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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1922, p. 8

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CLARKE TELEPHONE 1 NEW SUBSCRIBERS Below is a list of names who were added to the Jones' Telephone Sys- tem in the year 1921: Joseph Coulson Chas. Roberts C. M. Eddy Lanson Milson IRobert Graham Truman m1e Bruce Elliott Mrs. Austin Campbell Harry Weiler Thos.' Cowan W. H. B. Chapman J. J. Wright Fred Parker James Swarbriek Rowland Bowen Harve Thompson Wm. Bebee, jr., E. C. Hoar Chas. iRuddell, Prof. C. B. Sissons, Blake Alexander Wm. Farrow, sr J. J. W. Stringer Geo. Jamieson R.T1. Davison Robert Waiton Fred Wight Leslie Allun Wm. Mason Howard Alun Stanley Porteous Thos. Rowden Chas. Bedwin A. H. Woolacott Fred Lovekin John ickson George Honey W. H. Anderson John Couch. Si1k Poplins, regular $ 2.00 a yard, now clearing at $1.00 a yard at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. 2-t Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of Marg4aret Caswell. late of the township of Clarke, in the County of- Durham, spinster, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that ail per- sons having dlaims aganst the estate of Margaret Caswell, who died on or about the 6th day of February, A. D. 1922, are required to send by post prepîaid or deliver to the undersigned executor of the said deceased, on or before the 2th day of March, A. D. 1922, their Christ- !an and surnames and addresses and full particulars in writing of their dlaims and statements of their accounts and the rihture of the security, if any, hed by them. AND TARE NOTICE that after the -twentieth day of March, A. D. 1922, the said executor vell proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitied thereto, having regard oniy to the clams of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at Newcastle this l5th day of I'ebruary, A. D. 1922 Thomnas M9ffat, Executor of the estate of the late Mar- garet Casweii. 7-3 MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity -University, also of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker's ,Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. 1Honor graduate of Trinity University. Tellow of Trinity Medical College, 'licentiate of -the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and' bs- vital of New York and Fellow of the 'Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton's Residence, Newcastle. Hoars-s to 10 a. m., 1 ,to 3 p. m.,,and by appointment. Our repair prices are the lowest possible con- sistent with expert work- rnanship and quality parts New batteries are now at the lowest since 1913. Ail batteries left at the West End Garage given this service. Ontarjo Battery Service Moffatt Mototr Sales Buîldig Bowmauville THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE KENDAL BLANCHE LOIS BERDELL' Mr. R. W. Gibson, Toronto, speat Letter from N4. T. Selby appears on Friday evening, February 12, Mr.1 Heirs Wanted to Receive Fortune. the week-end in town. page 6. John Patton entertained the famillesi Mr. Cecil Finley was home froin Miss Eva Grieve left thîs week ou and friends of the Enniskillen Orange, Living ýnear Newcastle, Ontario, Toronto over the week-end. bier return to New York. 1 Lodge to an oyster supper. About Bowmanville or Port Hope are sup- Miss Lena Cook, Oshawa, is visit- ,Mr. and Mrs. Andy Moffat and fam- 80 people had an enjoyable evening. . posed te be heirs of Blanche Lois ing t M. Hwar Alin's il, Ohaw, wre i ton Snda. .Mr. Rowe of Newtonville took Berdeil (deceased). Bora in Can- ing t M. bwar Alin'. iy, shaa, erein ownSunay. charge of the service oný Sunday in ada about 1861 she went to Bufialo, Mrs. Win. Toms was down from Mrs. John Grieve is visiting at Mr. place of Rev. E. 'W. Tjnk wliu was Chen to New York City about 1875 Toronto over the week-end.- J. Franklin Bones', Lake Shore. called to Brooklu on acount of the to 1880. ber father remarried when Mr. George Jamieson is in receipt Miss E. Moore, Toronto, is visit- ilinesof his mother... .Mr. George she was 14 and she left home. There of another car of stove c.oal. ing at Mr. Chas. A. Cowan's, North- Eliott of Saskatoon and niece, Miss were haif brothers and sisters. ber Mr. E. V. Dyer, Port Hope, was in st- Ruth Brandon of Orillia, are visiting father was a lumberman or lumber- town on business Tuesday last. Rumor has it that Mr. Wm. Jamie- friends at Kendal .... Valentine's will jack on a river. Mrs. H. S. Britton has gone to son has purchased the Rose property bc fittingly celebrated this year by a Send any information of the fam- Toronto to visit wîth hier people. on Mll-st. South. program and lunch and games in the ily or beirs quick to Geo. W. James, Mr. F. A. Butler, Toronto, spent Mr. Wes. Branton is offering bis room, under the auspices of the Bowmanville, or H.- C. Bonathan, the week-end wlth bis family here. comfortable bouse on Edward-st., for Laies' Aid .... The Girls' Organized Newcastle, Ontario, sale Heshold oon inda b;er Class met at the home of Miss Lena We regret to report that Mrs. Jas,.ae li-hud onfndabyr Lippett on Wednesday, February 8. Lovekin is in a poor state of healtb. Miss Lillian Colwill, has returned_______ CLARKE FIELD CROPS CONTEST Mr. Perey Bradbury, Brantford, from Toronto having completed a spent the week-end with friends in course in dressmaking conducted by NEWTON VILLE Last September we published the tw.Madame Coates. Judges Report no the Standing Fields t nrin Mr. George Eilbeck has decided to Miss Tilley Ruthven, Kendal, is of Banner Oats. Now we give the reiefrom business and is offering visitîng bier friend, Miss Jennie combîned report of thefinal awards lame ankle, the resuilt of a skating ac- bis stock and valuable property on Thompson ...Mr. George Griffan, of the Tbresbed Grain Competition, cident. King-st. for immediate sale. Omnemee, visited his uncle, Mr. Sam- as awarded by Judges Wilson Black Mr. W. b. B. Chaplin is sligbtly Preshyterian Book of Praise. Good uel Jones last week.....Barrister of Stroud, and G. T. Rayuor, Seed pinder the weather with a bad dose of assortment of bindings and prices, at Alfred Graham, Toronto, spent the Division, Ottawa. lumbago. the "Big 20" Bookstore, Bowman- week-end with. bis mother, Mrs. Jeu- 60% field score, 40% bîn score. Mrs. Auna Elford, Bowmanville, ville. W. T. Allen, 5-t nie Graham .... Miss Ruby Payne of 1 F. J. Brimacombe, Orono 86.00 has been visiting hier daughter, 'Mrs. It is reported that Mr. George Truo a ee pnigawek 2Es.Ptesn rn 48 LreCobbledick. with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3 C. A. Chapman, Orono 84.60 LreEilbeck bas purchased Mrs. R. W,. Reuben, Payne. .. . bey. S. G. Mc- 4 1. T. Chapmau, Orono 83.00 Dr. Walton Bail, Torohto,. came Caldwell's bouse on King-st. East, Cormack, Newcastle, took* the, ser- 5 C. L. Powers,, Orono 82.00 down to arrange for the puttiug in tenanted by Mr. Wmn. Jamieson, vice ln the Methodist Cburch on Sun- 6 A. Arthur Gibson, Orono 77.00 the season's ice supply. There has been a big advance sale day evening, lu the absence of the 7 A. E. Morton, Kendal 67.00 Mr. Fred Gibson, Niagara Falls, for the famousMaple Leaf Trio ,en- paster, Rev.' E. W. Tink, who was Adolph Henry, Secretary. is visiting at bis fatber's, Mr. T. M. tertalament on Tuesday next. There called to Brooklu on account of tbe Gibson, "Willow bill". are a few good seats for reservation serious illness of bis mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jennings have left yet. Mrs. W. C. Lane, Mr. barry Lane NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL returned froin a two weeks' visit witb There is considerable sickness in and Mr. Chas. Britton motored to heir daugter la Toronto the village at present. Among those Osbawa Tuesday to attend the funer- Large Audience Attend Presentation Miss Betty McKenzie wbo bas been indisposed are Mrs., Glendenning, ai of the late Mrs. Charles Cornisb. of Prizes-Splendid Addresses- visiting bier sister, Mrs. b. S. Britton, Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. C. M. Eddy, We extend our beartfeit sympatby Marion Gray and Volney Moor~e has returned home to Toronto. Mrs. Alex. Adair, Miss Pearl Cobble- to tbe bereaved relatives ...Mr. Awarded Valuable Awards., Mrs. F. A.. Butler entertained a dîck, Mrs. Frank Jay. Frank Law and wif e, accompanied number of friends at Progressive The Young People of. St. George's by Mr. Cecil Ferguson and wife mot- Teachers and students of the bigh Eucbre on Saturday evening. Cburcb will give an entertalumeat in ored to Toronto Sunday ...Miss Scbool, parents, friends and other It is reported that Mr. Thos. bolds- the Alexandra bail on Tuesday, Feb.i Mary Lane is lu Toronto, guest ofi citizens gatbered lu the Towna al te worth is about to leave town and in 28tb., at 8 p. m., consisting of aj Miss Betty McKenzie ..Miss Annis1 be present at the presentation of the future make bis home with his sister, 1comic opera in 3 acts, entitled "The Penwarden is staying witb bier aunt, i Samuel Wilmot Gold Medai to Mr. at Beaverton.i Lost Princess". Furtber particularsMrs. W. Morton of Cobourg, while1 Volney Moore for general proiciency A nmbr f or oug pope renext week.. Morton is visiting friepds n.inail subjects for the scbool year arrangiug to attend the youug i Furs beiow cost at Couch, John- Cuba .... Miss Mabeile Haskéll spent I 1920-21, and of tbe Prof. John peoles eeing t b hld now 1ston & Cryderman's. 2-t the week-end witb bier parcnts inj Squair French Prize te Miss Marlon people s eegkob. hl nBw Port Britain. .. . The band concert, Gray for higbest standing lu Frencb manile ths wek.Maple Leaf Trio-Mr. and Mrs, social and dance held lu the hall, for the same year. Mr. Frank O'Neil is spending a few lWalter Bates, Musicians, and Miss Tuesday evening was a huge success After the adjournment of the days lu Ottawa, and on bis retura, Miller, Eiocutîonist, will appear in and a good time enjoyed by al.... Board of Education, Mr. Frank Rick- will make a visit with bis sister, Mrs. Metbodist Suuday Scbooi boom, 1ISeveral from here took lu the hockey ard, Chairman, resumed the chair, Ray Keecb at Wellington. Tuesday, February '21st. Those, match lu Port Hope, Friday and wit- explained the purpose of the meeting Miss Laflamme of the Girls', Club, wbo beard this popular trio a year nesed Port Hope defeat Picton 2-1I and expresed pleasure at seeing se Toronto, is planning to iay lu a sup- ago are again looking f orward toe a .. Mr. Wilis Jones and Mr. Frank many present. Rev. S. G. Mc- puy of ice at Copper Beech lu readi- real genuine feast of music and liter- Ovens were lu Port Hope Monday. . Cormack, B. A., spoke of present day ness for tbe coming camping season. ary talent. beserved seats 50c.- . Mr. Walter Caswell spent a few trend of educational tbought aud Several additional employees bave Plan at Britton's Grocery Store, Feb. davs at home atteu.ding the fanerai legisiation such as changes lu the been taken on lateiy by the J. Au-I l3th. Rush seats 35c. 6-21 of bis aunt, Miss M. Casweli .. . .Mr. curriculum, the Adolescent Act, the derson Smith Co. Mr. Smith reports Ail tbose who remember the Wil- Clemeus Percy spent the week-end bigber teacbing standards aimed at. business lu bis line as being much liams famiiy who were here at the In Bowmanviile. g estvea ractic sg improved. time of the construction of the C. P. Metve J.nW. radcly. ulcSho Mr. and Mrs. W. J.- S., bickard R., and who assisted so abiy with the M.J .Baly uleSho entertaiued last Saturday evening la singing in the Methodist Cburcb NEWCASTLE COUNCIL Principal, spoke of some class room honor of Miss Payne, the popular Choir, will be pleased to learn tbat f experiences, past and present, soein eacber of the historic and celebrated Raymond is planning to give la re- Meeting of Municipal Coancil was' giaddening and some saddeuing. be Sbaws School. citai1 here, under the auspices of theibeld January 3th., to fill differeat also paid a bigb tribute to tbe men A number of people from New- Epworth League on or about Marcb salaried positions and transaction of whose thoughtfulness and evident de- casle ttede th metig hld t 4th., witb the assistance of bis generai business. Ail members were .sire te' encourage studiousness aud Orncastleatewd h eekt iushe ques- brother Frank. baymond is now1 preseut and beeve G. P. Rickard, pre- industry lu our bigb school ha~d tion of medîcal inspection in the second soioist iu the choir of the, sided. prompted them to endow the scbool PubicScoos.Metropolitan Cburch, Toronto, and Clark was. iustructed to write Bell with funds for the awarding of prizes aiso a member -of the Menidelssohn 1Teiephone Co. requesting this firm te of ent, ysearnetafter eru.bia- Mrs. Chas. Rogerson and son Choir which is now on a tour tbrougb write counceil assaming liability of Sdes wa hsco grs earnstsudhepf i Charles Frederick, are spendiug part flie States. Watch for particulars'the growiug trees on Base Line ad-1 ed Sevenhdigasolg irls entertaig în- of the winter at the Capital witb Mrs. later. j oiuiug Dr. A. Farucomb's property, jwithadilgu:"Ms Hgino' bogerson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. l. Characters were taken by b-itchman, Ottawa. The League on Monday uigbt was and that no other trees in village be Mse lzbt accGri Mesdames J. E. Matcbett, J. R sided over by-Miss Lilian Colwill, eu, lu a similar manner, bat refer to boiman, Irene bii3cb, Dorothy Gib- Fisher, J. E. W.- Pbilp and J. A. 2nd Vice-President. The topie Property Çommittee. sou, Eva Colwill, Marlon Gray and Smith sttended the Annual Canven- 1 "Our Methodist Missionary Press in Requests for permission to trim 1Nellie Thomas. Each -acted and tion of the Provincial borticalurai' China" was taken by Miss Odie War- write coancil assuming liability of spoke lier part witb precision and Society held lu Torouto last week. reu; piano solo, Bonjour, was render- trees on streets in future are te be animation and was elaborately cos- ed by Miss Ella Turubuli; a bumor-iveferred to Property Commlttee. tumed to fittiugiy represent bier role Dr. Geo. Carvetb sud daugbter, oas poemn with a good moral, lu First resding was given a by-lsw as housemaid, old friend, styiish spin- Mrs. Austin Campbell of Toronto, negro dialect was read by Mr. War- limiting expenditare of auy member ster, artist, poet, seutimentalist and speut a day at their summer cottages. reu Davidson, and a duet, "We are or committee of couneil to $50. lawyer.' makiug arrangements for the hauling littie Sowevs" was sang by Misses Tenders for municipal positions Reeve Geo. P. bickard, after cou- sud storing of their summer stipply Dorothy and Evelyn Pickavd. Rev. were submitted as foilows: Clark gratulatiug the prize wiuuers spoke of ice. Wm. Limbert took charge of the con- aud Treasurer-J. S., b. Joues, no of the b igb cost of education sud The Metbodist 'Choir rendered sacration service at the reqaest of salary stated, W. b. Anderson $125, urged upon bis youuger hearers the some very fine music at the eveniag tbe president. Six candidates join- Win. Jamieson $150, Miss Frances desirability of makiug the most of service. Miss Turnulanlsd Miss ed and veceived a weicome luto tbe Gibson, clerk only $150, H. C. Bons- their time and opportunîties to se- Edua Rickard taking promineut parts League as associata membars. than $185; Aaditors-Miss M. Brad- cure a good education. bis address undar the direction of the musical Dr. Waltou Bal sud Mv. bogerson ley, John Anderson, $10 each; Coi-I was instructive sud inspirîng. veteran, Mr. W. J. S. Rickard. paid a midwiuter visit to barris lactor-Geo. Eiibeck $50; Assessor-1 Mr. L. Migbt, M. A., bigh Scbooi A number of people from this Lodge iast week-end just te prepare Thos. Moffat, no saiary stated; Medi-1 Principal, spoke of wbat had been district weut out to Orono ou Satur- tbe way and warm tbiugs up for St. cai bealth Officer-Dr. A. Farncomb ! gaiuad by prize winuing students of day afternoon to attend the meeting Valentine, the good friand of ail $10; Constable sud Sanitary Iu- mach greater value than medals or called for the purpose of organizing youthful sud ioving hearts. During snector-T. W. Jackson, $150; Thos. money or books, the habits of study the forces opposed to the idea of bis visit at the lodge, the doctor en- Barrie $100; Caretaker-Johu Scott acquirad, the knowledge gaiued to changiug our present system of bigb tertaîued at dinner the foliowing $30. be the foundation of more knowledge, Scboohs.1 guasts: Mv. sud Mrs. Albert Bahl, By-law was passed employiug the the chavactar lu the building, sud the Mv. Ernest Bahl of bevaîstoke man- f olowing officers: b. C. Bouathan, powev ithatscornes fromskuhowlahdge. Tbe borticultural Society is mak- or,, Hope, Mr. George Singer sud Clark sud Treasurar,, $185; Thos. M.Mgtsadeswstogta ing big preparations for their March Mis Jania of the bendevous, Miss Moffat, Assassor, $60; Geo. Eiibeck, sud eniighteniug. meeting., A splendid progrsm is be- Mabai Lake of Grove bouse sud Mv. Colector $45; Dr. A. Farncomb, M. Mr. Volney Moore sud Miss Mar- iug arrsuged sud it wili ail be free. Robt. Walton, Nortb-st. Ou Mou- H. O., $10; Miss M. Bradley, John ion Gray were called to the piatform Wntch for furtbav auuouucemeut sud day the doctor sud Mv. Rogerson Anderson, Auditors, $10 escb; T. W. sud, congratuiated by the chairman arrange to attend, sud if yoen are not motoved dowu to bavaîstoka Manor Jackson, Constable, sslsry to ha oua- for the honors tbay bsd acbieved sud a mambar be sure sud loin, sud sitar spendiug a pleasaut day on1 haif of flues imposed, and Sanitary prasented the former witb the gold The Valentine1 Tes given by the ,lie old bomestead dowu on the farm, Inspector to ba paîd for instructions madal, in a neat coutanng case, sud ladies of the Preshytarian Charcb, returued to tbe city ou St. Valan- of M. b. O.; John Scott, Caretaker, tha latter with the French priza of at the home of Mrs. George C. Wright tine's eve. n,1$30. two ichiy bouud volumes selacted by ou Tuesday was a liuge success, so- Anothar columu of Newcastle ews besiguation of Mrs. J. b. Fisher Miss E. Turubuli, B. A., of the bigb ciaiiy, financiaily sud otherwise. We is ou page 7. as Member of Board of Education Scbooi staff-copias of Lonfallow sud ca't have a Vslentiue's day every wss accepted sud naime of J. E.Tnyo. Teadec plue mouth but we can have a tes, soe________ Matcbtt was substituted to fil ca-1proudly and vigorousiy tha two 2c I b COAL 1 have on hand a supply of the best SCRANTON COAL both Nut and Stove size. Sheds at the G. T. Ry. Phone A 1220 Geo. Jamieson Newcastle Another Car of Coal 1In We now have ready for immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We have for sale Portland or Super Cernent in any quantity desired. Fred (Grahamn PHONE 3323 NEWCASTLE big Bargain Day Sale At, Fiesher's TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 (one day only) EVERYTHING CREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Groceries. , SEE BIG BILLS FOR UNBELIEVABLE CUT IN PRICES E. C. FISHER THE EXCELSIOR NEWCASTLE ENJOY A CUP 0F GOOD TEA We pride ourselves in the good tea we seil. Our customers tell us its the best tea for the money they can buy. Special this week. 3 LBS. BLACK TEA FOR $1.00 R, WALTO'eN Grocer Newcastle' Bie Loyal To Your Own> COMMunity Buy bread made in Newcastle by people liv- ing in Newcastle, EAT BRITTON'S BREAD You have the satisfaction of knowing it is good bread made right here in the village., H. S. BRITÏILON Baker & Grocer Newcastle COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH MAIL ORDER HOUSES And invariably you will find that our prices ar-e lower, quality considered., Mitts going at less than cost. Horse Blankets clearing very cheap. HeIp the Hens-give them Pan-a-cea. Buy your supplies here and save money. A TRIAL ORDER WILL CON VINCE YOU W M. j A M 1I" ) eIN Hardware Store Newcastle Royval Purple Stock and Poultry Specifie Oyster Sheli and Grit, 13 lbs for .............25c, 100 lb. bag......................$ 1.75 Royal Purpie Caif Meal 5lS.......$12 Lînseed'Meal, Epsom Sats. Laying Meal, Gýround Bone Crenoid Disinfectant, gallon .................95C H, C.B BOATAN Phone 3722 Newcastle ýi

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