BURKETON The revival- meetings at this place closed last Friday night and the lab- ors of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Duetta of Trenton, will long be remembered in the village as his messages were strong and fearless and of the practi- cal type which touched the lives and practices of men and women. About 40 responded to the invitation to ac- cept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.. They have gone -ta * Bethany to do similar work. iMay success attend their efforts in a good cauise.. -.-Next -lnday--S. -& at-40.15- a. m., church at il a. mi., Everyone' CASH SHOE STORE came .... League at 7.30 p. ni. ,ta- night. Missionany night, Miss Rbodai Avery in tbe chair. ýAil are wel- came .... Bad colds are prevalent. The weather continues mild. It bas been a good winten. ta save fuel. Tianor Rollfor S. S. No. 7, Dan- lington,,for January: Sr. IV-Flor- ence Avery, Harry Jobnston, Bent Waterbouse. Jr. IV-Bertha Cur- ran, Eanl Adams. Sr. flI-Teenie MeKnigbt, Dorotby Sbortridge, Dina McKnîgbt. Sr. Il-Lena Glenny, Marj orie Martin, Margaret Johnston. Jr. II-George McCutcheon, Marjory MeKnight,-Robert -Wilsen-. Margaret A. Reid, teacher. F 9ashionable Evening BOWMAN VILLE BOWMANVILLE, FEB., 9th., 1922.' HAYDON Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mount- joy and littie son are visiting fiends at Lindlsay; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Siemoil visitedl at Hampton; Miss Meta and Masters Lewis and Bertie Ashton bad heir tonsils remnoved on Saturday last by Drs. Tiley of Bowmanville, and Fer- guson of Enniskillefl. Another mucli bel-ved and respected resident of this village was called to rest early Satur- day morniflg in the person of Mrp. Thos. Ashton. During the last yeark or two she bias been with lier daughtec, Mrs. MeGi-It of -EnnjskillPfl, wliere-thefunegra was conducted on Monday afternoon by Rev. W. T. Wickett and Rev - G. T. Me- ienzie. Mrs. Ashton was ever'a faith- fui worker her,, and a very earnest church member .... On Sunday afternoon, Pastor Wickett delivered another of his ercelient discourses, which was thocough- ly- appreciated . ... A most enjoyable even- ing was spent at Mr. Slas Tcewin's, wben thebrothers and sisters, and familles en- joyed a good hot oyster supper in honor of their father, Mr. Wm. Trewin, sr .. League service Sunday night was lacgely attended and ail that could be. desired oe make the Conseccation service effect- Ive and earnest. President conducted the opening exercises, cailed on the lst Vice, Mr. Clarence Avery to take charge of the pragscam. Miss Multholland read'script- ure; Tepic was, given in two pats-Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, the lirst on "The Task' and Mr. Leslie Graham the second on "Better ilomelife"l. Congregstional sIng- ing and prayer followed. Then a violin and mouth artan duet by Messrs. Wm. Hansford and Cecil Siemon added te thc Interest of thé prograin. A reading was given by Miss Vers, Siemon, cntitled IHow, When, Wbere, Wby". The sec- rctary called the coll and was met by a splefdid response. Before closing Mr. Avery 9ave a f ew well chosen cemarks Pnd heuful lessbns taken mainly fcom the Bible lesson'. The president again took charge and gave an Invitation ta Pnyone te Join with us, and fourteen of nc JUniors were taken intô membership. After the. reception service was comnplet- Ie1 the League was dismissed by thc Mizubah Benediction. Attend the Victoria Gîce Club Concert la Bowmnanville Methodîsi- Cburcc, 1eb 16 Our Trustees will .attend the pub- lic Meeting in Hampton next Tues-. day. DARLINGTON Mn. and Mi. John Allin and sons Sami and Alfred, wene recent Visitors; With relatives in Witby .... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gale, Wbitby, were here last week to 5e ber mother, Mns. Thos. Van Camp.... Mn. Frank Tre- noutb neturned to bis homne at Hamp- ton after tbree weeks' visit witb bis sisten, Mrs. ROY Metcalf.... Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Bragg were recent visit- ors at Mr. Albert Crago'... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blackburn were iný Newcastleta see bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Blackburn ... . Mrs. A. Trenouth, Mn. and Mrs. Knox and sister Miss Knox, and daugbter Betty, Hampton, spent Sunday at Mr. Roy Meteaif 's. Attend thc Victoria Gice Club Concert in Bowmanville Methodist Church, Feb 16 TYRONE Visitons: Councilior and Mrs. A. H. -Brent, Misses. Evelyn and May, Mr. Hloward and Gardon Brent spent Sun- aay with kir. Waltan Annis, Dunbar- ton; Miss Editb Smitb, Bowmanville, w ith ber niother, MrS. T. Smith; - T rr ~ .t. n t, ENFIELD Vsîtors Mr. Atbur Evans, Man., vis- iting at Messrs. Fred and Will Smnit's, Mr. Howard Mackey, Brooklu, at Messrs. Wallace Scott's and L. C. Pascoe's; Mr. Wilfrid Heatle, Mv1,nItoba, with relatives here; Misses Lyda Tayor and Alt.e Wercy, Bakers Sehool, w ee g îests of Mrs. Russel Ormnirton over he w ýek-end; Miss Irene Asliton, Toi-ou :' tt Mr. F. T. Ashton's; Mrs. J. qfl,rbucn'bas ce- tucued to Tweed.... M -ster IIaî'old Cocch- cane bas had i at auX paf pleurisy. Attend tjhe uîîora Gice Club Concert in Bowmanvi, Metbodist Churcli, Feb 16 Mr. R. H.- Suggett spent the week-end witb friends in Toronto. . .. Mc. Herbert Proutt1 of Vancourer, B. C., je risiting his aged mother and cenewing old ac- quaintanCes. Herb ist always popular witb friends around here .... Mr. Albert Nairn of Port Reeves Sask., le risiting his uncle, Mr. R. C. Jackson and fcîends around bere and visited Toronto on Mon- day. Wonder if Albert meýns business? .... Our~ hockey team went ta Blackstock on Friday erening and met 'witb defeat; but it was amateurs 'against seasoned players... Mc. and Mrs. Peter Wight ce- cently visited ber sister, Mrs. Andrew McGili, Janetville . ... Members of the Aduit Bible ClXse met at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow on Tuesday and a pleasant social evenint was spent with discussions, ceadings, cecitations, vocal and instrumental mugic...Mc,. Josephi Noon vlslted ber daugliter,.Mrs. Gardon Collins, Seurot. SOLINA Quartcrly meeting was held at Uldad an Sunday .. . . Mr. Jhn Baker, President West Ducham Agriculturai Society, ut- tended the Pairs Exhibition Association In Toronto this week.... Mc. and Mrs. Thos. Awde, Saskatchewan, visted bisý sister, Mrs. H. G. Pascoe .... .Mrs. Thos. fascoe and daughter Margaret, Hamnp- ton, vislted at Mc. J. T. Rundle's .... Mr. J. Baker sold a Sborthorn Bull toaa buyer neac London, Ont. .. .Mr. Georgeý M,-fllonei and Miss Marlon Reeson, Col- umbus, vlsited at Mr. Harey Hardy's.* Misses Alie Werry and Lyda Taylor spent-the week-end with Mcc. Russel Oc- mniston, Enfield..... .Young people arc cc- li arsIng a uflay for eariv presentation... Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright vlsItcd bis mother at Blackstock.,. ..Mc. W. J. Brcagg, M. P. P.. Mrs. Bcairg and Miss Irene, Bowmanville. and Mc. and Mcc. .Tck S9cott, Assinaboia. Spsk., visitcd Vrp. John Baker.... Mrs. Itichard Pascoc iý imrovinF r rm hec cecAnt Illneqs and Mcc. R. C. Scott Is somnewhat better we qr- uleamed ta learn. Go ta) Hamutan an Valentine Night and bMar "The Old New Hampshire Home. Attend the VictoriaGlee Club Concert in Bowmianrille Metbodist Churcc, Feb 16 Ratepaye4s and trustees éhould attend the public meeting in Hampton on Tuesday next. ENNISKILLEN Mc. James Siainton bas been quite iii .... Mr. Alan Stainton Às impcovicîg very siowly ... . Mes. Aylmec Hecring enter- tained the young people of the commun- ity last Tbursday evening ...Sunday School was well attended la.t Sunday.' Missionacy progr!am at the close of lesson. The beautiful solo by Miss Aima Wecry was very mucli enjoyed. . .. Those wbo failed ta bear Rev. G. T. McKenzie Sun- day evening missed a splendid sermon. A. reception service was heid at the close and sevecal new members wece receîved and a macramental service was held.... Mc. and Mcc. Burgmastec entectained a large number of their friends Fciday evening wben al bad a very enjoyable tîme. Our sympathy is extended ta the fam- illes who are bere-aved in thbe passlng of Mrs. Thomas Ashiton. Althoumh ailing AU CTION SALES .Tuesday, Februa'ry 14-Mr. Meredith B~rown, lot 1, con, 5, Manvers, will ;eiaillbis farm stock, implýements, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See bills. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Monday, February 20,-Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Hampton, will selI aU of ber bousehold effects, including furni- tune, stoves, garden tools, etc., etc., at ber nesidence., Sale at 1 P. nM. Theo. M. Siemon, Auc- tioneer. ThUiday- -Febir-uay -23.-Mr--J.. T_ Clarke, Hampton, will sell ail of bis bousebold -f urniture, poultny and garden tools. Sale at 1 p. nm. See bis. Theo. ?M. Siemon, Auc- r tioneer. Friday, Fehr-uary 24th-Mr. L. T. Pascoe, Lot 27, Con. 5, Darli-ngton, will seil all of bis farm stock, im- plements, seed grain and some household effects. See buis.'Jas. 1 Bithop, Auctioneer. 6-t f Best Ladies' Coats one-third off Fregular price, others frai $5.00 up tat Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. jEntertaiînmnent St. Valentine's Night FEBRUARY 14th., 1922 at 8 P. nm. in St. John's Parish Hall Bowmanville Under auspices of St. John's Brotberbood ARTISTS: Mr.J. B. Neale Capt. J. B. Neale Miss G. Jackson, A. T. C. M. Mrs. W. J. Morrisoa Deyman Trio. and others. Prognanis: 25c; Resenved 35c; Children 15c, Seats Tickets îay be secured fromi R. G. Harding, Joe Terrett, Rev. C. P. Muirhead, T. Heaslop. PUBLIC MEETING AT HAMPTONý Darlington Trustee' and Rlatepay- ens' Association-will hold its annual meeting at Hampton on Tuesday, Febnuary 14, at 8 p. mi. W. M. Mor- ris, Toronto, Secretany-Tneasuren af Ontario Ratepayens' Association will address the meeting. Evenybody wel-1 came. F. J. Groat, R. J. McKessock,1 President. Secretary. FARM FOR SALE Tenders will bec ecelved up to Peb- ruacy 15, 1922, foc the purchase ofËn farm of about 154 acres in lots 12 and 13, tb Concession, East Whitb5', situ- ated just south of Columbus andi 5 ailles fcom Oshawa, 'ijear school and churrci. Frame bouse, bank barn 100 x 32, 1hors9( stable, watec in stables, hydra powev, windmil and other conveniences Saili is dlay loamn, well cuitivated, well fenced. 2% acres orchard and 10 acces har0,wood timber. The bîghest or any tender not flneesýsacily accepted. Possession March l5tb, 1922. Par further partîclîasap.. ply ta M.Doalittie, Os hawa R. R. ý4z Shoes Shoes are the most im- portant part of stylish dress for occasions that ______________demand perfection in style. My stock of theWE shoes is complete. The illustration shown above is one of many strap effects superbly dignified- in design and perfectly\ honest in value. Some of my leading values: Blacliford make, Patent Leather with turn sole and Louis heel, one strap, dull kid color at ........... .....$9.90 Vassar make, Black Suede withturn sole and coVered Louis heel, three bar, one button. .$9.90 Patent and Black Suede Combination with turn sole and Baby Louis Heel, one strap and two button effect at ........................... $9.90 Many Others in Pump and Strap Effects and styles~ fromn...........................$6.50 to $9.00 W. qCL ,A UD E I VE S The Shop That LeadsI No Time Like the Present Do not put off buying this season' s Hats too late. Your size may not be here when you want it. This season's variety in Men's Hats take in several styles and materials.. For a man to be weIl dressed it is absolutely necessary that his hat be up to, the minute. 111 We are off ering these specials in Men's Head- wear ail this week. $5.50 and $6.00 Hat-s for ...................$3.00 $5.00 and $4.00 Hats for...*..... *****......... $2.00 Alsoc Men's Ear-Lap Caps to Clear at 75c & $1.00 I Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdasbery I I and Fur Shop.I Big Reductions in Price of Hoover Electric Cleaners IT AYSTO WEST END HOUSE ni n mannwamuài" m M: 9 L-uq-m--