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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1922, p. 8

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MAIL GONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed te the! Postmaster Generai, will be receiyed at ,Ottawa: until noon, on Friday, the Ird Alarch 1922, for the convayance cf Hs Majesty's Mails, on a prepesed Contract for four yaars, six times par weakon the route NEWCASTLE RURAL ROUTE NO. 2 from the lst cf Apnil next. Pinted notices containing further in- formation as to conditions cf proposed Contract may hae ceeu and blank forms cf Tender may bc obtiaincd at the Post Offic'e t Newcastle, and at the office cf the Post Office Inspecter, Toronto. A. Sutherland, Pcst Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, Jan. 18, 1922. Toronto, COAL BEST SCRANTON COAL NOW ON HAND Try me for your next order, Gieo.. Jamieson Newcastle Another Car of Coal In We now have ready for immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We have for sale' Portland or Super Cernent' in any quantity desired. Frred L Graham' PHONE 332;s NEWCASTLE Parisian Iigh Class Taflor formnerly of Bowmanville new at 207 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO Will be pleasedtot continue and accept orders for Ladies' or Gents' Garments, aise dyeing, through our Bowmanville agent, Mr. G. N. Thurston, who has our sampies. Our usual first class fit and workmanship will be guaranteeti andi will be personally looked after by myseif. Louis CowelI Phone College 3217 W Toronto Have Your Car7 J Painted Now No better time than right now to bring your auto to the West End Gar- age, Newcastle, and haveï it thoroly overhauled and painted. We will give you a good~ job and make the "old bus" look as good as new. P. . ONEILL Proprietor Newcastle Ail skirts at reduceti prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. 2-t A safe and sure medicine for a chi1d troubled with worms is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. "1BABY CHICK-It is cheaper andi more satisfactory te buy ready hatched chicks. We guarantee safel delivery of vigorous, pure bred, hus- ky chicks of ail breeds. Write for free bookiet anti prices, THE CANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY, Ltd.,Dept., C. N. Hamilton, On- tarie"1. -$A THURSDAY, JANUARY 26,' 1922 NEWCASTLE Mrs. H. S. Britton is indisposeti. Mrs. Asa Clark is under the doct-,' or 's care. Mrs. Thes. Finley is visiting frientis in Toronto. Mr.. John Uglow still continues in poor heaith. Mr. C. M. Chandier, Toronto, was in town Saturday. Mrs. Minnie McGuire is untier the care of the doctor. Mrs. Fred' Graham is visiting frienis in Toronto. Mr. D. J. Galbraith was down from the city on business. Mr. Ellisen Moise matie a trip te SCHOOL TRUSTEE MEETING1 A meeting cf ail the Schoel Trust- ees cf Clarke Township will be heiti in Town Hall, Orone, on Tburstiay, February 9, 1922, at 3 p. m. te dis- cuss Metical Inspection in the- sebools. Ail interested are învitedl te attend, MASQUERADE DANCE Mvasquerade Dance will be hel in, Alexandra Hall, Newcastle, on St.1 Valentine's night, Tuesday, February 14 at 8.30 o'ciock. Prizes ilb awarded for ladies' and men's or- iginal costumes anti best comîc. Contestants mnust present cant with CLARKE COUNCIL Inaugural session, January 9. Present Franklin Aluin, Reeve, M. J. Holman, Deputy Reeve, Councillors A. McKay, I. T. Chapman, Thomas Pattenson. Reeve Allun matie a brief atitiess. After routine estimate cf neceiptsI was fixed at $10,700, anti expen- ditures as f oliews: Salaries................. $1600.00~ ý Printing and Stationery. . 2.0.00 Boarti cf Healtb ...........3,00.00 Sheep losses.............. 400.00 Grant Agicultural Society 1100.001 Orono Police Trustees .... 125.00 Roat anti bridges ..,.......4500.00 Miscellaneous..............700.00 Reserve ..................2725.00 THE LATE JOSEPH HENRY Rev. J. W. Rae's Tribute to a Worthy Citizen at the Church Service. Dieti in Oreno, on Saturtiay, Janu- ary 14, 1922, Joseph Henry, born IOctober 1, 18,12, dieti Januany 14, 1922, se reats the funerai notice cf one cf Oroao's honoreti citizens and feremost business men. Joseph Ilenry was born in the township cf Clarke, on the oit home- steati cf his father James Henry, situateti on the Sixth Line. 11e came cf gooti stock. There are ne stains [on the Henry escutcheon. The eid- er generation, James, William, Na- thaniel, Alexander, George anti, twe- 'sisters have al nasseti awav. ioronco ove Tne weeK-ea.1naine ad itlbi representeU. ;9JCt,-1 . ..I ---Y Mrs. Franl. Bennett is visiting hier ators may tance after judging. Luncbh170 0 Josepb bat five brothers, Wiliiam,l taugbter, Mns. Cuiley, Toronto. jeve at 10.30. Admission: per- Car$107aderis0fr0edr Samuel, John, Alexandier and George, sone ncstmr0, pcaor 5.ved iladets frcdr the two last namet being alive anti Mnssin costumetSOcispactators 25e. Reeve anti Coun. Chapman will in- welî anti are among the mourners SG.Miss Lyti, Wbtytisvistigans. Miss Sadia Bennett anti Mrs. Hay. vstigate case cf destitution .hr ody hr eeas he 5-2 S. D. Yao receiveti $2.15 refund hr ody hr eeas he Jamieson & Graham are both in sisters only oeaof whom, Mrs. receipt cf cars cf ceai this week. on dog tax. - Collins cf Ottawa, wbo bas passeti Our oitin nd$0 loetdecfrienti "Tîm" Shaw cf MR. A. A. POWERS REMEMBERED Township is divided in five Diis-Ilber eigbty-fourth milI stone, is stil Picton is vîsiting frientis in town. ______ osenti$300 lloted n oieah talive. bet heîu-Mr&. Powers Also Given Silver Tea Teedpt eunn fiesa Joseph Henry was marrieti by Rev. Mr. Wes. Branton ethelm municipal election wera paid $7 each. W . Wieo eebr2,I85 bago anti is once more on the job. Service. John Pethick, R. Martin, D. J. Gib- t'MissWhiaeowanner Kenta.85 Mn hs odwrh vstdson, M. oisn .C al .t isEiaCwn er ed frientis a Clkeovewr th week-ed. Inrecognition cf services te the M. Robinson, M. C.aHall, A. Mrs frindsat lake verth wek-ed.cempany,, employees cf Toronto W. Robbins, Wes. Patterson, W. A. tHe' ny, loetthe aireetef Miss Elva Cowan is visiting bier offices cf Unitedi Farmers' Ce..oper- Halleweli, D. T Allia $15. 48 years on Juiy 4th, 1904. ber grantifather, Mr. Robert Cowan, Miil- ative Company presented retining Poil Clerks receiveti $2 each. memory was nevereti anti helti sacreti st. ~~~President A. A. Powers with a tapes- C .Ad a pone eolby lber husbandti t the close cf life. Miss Betty McKenzie, Teronto, is try chair, andi Mrs. Powens with a Attendance Officer at $3 a trip anti Their oniy son, Adolph, survives te visiting bier sister, Mrs. H. S. Brit- silver tea Sixvicopies cf Municipal W0eoerld were carry the naine te yet added honors. ton. was matie by Melville b. Staples, Sreix atcopi esouial. wre Mn. Henry was first a farmer, then Mr. am urtmancf ewte- EucaionDirctoncf he .F O. Norman Allia was appointeti Sheep a herse dealer anti then more than brook, is visiting bis frienti, Mr. Ed. Previous te the presentation Secre- valuator. eitber cf tbese a merchant. bis in- Matcbett. tary J. J. Morrison gave an address Ortiers drawa, on Treasurer were: terest in bis farm stayeti with him Mrs. C. R. Lovekin anti son Jim on what the Uniteti Farmens' Co-op- .1. Pattenson, delivering ballet ant ibe remaneti its ewner tili less are visiting at Mn. Joseph Coulsoa's erative Company stood for, the boxes................... $ 5.00 than a year ago. bis tastes were on North-st. reasons for its organîzation. anti what Mrs. I. B. Stark, stening cetian 4.001tiomestic. 1He was a lover of, rnural Miss Dorotby Ragen, Toronto, is it hopeti to acecomplisb._Globe. 'W. C. Lane, do anti lumber. . 4:00 iife anti cf a gonti herse. He \vas a spentiing a f aw tays with grandpa Dr. Tuckar, alectnie ligbt, bail 15.651 wise buyer, anti turing the years de- anti grantima Douglas. ORÔNO FARMERS' CLUB S. Cuttell, tietaileti statemanti votedti te is second caliing, pros- If______ eig pulshdf orms................... 39.00 pereti abundantiy, but bis tiesires ieti reguianly fromn youn district senti in Finances in Excellent Shape. H-. Carseatdaen. 200 ft hem- hlm into business as a merchant. l'he happenings yourseif. _____loch alaak, lots 12 andi 13 i After the tieatb cf bis belnvecl Mrs. Samuel Punse, Pense, Sask., Orono Farmers' Club commences co.7.........1.5wehsitrt nrdî,i o, wrîes:We ic et an temis ba- 122 ît a alace f $.0 ro W. Allen, atteaiance a+ Hall wbem lhe wisbedti t train in anti to writs: e d no wat t mis hv- 922wit a alace f $xO rom meetings................. 19.10 leave te, a steatiy successfui business. ing our home town paper. 1921. The prosperous condition ofC .Amtog od u- 1Thr spoal nyoebsns Work on the new Commuaity Hall ' this club is in part tue te a senies of Huwrtb famiiy.. 18.79 man in Orono who couiti compare is just about at a stantlstili owing tiehates beiti last winten at wbich 1F.w. HDw te heno arivi f rik.silver collections more tban maet cur- F. W.tiWilliamson. do....... 4.84 witb bim tbrougb the yeans in a to th non rriva of bick. ent expenses. These dabates it is1 Cri, 2 sbeep killeti by degs 16.00 buieswy njlesy Ia o Mrs. J. E. Matchett and daughter, props. . oniuejuig h H. J. Souch. do............. 7.00 his equal, hae led anti I foliowetin l oisposeti te conMr Hrv Mt-T fi etring ete, N. liSepVlao esa geat measure, the track lha blazeti" MissenGlatys 2visitet at..Mn...barye. Mat-!gr.Henry was a wonderful buy- chet's, shaw; ovr te wek-en. battheannual meigara as fol-1 oneladjournedti t 00 e. H adtebuiesnev.H Tima anti monay ara oftea saveti iows: President-I. T. Cbapman, Feb. 7tb., at 10 a. m. sharp nrdcdtebgprhs da n by reading local marchants' ativertise- Vic e-Presidant-Arthur Robins; Sec oetymdmny.Sae thr meQts bef ore tioing your shopping. retary-C. A. Cbapman; Directors- l h a bni a e hub %everal cf car citizens ware calleti George Caia, Frank Cooper, W.înats cf sait te Cobourg on Monday last te bear Lvcett. E. Syres. Cordon Powers, APPLE GROWERS MEET glass, fence wire, coal cil anti other witness la the tiffarent tbeft cases John Tambîva. Heber Soucb, Fred- thiags. Ha was a small town mer- being trieti there. erick Brimacombe, R. Anti. l Oth Annual Convention at Brighton! chant prince. Ha was a goot ati- News items or ativertisemeats for Attended by Nearly 300. 1 viser, anti many sought bis coansal. The Intepeatient page wili be re- 1_____' The hardware store cf Joseph Henry ctiveti at Newcastle Post Office up te KENDAL That înterest la the appie iatiastry1 & Son, bas been toiag a successfui Taestiay afternoons. o____ f Eastern Ontario is rapitily reviving: business for ever twenty years, it Presyteian ockcf rais. Goti her ismucbsicnessla ntiwas abuatiantly eviteaceti by the at-, was first caliati "The New Century assortment cf biadiags anti prices, at arouati Kential. Severai tiaatbs tnac ttetahana etn tr" the "Big 20" Bookstora, Bowman- have occurret aireatiy. Howaven, cf the Northumberlandi anti Durham I bis last iilness came upon bim ville. W. T. Allen. 5-t as the tiays grow longer anti the rayslAPeGowr!Asoito a ng-vary gradually at the first. Like Wanteti a few more Bowman- cf the sua become strenger there wili'ton.- erytrebnrt esn h br.h attarsritc h ville citizens te coma anti share in i aatiubtatily be an improvement ina were present, anti the grant majcity' bars cf hic cage, but hae neyer mur- the money savings at Jamiason's the state cf affairs. .. Mucb sym- were actuai protiacers. Theadat- muret. For soe mmnths hae was Hardware, Newcastle. 5-1 patby is failt for the relatives cf Miss j dressas were cf a vel'y practical able te go to the store every day, Mrs. Mattbew Brown bas resignetifClara Falls wbo passeti away on nature, wbiie the anîmateti discas- î than for soea tays weuld be miss- as carataker cf St. George's Cbarch Monday, January 3th ...Ladies' sien resuited ia the tbresbing eut cf ing; thea heurs confinedti t the througb iii bealth, alse as a teacher Aid xiii bolti a social eveaing on St.'every probiem put f orwardti t the bouse aitegether, but was able, witb cf the Suntiay Sehool. Valen'Jine's, Febnuary 14t...... The'satisfaction cf ail concerneti. Ihaip, te go up anti town from bis girls anti boys cf the two organized 1 Mn. A. Fulton, superviser cf the; room te bis bat, anti then was con- Miss E. M. Holmas, Oshawa, Classes feal that they matie a gonti 1 Ontario Gevernmeat coiti storaga finedti te is room ail the time. 11e writiag te the Editor says: Your investment cf monay wben theyi plant at Bighton, describati the bene- 1 was net askad te sufer accute pain, papar bas improveti woatarfuily un- sent Arthur Thompsoa anti Etheldaj fits the growars might tieriva frem I anti was always 50 thankfui for the tien yoar management.i Searle te attend the Wînter School thîs afaîr, among other points stat- 1 wentierful care givea him-wouldi ex- This waek anethen ladyiynl Clarke at Cobourg. Both bave given spian- ling that if producars coalti sea their i press bis pity fer those net se favor- in renewing hanr own subscription te I iti reports. The paper givan by! way dlean te utilizing this storagaet as hae. this journal encleseti remittances for Arthur Thempsoa cevereti sever- during, the months cf JuneanadJuly He was the happiest, mest satis- twc relatives living la the West. ai phases cf work-Christian En- I for tentier fruits the concera weuld fiat, anti telightfai patient ccncaiv- Thank you! deavor, Rav. Kenny's attiress on bis soon ha on a seif-supporting basis. able; ne fratting, ne cemplaining, ai- Mr. James Andierson Smith is la visit te Englanti anti Fianters andti'Mn. Fulton stateti that growars coultiý ways bright anti chearful, anti in Toron'o this week looking after other interesting subjects. The not affc4rdtot store îaything but tocihteifac h iaa busines'1s anti pleasura at the samne gooti galneti by these two young Numbers 1 anti 2 fruit whiie there 1 Ha axpresset often bis tbankful time. Ha is taking la the Ontario people we feai will ha cf iasting bene- was any cf this quaiity on bant.1 faith in bis Ccd, anti bis ahitiing Mtor League Banquet at'the King fit te ail. ... Rev. E. W. Tink's dis- Jatgiag by theý discussion feollowîngi trust. Ha was, a Free Masen, anti a Edwarti. course on Sunday morning was pe-' Mr. Fuiton's adtrass local producers membar cf the chunch cf bis fathers. The next meeting of the New- cuhiariy unusual anti interasting. bis are more than satisfieti by this ex-1 Towarti the last it becama evideat casle ortculurl Sciey pomiestext was on Lazarus anti Dives la the penîmeat cf the provincial govern- te the tioctor, the nurse, anti bis casti a Hbti aai.Soc ityprmes worts, "Ant inlaHall the rich man ment, anti althougb the cencern bas friands that the anti was appneach- te a abi aiai. I xviiha ai liftati up bis eyes". Those who heard: bean in oeration but a f ew monthè, ing, anti at saven e'clock on the Sat- in the Town Hall. A first ciass pro- Mn. Tink cannet but beliiav that Heul the season bas been axtendedtot sucb urday morning, a-, gantly as mothar gram xiii ha given anti the public is' intiaat a reai place cf tormant. fan extant by its use that thousantis hushes hanr childti t rest, hae feul on is cortiially invitedt te attend anti Ha sait that ne ena was sent to eHll' cf dollars have been matie out cfI slaap. enjoy this Free Entartainniant. but the spirit want thara cf its owa fruit anti vagatablas which, antan or- Thera was ne meaniag at the ban The Ladies' Association cf the accorti for thera is ne place in heaven; dinary conditions, woult bave gene te Whaa hae put eut te sea. Preshytanian Charch, Newcastle, in-1 for sin anti thera coulti be ne hap- wasta.ThhoefMran s.A lp tend holding a Valentine Tea on thea pinass thara for the sinnar. Hel Profassor L. Caasar, Ontario Ag- Heanry entartaineti in a prncely fash- aftarn con cf Tuestiay, Fabruary 14,1 sait that thera is ne grouatdinl thea icutural Collage, anti W. A. Ross ion their honoret guast, anti hie from .3 te 6, at the home cf Mrs. bible for beliaf la spiritualism. Laz- ! of vinalanti Experimeintai Station beart oerfioxvet i th leve andti tn- Cao. Wright. Tea will ha servati for, anus was net parmittadti te rtura te 1briafiy discusseti spraying anti spray ýrest hm elce oh 20c. The public is cortiialiy la- enrth te warn Dives' sinful brothers! matanials. Prof esser Caesar claimedi ing. vitat. 5-2 anti Jasus states very plaiaiy that1 that the growars wana stili "failing' The fanerai teck place on Montiay Newcastle boys ara making goond tharaena an e oratura fnom the dead,. town la thair efforts te produce gootiJnar, b. Ta da»a in ail parts cf this Dominion. Wa Aise there cannot ha a second anti dean fruit". Te accompiish this antd ideai anti the attandance xvas n otice on the latter heati receivati third chance ferrnetiemption in hae urgati more fraquent anti aniversal very large. A family service fromn R. Hl. Pickant "of Kingsvilla I heavan. Our xvbola chance of 1 sprayiag, anti sttat that those do-1 wns first hait la the home, conductat in which hae encloses renawal for this heaven is in the Christ who dia-t for ing so would ha weii repaît in fian- by bis pastor, Rev. J. W. Raa, as- journal that hae bas a chain cf drug uis. ______ _cilraturas receivati. sistat by Rav. Wmn. Limbart. At te cburcb service there xvere four stores at Windsor, Wnlkervilleand Mr. Ros eait xvth the othan sitemiîtrRv.Ae.K Eims, Jiagsville'kaown as Pickard's Drug1 MAKE THE BEST 0F IT cf the question, gîving the resuits cf Willa i m ent, . AeW . BEt antit Stores-Essex Uounty's Leadîng! diffanant tests witb varions sprays. Wlam. issBuchananW. Bstandwth Draggist. bis store motte is: "The In la fe you'Il i fa thera's evary kin' Oaa pelant cf particular interast ttoucigptoTnyo' Cos nîost cf the hastfor the least". 0f cara anti ail the rast of it. appi e protacers la this part cf thea j ing athsar".o' "ros Rev.Mr.HasamFied ScrearyThe oniy way te maka 1f e pay province brought eut by this speakerigte a" be. n.Haia, iat ecatry to mle" Among the relatives praseat, be- f or the Canadian brancb cf th e Brit- T osieanti maka the hast cf it. ant inl the discussion, folicwing bis sites bis son 4Adoph anti Mrs. Henry, isb anti Foreign Bible Society preane- To those la pain ativice saams vain, ,tdas xa h lc httisting bis txvo brothers, Alex. anti George; ie' in St. George's Cbarch, Newcastle, Yet somatimes tbey ara blast cf it. shouit not ha considareti as a suh-, bis napbews, Alax, Collins, Photog- Santny mcrning, Jan. 22nt., makiag' It's hardtot bear an extra share, stituta for lilqiti spraying, bat mare1 - pa athaaa esuc et a striking appeal for support ia the But try te make the hast cf it. inglasvailuia thetltogit". Dust-nom. Gov't. Ottawva; William Stutt, wondarful work the seciaty ston If things ane adt, ton't look se sat, ig asihla h ag rxa William Henry. Cao. Coxvan anti of issurig in vera tjest cfdu it.1to e gt oeanis plantation niece, Mrs. Hallcweil, Starkvllle; issuag a aerytenge ati ia- Cheen up! anti make ajs fi.'couit not bhacncomplishati xith liq-Ge JonHgsBwavl;Dr leet, anti distributing toeavary corner' It's xorth your whiia te force a smile ait spray,,but lanaariy ail cases ha . Jh Hughes, Toroao; iney r cf the worlti, copies cf the Bible. The Anti, smiiing, make the hast cf it. ativisa-t the latter xvbara at ali j.05 Hughes, Toda; ronMoAlpine i Bible Society bas transîntet the 1Witb some latent, al grief was sent, sibie. o-HusayM n antiMr. MlggNecasie; wbcle Bible or soe portion cf it in- Anti this is but a test cf it, .B avsc xprmnal F; Mrs. Rihar, NecastFar tue 4 n gugsaniatyearly90000 ois In~ Life's .net ton long. You'Ilinet do Farms, Ottaxva, discusset pnunîng guson, James anti Mrs. Laing anti suai ealy ,00,00 copes l xreng anti fertilizing. The meeting xvas others. China niona 3,000,000 copies a yaari Toalways make the hast cf it. ahiy presideti ever hy Presitiant Jsp er a atW are put in circulation; in Ind¶a 1,000-1 BrocsephtHessistetiab Sacra- 000 copies yearly finti the 1peepla. enîptarea std y Sc Master of Orono Lotiga, A ,F. & The ramankable service te Canadacf FARM FOR SALE tary Harry Sinatt.A.MN.3,anitahern the Canadian Bible Sociat is appar- Tneswl arcie pt e Officers anti directers xvare ne- cf tha Orter turnet eut in large ulaten .c.abo t-8, 00,0 0 st alking Tfn dcf a lbo e54 re s al otv1ea d Seipue Bngton; vice . - - Preit nt th ch rc,- cc pyag- p rt cf t Hardware Store Newcastle 1Be Loyal ToYour -Own Community Buy bread made in Newcastle bypeop1e liv- ing in Newcastle. EAT BRITTON'S BREAD You have the satisfaction of kno-wing it is good bread made right here in the village. H.. S. 1BRITTOf0 N Baker & Grocer ]Newcastle RIGHT W IS THE TIME TO BRING YOUR CAR IN TO MY GARAGE AND HAVE IT COMPLETELY OVER- HAULED. THE NEWCASTLE GA RAGE E. C HOAR, PROPRIETOR Swith an I~1L II H. C. BONATHAN, AGENTI Notice tu Crediturs MEEICA ALFRED FARNCCMB, M. D., C. M.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Graduate of Trinity University jJ1so ail persons having dlaimas against the "fRylCiee Phscas .dn- es.ate of Mrs. Agnes McNaughton. lateofRylCle P sianiù of thec Village of Newcastle, in the burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- County of Durhamn, who died on or about en and children. Office--Parker's the 3rd day of January, 1922, are re- Block, Newcastle. quired te send by post, prepaid, or te deliver te Mrs. Sarah McLaughlin of the Village cf Newcastle, Ont., Executrix of J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. the will cf the deceased, on or before the ivrty !sý day cf 2,arch, 1922, a statemnent of IHonor graduate efr Trinity Uuiesiy their dlaims, wjth full particulars. And FeIlow of Trinits7 Medical College, takc notice that after the ist day of Licentiate of the State University of March, 1922, the Executrix will ditrib- e n'c the assets cf the deccased, amnongNw York, Matrici-ulate of the Post- the parties cntitlcd thereto, having re- Graduate Medical -School and Hs- gard only to the dlaimas cf whlch she shall pital of New Yorlz and FeIlow of the tlien have notice. Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office Sarah MeLaughlin, Executrix of -Mrs. McNaugiton'à Residence, the estate of A.gnes McNaughton,~ Newcastle. Hours-8 te 10 a. m., 1 Decesed.4-3 to 3 p. m., and by appointment. Diistant Fielqu:lds Look Green-I But there's many a good bargain to be found right'here in this store, and one of them is: 4 STRING BROOMS FOR 40c Wh (-n you, are sending in your grocery order ask to have one of these brooms included. SPECIAL MOTOR DELIVERY R%à WALTOJN Grocer Newcastle i P-rofi*t-Sharing Sale of H-jaardware, It will pay you to investigate our special values in hardware. Amlerican Water White Oil at 29c gai Wall Paper Clearing at big sacrifice New Phonograpli Records at .......... .65c each Axes, aUl ready for work at big saving5. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND WM. JAMIESON ikýý

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