The ""Quality" Tea Ri Il Annual Sale Exceeds 30 Million Packets --B LACK, MIXED or GREEN- Steadfastly Rtefuse Ail Substitutes. J. A. McCLELLAN Manager, Now la the best time for having your car over- hauled. We can give it better ýattention and give you a set price for the job. We carry a large stock of Genuine Ford and Chevrolet parts on" hand at ail times. Cail and get our price. Satisfaction guaranteed. N ew and second hand -cars for sale. Gas, oul and accessories. West Esnd'Gar agêe Bowmanville MOI. There's a big, big treat awaiting, That surpasses ail your dreams, And it's made of richest chocolate And the smoothest of ice creams; There's a dime's worth full of brightness, It will make you smile and sigh, Jt's the newest, rarest dainty, This alluring Eskimo Pie. A coating of rich milk chocolate, with a heart of pure, delicious ice cream, makes Eskimo a double- barrel delig-ht. Be sure you -get Eskimo Pie! i Oc The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 !owmanville the "Lower Canada Settlement"l. Ahmic in The GCube. Tanlue is the ideal streugthener and body builder for old folks, ho- causeý it croates a healthy appetite for whiolesome food and strengthens and invig-oraf'es the. digestive orgauis. Jury & Lovoîl. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 9th., 1922.ý COUNTY COUNCIL NOTES Wnrden Phillips, Couns. W. F. El- liott and Franklin Allun were appoint- ed to attend a meeting of municipal- îies in Kingston on Fabruary 15 for nppointing a delegation to wait on the Government asking the Depart- ment to takq over the Provincial Highway and assume its mainten-. ance. Finance Committea recommnended these grauts.and expenditures: $120,000 for couaty ronds. $100 increase a year for Mrs. Mc- Millan,, matron ut Home for Aged. $25 to Salvution Army, Cobourg. $50 to Sick Chilren's Hospital. $750 euch to Cobourg, Port Hope and Bwmaville Hospitals. $50 ta QueenMry's Hospital for Coasump- tîves. $300 monthly to Counties Child- ren's Aid Society. $20 euch to Hamilton and AIn- wick for brushing Rica Lake ronds. Miss McMahoin wus enagg aut $600 a year to assist in b9oks of County Rond Commissioners.' J. H. H. Jury was re-appointad High School Trustee, Bowmunvîlle. Mambers puy rolund mileuga nmounted to $1086.30. 'Couacil ex- pressed itsalf opposed to Depurtment of Educution raising standard of mu- triculation.-Cobourg World., LATE REV. ROBERT A. BRUCE Durhamn County Boy Passed Away in South Dakota. Our readers here anad elsewhere who know Miss Mabel E. Bruce for some yeurs the capable and popular Superintendent of Bowmanville Hos- pital will sympathize with ber lu the deuth of her brother, the Rev. Robert A. Bruce, Pustor of the Methodist Episcopul Church of Rnpid City, South Dakota, in bis 41st yenr. Ha ra a slvar into the littie finger of bis right hand while nssistiag on the aaw church, blood poisoning set in and ahl that medical and surgicul skill could do was done, but ha pnssad nwny December 8, 1921., Interment wns made ut Brookiags, South Da- kota.' Surviving are bis wife and four childrea. His biographer says of him: Whntever ha undertook ha did wall throwing nl bis tremen- dous energy into the tnsk. As a husband, fathar, friand ha wns the embodiment of love and usefulnass, evar striving to serve others and to do his Mustar's will. Possessing n happy and génial disposition, ha had the happy faculty of meeting people and gnining their friendship and re- spect, irrespective of church affilia- tion, for in him alil rcogaized n cuit- ured Christian gentlemen-ona Of God's noblemen. The body luy in stute nmîd a profusion of fiowars in the Methodist church and the church wus crowded to cupacity ut the ser- vices. Several brother ministers paid tribute to bis worth and work in the miaistry. Some seven or more years ugo deceused preached la Bow- munville Methodist churcb ou Sunday. evening wben visîtiug bis sîstar bora and other relatives in Cartwright and Lindsay. We believe the aged mother is living in Cartwright with bar son, Mr. J. J. Bruce and Miss M. E. Bruce is in South Dakota with ber berenved sister-in-law. CLARKE PIONEERS 5mnai1 Settiemnent of Originals in Dure. ham County Thinned out by Grim Reaper Died-In Orono, on Monday, Juuuary llth, Ezra A. Hall, in bis 89th year. The Orono News, records the passiag of oua of n group of riou remarkable for their ugo, and stilîmore remurk- able for the mental and physical net- ivities maintnined for beyond thie Psnlmist's limit of three score and ton. Amoug the names of these vet- oranas recail those of Thomas Thorn- ton, H. L. Powers, Ezra Hall, Simon Powers, Pater Staîker, Thomas Dlon- castor, Richard Hill, Joseph Camp- bell and Aimeric Gumsby. Amoug, the first three of those uumed died ut age5 runging from over 80 to over 90 and yet muintained their mental and physical facilities ulmost to the last, Ezra Hall, the last of the three to pass, haviug kept up bis duily walk of a mile betweea bis old homestead and the village to withiun af ortuight of bis death. Active Octogenariana Of those who romain the only oaa who is not physicully activa is Simoni Every, mothier who ha% a daughter suifering f rom such symptoms should give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegatable "ompound a trial. It -ta prepa-red from roots and herbs, and eau be takea in safety by young or oId. It ba -s been used nearly flfty years, and mrany, many women owe their good health today to the tlmely ieof Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetablo Comi- po')un d. OBITUARY David Manning, Oshawa. A resident of Oshawa for overi fifty years passed uway at the Osh- awa Hospital Thursday ufternoon rafter an illness of four days, in the 1person of David Manning, 511 Sim-' coe Street, South. Born in Englund seventy-six yeurs ago, the deceased came to Canada, settling in the vic- inity of Oshawa over fifty yeurs ago. Mr. Manning wus one of the best known residents of this town, havîng been a prominent member of the South Oshawa Methodist Church .for muny yaars, also a member of the Sons of England Lodge. He ha been an employee of the Ontario Malleubla Iron Company for the last thirty-four years and huad bean at work on Saturduy, althougi suiffer- ine from a slight cold, but pneumon- la suddenly developed necessituting his removal to the Hospital on Mon- day night where he pussed away Thursday. The surviving members of the fumily are his wif e, four sons, Albert, of Bowmunville, Arthur and George, îof Toronto, and Louis, of Detroit. One sister, Mrs. S. Young is living in England. The funeral took place Snturday ufternoon from the Luke Burial Company Parlors, Rev. J. S. McMullen tuking charge of the ser- vice. Members, of Sons of Englund Lodges attended in a body. Andrew Crui:ckshank, Montrose, Ont. At "Argyle" on Friday morning, Jnnuary 13th, there pnssed awny one of the oldest and most highly respect- ed citizens of this community in the person of Mr. Andrew Cruickshank after but a f ew days' ilîness of pneu- monia. Mr. Cruickshank hud pussed the four score mark having been born nearly eighty-four years ugo on the farm (bought and numed Argyle by his grandfuther consideably over one hundred years ago) where he spant most of his if e and where he died. He was a quiet, unassumîng, home- loving, Christian man, seeking neither place nor position frow his fellow men. In religion a staunch Preshyterian, having beau for over fifty yenrs an eider in the Preshyterian church, first at Drummoad Hill, luter ut Chippnwn. In politics a Liberal. His wife, Azubnh Jane Hardy pro- deceused him elevea years ugo. Interment was made at Drummond 1Hil1 Cemetery on Monay the l6th. Rev. Mr. Bowmnn of the Port Rob- inson and Crowlund Presbyterian Churches conducted the funeral ser- vice. Mr. Cruickshank lenves to mourn the loss of a beloved and honoured father, a grown up family, Mrs. A. Browa, Hamilton; Mrs. A. L. Nich- olis, Bowmaaville; Mrs. Jas. N. Han- sel, Port Robinson; Mrs. B. M. Mit- chener and Miss A. M. Cruickshank, Toronto, Hardy of Buffalo, N. Y., and Misses Elsie and Edith ut home. Wel- land Tribune. If you are feeling ahl wo rn out, if you can't eat, sleep or work with any satisfaction, you need Tanlac. Jury & Lovell. RIIU MAÀTI1SM LUMBAGO NEURITIS v ,R c , SCIATICA 'Rheumatism and similar troubles invariably yield to t:his T.R.C.le (Templeton's Rheâimatic Cap- sules) trea:tment. *Many doctors and many hundreds of druggists from coast to coast will conîirp. this truth. The hundreds of te-s- timonial lettera in Our files shoW- that T.R.C.'s have successlufly treated flheumatism, Lumbago, Neurit$s, Sciatica and acute heu. ralgia of ail kinds. But the beat evidence is your own experience. Iyou suffer we want you to try this guaraaeed nod-injurious remedy at our expenae. Drug. gists soUl T.R.C.Is $ 1.00 per box. Fer Free Trial Write T.R.C. Goq4 56 Coiborne St., Toronto. Sold by Jury & Loveil DAUHER VOUýIS Mother Gve HArALDiaE WEST DURHAM BOYS From An Orono Cottage to Lord, Mayor's Palace. The death of Sir Charles Augustine, Ilanson, Canadian financier,- and a former Lord Mayor of London, Eng., was cabled to the Toronto press Jan. l7th. It is f orgotten possibly by aven the most of our old r esidents that Sir Charles was an Orono boy, his father Rev. ilanson being a one- time pastor of the old M. E. church here in the years before the Union and the family resided in the house where the Standard Bank is now lo- cated. Mr. C. J. Hughsdn recails Hanson who was a pinymate of hîs 60 or 70 years ago.-Orono News. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B OOK K EEP ING, Complete Commercial and General Im- provement Courses. Students accepted at any tîme Good positions for ail graduates. CAÀNADA BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Oshawa and Toronto. onge & Charles Streets, Toronto Is strictly first class in ail depart- ments and unexcelled in the Do- minion., A sound business edu- cation, is a sure stepping-stone ta success, but the imitation kind is not. Why not investigate the subject? We wilI gladly send you our large catalogue which contains complete, information. For your sake send for it to-day. Students admitted at any time. 0Our graduates are eminently suc- cessful. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. e Alway's Good Everyi time you buy "SURPRISE" you get -a big, bright, solid bar of the -highest grade household soap. 120 This Guarantee Gives You Better Rubber Footwear The strongest guaran tee urider which rubber footwear has ever been sold is fastened to each pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear. Here's what it says: "Evory pair of Amas Holden Rubber Footwaar ha guaranteod to'onlwear aay pair of similar shoas of any other make, sold ut the samie price and worn under the samie conditions." It protects you against inferior workmanship and materinis, and assures the greatest possible value for the price you pay. If every pair wasn't made ri.ght-with the right materials-pure rubber and stout strong fabrie and lîniags - this guaran tee wouldn't be possible. No matter what you, need in rubber footwear, we want you to try a pair and satisfy yourself that the best is Look for the Âmes Holden.mark on every pai r. For Sale By W. CLAUDE IVES' Bowmanville ) j Banking by'Mail M NY -d varied Tre he types of men who conduet the banking witb he Standard througb the post. orBusy men who live far away from any bank find that tisto town, and is satisfactory in every way and quite simple. We pay interest at current rates on such accounta, Write or cail for full particulars. STANDA]rKD BAÀ&NKr% TOTAL ASSETS OVER E IGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch,- - H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, - - - - E. A. Preston, Manager Branchesat Newcagtlý and Newtonville PROTECT YOIJR VALUABLES If kept in yotlr home, fire or thieves omay rob you of themn. Our Managers will be pleased to tel y -ut thje protection afforced by a - rJTV YDEPOSIT BOX. THE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA R. F. AITCHISON, Manager. k ?F COTIWI '-ilqi -, 2&.wè2m.. J1,