbter, Old citizen asks: Now, wbat is Margaret, Osbawa, recently visited going to be doue in this town lu the ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and, Mrs. M. wuy of baud concerts duTing the A. James. summer? What does your town Reeve E. C. Rebder and Deputy council thînk on this question? We ReeM .Elotael oor would lîke to heur the members ex- atending finst esion ofr1922 Coun- press tbemselves ou this important ateis rt esono 9 Council matter. is onl. Mn. and Mrs, R., C. Pearce and A banquet was held in the A. 0. . Eduugter Veinia, and Mr. an d Mrs. Hall, on Jan. 19, 1922, to celebrate K. C. Courtice, Ebenezer, Sundayed the fourteeuth annîversary of the with Mr and Mrs. Jack Brooks, Car- Companions of the Forest. After lisle Ave. the business a very sumptuous sup- per was served. The remainder of Mn. and Mrs. F. P. Salter bave ne- the eveniug was spent in speeches tre oterhm uOtma from some of our old membra that Iowu, aften a pleasunt visit wlth bis were there wben the lodge was first nieces, Mrs. J. W. Miller and Mrs. opened. The singing of the Nation- F. W. Goddard al Anthem brought a very pleasant Miss Florence Morris, Horsey-st.,1 evening to a close. eutertained about 25 young people~ Lindsay district drover paid 90e per bundred more for hogs than a U. F. O, buyer and now the furmers are raising tbe dickens witb their own representatives, Oshawa Town Conucil, by a pract- ically ununimous vote bas adopted a nesolution, asking the I4eutenant.. Governor-in-Couucil to issue a com- mission to inquine into the financal atTairs of thut corporation and any matter connected therewitb. Why this fuss we wonder? Horses selling ot $40.00 and cattle as low >as $ 5.00, and in no instance f or as much as the hide would have sold for during the war. Wheat is selling at 70e to '75c, because of its, inferior quality. These are condit-. ions that Saskatchewan farmers are up against, ,it is reported. Can th!& be general? Ladies' and Girls' Sweater Coate clearing at one-third off regular price at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. 2-t LIBERAL CONVENTION The annual meeting of the West Durham Reformi Association will be held in Council Room, Bowmanville 1on WednescI.ay, Fed*ua>ry 8th, 1922 for the purpose of receîvîng annual reports, the election of officers and other general business. Delegates will also be chosen to attend the Provincial Liberal Convention in Toronto on March 1 and 2, 1922, Meeting to commence at 2 p. m. Ail Liberals and friends of Liberg1 princîples are cordially invited to attend. 1 Lades are especîally requested to attend this meeting. Short address- es may be expected. John A. Holgate, W. R. Allun, President. Secretary. God Save The Kîng. WINTER WEDDING >Rabbins-Alin. A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allun, Scugog-st., on Wednes- day, January 18, wben their only daughter, Leta Maud, was united in marriage with Mr. William Russell Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Robbins, Zion. The bride was given in marriage by ber father, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., offiiating. The wedding- march was played by Miss Nora Robbins, -sister of the groom. The bride was attired in a very pretty dress of navy bIne silk and wore a sunburst of pearls, the gîft of the groom and carrîed a bou- quet- of white carnations and roses. The groom's gif t to the pianist was a pearl brooch. After congratula-, tions, a dainty wedding supper was served, the table being prettily dec- orated in pink'and white. Later 'Mr. and Mrs. Robbîus left by C. P. R. train for a trip to Port Rowan and other points in Western Ontario. On their returu they will reside at ZMon. Controversy is on about the con-, duct of Premier W. L. MacKenzie King when -a sebool boy and Dr. S. Moyr, Rosetown, ,one of his Model school teachers la Berlin writes: Willie was easily the most popular boy in his class aud was the class leader in ail of the activities o' the playground, and bis genial sniile and geutlemaulyý deportmneut made a prime favorite wberever he went. ALEX. ELLIOT JEWELZR - WATCHMAKER-ENGRAVER PHONE 207 BOWMANVILLE Final Reduction of Prices Before Taking Stock Another grand opportun'ity to make substantial sav- ings on every-day needs. The stock in these adver- tised lines is limited, so we advise early shopping to avoid possiLility of disappointment. THESE PRICES ARE ONLY GOOD TILL FEB. IST. CHILDREN'S WOOLEN SUITS Girls' andi Boys' Woolen Suits with Overalis, Pull- over and Cap to match, in white, saxe, buif, rose, mode and navy only, To Clear at $2.98 'SPEC'IAL VALUE IN CORSETS Another week only, $3.00e exceptional value in corsets, special for this D. & A make, in ail sizes, regular $2.75 and To Clear While They Last at $1.59 pair MORE BARGAINS IN TOWELS A special line of large white. Bath Towels, to clear 98e, smaller size, same quality 45c each. Another shipment of that Tea Towelling of exception- ai quality, To Clear. at 23c yard FLANNEL AND FLANNELETTE Feur only, pieces of fine white Shaker Flannel, extra quality, good weight, To Clear at 35e yard 12 only, pieces of Stripped English Twill Flannelette, fine quality, can't be beaten for serviceable wear at -23c yd FASHIONABLE WAISTS The balance of our fashiona ble waists which have been divided into two prices, To Clear at $2.49 and $4.95 The balance of our Housedresses in many different attractive patterns, in any size you may require, from 16 to 23 are clearing at One Third Off. This is your chance to get a Housedress cheaP extra quality, in vogue again, To Clear at $1.93 pair s, W abj Phone 106 Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goodý la Bol GîftsThat Last Gifts For Ail Occasions Gi*fts Reasonably Priced' lit ý 1 --- -1 m

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