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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1922, p. 5

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LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE VERT SUDDEN CAL4. MARRIAGES LOSTr ARTICLES! O SL iîSend this paper to absent friends. Compare this paper with other Mr-.i Alex. Elliot, Bowmanyille. YEN NANT-SUTH ERLANO-On Feb. ESTRAY-Black1 Colle Dog, blind in O AEGnlma' rs uta Report ta us promptly your visit.. papers for local news. il____1, at 88 Norinandy Boulevard, Toronto, one eye, strayed fronltFO .F Dr RSEatbaGnt nywr wcsz ors Prosperity is just around the The many friends in 4owmanviIle of the late B. J. Sutherland of Johan-~ r3l, Bowmanville R. R. 2. 6-1 abt . or aasap tSaema P oet your si rn h Mrs. T. W. Stanley spent the week- corner. Make a drive f or it. of Mr. Alex. Eliot, Jew le, i T ronto. b A., la Mr tean of TLr-oe.clar ~r~fùr~t f inerwater ed~ ornt.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mason and greatly sympathize with ehim , in The onto FORDrSALE-liaood auto seatortopffig- Atin thi-l I «seaof te in ecmes isAuaClweîhs -stngrl- o oalen eendadiiTor Toroafficton.hi hi con e on to._______________WNTDg n ang ares aen ut herandhm y h etho i DAH resentatve in Bowmanville to hançue Bowmanville. ,t n etwyta save money is to par- Aot*e asag r.Bwnavle n r Wtis Products. Alil or spare time. FRSL-eea uebe ok lie.ldger Bo' forfeLene. tîcipate inl McMurtry & Co's. week- Elliot and sons Douglas and Ted went ROWE-In Bo.nile nFiday, Fine opportunity. Write for full par- Fsbir S de fo sto acht a Ole By' ofeece o Peterboro to be wlth hier sister, February 1th., Robert Ashby, ! nfiant ticulars. The J. R. Watkins' Comay frl lo s ome hog pigsduemanth C~~M LISDid you ever see so many var- end sale. Mrs. R, E. Logan who was recently son of Mr, and Mrs. John M. Rowe, aged Dept. H7, Hamilton, Ontarlo. ~'yofd.Appi; l o sWm. asEo o.2 Cà'-ýM LIS eie o wateri awekMronto, penT.Aeek-ndersaTr- ~coi Mr. Elotlyate both boys con- BRITTAIN-At 'i-uglienden", Bow- MALE HELP WANTED--Live local Clarke, 2 miles eastofewat.6-f1 Miss A. E.MeKowan spnt Onto, pent the wek-endmanMr.lJecitebruarylll2tandbJosepys Brittavnleagentarto1se.urJosbusinessainn Bentman iclee FORinssLinWhotenvWyandFtteALC-ck- PE O ILE&A MO D wekeM ihfisA. E McKonaTorpnto the D. rs. tracted scarlet fever and though the late of '1-1s MajetysK Customs, in bis and vicinity for "Parker" The Dyer at erels, Keller and Mari tan,$ n PER XI IE AL OND wee-ed wth rîeds n Trono. Miss Winnie B. Morris is visiting best medical attention and nursing 83rd year. Ottawa. in ail branches of 'DYing and $5 each; 7 Barred.Rc oklîd,$ Greater values than ever Friday M.adMs .F rtan t eegvnte m litpse ELLIOT-In Peterboro, February 13th., Cleaning. Good opening and biy noney each; also ThompsonssrinBi n and Saturday at West End House. Catharine& away On Monday afternoon < Onean nteGrebiv wf fM.freegti imn.riWr te for fIlipar-BonLgon.Apl .H iIn AI,,x, Eliot, Bowmanv'lle, aged 31 Tsars. ticulars, giving pensohal' references an at Harry Aliin's GrerB mnvl. will restorie, the healthful glow Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, King.- Mrs. J. F. Goyne, Oshawa, visited of the boys is doing nicely but the Interred in Peterboro. peetocpaint Pr ese yra~W an etr.ston, spent the week-end with rela- her mnother, Mrs. E. Williams, Scu- other is still quite il. The funeral __________________ of Ottawa, 260 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont. iss retaWcetsen h ek gog-st., on Tuesday. took place Tuesday afternoon from ' Us i f'elyaferexosr. ed i t ler ictst etewerMsk o- Miss Ethel Crossley, Oakyillee, B the home of Mr. Logan, 598 Sher- IN MEMORIAM SKATING R N Use it f-«Iy afer expoure, endwith he sistaidMtarienT. Hoa-r,,iti brooke-st.iendPeteeboro, btakLittle eLakeorHANCOLitleInakovingO Knemaryigof mouyofPROPERTYER FORORSALE an ue t a aprvetaie â- ki, oono.ois W.nB.may n.Cemetery, service being canducted dearane, )bottie Couch 1Hancock, who de- to* nd e it testenaiv .. mTratof MrW.BTasn by Re,. James Rollins of St. Andrews parted thi life, February 18, 1921. FOR SALE-Brick residence, 7 roamu, BOWMAN IL for. going oest.Miss Hanns, Toronto, ]S gt M 1r. and Mrs. W. H.- Boyd and Church, asgisted by Rey. D. W. Best The Heavel ate eeopnwd, andoearufln, lhfutte hercouin Mr J H.H. uiy, hicirn, t.Catarnes ar vsitngof t.Paul's,.Bowmanville. Besides A loving volce said "'Coma", at Nursery Corner. App]y ta W. B. ASLNL HRM SS "Woodlawn". hi. brother, Mfr. C. W. Boyd. hier huaband and twa smaîl, onsM Â.nd with farewell unspoken Plnch, Division-st., Bowmanville. 5-tf Misses AleL . Bragg an telMr John Uglow, Jr., Lakefhare Elo leaves omunhrlsie FARM FOR SALE-100 acre faim. at BAND NG T Piree frorrn grase andI bv. kYset h eek-end with friends Road, Part Hope, was taken ta the father, Mfr. James Girven, to îm- T0' day bringB baek nad memaories, Purpie Hill, Cartwright township, nean UES 0k pn h W 8,T f one who bas gone to rest, school and church, about 4 miles fromT ED Y inIî.-aeb Port Hope. haspital suffering frram gall stones. ters, Mms. R. E. Logan, Peterbora, And those who tbink of ber to-day Bunketon. Price $3500. Âpply to nteltl hn.M.RcadTrenouth found the Higlicolstdnsltr rfl and Mis Margaret Girven, Ashburn. Ane those who loved ber tet. Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, TH URSD Y Bot.~gold watch advertised laslt week. ing the play "Midsummer Niglt', ________ But wre hope again to meet ber o hn 9-2 onavle 2t Lamire ote5e The owner has it. Dream" for February 23rd and 24th. When this day ofIlife le fled, FARM FOR SALE-W. R. cinens' SATU]D Y Mrs. R. H. Sylvester, Lindsay) la Don't forget the Leaders and 01<1- A VALENTINE SOCIAL And with joy we then ahaîl greet ben, farin, lacated Tyrans, Ontarlo, 154 acres; vistin ler igeTMr. L A ToeWbene no farewell tear la shed. 20 acres Young orchard; faîl work doue; ai-d ohe reatiesher. eBroay' 25thirnce n MthadaThe Junior Missianary Society of 55.dly missedl by Husbanti, Chiltiren, faîl wheat sown. Possession at once.N.H Talr and othr relatves her. Februry 25thin theMeBrucet HatneywMotl, a0d Duker.-ut,, Ban- HPhone 3066r3ukManageTor Mrs. Wm. C. Caverly, Church-st., Church. St. Paul s Churcli held a Valentine ahrMoeratSIt. onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanvllle. 52-tfPhn 30r 1K~r1a et ell on the icy pavement Suniday While they are uipped by frost Room which was mucli enjoyed by MASONS' REAL ESTATE LIST linngadbrk er leg. aud buried in snaw lu the South we evrone. The programt presented 1fMr. J. H. Johuston, Principal Of are enjoying spring like weather in wae laigiyvr esetmhr ehv n u itae 0del IIJrtu St re the Public Schoal, spent the week-end Ontario. vot were piano solos by Mims Leone Wal- ings in Bowmanville for sale, ranging i W E E s i~ Plaoue 49 Bo'wmanvill, wth his family lu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vandervonlace and Miss Gweudol3ru Williamns; in price fram $800 to $10,000. 1fr N CneyCaoo, Uivrsty ibrt-st, ttnde te unealofvocal solos by Miss Lenore Vander- We will be pleased ta show pros- Y W.Ssi ersr Hinzmu of Toronto, was a week-end guest of the late David Vandervoort of Prince voant, Miss Helen Yellowlees and pective purchasers, suitable places, WéýS'll4c Hinzran Mr. aud Mrs. W. Claude Ives. at Edwnrd Cauuty. adcitrn Mrs. Alex. Colville; a two-part sang and advise as ta values, Lw- Mrs. Will Farr, Peck, Midi.,an Mrs. NormanKésaa hlrn by six membens ofMr. J. . Car- Our endeavor is ta des! faîrly be-? uMn . BadMrs. Toronto, are visit.- and Miss Entwisle o New Toronto, ruthers' Class "The Cmusaders"; twa tweeu bath buyer and seller and luNOn~ ing M. an Mrs A. . Pikard spent the week-end at Mms. Evenson numbers by the maie quartet: Messrs aur record of many transactions, we Eeyslsa h eue ornm Mrs. Will Broamfield af Beavertan, Prout's, Elgiu.-st. C.- S. Halîman, Gea. E. Chase, H.- do not know af any dissatisfied client. saemuwo ecedyrnme nte ___________________spent the weekend with hier brother- Mrs. D. Dsrch, of Bowmanville, J.- Knight andi D. W. Best; and a If you want ta sell or buy eall and detted liue lait you with a job ou yen? bauds. iu-law, Mr. I1. Lathrope, Liberty-st. was in tawn Friday visiting lier son, reading by Miss Franklin. Eacli one talk it over with us. ________________________ You will enjoy the play "Idsummer Mn. E. A. Darcli, who 18 canfined ta of these numbers was exceedingly .J. MASON & SON, Nlght's Dream' presented by B. H. S. th 'ptai with a broken leg. well given andi elicited rounds of Real Estate sud Insurane, Brokers, The gooda lie put upon your shelves must mv f students in opera House, Feb. 23 and 24.thhop 1fr E.F.Weaheiltrecnty sld Mn. and Mrs. J. K. Stout andMn hearty applause. This pragrain was Bowmanville'.eamabfr orpoI sraei uc unvri Mr .F eteitrcnl odM.foliowed by a poetry witing coutest atin eoe ta uc profit s NOW' Howc tu fA our-year aid Hackney herse to Walter Bonser, Toronto, spent the h ujc "Bg2 " B osoe Ms .M uBokilfr$2.week-end with hier parents, Mr. and on tesct of vaientines partici- ekytoqi pfts NO !..... Bî «"B osoe Ms .M il rcvle o 35 r.Cpated lu by a lot of people who hadilnw] a esi arsok Mrs. B. M. Warnica and Miss Doris MsC. N. Ruse, 1 alseae succeeded lu pîecing tagether severe- so ilyuTsl orsok LENIJ' ING LIBRARY McConuell spent the week-end with Area you faurteen or aven? If s0, ly fractured "4Hearts"', and mnny of Mn. sud Mrs. R. G. Dickinson, Tor- came ta the Leaders sud Qider Boys' the most readable effusions were rend MEN'S, LADIES', CHILDREN'S An intelligent use of ADVERTISING will poet Every Book of New and Popular auto. Confereuce lu the BowawTilile ta the deîighted audience by Miss bie the best passible menus of keepiug these godsmv MissM. . L DosonandherMethodist Church on Saturday, Feb. Isabel K. Smith. Liglit refresh- MISE ESIIG sa rhtdsaema Mis M.V. . Dws n den r25th. 1meuts were served, the Lecture ig. AVETSIG sa "tdsaesaIoEroe VâfinMs .Fudo L ability. Brighten up your store windows,, showyu F 1Le ý T e J Nspent the week-end at lier home lu The circulation of The. Canadian sud tes table beiug respiendent with Prviene culations of the other papers of West noi lTTN MAN". You wifl fluti the buyiug publiceofttisc- Yeu Oniy Read Theom Once! Women's Canadiau Club meeting aDunhani. It's the hastshoapvertisiug in yoLJJ asbeen postponed ta Mondny, Feb. muuryhapmecite te "soppin new" buyaunadvetise Save, IMoney and Rent 27hs wn o r.Pupte'e medium. ST. JOHN'S BROTHERHOOD monts each week. Tk okYmWn huYu quarautineti. Mn. anti Mrs. F.ý T. Guy, Oshawa, ENTERTAINMENT IF Ti. eo euWat ha ou M. en Busal hoi tkigan anaunce the engagement, of their DJIRECT Want t. Mr.icerT nsag ors a St aneyou rdnughter, Nellie Gertrude, Valentine niglit was fittingly ob- h pW e ouAeIvldT Yo wl eev rmtsrie Bnrracks, Toronto, was- home aven oWle Rogers Lynde et Oshawa. serv ed by the Brotherh-ood of St. TO Yqu ill eceve pomp sericeThe marriage will take place quietly John's Churcli on Tuesday evening of The New Titles. The Books the week-end. th n onth. in the Paish Hall wheu a musical Issueti by Canadian Weekly Newspapens Asoat( o are eXesh, cdean, iuviting. Yau The weekiy meeting of the Bow- r ,r.W .ObrnKnadltrr giv tri osCONrable Head Office, Toronto, Canada. are , iiur owu librarian. We sup- mauville Mothers' Club wîll be lielci . Eat illcMrs. . H Ohoreigen dmeiterrpas gr cnm tof osrble O SU E ply anuy book nequesteti ot new an in the Panish Hall ou Tuesday, Feh. stEswiîcertahergln the Misses Dayman, solos by Mrs. J. popular Fiction. 21, at 7.30 p. m. wedding annivensary oun Friday, Feb- BNe_________B.___A.,___________W.__J.____________ ruany 24th., sud will be at home ta ne .AMr.W .Mri We chrge ac dolar ati 1r. Jas. Abraliams, St. Claude, thein fnientis tram 3 ta 6 p. m. 7-2 sou, Mr.. A. Hîrcock, Mrs. J. Terrett TU HIK0 Wechrg oedola ad Man., who lins beau calling an elId Rv .W esMsr.J D. Car.- aud Mn Jae Terrett; a duet by r Ms. YU HIEO tweuty4live cents for the fiat friends left Wednesday ta visit rela- rtes e a. . lisesuds J.Mn. Jas.logue adtra.mRot.rice'san oa mno- ~ ' I IN D book (whicli is yours) andti n tei ives at Halifax, N. S. thrGoE.Caeanlgu fomRb Sri'spmq A cens aci im yu xeaue. Meusrs. G. N. Thunston sud El MDual ensuigS.Pu "Souitul Sam" by Miss Gladys Jack- If yau art a lover of gooti reati- wood Thuraton are atteudiug RetailCrli teneith unrlQtteson. Ecinme a naeiat ing this is n splendid apportunity Mrchants' Association 'meeting a t lae rs. Alex. Elliot at Peterboro respand tiai a unnishing a very com- Lahr olo etahe ea neasonabia cot. King Edwnnd, Toronto.Tusa. plate andi entertaining progrant. etrWoorCt»-id at n.MilonJamasn'smay fiads Miss Emma Tabb sud Mns. W. J. Cnpt. J. B. Neale gave a number of: or. unlineti; aise iumbenman's AsFwuTm el haMito lmearu i s ag rens-Ward, Oshawa, were liaeeou Satur- awani laerstns n izrdy ocs u~~ '"' A Lt.INJ~:i pinsaitoday attending the funerai of their that kept the audience highiy inter- Ur ing satisfactorily tram bis recent op- nephew, Robent Ashby, the little six- este(]. "The Phatograplier", n eration lu Bowmanville Hospital. months' aid sou of Mn. anti Mrs. John tance, hy Messrs. Reg. Harding'sud Spring styles for ladies now mBt Ex-Wanden sud Mns. A. J. Heuder- M. Rowe, who passeti away an FnîdaY Tom' Heasiip createtimcl ari i stoek-mauy importied10 1 itngfneuisa rut a Trot vceasiset y ev D W as. onluio f r Na1'ssla Cpt Tog lits e we B owman'ville son of Cavan, are ou a trip West vis- Rev. S. C. Moore conducteti the ser- ment anti was weil put on. At the Eloy«..h sud Detroit. At Jackson, Midi., Anothen Durham Olti Boy gains T. L. Bruce, Chairman, sud Presi.- they will visit ils sistan, Mrs. Gea. promotion ta a higli office. Dr. R. J. dent of the Club, preseuted Mrs. Clarke. Niddeny, 484 Dovercount Rond, Tor.- Neale witi a benutitul bouquet ofT h lv & Mitb ç S ,our awn township? Corne aud meat the 1. O. F., fton Central Ontario fan ot the membars for hanr ganarous hlep the rest of tbem at the Leaders sud twanty-flve years, bas beau uotifiad at s0 many ofthteir social gathanings. <,~k"' ~-~-~-Olden Boys' Contenance in the Bow- of lis appointmant ta the Ciairman- Sic gracefully acknowledgedtheti Store The main function of this business,asw se -manville Methodist Chuncli an Sat- shîp of the Medical Advisany Board gif t. The accampanistsware Misses - ~ urday, Februany 25th. of the sainie Onder. His parants were Inn Pethick, Rien Daymsn anti Mn. tîso brn t he wm f B, Mrs W C Coe' fmilanfae nsitients of Enfiald, Nati Darling- J. Tennitt. .Manufacturer and Retailes-ii o bigt he wmno omni anti voice has beau missati tram the Anotien unit of the Ganeral Mot- 1_______ Door East of Statesmax Office advcnt h etVreyo r od ban *Mthodist Chir ton twa Suntinys ow- ors of Canada, Lîrnîtati, ms beau or- DOAIN TGHSTL able, also the newest and mnost charmingcraon ing ta an attack of pueumanin. Han ganizeti in Canada, sud wl ha known DOAINhOHSIA many friands will be glati ta kuow1 as tic Oakland Motor Car Company of master fashion designs in ladies' ready-ower tint sie is convalescing nicely. of Canada. Oparations wili begin in Mrs. A. McPeters-4 loaves oft k~ < rs D.T. oris Hose-st, n-Mardhinl Oshawa, whare tour models breati, dozen huas. And not only,' must everything shon a K ... nouneD. . rrstaenngre ot.,lier othe Oakland car will ha manufac- Ladies Hospital Auxiliary-8 hetiMsnsb napernei is aone heeggm ntiofMn. G d utrio to w11lme'still spreads, dozen bath towels, Alanin M sn leauthorativeinap rnc dau-her.Flrene dna ad M. . w m moe rodcton orthe ,sliawa Clock, 18 table napkins, 3 sink W. Garner, son of the lata Mn. anti plants, no dout with n consequent strainers, 26 draw sheets, 19 sieets, îim as',çadojr be thoro]y well made and of the soundes atr - -.--Mrs. W. R. Garnnr, .London,' Ont., inicrease in the number ot men èm- 17 bietigOwns, 18 towels, 2 dozen pîl- as the maniaga ta take place eariy in, ployeti. R. S. McLaughlin is Presi- low slips, 9 wiudow siades, 3 table Mardi, dent of the uaw cornpany sud G. W. ltis, 3 pair curtains, 2 cuntaîn Btthsi o utb es A. LO JD C ALL mMn. anti Mrs. W.* H. Dustan, Bow.- McLaughlin is Vice-President. pales, 2 surgeon's gowns, 2' dozen Bi hsi o enough-prices Iu manville, Ont., anuouuce the engg- This tram the Pont Hope Guide is cups, grapas, nuts, raisins, figs, dates, - - .-oabe ment of their dauglter, Madeline, ta interasting sinca the first Ottawa oranges, bananas, cliocolates. hoith p arsen . oat e wislia- Mn. and mrs. Jaesrny, ifirth a espac statefeencetinat W. M". oua -Pumptrons atiActual comparisons are not alwaysposbe bt gai te Hn ing of e eiy arn- Mrn Will am e Gerry, ou ofth aeBeth's.successor sadthatSetr. M.P W.- itas u o e av on oraie htMsnpie mae awn atî o ht Ho. Thurso, Scotiauti. The marriage T. R. Preston wns an aspirant ta the turnîps. btw mnhv o et elz htM if you dasire ta ha a Succass in wil take place h n fti ot.Sntrhpadhspopc a this Wold's BUSINESS yurut W h nio u ot.Sntripat l rsetW5 Mrs. Vallean-hasiiet applas, eau bemser1afse -- par-M.1t i [- nmay- riadsinBowanihAngoti. The1Ppoiltntnent at Sens- con-. ARE reasonable; that every dollar spethr iops- ta psy ion parYt at yaun tanlna soeain o 91e 45. n rmJrslmt aacs soU, t ra n-dreay e ccet neliabilhtias cf $L018,019.50-truly a cearng at one-thirti olffregular "uit fryorai asragbaserver,~ of thesa big 1paying jobs. This spe- magnifleent record for these timas. price at Couch, Johnston & Cryn--"ul fryusefasrgbx srie ca'fe sgofoashr. .1ma,.2f Fashiior 'a h pn'- , i c1ra\;/r1 Ladies' Ray -eradDyGo elal citer is gooti for a short'tme Mn. J. H, H. Jury recelveti a let.-m -t Fît it with basp anti padlock, UC37OGRBOS eny a n vnn essions.________Reay-t-Wer ad Dy o Don'lay. Daysudevening forful ter* ths week from the National San.- Put- ah your troubles tiiere. 9 1 vss;wa Bwmnvll particulans fr7nmed1ately. ithaimsciatin e relngItTO LET Hide therein a&H your failuresêAEXiELITPhone'l106 B' thans t eîîzesofBowanvllefor Adec ItrcpyuqaAE.ELO HEmpHiLUZ's mOTOR scHOOL their respoume te thle Cennumptves' 7<> Lt -Horsan e ehoo=tg Lock &Il yeur heartaches wthin it, oeo Emergeney Canipaiga, total amount WtiWrUad ahcm ply,1 nt ac ite cpJi uaf R, SevetR.R. , owianlle.Then- LIýZ ==Ce 162 Wo-t lng Strftt, Tronto. realzed being $1,36818. R.Rteol, R.R.8,g SIT ON THR LID AMD LA4;g.

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