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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1922, p. 2

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BOWMANVILLE, FER. l6th., 1921 InsUrance% Agency. All lines of PIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS,1 AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- 'TEE. :diqth' V. Scobeli, Agen 2nd door, west of the "Bis 20" Bownianville Ontat-io. THEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Salesa Speclalty. 1Terms moderate. I-tf Enniskilen P. O. Phone 197-rS. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Office, Ring-st., W., Stateanian Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. LEGAL Md. G. V. GOULD,,B.A., L4L.D... _BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on, Farmn and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 1'78J. music T. W. STANLEY' (London College of Music) Orgaaist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville~ Methodist Church, îs prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For ternis phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL s. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. t 'b.~dMedalist of Trinity University Tioronto. Four years Atteuiding Phy- ai,ýcian and Surgeon at Mt. Carnmel Ho-7spital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office -and Residence, Wellingtoný Street, Bow- ,îa nville. Phone 108. C, W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College,c Toronto, formnerly of Enniskillen. Office and' residence, Dr. Beith's, fo)rmer residence on Church-st., ,Bow- ,manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. 'STOREYs Graduate Toronto University, year and a haif resident physîcian and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital (six9 months Buraside Matqrnýty) twoc and half years Military Hlospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10.lyr* DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITTV eGtadute of Royal Dental College,a Toono, Office, King-st. East, Bow-s mranville. Office hours 9 a. ni. to 6v p. nm. daily except Sunday. Phone t 9 0a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE aonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto UJniversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. l Office phone 40. bouse phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, 1 Licensed to practice in Ontario ..and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches, Office-King-st., Bowmanville Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 301 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Miiost complete equipment. Sunday 1 An,'d night calîs promptly attended to. t LBowmanville phones 10 and 34.1 Branch at Orono. M. A. JAMES c STEAMSHIP TICKETS s TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacific, Whiite Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke-st.. just opposite CVanning1 THE EDITOR TALKS There is altogether too littie at- tention given te debating in the var- ious organizations for young people. Epworth Leagues, Fanmers and Wom- en's Institutes, Canadian Clubs, Men's Brotherhoods and many othe: societies would find debatîng an at- tractive, profitable and educative pastime. Referring to the Inter- Collegiate debate at Whitby on Feb- ruary 3, The Gazette-Chronicle ha this sensible editorial comment: De- ba ing is a phaseof school life thal should be encouraged and expanded it develops the thinking faculties tE Pan unusual degree, trains the pupil to reason out matters to a legical con- clusion, to speak wvell, to think coolý and clearly while facing an audience, and to view matters from a broad and impartial slandpoint. We believE that debates between the classes of the High School would be of muci advantage to the pupils, and would Lbear directly on their improvement in the subjects studied. Few if any activities are so beneficial, froni an academic viewpoint, as debating. There shonld be more of it, flot only in the sehools, but in social anc churcli erganizations. Probably very few of our readers ever give a thought of the task thai faces us almost every week and at times several times a week to write or edit the obituaries that are pull- lished in this journal. To assemble leading facts about a man or wom- an's whole if e and character is often a very difficult undertaking, unless their friends are so thonghtful, as many are, as to provide us with such information at the very earliest pos- sible moment. For instance, we gave a very complete sketch of Sen- ator Beith's life and work whic-h, al- tho we knew hlm intimately, 'and his friends suppiied such information as we asked for, was no ordinary taskas wehave not often gone s0 mînutely into the details of a per- son's history and particulars of, his deatýh and burial. An unusualiy large number of obituaries-eight in ail-appeared in our last issue, en- tailing more or less workon the edi- tors. We caîl attention to this mat- ter to let people know that we must be given the information by friends or we cannot write very complete obituaries, for wbile we may know the party intimately there are dates and facts, particulars of the funer- ai, and so forth, that must be fur- nished. We do not care to publish obituaries a mohtb after the death of the subject, se aiways furnish the usual particulars promptly. We shared the honor on Frîday, February 3 witb a young legal gentle- man of Oshawa and the editor and puiýlisher of Wbitby of being asked to judge at the Inter-Coliegiate de- bate bietwen two students' of Osh- awa- Collegiate Institute on the affirmative sîde against two from WhitbyCollegiate on the negative side.. It was no easy task, believe us, for the four addresses were al of a very high character and well delivered. We eall attention to the debate here because we desire to pay a just tnibute to the students whose efforts would compare most favorabiy with those of men of long experience and higher education. Thousands of people have paid substantial admis- sion fEýes to hear lectures containing Less information and of a more rneagre educational value. When girlsand boys in their middle teens ian prepare such able and instructive addresses and stand counageously be- fore a large audience and in a clear, ipressive and intelligent manner deliver theni with commendabie or- atorical effeet they bring a distinctive honor to theniseives and to their teachens and schools. We were vry preud of these young students and we are very sure their teachers, schoolmates. relatives and friends who heard theni wene proud of theni too. The addresses were worthy of the largest hall in Whitby and the, presence cf ail of its citizens. Osh- awa students won the decision by a very narrow margin, se that the final contest cornesoff in Bowmanvilie at adate to be fixed when we hope our ,itizens will turn out in large nuni- bers to hear what two students of oun High Sehool can do against Osh- awa's intellectual orators. YOUNG MAN, YOUNG GIRLS Young man and young weman, if y'ou have only ordinary abiiity in v'our ewn line of work, better stay in -the village or town-don't go te the large City. In every city, there are thensands A number of fake solicit ors are opi bhe noad taking subscriptions for Tor-I onto journais and magazines. Bel careful that yeu are not giving awayl good money for nothing.I oeen gong on or me an. t sixyeca that tbis Company can now pay 10 per cent. Dividends and add $95,000 this past year te its rest. This, te a great extent, is due te the careful, conservative pelicy pursned' by eur Genemal Manager. He has net per- mitted himself te be carried off his feet by any rumor of a boom, non has hie swallon'ed any golden hait. bis pelicy has ever been censervative and cautions and n'e are reaping the benefit of it te-day. There need be ne fear of our future. The motion n'as unanimously car- ried. Mr. Edn'ard Saunders, the General' Manager, very deservedly received hearty congratulations on bis excel- lent direction of the Company's busi- ness tbrnont the past year.. NEW CAR IN OSHAWA Anether 'unit of the General Mot- ors of Canada, Limited, is being or- ganized in Canada. The new com- pany will bie knon'n as the Oakland Moter Car Cempany of Canada, Lim-, ited, snbsidiary of Generai Motors of Canada, Limited. Operations n'ill' beign early'in Marcb and this n'ill mean still more production for the Oshaw'a plants of General Motors of Canada, Lim-ý ited, whîch are at present turning ont more cars per day than at any previeus tume in their history. DURHAM OLD BOYS' CLU B Next Meeting at Dr. F. W. Manîow's. Citizens in'Tononto froni the dear old Homeland of Durhami greatly en- joy the monthly meetings at the var- ions homes. This evening-Thurs- day, Febrnary 16-an Executive Meeting n'ill be heldat the residence of Dm, Fred W. Marlon', 417 Bloor- st. W., at 8 o'ciock. Dr. Manlow is a Cartwright Oid Boy who has n'on a tep-notch position in Canada as a surgeon. As n'e have often said before, Durham boys, and girls, tee, Dr. Hughes n'onld add, as a rule, nise te foremost positions i their pro- fession or caliing. THE CANADA LANDED AND NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO'S. SUCCESSFUL YEAR. References to'Dr. John Hoskin, K. C., For M.any Years Its President. Mr. W. B.* Couch of this tewn at- tended the annual meeting of The Canada Landed and National Invest- ment Ce., Limited, at the offices of' the Company, 23 Toronto-st., on Feb-ý sruary 8. The Directers said in their -report for 1921, we record with re- Sgret the death of Dr. John Heekin who bad been connected witb the Company since 1871 and became its President in 1912. is many years of service were singnlarly valuable. The President, Mr.__D.,. E. Thom- son, K. C3., LL. D., in moving the adoption of the. report spoke in part as follows: Gentlemen,-The dominant feeling common te ail of ns to-day donbtless is that the keen regret for the jpassing of my predecessor. Dr. Hoskin was a man of many fmuitfula.ctivities, but it is saf e te rsay that none of the other enterprises 1witb whicb he was connected appeal- ed more strongly than did the Can- ada Landed & National Investment Company te his interest and bis pride. The aft'airs of this Company always received bis careful attention. êHe gloried in its prudent management and in its continned success. The report 1 have the honor te move the adoption of to-day certainly affords evidence that Dr. Heskin's pride in the Company was jnstified. The eminently satisfactory resuit of the year's operations has been achieved in, the face of some dis- couraging conditions. High interest rates prevailed in Scotland throngb- eut the year. The scarcity of ap- plications in Canada for mortgage boans continued until near the close of the year. Moreover, the serions faîl in price of the preducts of agri- cul ture materially interfered with the fammer's'ability te pay. The fact that, netwiýtbstanding this condition, our collections have been quite satis- factory is the best evidence that our business bas been most carefully se- lected. Considerable progress bjas been made, especially during the -latter part of tbe year, toward resteration of the world's normal financial con- dition. There is, however, still mucb te be accomplished, and in harmony wi b the prudent policy of the past the Directors have transferred the surplus earnings te the credit of the Reserve Fund. The transfer of bhe substantial suni of $95,000 brings that fund up te $1,450,000, heing equal te 120% of the paid-up capi- tal. Mm. F. W. Harcourt, on. rising te second tbe motion, said: "We ail ap- preciate, and I myseif am grateful te yen, Mr. President, for your kind references te yonr predecessor. Some furty years have rolled by since I first entered the law office of Dr. Hos- kmn and I am stili bere. Mm. Spence had been With bum over fifty years, Mr. Loveys over forty years. We bad -a conference after Dr. Hoskin's deatb and we failed te remember any oc- casion on wbich he had said an unkind word te any of ns. He was a strong pemsonality, had great courage, keen foresigbt, sound judgment and was eminently a just man. Tbongb ai- ways looking after bis own interests, he neyer was unfair te others, and sncb n'as his reputatien that no one wonld refuse te, accept bis word. I amn always filled witb admiration, tempered witb a certain.,ameunt of ieaiousy, wben our President takes his pen in band. Everything he writes is elequent without fiamboy- sncy and comprebensive witbont be- ing tedions. He, in bis address te you, has said everything he should say and nothing that he sbeuld net say and bas said it gracefully. It is a ýmarvel te me, taking into consideratien the cruel wasteof hie, property, labor and tume that hias HIGH SCHOOLS DEBATE Bowmanviîle Students Pitted Agaiast Oshawa. Referring te the Intercollegiate de- bate at Whitby on Feb. 3, Osbawa Reformer says: Twe Oshawa I-igb Scbool students, Kathleen McLaughlin, (daughter of. Mr. Cee. W. McLaughiin) and Mr. W. Taylor. weme able in ne uncertain manner te convince tbree judges tbat "Movies-are a detrîment te the Can- adian People." Both Oshawa students took their respective parts n'el, and received tbe congratulation of tbe jndges. The Whit¾y debaters were Miss Mary Howard, daugbter of Rev. F. H. Howard, Metbodist minister, and Mr. Melvine Kenny. Bowmanviile n'on the bye and will' meet twol other debaters from Osh- awa Collegiate later on. Bowman- situdents are Miss Helen MacGregorl iand Mr. Lawrence Mason, both of n'bom attended the Friday debate. The judges were Mr. M. A. James, editor of the Bon'manville Statesman, Bowmanville; Mr. Graydon IM. Good- fellow, B. A., editor of tbe Whitby Gazette-Chrenicle, Wbitby, and Mr. T. K. Creigbton, B. A., barrister, Oshawa. Tbe debaters speke 15 min- utes eacb, 60 per cent. being allowprl f or argument and 40 per cent, fer style' and oratory. Messrs. Kenny and Taylor n'on the bighest marks in the latter. The decision of-the jnd- ges was received with mnch applanse, while fer the 'debate the hall was crowded te the deers and beyond, a large number of Oshawa students beîng present. WhitbY Gazette-Chronicle says:1 "Resolved that meving pictures as they are now condncted are detni- mental te Canadian citizensbip.," n'a tbe subject upon which prebably the best debate ever heard at tbe Whitby Higb Scbeol n'as held last Friday af- terneon. It n'as the occasion of the first debate in tbe series between the Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby Higb Scbools and hronghteut acali- bre of debating ability one would bardly exet te find in Young peeple of IHigb Scheel age. An enjoyable musical pregram was rendered dnring tbe afternoon. Mr, R. A. Hutchisen, B. A., 1. P. S., pre-1 sided. Tbe contingent froni Bowmanville wbo came np for the Inter-Collegiate flebate were Mm. A. -R. Scott, B. A., Mathematical Master, and Mrs. Scott; Miss Hlelen MacGregor and Mr. Law-'- rence Mason, the two latter being the B3. Hl. S. contestants whe wili meet1 the two students that are sent by Osh- awa. Phone College 3217 W Toron to Big, Reductions in Price of Hoover Electric Cleaners and Electric Washing Machines 1Regular Reduced te Special Hoover Cleaners...-....... $75.00 $69-50 Baby Hoover Cleaners ..........$62-50 $57.M0 The Hoover Suction Sweeper is known the world over for its special cleaning qualities and when you buy it pays to buy the best. When you buy the Hoover you buy the best Ask for a free demonstration in your home, -îwhich we wIll gladly give. ELECTRIC WASHERS REDUCED TO $100.00 We have a limi- ted supply of Elect- rie Washing Ma- chines reduced to $100.00. Let us- send one of these __ Washing Machines to your home for 14 days' free trial. Satisfaction guar- //IIli 1i anteed or you r IIilIIfI" money refunded. We seli nothing but first quality goods. A phone cail will bring any of the above to your home for free trial. Y ou are under no obligation to buy, but when you do buy BUY YOUR ELECTRICAL GOODS AT AN ELECTRICAL SHOP THE HY,,DRO "SHOP Sufole"rd .Yo It is oAsetoleave nonley, tsecurit'es,, jexvclry, or cther v,-I- uables Liiprotected in your home. Deposit your mnoney iii the Baiàk atid your Jauables r* a Sfety our Manager. o f C1-1d R. F. Aîtchîson Manager SURPRISE! SENSATION!! SUCCESSM! ICE CREAM ECLAIRS CHOCOLATE COATED IMAGINE: It's a bar of freezing cold ice Crean, dipped into a pot of boiling hot chocolate, pulled out and shot to the freezer again. It gives you the most wonderful ice cream andchocolate combination you ever tasted in your life, ONLY 10c EACH-TRY-ONE THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmranville Insurance R ates Reduced In Bowmanville Now that the jtariff rate for insuring dwell- ings in Bowmanville has been reduced 10e per $100 below'former rates it should induce owners of property to increase the amounts of insurance. It is a fact that very few carry anything like adequate insurance, and now that the rates are s0 reasonable owners should remedy this in their own interests, CALL AND TALK IT OVER J. J. M A SON à&SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phono 50 Bowmunville DOMINION PIANOS In homnes where there are chîidren the choice: of a piano seriously affects the future musical-ap- preciation of the child. A fine piano accustoms the impressionable ear of youth to tone perfect- ion,while a poor piano deadens, the fine percep- tions. As a furnishing for the home, the Do- minion is a masterpiece of the cabinet-maker's art. Its perfection of form appeals no less than its perfection of tone. The Dominion tradition is to make the finest possible piano and seil it at the lowest possible price and upon the easiest possible terms. And for this reason, the Dominion. can be purchased at a price which probably will surprise you by its moderation and upon terms that will relievb the purchase of inconvenience. F. J. MITCo"HELL Sales Agent Mitchell Bldg. Phone 92 or 105 Bowmanville H"igh Quality Lowest Prices Prompt Service These three facts are the foundation of 'our steady growing meat business. Every purchase from our store carnies the guarantee of being the best the market affords. WE DELI VER THE GOODS W IlbertlJ.Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, fluse 272 Bowmanville Pa risian Iiigh Class Tailîu)r form erly of Bewmanville non' at 207 COLLEGE ST.,- TORONTO Will be pleased te continue and accept orders fer Ladies' or Gents'-Garments, also dyeing, throngh our Bon'manville agent, Mr. G. N. Thurston, n'ho has our sampies. Our usual first class fit and workmanship will be guaranteed and n'ill be pensonally loeked after hy myseif. Louis Cowell 1 BOWMANVILLE PHONE192

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