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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1922, p. 4

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- - -. - -- - - - - ------- - -- -- - - - -. - s CHIROPRACTIC (ki-ro-prak-tik) Is the' philosophy, science and art of things natural and a system of adjusting the subluxated vertebrae of the spinal col- umns by hand for the restoration of health. Thoisands are finding full restoration to health in Chiro- practic adjustments. Should you-consuit the Chiropractor, you might be equally successful. Science is always on the move. Don't dismirs the science of Chiropractie with à passing thought. Investigate its merits. Let it be made known to your nearest Chiropractor that you want f ull information, and samne will be givenyou willingly. A f ew adjusatments will convince you that Chiropractie will correct the cause of "disease" and put you in possession of good health conditions. If you are afiicted ini any way, look up the Chiropractor. SPINAL ANALYSIS AND CONSULTATION FRF.K DR. C .W. PAXTON, Chiropractor. Graduate Palmer' Sehool cf Chiroprac*tie. MUsnb.e Drglmo Physiciane Association of Canada. OFFICES: BOWMANVILLE AND OSHAWA Iia Bowmanville ut XmroWrenn'es'residoe. oe vieDa»s'e' Cigar Store. gours 10 a. ni. to 12.80 noon amd W' appolnttment. In Oshawra Reusa 4, 4, 8 Bradley BuUilag.2% ~uo. S., Phono 10 lleaivy Rulübbers for Rough Wear GreatlY Reduceci In Price Iamn off ering the balance of mtock of heavy rubbers at the IL-Ollowing prices. Men's Snag Proof, 4 eyelet for ...............$3.15 Men's Pure Gum, 4 eyelet for ..............$2.85' îBoys' Snag Proof, lace for....... .... $2.70 Boys' Pure Gum, lace .......................$2.40 Youth's Pure Gurn, lace for .................$1.95 My special prices on Ladies' Gaiters and felt goods stili continue tili the end of this month. W. C*"LA UDE I VEJS CASH SHOE STORE BOWMAN VILLE DUSTý-l «,BANE SWEEPS CARPETS AND FLOORS WITHOUT DUST SAVE HOURS 0F HARD WORK NO DUSTING TO DO IS MADE IN CANADA UNDER CANADIAN PATENTS It Stande for Qua.Iity In Sweeping Compound Some grocers for the sake of a few cents extra profit may offer you the "Just as Good Kind". Don't ask for a tin of sweeping compound. Say-DUSTBANE Follow printed directions on each ti.n an~d get resuits. Duâthane is a disinfectant and dust kil!e.' Packed in barrels and kege for store and sehool u»o. BOWbMANVILLE Diominion Stores, Ltd THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES 0F CANADA WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 18TH GOOD REDUCTION IN LAUNDRY SOAPS COMORT, PEARL NAPTHA In Larg e î'fl SURPRISE, SUNLIGHT, C k GOLD AND P. & G.Cae Pure Gold or Sherriff's JeIly Powders, 3 packages .. . .25c Pure GoId Puddings, 2 for .................................23c Pure Gold Icings...............1.............................. 13c Slîced Breakfast Bacon, lb ..................... ..29c Cornmeal, 7 lbs............................................. 2k Rolled Oats, 5 lbs. . ....................................... 19c Excelsior Dates, 3 packages.......1........................ 28c Frankford Corn, 2 -tins..................................... 25c Sherriff's Marmalade, 1 lb. jar ...........................25C Finest Cleaned Currants, 2 lbs ...........................31c Choice California Prunes, 2 lbs.......................... 29c (PRUNES ARE ADVANCING RA PIDLY) Finest Canadian Cheese, lb. .................***********23c Wheatlets or Cream of Wheat, 4 lbs .................2& Snap, Hand Cleaner ....................................... c WE GUARANTEE EVERY PURCHASE TO BE FRESH CLEAN AND WHOLESOME, WE GIVE FULL, WEIGHT AND THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN' BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 16th., 1921 ENNISKILLEN Miss Aima Werry entertained a numbes' cf the young people lait Fmi- day evening .... Mms..Hugli Anuis is with lier mothes', Mrs. John Siemon who lias been quite iii .... Mrs. Walt- es' Oke is in Bowmanville Hospital undergeing an eperation for appen- dicitis. We wish liert a speedy ne- cove'y . ... Congratulations te Ms'. Cecil Rahm and bride ...At the close of choir pactice Saturday even- ing the choir decided te erganize when the following officers vere eiected: President-Mr. E. E. Stap- les; Treasuer-Misa May Werry; Secretary-Mrs. Theo. Slemon; Coi- mittee-Ms'. H. Stainton, Mmi. George Reid, 'Mrs. H. Stevens, Ms'. R. Pres- ton; Leader-E E. Staples; Organ- it-Miss Marion Oclard ... . Ennis killen Orchestra lias donated thels' fundi te the choir. Leegue meeting here on Wedncs- day evening was in change of Mis- sionary vice president, Miss May Werny. Af.tes' prayer Bible reading vas taken by Miss Myrtie Brunt. Topie vas taken by Ms'. Gordon Wen- s'y. Instrumentai vas nicely given by Mise Elve Orehard. "The Chal- lenge cf the cross" vas nicely pre- sented by Hanipton yonng people and gneatly enjoyed by aIl. League cloiged with Mizpali Benediction. Ton wiii maJor the play 'Mi4.ummetr Night'u Dream" premented hy 13. H. S. atdenta In Opera Houte. Peb. 23 anud 14. MAPLE GROVE Mr'. aud Mrs. Norman Thickson 'and tvo daugliteris, Oshawa, visited hem cousin, Mns. Rd. Trimble on Sun- day. .. .Miss Viola Stevens has re- turned home aftes' a pleasant visit vith relatives at Vinginia. .Mn. Wm. Lymer, jr., spent the week-end in Toronto. . .. Miss Elsie Laird, re- turned home vith bum and is visit- îng lies' parents, Ms'. and Mmi. Alfred Laird ... . A nunibes' froni ler. at- tended the U. F. 0. cystes' supper at Ebenezes' on'Monday evening. Splen- did ps'ogram v«s given and everyone liad a good tume. .The niany friends cf Mrs. F. Swallow will be pleased te know she is home again froni Bow-1 manville Hospital .... Leagne service' in charge cf Lloyd Suewden and Mmi. F. Swailow's dlais. The girls who gave the tepile deserve special mention as they pepared theis' own tepic. Those taking part were- Bible reading, Vers Power; first part topic, "Bettes' Home Life", vas taken by Edith Samus; second part by Clama Tuckem;,- duet, Mas'Sorie and Mabel Stevens; solo. Nora Tucker; eading, Nellie Snowden; chorus by celass. The young people cf Maple Grove intend giving theis' play "I csn't afford it" in the Hall on Mardli lOtl. Please resenve' the date. Particu- las'e lates'. 7-3w You vill maJoy the play' 'M;doummer Xight'a" preeented by B. H. S. studeats in Opera House, Fet,. 29 and 24. NESTLETON Mm. Wellington Hoover cf Lind- say, visited Mr&s John W. Emerson .... Ms'. John Glass is holidaying witli the blacksmith of our burg.... Ms'. and Mm,. Josephi Campbell- and Ms'. and Mme. R. C. Jackson visited ini Toronto s'ecently... Blackstock hockey team came dcvii on Thursday and played a fiendly gaie with Nestieton boys and scomed four goals te tvo cf home team ... . Nestieton Junior hockey teani vent te Black- stock on Fridsy evening and were defeated by the boys cf that burg~ by 5-2 Nestieten lias making of twe good teams but iack, experience in the gaie ...A numbes' cf the friendi and relatives cf Ms'. and Ms's. James Dickey met at their home on Friday evenîng, February 10, te cele- brate the 25tli annivemsary cf their wedding. A good social evening vas spent. The happy couple wene the recipients cf many valuable pre- sentisud vished many happy retumni of the day .... League lait Friday evening vas lu charge of the Tuxis boys vith the President, Mn. Harold Gordon, lu chais'. A good prograni vas given sud lunch ses'vcd by the boys. W. do net knov vhether the boys donc the cooking or net but it vas good....M-P. sud Mns. J. J. Thoruton, Janetville, s'ecently vWst- cd at Ms'. R. C. Jackson's. 'Toun i es' ythe play "Midoummer Nlght's Dream" premented by B. H. S. mtudmate la Opers a sue. 7b. 28 snd 24. SO)LINA Ms'. and M"i. S. Edgar Wes'ry sud famiiy visited Oshawa friends re- evening .... Misses Gilbanli and Mr. Allin. Shavi' Sclicol Rouie, vlsited at Mr'. W. T. Taylor's. Ton vIl eorthe plsay "MiWunmer NIght's Dream"' presente<¶ by B. H. S. student» ln Opera House. Pet,. 23 sud 24. Ail shirts at s'educcd PnIces at Coudh, Johnoton & CrydcnmanIq 2-t TYRONE U. F. O CLUB Tyrone Farmn' Club will hold an oystes' supper on Wednesday, Feb- muary 22nd. Supper served fromi 6 te 8 p. m. For those, who prefer it there will be ham, salad, etc. Good program is being prepare-L. Eves'y-1 body welcome. Admission 35c. HAýI PlTON The presentation of the play "The OId New Hampshire Home" to be given by Enniskillen Young people lias been postponed to Tuesday, Feb- ruary'21st. Admission 25e and 15c. You wili enjoy the play "MI<iummer Night'a Dream" presented by B. H. S. rtudents la Opera House, Feb. 28 and 24. BURKETON If you want a real treat, corne oves' te the station and get scme Willard's Chocolate Coates', Ice Creani Eclairs. They are the lait thing ini Ice Cream. W. aise carry a full lin. cf To- bacco'and Cigars. C. P. R. Lunch Ccunter, Burloeton, W. Wat.rhouse, Manager. '7-t Tou, viii .njoyte play "M2dummr Ntght's Dream" premented by B. I. S. students la Opera House. P'eb. 28 and 24. TYRONE Visitors. Mabel Couek, Bowman- ville, with ber sister, Mmu. A. A. Hilla; Ms'. Bruce Honeywell, Toron- te, at Mrs. W. IR. Ciemen's; Misa Eleanos' Wilson, Whitby Ladies' Coi- lege, with her cousin, Misa May Brent; Mr'. W. C. Parsons, Ebenezer, at Ms'. C. W. Woodley's....Glid to welcome Mr. and Mn. Nelson Hud- son, Peterboro, to our church and community. They have been in act- ive work in connection with George St. Church and wiii find ample scope for work with us .... Ms'. Fdwas'd Virtue lias Aold his farm te hi& son, Mr. Otto Virtue....Ail girls' and leaders of girls oves' 14, years are urged te be present at the Girls' Con- ference in Bowmanville, Feb, 17 te 19. .,. .Boys and leaders are te 'have a rare treat at a Boys' Conference ini Bowmanville, Feb. 25th. Plan te take it in, boys .... Missionary pro- grami by the "lHelping Hand Class" Sunday Miss Margaret Moore occup- ied the chair. Readings by Misses Hazel Wers'y and Verna McCoy, piano solo by Miss May Brent and a chorus by the class made a heipful meeting. Just two nionths more in which te make up the class objectives for the year. The conirades1 are ai- ready over the top .... The members of ourý Sunday School starely did ap- preciate the henrty co-operation they received in connection with their oy- ster supper and concert on Friday niglit, both of which were highl.y ap- preciated. The concert opened 'with singing "0 Canada", followed, by prayer by Rev. W. T. Wickett. Ms'. A. W. Annis, Supt. of School, made a capable chairman. He commnented on the laek of Bible Knowledge among the Young f olk. Rev& . W T. Wickett and Rev. W. W. Jones, Hampton, also gave helpful adds'ess- es. A chorus by young nien and women caused much merrinient. Piano duets by Misses May and Flor- ence Gardiner', Misses Mary, Bright- weli and Beatrice Bigelow, vocal duets by Dorothy oas' an.d Gordon Brent and Miss Evelyn and Ms'. 11v- ard'Brent and a piane solo by Miss May Gardiner were all good, as weme the selections by the orchestra. The debate "Resolved that women should net have equal rights and prîvileges with men as ministers and probation- ers in the Church"l was amusing, en- tertaining and full of thoughtful ar- gumenta. The negative was ably dealt with bV Mr'. H. G. Macklin and Miss Hazel Hodgson, while the affirm- ative was sustained by Ms'. A. A. Hilîs and' Miss Edythe Clemens. Messrs M. J. Werry, Tyrone, F. L.- Sanair, Salem, and P. J. Groat. Hampton, judges, gave the affirmative the decision. Messrs. Squais' and Groat miade neat complimentary speeches at the close. The feature of the evening was a dialogue "Young Canada" by eight beys and girls in costume with singing and motions in which Clarence Goodman took the part of soldîer, Eleanos' Thompion the author, Frank Hather- ly the Soldies' Boy, Annie Gardiner', Nurse, Fred Goodman, Automobile, Driver, Xathleen Gibbs a Prima Dona. Arthur Richards the champion eater, and Dean Hodgson, the Billionaire. Miss Edythe Clemens deserves mucli credit for the way in which these Young folk took theis' parts. Pro- ceedi $94.15. i - Aim at the top as it may heip ycu te land lu the nmiddle. Beit Ladies' Coats one-third off regular price, others froni $5.00 up at Coucli, Jounston & Crydemman's. Oshawa liai made a capital deal ini the sale cf its 80-year debentures, price.$103,329, vhich nets the tcwa $127,234.32. This issue coves ceat of sewers, vatenmauns and sidewalks. This pnice refiecto that tinsod financial s"tus. .2 -' 1' a ~,. -, 'p The Shop That Leads IlI LEADERSH-IP AND OLDER BOYS' CONFERENCEI There is no phase of eus' commun- itN f which presents a more diffi- cuit problein than the ever-present question of what te do with eus' boys. Unfos'tun ately we have been content for tee long, memely te allow these boys of eus' community, these, fut- ure men vlio shahl control and direct the affairs of eus' town, te drif t along as best suited theni. But we have awakened. The challenging reveille of a great eppos'tunity lias gene f orth and we have s'oused ourselves and undertaken a great womk fer this community. Bowmanville lias organized and it is the opinion ef ene of the nienbers of the Provincial Board that we poà- sesa as strong a Communty Board as may b. f ound in any town of this province, willing te work that the Boy Life of this cemmunity may be bettes'ed, for they believe that the ultimate grcvth or decay, success or f allure cf thîs or any town, depends in the final analysis upon the kind of mien which that tewn produces. Board cenipcsed cf twelve men, de- sire the Meni aud Older Beys of Bey- manville te stand uolidly behind theni The Board î@ planning great thingi fer thc boys cf thus town, and knew- ing that they viii receive yens' leas'ty support if yon can really beconie fani- iliàr vith their plans, tliey have de- cided to hold a One-Day Leaders and Oldes' Beys' Conference oii Satur- day, Febs'uas'y 25th ini the Methedist Churcli. This Conference is te be addressed by sanie of thé fineit Boys' Work Leaders ini the province. Eves'y minute cf the day is te be cammed full of good things. There is te be an heur cf recreation, and a hunge banquet at 6.00 p. ni. lien the Lead- ers and, Older Beys iii get acquaunt- ed as only fellows cau get acquainted oves' a hearty meai. The prograin will include singiongs, stunts, demon- stratieus, speeches, etc. The regis- tration fee which entities yu te your delegate's badge sud te attend- ance at ail meetings, including the suppes', im enly twenty-five cents. This Conference is te cever the tliree1 townships of Darlington, Clarke and Car'twright, so register at once, Ini ordes' that yeu rnay net be cs'ewded eut. Get yens' progmains and regis- tration formi frai ycur Pastor, Sup- eintendent, or Teaches'. EXTRA! EXTRA!* Greater VaIÙes Than Ever Friday and Saturday In Dry Goods, Cloth- ing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Make Sure You Get A Hand Bihl Giving Big Drop In Prices. McMurtry & Co., Ltd. WESt END HOUSE PHONE 83 L 'I PHONE 14r» Mason & Daie's Hardware No Time Like the Present, Do flot put off buying this season's Hats too late. Your size may not be here when you want it. This season's variety in Men's Hats take in several styles and materials. For a man to be well dressed it is absolutely necessary that, his hat be up to the minute. We are off ering these specials in Men's Head- wear ail this week. $5.50 and $6.00 Hats for ...................$3.00 $5.00 and $4.00 Hats for ..........................$2.00 Also Men's Ear-Lap Caps to Clear at 75c & $1.00 MEN'S GLOVES AT 59e PAIR Slightly damaged and faded gloves in grey suede, chamois and kid, lined and unhined, to clear a t 59C. G. N.tHRT O w â,,N Bownianville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. t ilMak e L ctie eaI Sraeteflock - It is unequallIed for fattening'or swiee. They' win b ready for market a ett wo es earhier.,- H h;.t hItheany stktne ini which no filler ta uS Hs be goverumefit astalysis. Made and guaranteed by Woehuse Invigoratop Llmited, Hramilton, ont Harry Allun, Bowmanvill,

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