STOMACH TROUBLE? INDIGESTION? Here's Good News for You Lindsay, Ont,- "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery le the b est medicine I h ave ever taken f j or stomacli trou- blye.;r For many i rs1sufered w.ith ga stric stom- ahtrouble and nervous indiges Aýeton. Xould be se manydiffrentmediineswith iittlc Golden Medjeal 1)kcovery and jr haý gvnmore relief tlîan ail the othei medicines I have eveýr talten. My stomach does not hou er me and i have net had ariy indigestiîon since taking this miedicine. 1 can highly recommend the 'lfscovery' te others who suifer wlth stomach trouble."- Ms-s. Geo. Wellingion, 6 John St. graly lw'avgissaiir ples i St.ripthao'sine, n.-Itabletcr WiD.Piercert Presitnva-ing nre ed ica'ad it e idm BEÂTJTY 0F THE SKIN la the naturel deure of every woman, and 18 obtainable by the ose of Dr. Oha"s' Ointmeaî. l'impies, blacitheade, roughnes anAredeess e1 the ekin, iitation andecozema disappeai,, and the skia Is otb sofi, amooth and velvcty. Ail deaers, or amnsoni, Bates & Ceo., Lmiltoa' Torn Sample free ifyen RAILWAY TIME TABLES FORt BOWMANVILLE, JN 6h,12 BOWMANVILLE. jJN 8h,12 Grand Trisnk Railway. ENGLAND AND FRANCE Going Ease. Golng Weatý D Express 12.33 a. m., By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL B., x Express 8.42 a. mi. Express 4.22 D3 Denver, Colorado. *Express 9.18 a. ni. Express 5.38 D D3 Express 10.35 a mi Pass'agn 10.02 x The Clemenceaujets, as they have x Passenger 3.09 p ni passenger 7,06* become known in France, are thrcat- x Local 7.14 p. ni. Passenger 7.13* eniag a political "coup" la that coun- DMail 9.58 p ni. Passeager81xtywhnhem et is ripe; and x Passengen 1.18 p mi Passenger 1 ý56* tbey feel that the tume le not fan off. * Suadays only; x Daily except Sun- The Tiger's shadow is hovering over day; ! Flagged. the Briand govarament. TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3600 wiil buy 8 roomefi brick boune and office attached, opposite Town Hall $0800 wlU purchase 7 room trame bouze cm Church Street, water. uewer, eiectric tight and furnace. 8-roomned brick bouse on Ontaro-nt., Bowrnanville good lot, every convenience. Wili be sold reasonabie for quick sale. $3000 wll purchase 2 story brick house on Concession Street, water, sewer, elect- rie light, furnt te, garage and every con- venience. $t7000 will purchase 170 acre,lotl Tow.shlp of Clarke fine buildings, well fenced and watered, about 8 mle. eant of Newcastle Wharf. 08.3,700 wlll purchase 116 acres parts lots , con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known as the Bruce Farm, well fenced, soli day loamn, good buildings. Terme easy. $20,000 will purchase the Semer. Farm, oontaining 150 acres, just outaide the cor- poration of the Town of Bowmanville, on county roafi, on which are erected an 5- roomned brick bouse commodious ont- buildings, atone stabling for 40 head of cattle; the solilai a rich dlay loam, well fenceci andi watered; thi. ia considered 0one of the best farmu in the county. Ternis to suit the purchaiter. L A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT' 85-tf Bowmanvill. Phono 41. Chiropractic (spinal Adjustm.nts) Remove the. Cause of Diseas wlthout Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarhabl. nue- c u r.movlng the. cause of Apgpendicitis, Deafneus, Asthma, Rheumatlam, Lumbago,, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseazes, Stomach and Kldney Troubles. Nervouineas in many forme respond readily to Chiro' practie. Examination Fr. at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Siracoe St. N. Oshawa Pheae 224. The Double Track Route' between Monttemt Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexceiled dining car service. Sleeping cam on nlght trains and Parlor cars on the principal day traîne Pull information fromn any_ Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. B. Hornlng 'listrict Puenger Agent, Toronto. J. FL H., JURY, Avant plihee78B.maiI First, Doctors Then a Skim SpeeiaNr*st Then abottie ot D.D.D We shaîl pubilsh every weelc for the beneft of skin sufferer n tîssect0on, t iew worde written by Canainpole -Lo.. ut themi-l promnence-ali hearifeit terîe sf rele, trou: terrible suffering. A sentence or twc fýron a ltter front ..7, Corns. 33 Mciboorne Ave., Toronto, a man o. fine standing. 1I have been a sufferer for itwc years witli eczema on the legs and ankici. tied three or four différent rioctors. 1went i a skir specialist. Ail of no use use~ O are dollar bottle ofD D. D. DthL jr kf -.I 1ou' - . aur, oerfectlv well.ý If von wish te try -itottte ofthis Irescnlt o'n ,ýhat Mr. Coror round se refnarkabxe, we Wi' puarantee re1Ecf on the first br r"' mone'- back. iStoptfaut if rit îacw. 1 bottl-f Try D. D. D. Soap, too, LTE lotion for 5-2 ~e~ JURY & LOVEL, DRUGGISTS Ask For t! Expect to find the IFisherman, the "'Mark of SLpremacy," Ion every bottie of emulsion that y'ou buy. This means that you will Ialways ask for SCOTT'S EMULSIONI I Scott & Bownse, Toronto Ont, -ALSO MAKERS 0F- FOR INDIGESTION' L22j, Any ilîeadache, -Nervous Relleved by Zutwo In America we look upon the Bri- and administration, as Jingoists; over there it is under suspicion of hein g pacifist; here we look upon it as anti- British; but in France it is charged that Briand is under the hypnotic la- fluence of Lloyd George. The "grand gesture", recently made at Washington by France're- presentatives was intended chiefly for home consumption. This le the pen- alty that must be paid to democracy which is so much in the saddle, the world over. Democracy ia insistent and will brook no fine-spun explan- Canadian Pacific Railway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. mi. Express 5.50 a. mi Express 2.36 p. m.* Local 8.20 a.m. Local 10.08 p. mi.* Express 4.40 p. mi. Express 12.20 a. mi Express 7.42 p m* *Daily exccpt Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towin Agent. Canadian Nmiional Railway, West Bound East Bound *8.15 a. mi. *734 p. mi. *Daily except Bunday. Buckley Striketî The Fatal Blow To Siaugliter ev.ry Ceugh and CoId. Gigantic Free Bottie Campaigu Wonderful Ainazing! Miraculou si colds and coughs îslaughtered right and lef t, disease germas blaîted froni their strong- holds, free trial bottîca of Bmuckley's Bronchîtis Mixture giving whizz-bang results. This very day, right in your own home, without costing a single cent, you can obtain proof, clear, unmistakable proof, that Buckley's regular aize will immediately and effectively smash and totally destroy every trace of your cold or cough. Get your free bottle of this magic remedy front any druggist listed below and test it now, No money, norisk, no obligation. Be wiae. lon't delay. Filin the coupon now before you forget. W.K.BUCKLEV, Llmlted ,Nsmsfacturiu Cisaists 142 MutsaI Sreeti, Terente COUPON Fs-ce Trial Buckley's Brouchitis Mixture. This coupon will flot be àccepted if presentcd by a child. Name..................................... Address. ................................. Nam}........................ SOLI) IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE The Oul of Powr.-It is not claimned for Dr. Thomia' Eclectrie 011 that it will cure avery 111, but its usas are so varions tiat It xnav ba 1oeked upon as at gemeral pain kiler. Tt has achieved that greatneas fer lt- 'opîf and îts excellence la known to nll who have teted Its vIrtues and learnt by expeience. THE ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAY By Cha». M. Bic., B. A., LL, B., Denver, Colorado. The International Commission ap- pointed to investigate the fea.2ibility of the St. Lawrence deep waterway plan has emphaticnlly reconimended the project to Cont ress. It remains f or that body to taà--e the onIy, intel- ligent course open to it by authoniz- ing the expenditure, neceesary to make the waterway a reality. Many and various objections to the plan have been urged before Con- gress, brought to the meetings of the Joint Commission, and voîced in the press of the East. Some of them are irritating, as ail selflsh and mis- leading propaganda le irritating. Many of theni rank as capital mater- il for a funny page. Behind ail of them isj the thinly veiled resentment of New York state towand any pro- jecet which roba her ports of oean- going commerce. Every argument against the plan which has been born in New York (and thia includea practically ail of theni,) froin the charge that.we are about to give Canada a large piece ofeharity, ýto the pcssimistic assert- ion that the St. Lawrence is not navigable la cold weathcr, has been met by the expressed fandings of the engieer cnploycd by the Joint Commisaion, The report outlinesa asix-year con- struction prograni at a total cost of $252,728,200, an expense which will more than be met by the sale of hydro-electrie power. The actual benefita which will ac- crue froni the completion of the waterwny are: 1 A loweringof ocean transporta- tion coet for the Middle West ship- pers. 2 Relieving the congestion of Eastern transportation and so facili- tating the delivery of freight which muet travel to the East by land. 13 Relieving coal shortage by the development of 460,000 horse power through Hydro-Electrie plants. 4 Cementiag Canadian-American fniendship by the joint development of a prograni from which great ad- vantages will surely come to both countnies. The Middle West, both in Canada and in the United States, wants the deep waterway. Ail the arguments la its favor have been reaffinmed and the arguments againet it disproved by the facts contained in -the report o f th1e Joint ICommission. Congres has a clean course of action before it. Let us hope that it adopta it with- ont further delay,, and nianfully 0. K's. the niuch needed waterway. Many foreign countries are clam- oring for Tanlac. Its faneie l world- wide. Jury & Loveil. Nilne children are at Port Hope Sheltar, ages fifteen monthe to ten yeare. Ten children have recently been placed in good homes. Rev. J. T. Daley, Inspecter, enys some of the fineet girls ever under hie cane are among this lot. Anh 011 of àMeit.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 0Ù11e not a jumble of medi- cinal substances thrown togethen and pushed by advertising, but the resuit of the careful investigation of the curative qualities of certain cils as appled to the human body. It is a rare combination and it won and kept public favor froni the firet, A trial of it will. carry conviction to any who doubt its power to repair and heal. We'd like to introduce you to A maiden who cani skate, And when it comas to circles On the ice, say, cie is great! The people ah faîl hard for her, And when she cnt an "M" Sheslipped upon the bloomin' ice, And flop! She f aIl for theni, Circulati*ng Ll*brary GoodReading Cheap We have a splendid lib- rary, with ail the -good books of fiction. We seli you the first book for $1.25, and charge you 10 cents for each time you exehange. Thig is worth consid-, ering if you are a reader. W. T. ALLEN BIG 20 Bookstore Bowmanville CHANGE 0F TIME For the convenience of the travel- L'ig pubie 1 amn now making daily .ýps to Oshawa. Leave West End trgBowmanville, at 6 a. mi., leave corner King and Mary-sts., Oshawa, at 5 p. mi. Saturday leav- ing Oshawa at 12 noon. 2 tf Art CoLe, Proprietor. ASTHMAPAMH MSmekimu-Us Saryu-kbff Jusf Swullmw S Compd RAZ-MAH la Guarant..d te restore amuebreatkiag $top mu faterasinthe breza,àlJ agf e 0, , oef quist slee; cemtsdu me hahjiea!dug. 8.a&v~rom homple1e8eKImàg W.. Teeu Sold by Jury &Loveil PHONE 65. Prompt Delîvery. Bowma.nville Il~ E Il Il k Fari-mers Attention We are now booking orders.for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and wilî be glad to have orders from a limited nuniber of good, careful farmers, having good soil prépared for the coming crop. We belleve the price we are able to offer will com- pare favorably with any crop on the farm. Our stocks of FLOUR and FEED wilî be found complete at ail times, Phone 203. USE IT. Hiogg & Lytie, Limnited. at.osuî. Beaides there is betwean the two nations-France and Britaia-the aconomic gulf, widen than the chan- ne] that separates theni. This guif was hiddea until Ger- many was out of the, way. Now it can ha exposed. B3etween Germnny and Britain there was actual compati- tion la, the, induatnial manufacturng ocean-carrying flelds. ln racent years, but before the war-the Ger- man naval menace was, acute. Now ail this ie changed. New economic chants have to be prepared. Gcnmany has no aavy, and only the ekeleton of a marchant marine, and it has bean deprived of its colonies, The Lagemoay of Europe lies be- tween France and Bnitain. If France je to mile, Genmany cannot be per- mitted to regain power, because the moment she le in position to do so, it je takan for granted in Berlin and in Paris that sha will lose no tua lan raaching ont for "bast territonies". If Bnitain ie to ruie, Genmany muet be ancouragad to corne back se that thene may ha batwean themn an interchanga of trade. Conditions in Europe carnot go on as they are, going or John, Bull may go under. Economically he le flghtîng for self preservation, and le etriking out ne- gardless of who may ba splaehed. A growing army of- nneniployed bas to ha taken care of on heavan help the Lloyd George govnameat. - France is not satisfied at what wae donc at the Paris confanence; it de- mande a nevision cf the major treaty. She dlaims to hava accepted it undan falsa pretenses.. Pras. Wilson prom- ised a supplemental treaty cf thnea nations to gurd France against an- othan German aggnession. This "tripla alliance", defeatad by the American Sanate, givas good excusa for France under the Clemenceauiste te ratura te the original demand for possession of the laft bank cf the Rhine and economic control of the Ruhr district, togathar with the "Pound of flash"' in rapanationa. If Germany goas under, or if mon- nrchy raturas, what mattar! France le buttressed; and Ganmany's mishap is France's guarantea of safety from attack for so much longer tume, Thera muet ha method in the "mad- nase" of Premier Briand in precipi- tating a cabinet cnisis at an îateaseiy cnitical heur for hie country. Ha ne- signed and took hie cabinet with him befora it was possible for the Chamban of deputies to appreve or censure bis work at Washington, Lon- don and Cannes. The belief prevail- ed among thosa intimata with French politice, that Briand had with hina parliamant and thinking people in h is country. This is why we think, that hie nasignation was a dnamatic move te foestaîl an aneniy. Ha called in advance the bluff of the Clemanceaniets and dia-harda among the politicians. Publiely Premier Briand bas bean a fire-eater la ordar te hold hie posi- tion with his volatile constituency; at beant ha je ne such thing. Ha bas been working in close hanMpny witb Lloyd George, "cousine" by race and instinct. Tbay had raachad a work- ing agreement regnrding the German raparation situation and draftad a two power traaty for the dafease of France againet han old tume enffly; and thay saemed to ha ia harmony witb nefaranca te an agenda for the Genea international ece<n- omic cenferenca in Manch, at which the whole continental situation is to be taken in hand. The international situation ia the last weak saemed much clearer than at any tuae since the armistice; the outlook was good for a wida alliance te succor Europe froni impending ananchy, and partial starvation. Ia the resignation cf the Briand Cabinet are ail thasa undaretandingi to ha sacrificed? le France te go il alone and discard the nesult cf th( Washingtoen Confanenca with th( othere? le France to stant on as- impenialistic policy and demand th( last Pound cf flash froni har nenn under pain cf taking physical pes session cf tha German industrial dis tnicts? Can France afford te thui dafy Engiand? The chief issue as betwaan Bniant and hie oppoents in France je tht treatnient te ha accorded Gernian If thie wene a niatten eolely betweet the two nations, France might havt dlear sailiag; but the othar powari as a business selfshness, if for n( other reason, will have sômething t( say, as they are intareeted in the re habilitation cf Genmany and cf Rus sia and the lesser states cf Europe se that the international industria chain can ha rasoea. 1 think i- saf a te predict that Brianud will ne- ha long eut of cffice. In the meai tume the worid will gaza with no lit tMe trepidation en the possibilitias o: Electrical Work Car lighting, starting, and ignition systenis. Also aIl kinds of Electrical appîlances repaired and overhauled, bouse wiring, etc. D. A. Smith 1Hately's Garage, Bowmanville LADIES' & GENTS' TAILOR MADE SUITS We are now in a position to give yon first-class service and better values than ever in Ladies' or Gents' Tailor-made Garments. Leave your order now before we niove to Toronto about Jan. 1 8th. Parisian Tailor L. COWELL, PROP. Horsey B lock Bowmanville GRANITES and on lY the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 ~lIemployn camater>' caretakera as agents prefarring te saei my own Sgoods thus aaving the puscliser the agent'. commidssion. uÉai soliclted. F. I. BOUNSALL Proprletor. BowmanvlIle,i Phone M2W Bx9 Ontario I ream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high., We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Y ours If we fail to cali on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write .us. Orono Creamery GCo., O-RONO Weathertight You wiIl find that the Yul- canite Hexagon Slab Shingle maires an absolutcly weather- tight roof., It wiil casily resist the hardest rains or the moat d1riving 8nows. It wiil keep Mmw home dry and snug ail of Mh tme. For it is alwayu double thick over the entire roof. And thon you will find that 1km exclusive Vulcanite shingle will make an attractive, fire- ruuitig and durable roof, too. Made from tough fibrous feit mwa&d with a.sphalt and varfaced writh crumhed -slate it Swmi give lifelong roof acrice Se. *Idssh±n~1e a~ 1McCLELLAN & CO. -LJMITED King St. F. Bowmanvinl. Anaemia Thin, watery hlood is no more nourishing than thin, watery milk -skim milk. But you can soon enrich thin blood. overcome the anaemnic con- dition and build up the whole sys- tem by usiag Dr. Chasc's Nerve Food. 1Mrs. F. G. Simons, -42 Cur- tis St., Brantfordl, Ont., writes: "For about eight years 1 enferesi f rom anaemia. My circulation was poor. my gums and lips were pale, and my hands and feet were always cold. 1 was nervous and unable to sleep well. 1 hasi frequent }et.daches, ,eemed restleas and easîly worried or irritated. There was a buzzïng souns i y ears. Indigestion was alsao ne of M mcnplaints. anid 1 often was attacked b>' weak spelîs. I went to a doctor, 'who told me 1 was anaemic, but ai, 1 sud not get any bet- .ter 1 decjcled to îry Dr. Chase's Nerve tood, andi after te finit box 1 felt brighîter andi ni> headaches completel>' disappearesi. 1 continue5 uîing ule Nerve Foodi for quite a whîle. 1 arn quite well now, andi cheerfully andi gratefuli>' recominend DYr. Chase's Nerve Foodi b people ,ufiering as à i <1<before 1 used this splendid medkine." Dr.. Chase's Nerve Food, 50C a box, ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Oshawa limai Vi sit China- Hall We have the largest stock and variety of chinaware in Bowmanville, You will be well -repaid to pay a vWst to our store when requ iring Chinaware, of any kind. Goods very reasonably priced. AROHIE TAIT ý7ý F ý