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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1922, p. 6

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TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FORt SALE $3500 wiil buy 8 roasaed brick honse and office attachefi, opposite Town Hall. =C8O wlil purchase 7 room frame bouse an _1furch Street, water, sewer, electric mght and furnace. 8-roomed brick bause on Ontario-et., Bowmanvile goofi lot, every convenience. WIJI be solfi reasonable for qutck raie. $3000 will purchase 2 story brick bouse on Concession Street, water, sewer. elect- rie light, furare.egarage and every con- venience. $70 00 will, purchase 170 acres,1at11 Township of Clarke fine buildings, wel fenced and watercd, about 3 sales east oi Newcastle Wharf. ,$6.700 wlll purchase 116 acres parts lots 6con, 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, knowa as the Bruce Parm. weil fenced, soai l ay oasa, goad buildings. Tersas easy. $20,000 wiU purchase the Semers Fan. oontaialng 150 acres, juat autaide the cor- poration ai the Tawn of Bowsnanvlile, an county road, on whlch are erected an 8- roomed brick hanse cosamodiaus out- buildings, atone stabling for 40-head of cattie; the sali la a rich cla>' loam, wel fencefi and watered; this is considered one af the best tarmain lathe caunty. Ternis ta suit the purchaser. L. A. W. TOLE, REJAL ESTATE AGZNT 85tf 1B.wmanvill, 41. Ch iropractlic (Spinal Adjustmonts) Remove the Cause of Diseane without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc- cern lin removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness,' Aathma, Rheumatisim, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseanes, Stomach and .Kldney Troubles. Nervousnesa in ,many formi respond readily to Chiro, practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoo St. N. Oshawa Phn. 224. The Double Track Route between Moatreal Toronto Detroit Uiiexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains andi Parlor cars on the principal day craint 1-Full information from an y Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning Y>strit Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H.L H. JURY, Agent Ph... 78 .wmanvilie THE '"LIFTUP"I (Patented) ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in confarmity with the science of Anatomny. The *LIFTUP I a Pateuted invention with non-slip elastie inside helt, gentiy supports the abdomen ana is very beneficisi for use atter an opei- ation involving an abdominal incision. Most effective in relieving those physicai ailments from whicli many women suffer. WRITE for u::ful hinte on fielea and sl esuen .FRE Tise genuine Patented "'LIFTIJP" ts ca BIAS CORSET made only by OEAG c0RiE¶'ZLorifl'-an 48 DUIRTIAXN rîSsaca' 'W0ROPirTo DEPT, F PHONFE MAIN 3'700 FILLED CHANGE 0F TIME For the conTveience of the ýtravel- ling public I amn now making daily trips to Oshawa,, Leave West End Garage, Bowmanville, at 6 a. ni., leave corner King and Mary-.sts., Oshawa, at 5 p. mi. Saturday leav- ing Oshawa at 12 noon. 2 tI Art Cole, Proprietor. RAILWAY TIME IABLEb FOR BOWMAN VILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eau. Going West D Express 12.33 a. mi. x Express 8.42 a. mi. Express 4.22 D *Express 9.18 a. ni. Express 5.38 D D Express 10.35 a mi Pass'ngr 10.02 x x Passenger 3.09 p ni Passenger 7.06* x Local 7.14 p. ni. Passenger 7.13* D Mail 9.58 p ni. Passenger 8.16 x x Passenger 1.18 p mi Passenger 1 56* * Sundays only; x Daily except Sun- day; ! Flagged.___ Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. mi Express 2.36 p. ni.* Local 8.20 a. ni.* Local 10.08 p. m.* Express 4.40 p. m Express 12.20 a. mi Express 7.42 p m* *Daily except Sunday.ý C. B. Kent, Towin Agent. Canadien NMtional Railway. West Bound East Bound *8.15 a. ni. *734 p. ni. 'Daily except Sunday. Biang! Goes Bronchitis Gone! Swept riglit ont cf xistenJe by Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture The niost powerful remnedy you can use ta obtaia complete relief. 40 Doses for 75c. Sold suder a MONEY BACK GUAP-41TEE SOlM by a&Hdruceit. or Lv mail frein W.Ig.Rm.u&ls, Lha"d, 142 Miteal t. Tois, SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE gol g &-eth to find reieit-- ý cured Jýy a local remedy. ..Te have suffered with v7ecpinz eprna (A" he bauds, subad iiat m lbands wc.ierý l to have ilried and'ti'ed nrnedies. withort,- jef-to have given ccp ,,,k and ronce Soutlh for help-to have hcencnuredconeletely on lia If bottie ofilD. D D. ' hisithee abstue ccf Mrs. Hayes'lett r, 25 S.eiset St., flaniltoniO, .Cases eau lie sent you your owu vicini ty. 'nrite for, Canadian testimonils, or secur a , LC of Df D. D. today. Vke sîuiFér itching t' rcccc'ct oneth e,'imoment? if you do't -,et .iiefou the lirsI.botie, e ewillrefeind witliout cctfion.ri.tUa otie ry D. D. D Soap, too. JURY & LOVELL, DRUGGISTS r NOj ISHMENT' I is Nature's first aid to I the body in times of Scott sElnulsiton" Iunsurpassed in purity Iand goodness i Inourishment in a ormn Sthat seldom fails. Scott & Bowne, Toronto,. Ont. I-ALSO MAKERS OF- (Tablets or Granules) FRINDIGESTION Would not be Without Zutoo JTablts At Any Cost Mr. A.. O. Norton, the mifllonaire jack manufacturer, of Boston, who te- cently dled, wua a great "booster" for zuto. Tablets. IBe suffereti from headaches f romt child- hood and wben he found Zutoo Tablets stopped these headaches ini a fcw minutes and left no bad effect he began reconi- mending thema to bis ÏamIIy and friends. In an unsolicited letter, Mr'. Norton MaY& in cIosing: "iMy family use themn when ever needed- with equally poil resuits. I have fr- quently given them t. friends who were sufferlng fromi Headache and they neyer failed ta give qnick relief. I always carry Zntoo Tablets lani=y grip on the road and WOULD NOT Bw WITHOUT, THeM AT ANY COSTr." p cents per box-at ail dealera, SK TI1NG R INK BOWMAN VILLE BAND NIGHTS TUE'SDAYS THURSDAYS SATURDAYS N. H. Taylor, Phone '306r3 Manager. t I BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 9th., 1922. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE j Cobourg hajs a music study club. Durham niothers have receiveti $325 for allowaace. Cobourg has a live curling club. The World reports 475 boys at, Boys' Conference ln Cobourg. Mr. Merchant, if you have a mes- sage for the people ofDurham put it in The Canadian Statesman. AI- most everybody reads The Statesman. Twenty young boyýý enitered a. Picton residence and stole four cases of whiskey. They partook so free- ly of the liquor that the police had no difficnlty in locating theni. Burglars broke into a North Toron-! to home and carried away eighteen cases of whiskey-216 bottles-froni the cellar. Bootleggers value good whiskey at $8 a bottle. This would make the loss $1,728. Five Picton citizens were each fined $200 and costs for having liq- uor in an unlawful place. Two girls, who were convîcted of drink- ing the sanie "hooch" in an unlawful place, went to jail on failing, to pay $190 and costs each. An Oil that is Prized Everywhere. -Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Qil was put upon the market without any flourish over fifty years ago. It was put up to meet the wants of asmaîl section, but as soon as itsnierits became known it had a whole continent for a fieldi, and it is nqw known aad prized throughout this continent. There is nothing equal to it. In further refereace to the visit- ing of sick andi shut-in people la Toronto by Mr. Thos. Yellowlees, we leara that in 1921 hie matie 307 vis- its to hospitals, 7,282 visits to patients 160 of thebe being froni outside the City. This would indicate that Friend Yellowlees lives a fairly active life for a near-o;ctogenarian. We note in The Sarnia Observer the report of a musical evening la Central Methodist Chnrch, Rev. J. Edwin J Millyard, pastor, givea under direction of Mr. C. C. Langher, Mus. B ac., and inl which some of his own compositions were sang, one' of which was "Blind Bartimeus". Past- or Millyarti gave à talk on the Card- inal Newman)'s hymn "Lead Kindly Light". Prof. Laugher's choir is now practising an Easter Oratorio. His many frierds in Bowmanville are glad to hear of his good work ia the western town.,1 An 011 that is Famous.-Thongh Canada was net the birthplace of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011,lit is the home of that famous compound. Froni here its good ane was spread to Central and South America, the West ladies, Australia and -New Zealand. That la far afield enough to attest its excellence, for in all these countries it is on sale anti in demand. It is Western Canada that does big things. The lrize Lisi and Breeders' Directory of Manitoba Winter Fair and Fat Stock Show, al- so Provincial Poultry Show at Bran- don, Manitoba, of which a Bowmaa- ville Boy, Mr. William 1. Smale, is the Secretary and Manager, has been receiveti $20,000 are offeret inl prizes E so it is some exh ibition al right.1 Dates are March 6 to 10. Western i falrmers e~e enterprýsing and our readers will recognize it when we tell them, that the Manitoba Fair Association have the most modern and up-to-date Winter Fair Building n Canada, the stables being con- structed of steel anti cement andi are absolutely lire proof. Very gener- ous prizes are off'ered. Accommoda- tion îs ample for 300 herses'aad 500 cattle. Poultry section covers 175 x120 feet and plenty of provision is nade for sheep and swine. Entries close February 25th, ACCIDENT TO A DURHAM BOY Mlr. Albert Odeil Serinbusly lnjured by a Fali. Mr. William McLeod up froni Co- bourg, recently, informeti us of a ser- ious and painful accident to our much esteemed frienti, Mr. A. Odeil, a old )rono boy and former P. S. Inspect- or, for Inspectorate No. 2. Mr. OdelI was closing the storm door at his resi- leace when the high wind caught it and he was hurled across the veran- dah and over the steps alighting on his left shonider on .he frozeni ,round, dislocating the shoulder anti splintering the shoulder cap. The accident is the more serions as hie ost his right arm in a gun accident whpn a boy residing with hîs parents in Orono village. His host of IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Canadians are gettiag as rampant for Qivorce as Americans, already 120 Mr. E. Creightoni Higgiabotham, app licafions are before Canadian proprietor of the Higg'labotbam Drug Serate.________ Ce., 124 Eigbth Ave. E., Calgary Alfa., in sending his subscription for 1 The Statesman says, '"i simply Muat lS have the 'olti home toava paper. 111111H Nelson, B. C.,' are that he is np anti CO Smkin-Na Sorylqe-I8uS arount anti enjo. ed his Cbristmas lust Swallew a Capsule dianer with th e otbers after a rather ;RAZ-MAH le Guarantead serions 'illness.' Business conditions te restore normal breathing, sopmueus ont here are subaormal althougb Cal- teisi h rnha uegv gary shows more sigas of if e than flknght of quiet Bleep; conteans a» .many other cities, Arn keepîng ab ?fsr ug 1.Ot or rg quite welh myself. Kindest regards mMt i', riîl teeat our agenciez or wrte f0 olti frientis". lai 1AOm. WL.. W a 'mm-.-. Mr. Geo. W. James, Bewmaaville : Dear Sîr-Allow nie te coagratulate yen on yonr succeassla the elections ln Bowmanvillc. I amn sure tbe im- portant position which yen now holti must mean much ta yen la a number of ways, the confidence of the people un the town in which you live us not the least of these. Yonr paper is re- ceivet i wth intercat, ,week by week. If is ta me a wcekly letter froni the olt ihomie town. I note a report of thbe Durhami Club held at the home of Mr. Clemes, :South Drive, Taran- to. I hati the pleasure of attending that meeting. The pragrani was one of the very best, with stroag cm- phasis on the word very, as well as the word best.-Geo. J. Northcott, Orillia ýMrs. Wm. Cbapman writing froni Broadview, Sask., Febmuamy 2 says: Wc greatly enjoy meading The States-. maan every week. I thiak those let- fers by a Durhami Old Boy about the Early Days at Eaniskillcn anti Dar- lington wei-e worth two dollars alone te ns. It will seen be 39 ycars since we left there anti what a great numYber of the elti people have passedti t the Great Beyond; still there are some left that we kncw la the carlier days. We are baving a very ale winter with enongh saow for good sleighing. Editar's Note-We well remember our first visit te Broadview-39 years ago. We took active part la a ten- course dinner in a great tent there between the heurs of midnigbt anti 2 a. ni. Our editorial party hati been eut te the cati of the C. P. R. line anti christeneti a new station there after the name of aur Presîient E. J. B. Pense-the station is there still-- anti much greater time was cenanni- eti than our schetinle calleti for, hence. fhe late or eamly dinner. The Chief Walsh offflhc N. W. M. Police bap)t- iseti an Indian papoose at Pense giv- inz hem fthc nanie of Clime Pense after our Secretary anti President. Do YOU COVET SUCCESS? Father of Succeess l Work anti ruother of Success is Ambition., The cîticat son is Common Sease ati other boys are Perseverance, Flonesty, Tboroughness, Foresight, inthusiasm, Co-operati 'on. The eldest daughter is Character and other sisters are Chccrfulness, Loyalty, Coumfesy, Came, Economy. Sincerity, FHarmony. The baby is Opportnity. Get acquainteti with the Olti Man andi yon will be able ta get aloag pretty wcll with the rest of the Fani- ily. mii D~ut yo u cenPru td P/ÇSUebMurine Eve Re-med7 ~" ight sud Mnîo i cep yourEele,7an, clear atLE athy. Write for revereBe. .opleJaa.14X 5 ng .s5.a«1. Solti by Jury,,,& Lovel Teacher S; Ys She Found Themi Good Miss Thereault Praises D'odd's Kidney Pis. Popular New Brunswick Lady Furn- iishes Some of the Reasons Why Dodd's Kidney Pulls ar~e Suffering Women's Best Friend. Upper Pokemouche, N. B., Feb.6, (Special) .-"I caa coascientiously recommend Dodd's Kidney Pilîs to all persons afflicted with any forni of kidney trouble". Se says ýMiss Alice Thereault, the popular school teacher here. And, Miss Thereanît adds that she knows ont of ber owa experience that Dodd's Kid- ney Pilîs are gooi.: "I have exper- ieaced great benefit froni this mcdi- cine since I have been troubled -witb kidney trouble. I always got good resnlts from nsiag theni". Dodd's Kidney Puis are kaowa froni one ead of Canada to the other as snfferiag womens b'eât fiïend. They are purely and simply, a kidney remedy They streagtben' the kiti- neys to do their full work.,of strain- iag aIl the impurities ont of the blood. Sound kidaeys mean good health. Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pîlîs do not make sound kidneys. Self Preservation-Nature's First Law-Heed It-! Preserve Your Strength T illsonbuarg, - ~~Ont -"Ever sînce 1 eau remexaber, Dr. Pierce's amedi- S cies were usce in our family at home and they nex er failed te give rooti resuits. Thxe*G.olden Medi- -cal Discovery'was ~-~ useti as a tonic and blood p n'rifier aIse for bronchiai trouble ant ifi proveti excellent. i mi self have tàkeîi the 'Discovery' for bronch ltrouble and Dr. Pierce's Rivoet Pret cripýîon to builti me up xxhen 1w 'it ~,and they vwere both verv b(ei3v'flcil. 'ýl feel safe in ~tt'etigaillef Dr. Piercý, 's ineti îýres !owing thern te bhego" L.C1t,"Êfrd Mitchell. Obtain theýe faimous rnedicines nowý at yeur nearest dnj store, in tabiets or liquiti, cr senti 1.0c te Dr. Pierce', Laberatory in Eïridgeburg, Ont., fer a trial packae ofe any cf' his reme- dies. Write Dr. Piercie, -Presitient Invalids' Hotiii DT 7o, N. Y., if yen tiesire free ni dvice. H o w'sYc; ,rier Health Is Kept, If: You Observe This Siataluta, a.-I have taken Dr Pierce's Geldien 1M0edica iDiseovery for hiver trou'ble andi t snd it excel- lent and w ould not be w itheut it. I suffered freni comîrestion of the liver about six years ago anti I always say that this medicine cureti me. I have also givea it to rny family for coltis andi it cureti thernila a very short time." -Mrs. 'Eroch Mitchell, Box 129. BEAIJTY 0F THE SKIN 18 the naturai desire of every vornan, aud la ObtasuabIe by the use of Dr IChase sOintmnent. Pimpiesbiaelkheade: roug9hness andi retinse sof the 'sk n irritation and ecÉema disaprear, and the skin le lfti soletsmooth aud velvety. Al deasiors' or Edmanson, Bates & Co. L mited Toronto. Sampie free if mou location tis paper. Vt(', 'SPHOSPHODINEý nhe Great English Preparafcn , ýtoesad tnvigerates the wholc nervons system.. makes new Bloet 7àin old Veins. Uîed for Nervouî -' ebildfy. Mental and Brain Wotry, Despondenc, Lss of Energi', Palpitation ci the Heatrt as.lin Memory. Price $2 pe. box. u for $58Z Sold by ail druggists, or mailed in plain .pkg. ou receipt af priçe. New pamphiiit nrailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TOftONrO,oNT. ook's' cotonRoot Coinpouud. A safe, reliable reguilating Medicine. Sold ln threo de- - res of strength-No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent drpadon reccipt of price., r're p amphlet. Address : TrHE COOKC MEDICINE CO., [r HwURRY UP CALLS For the Plum ber NIGHT 18' or DAY We are always at your Service. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or nigit, Bowmanville To Women Who Do Their Own Work: Suppose you could save six minutes cvcry day in washing pots and pans-two minutes after evcry meal. In~ a nionth, this would amount to a saving of three bours of this disagrecable but nccessary work. This saving can be made by using SMP enamcled kitchen utensils, as their smooth sanitary surface will not absorb dirt or grease. No seraping,~ scouring or polishing is needed wbea you use Diamond or Pearl Ware. Soap, water and a dish towel is all you need. Ask for SMPm'd" fIfWzARE Diamond Ware is a three-coatcd enamcelcd steel, sky blue and white outside with a snowy white liaing. Pearl Ware is enameled stecl with two coats 'of peari grey enamnel, inside and out. MEET ETALPROD CT-...4L' Mft Ever Farîiners' At ten Ht ion, We are now booking orders for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and will be glad to have orders from a limited number of good, careful farmers, having good soil prepared for the coming crop. We bçlieve the price we are able to offer will com- pare favorably with any crQp on the farm. Our stocks of FLOUR and FIEED will be f-ound complete at ail times. Phone 203. -VSE IT. Hiogg & Lytie, Limited. Oshawa Ontario Cream Wanted!1 Prices of Cream are higli. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We, Want Yours If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone cali or write us, Orono Creamery CO., ORONO '.1- t, 'J Strength Strength of muscle dees net in- dicate strengtb of nerves. On this accouait sany people who look healthy eaongh suifer fromn nervous troubles and cannef understand what is ailing thesa. Sleeplessaess and irritability are asaoag Uic eanly sysaptosas. Indigestion and tired feelings soan follow. Reaci this letter froin an On- tario mari: Mr. W. L. Gregory. Charles St. E., Ingersoîl, Ont., writes: "I had been troubled for quite a while with indigestion. At limes there would be s twitching of thSe uerves of my stomach; and 1 also found il dii- cuit to gel a good uight*s sieep. 1 am a moulder, aud owing to thSe nature of my work my syslem became ruu-dowu. I took a treatmeut of Dr.'Chase's Nerve Food, sud fouud great benefit f rom Ibis mecicine. They did me a great d eal cf gooci. I have net been bothered i aIal with indigestion since, and cau sieep much btter. 1 have recommesded Dr. Chase's Nerve Food t10 sanlyof My frieuds, as J thiuk il spleucid for. suy- oeruu-dowu and ueeding a tonic.' Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, aIl dealers, or Edmnson, Bates & Ca., Limited, Toronto o, t L.-

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