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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1922, p. 2

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Insurance Agency. Ail lines of F~IRE , LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Editha*V. Scobeil, Agent 2nd door west of the "Big 20" Bawmanville Ontario. THEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and H-oüse Salesa Speciaity. Terms moderate. 1-tf Ennîskillen P. 0. Phone 197-rS. VETERINARY DR. F-.T., TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Cails Proniptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman BOCk Bowmanville. Phone 248.ý LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., tL.. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYt nioney to loan on Farm,,and Town Property. Royal Bank Building,. Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A.E BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYt Money to loan. Bonds for sale.t Offices: Bleakley Block, King b Street, Bowmanville 1 Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 178J. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared tor take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For terms phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* j MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. 0 'Gold Medalist of Trinity University9 Toronto. Four years Attending Phy-L zician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- Tranville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. 0 Graduate of Trinity Medical College,t Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. t Office and residence, Dr. Beith's,r former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V.,H. STOREYv Graduate Toronto University, yeara and a haîf resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital (six months Burnside Maternity) two and haîf years Military Hospital.C Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- S manville. Phone 143w. 1O-1yr*c DENTALe DR. J. C. DEVITT e Czï'aduate of Royal Dental Collegeý , Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow-n manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 t ,P. m. daily except Sunday. PhoneT 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 0 Horior graduate in Dentistry Toronto t( University. Graduate of the Royald College of Dental Surgeon§ of On- 0 tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, , S Licensed to practice in Ontario tE ,and the Dominion. Dentistry in alI its branches 0 Office-King-st., Bowmanville l Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 301 THE EDITOR TALKS If the King Goverament always exercises as good' judgment in its officiai uppointments as it bas in its flrst judicial appointment, that of Mr. Dunca n C. Ross of Stratbroy to the office of County Court 'Jndge of the Connty of Elgin-tlhre, cannot just- ly be reason for complaint. Dun- can Campbell Ross is a son of the 0late Senator Sir George W. Ross, Prime Minister of Ontario fromn 1899 to 1905. He is a-native of Strath- roy, baving been bora there on De. cember 16, 1871. He was educatet ut Stratbroy Public and High Schools, was graduated from the Uni- versity of Toroato with the degree of B. A., and studied law at Osgoode Hall. During bis long public car- eer bie bas become widely known and respected as a capable Parliamen- tannanaand an able lawyer. The pathetic story we publisb ini thsissue of the sacred and phil- anthropic services being rendered by Mr. Thomas Yellowlees te many un- fortunates in bospîtals, sanitaria and other public institutions mnst touch a tender ýchord la the beant of every one wbo reads it. Those of us wbo know Mr. Yellowlees well believe tbat be is the man for sncb necessany work. Indeed, la alI of our circle of acquaintances we can net recall another man so well quali- fied by nature, grade, tender sym- pathies and varied experience along lines of service and irlspiraton to bhis f ellows as this samne worthy Scot. Tbe. Toronto Star Weekly bas doue a splendid. service in giving sncb prom- inence to Gregory Clark's story of Mr. Yellowlees' kindly services lu trylu tgo nplift bis f ellow men and take sushine to them. It is always an inspiration to otbers of ambitious aspirations to read of the auccess of men wbo wonk- ed diligently And won the pnize that beckoaed tbem to'make a reul effort to obtain, because tbe old motto that bas belpeýd tbe writen over many a bard task is stili as f orceful as it even bas been, namely, "Wbat man bas done, man can do". To tbose of us wbo knew Dr. Lorne E. bast- ings, son of Mrs. Hastings and the late Edward bastings of bampto 'n, it is a great pleasure to read in an article in this issue from the Journal of Commerce of the bonor ie, bas received from bis confreres for his good work in bis chosen profession in the great city of Pbiladelphia. We are sure that bis scbool mates la the Hampton scbool in tbe long ago and in Bowmanville Higb Scboolj some thirty years ago will rejoice to learn of the distinction bis fidelity and pro- gress la bis profession bas brougbt Lo hlm-a prefermeat uny man might bonorably covet. It bas long been known tbat'Tor- onto Liberals and Consenvatives alike ,deligbt te rua their respective poli- tical mnachinery. But it transpires that la the ranks la tbe countny dis- ricts there are men witb brains, opin- ions and political experience who de- sire te be in the, "say" about con- ventions and other party matters. Lt is very umusing to see the fun over an alleged slight of Toronto Liberals in the arrangements for the coming Provincial Convention, as reported in The Globe and Daily Star. The Ontario Reform Association bas is- sued a reply. te the charge of a clique trying to rua the convention and points ont that the desire of the committee whicb flrst designated the personnel of the convention was that every part of the Province shonld be represented, and thut there should net be any opening for a charge that there were tee many delegates from Tronto. Every effort bas been mnade te see that the will of the rank and file of the party la the selection of delegates is registered. The caîl te the convention noas tboroughly democratic, and thene is ne possibility of any clique controlling it. Ontario County councillors discus- sed good ronds and tbe different sys- tems of doiag rond work. An en- gineer urged abolition of statute lab- or by farmers and instead a general evy the money from samne te be spent tbru a road superintendent. H1e argued that by actual figures it WEST DURHAM FIELD CROPS sConibined Standing Field Crop and S Threshed Grain Competition 9 Awards 1921. e Sonie weeks ago we published the eJudge's report of the standing fleld crop competition in West Durham -for 1921. Now we give the coin- - bined report, of the competition as nwnrded by the jndges Milton W. 9Young, Woodrous, and R. G. Ray- -ner, Ottawa, 60 per cent being allow- -ed for field score and 40 per cent Ifor bins score, Banner onts being the vuriety of grain. The pnize winners -are: eL. T. Pasce, Solina......... 86.9 eJohn Baker, Solina........... 86.4 .- A. W. Anuis, Tyrone . ....... 86.0 î Jus. Leask & Son, Taunton . ... 85.8 A. L. Pascoe, Solina......... 85.3 1. R. Bragg, Providence ...... 85.1 S. Edgar Werry, Solina ....... 83.5 COUNTIES COUNCIL NOTES Couaties Council was bonored ut its Jannnry session by the presence of a number of distinguisbed gentle- men. The World says Dr. James L. Hughes, well known la educutienal circles in Americu and Europe, ex- Warden F. W. Bowen, M. P., for Durham, ex-Warden M. E. Maybee, M. P., for Northumberland and Mr. W. Montgomery, M. P. P., for East Nothumberland, were present,. and upon Wnrden Philllps' reqnest took a sent witbin the Bar and gave short uddresses. Wurden barry B. Pbillips, Bright- on,,is perbaps eue of the meostpeu lur,-members the Couaties Council has seen for some yeurs. This, conpled witb bis ubility as a polished speaker, and us n clever and exper- ienced ma in municipal uffuirs, ne deubt, hud aIl te de witb his success- fuI election te the Wnrdenship, ever the heuds of twe other gentlemen of exceptional ubility. Wurden Phil- lips is a verv prominent and much beloven ma lnbis home towa,,. wbich ne doubt is pleased beyond descnip- tien witb the action of the Counties Council in electing one of Brgbton's bighlv respected and gifted towns- men te the highiest honor within the oower of the Counties te confer- Cobourg World. Reeve Baker of Darliugtoa is Cbairmun cf the Azicultural Coin Ynittee of the Counties' Council and Rleeve Franklin Allia of Clarke of tbe Legisntive and Bv-Laws Cem- reittee. Botb are on Finance Comn nultte, tee. ST. PAUL'S ENTERTAINMENT The Christmas entertainment of St. Paul's Sunday Scbool was given in the scbool-room ou Wednesday even- 1 îng te a splendid audience, the school-room heing filied witb parents and frieads of the school. Rev, Mr. Best, tbe iminister, welcomed the audience and iatroduced the varieus numbers in bis own pleasing ma- uer. Morrison's Orchestra under direction of Mr, D. Morrison, witb _Mrs. D. R. Morrison, piunist, rendered the openng selection wbicb everyone enjoycd A chorus by, the scbool "Our Grand Canadian Land", with Miss Marjonie Bounsaîl as soloist mude a fine introductory number. Mr. J. D. Carruthers' class gave a character song that toek well; ne- citations were nicely given by John Mucfarlane and Allun Clarke. The selections by the, Primary Class created much iatenest and was given in four parts-Chinese Song-Jean Clarke, Bessie Martin, Marlon Leg- gott and Violet Davies; Jack, Frost Song-Lewis barris, Newton back- aey, Walter bntely, Alex. Colville, Jack Hall; Sole-Margaret Colville; duet-Alex and Freebora Colville. Miss Leene Wallace's class of girls in costume, gave a f olk song and drill and the orchestra aumber with vocal obligato by Mrs. Best's and, Miss Cann's classes were very pleasingi aumbers. Miss Mary bume's cîas and some prîmary boys la their red cents ad caps with woodea guns gave the "Wooden Soldiers Dnill" thut would bave done credit to many old- er soldiers.' Miss Ruby bulîman sang a vocal solo that was mncb ap- preciated. The Japanese character song by Mrs. Best's class of girls and the Plantation Lullnby by Mr. J. D. Carruthers' lass cf boys completed a most enjovable program of song. Ersu . Brk, lat of te.towship'NOT1ICE is bereby given pursuant to of Dàriingtoa, in the County of Dur- Section 56, Chapter 121, R. S. O. 1914, ham, farmer, deceased. tiiat ail persons having dlaims or de- NOTICE is hereby given tha'. ail per- mands against the Estate of Neisen M. sons having cdaims aglinst the etate ag -ho died on or about the l9th of Erastus J1. Burk, who died on or about day ýof Juiy A. D. 1889, are required to the 24th day of Augus., A. D., 1921, are send by post prepaid or deliver to the required te send by post prepaid or de- undersigned Solicitor herein for The liver te the undersigned agent forrMar-1 Toronto Generai Trusts Corporation, Ad- garet Grace Burk, Florence Gertrude m'nisiraters et the Estate of the aboya Burk and Roland Fitzgerald, th e exeu- amed Nelson M. Gage, deceased, on tors of the iast wiil of the aaid de=se, or before the Iat day ef March A. D. on or before tie first day of Mardi A. D. 1922, their Christian and surnames and 1922, their Chrstian and surnames and, addresses and foul particuiars in writing addresses and foul particulars in writing eof their dlaims and statements of their ef their claims and staternents of theirý acconts and the nature of the sectrrity accouais and the nature of the securitv. if any, heid by them verified by Statu- if any, heid by them, tory Deciarat on. AND TAXE NOTICE that after the AND TAXE NOTICE that after the first day of March, A. D). 1922, the said lat day of March A. D. 1922, the Ad- executors wili preceed to distribute the minîstraters wiii proceed to dîstrîbute assets o h addcae mn h the assets et the said deceased among par ies entitied threto, having regard the parties cnt ItIed thereto, having re- oniy te the claims ef which notice shall gard oniy te the dlaims of which it then then have been handed in te the said hall have net ce. agent, DATED at the city et Toronto this DATED at Bowr-nanviile, tis 28th day lSth day of Janua-y A. D). 1922. et January, . AD7. 1922. D. G. M. GALBRAITH. EDITH V. SCOBELL, 611. Lnmsden Building, Toronto. Box 1ô00, Bowmanville, Ontarie. Solicitor fer The Toronto Generai Aglent for fOie above named executors, Trusts Corporation, Adminiietratorls ef et the estale1 et th, wihllet Erastus _J.! the Estate of Nelson M. Gage, deceased. llurk. deceased l.5-3. 4-3 LOOKOUT WIlatch Our Windows For Extra Specials This Week HAMPTON BOY HONORED wealtb of the'community at large. ________His wide circle of warm personal Dr. Lorne E. Hastings EIe.cted Presi-, and professional friends and ac- dent of the Philadeiphia quaiatances are deligbted witb the Association of Industrial honor he has received in his election Medicine. as President of the Pbiladelphia As- sociation of Industrial Association of The Pbiladelphia Journal of Com- Industrial Medicine, and all who merce pays a, very bigh compliment know and admire him join in the hope to an old Hampton Boy, son of the! that his future career will bring him late Edward and Mrs. bastings, say- still bigher honors and distinctons. ing: Dr. Lorne E. Hastings, of the_________ J. G. Brili Company, has been honor- ed wtb an election as President of!i After 10 Years of Asthma Dr. J. D. the Philadelphia Association of In- i Kellogg's Asthma Remedy proved the dustrial Mediine-a, tangible and1 only relief for one grateful user, and striking evidence both of his ability iti i u oeaon ay. Lti and the regard and esteem in whicb, wonder that it bas now become a he is beld by his fellow-Members. recognized remedy on the market. It Thisintrestng nnoncemnt iashas earned'its fame by its neyer fail- been widely and favorably received iodagsfetvenss. It fos earnin i and commented upon in those walks t-aa tbs oefryas of private and professional life in wbich Dr. bastings is so prominently T known and se higbly esteemed. The Noîce T Credi tors choice la question, which is one of the strongest and best that could IN THE MATTEP. 0F the estate of have been made, is in the nature of Eetsey Gaqe, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, a tribute to the inante ability and en- Widow, deceased. terprising trend of mind of Dr. Hast- NOTICE is hereby given pursuant te ings and is an evidence of the warm Section 56, Chapter 121, R. S. O. 1914, regard and esteem in which bu is thal aIl personn having dlaims or de- mands againat the Estate et Betsey Gage held by bis fellow-members. who died on or about the l2th day of Dr. bastings is prominently known Olctober A. D. 1920, are required te send by post prepaid or deiiver te the under- as being connected with the firm of s gned Solicitor herein' for The Toronto The J. G. BrilI Company of this city. Generai Trusts Corporation. Adminis- The record establisbed at The J. G. trators et the Estate ef the above named Betsey Gage, decrqased, on or before the Bri Company's plant, asî Lar nas lst day ot March, A. D. 1922, their compensation paid and the preven- Christian and surnames and addresses tion of accidents, is equalled by no aind full particulars la writing et their other plant of its size. dlaimus and statements et ther accounts and the nature ef the security if any, Dr. Hastings graduated from the held by thema verified by Statutory De- Jefferson Medical College in 1911. ciaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the lgt He was a Major la the Medical Re- day et March A. D. 1922, the Adminis- serve Corp and bead of the Cardio- trators wili proceed te distribute the Vascular Board, Camp Jackson. Pre- assets, et the said deceased among the vious to entering the army he was parties enttIed therete, having regard Profssorof Pysioogy t Baloronly te the dlaims et which it then shall Profssorof Pysioogy t Baborhave notice. University -Vedica1 Department, Dal- DATED at the City et Toronto this las ,Texas. He is n type of the l8th day of .anuary A. D. 1922. clas of en wo ahiev sucessD. G. M. GALBRAITH, clas of en wo ahiev sucess611 Lumsden Building, Toronto. thtiough indomitable force of char- Solie:tor for The Toronto Generai acter and concentration of purpose, Trusts Corporation, Administrators of wbile always exerting bis best efforts the Estate et Betsey Gage, deceased. and influence toward the advance -___4-3______ ment of the moral and material Notice to Creditors Nofice To Creditors IN'THE MATTER OF the Estate o Bowmanville, in the County of Dur. EN THE MATETER 0F the estate et, ham, Cabinet Maker, deceased. Bowmanville High Quality Lowest Prices Prompt Service These three f acts are the foundation of our steady growing meat business. Every purchase from our store carnies the guarantee of beîng the best the market affords. WE DELI VER THE GOODS Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville SURPRISE! SENSATION!! SUCCESS!!! I C E CREAM "EC"LAIR'%S CHOCOLATE COATED IMAGINE,: It's a bar of freezing cold ice Cream dipped into a pot of boiling hot chocolate, pulled out and shot to the freezer agaiîn. It gives you the most wonderful ice cream and chocolate combination you ever tasted in your life. ONLY 10c EACH-TRY ONE DO'eMINION PIANOS In homes where there are children the choice of a piano seriously affects the future musical ap- preciation of the child. A fine piano accustoms the impressionable ear of youth to tone perfect- Jon,while a poor piano deadens the fine percep- S tions. As a furnishing for the home, the Do- t minion is a masterpiece of the ca.binet-maker' s art." Its perfection of form appeals no less than its perfection of tone. f The Dominion tradition is to make the finest possible piano and seil it at the lowest possible price -and upon the easiest possible terms. And for this reason, the Dominion can be purchased i at a price which probably will surprise you by its moderation and upon terms that will relieve the purchase of inconvernence. F. J. MIT"CHfELL Sales Agent Mitchell Bldg. Phone 92 or 105

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