Insurance Agency. Ail lines of FIRE, LIFE, AÇCDEýNT, SJCKNESS, AUTO1WOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. ,ditlu*V. Scobeli, Agent Znd door west of the "Big 20" B wmanvillge Ontario. THEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Specialty. 'Terms moderate. 1-tf Enxiiskillen P. 0. Phone 197-r3. %7ETERINARY DR-. F. T. TIGHE VETERINK RY SURGEON. Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D... BARRISTEB, SOLICITOR, NOTARY -money to lc'an on Farmn and Town Property. ]Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvilleý. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTERZ, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Moaey to bcan. Bonds for sale. Offices: F3leakley Block, King Street, UBowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 178J. music T. W. STANLEY (Londoi College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to 1 ý - Piatio and Voice Cult- ure. For termis phone 12, "Green1 Court", Argyle Street. 49-3mw MEDICAL0 JO. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Atteiûding Phy- aician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pîttsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street,',llow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. 'M. ýGraduate of Trinity Medical College,i Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen.1 Officè and residence, Dr. Beith's, -ormer residence on Church-st., ,Bow- ,anville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H.STOREY tGraduate Toronto University, yearï -and a half resident physician and sur- ,geon Toronto General Hiospital (six- months Burnside Maternýty) two and haif years Military Hospital. tOffice: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10-lyr*t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT ,Graduate. of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- rnanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 ýp. m. daily except Sunday. Phone t] ff0a. Hbuse phone 90b. r r DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE si lEonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto p University. Graduate of the Royal bE College of Dental Surgeons of On- rn tario. Office King-st., Bowmanvjlle. tj Office phone 40. bouse phone '22. si DR. R. E. DINNIWELL t] Licensed to practice in Ontario h .and the Dominion,t Dentistry in ahl its branches t Offi ce-King-st., Bowmanville Opposite Bank of Montreal P Phone 301 le FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO' Most complete equipment. Sunday and nigbt calîs prornptly attended te. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. l3ranch at Orono. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO LUROPE-Canadian Pacific, 'White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 63, Bowmanville. AUCTIONEER WILL. T. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. Live Stock a Specialty. Live Stock, and farrns for sale. Phone 167-14. 3-t BOWMANVILLE, MARCL-I 2, 1922. OBSERVATION S ONS 'Live and let live' is a good motto: 'live and help others live' is a better. Don't worry about whether the ad- vertising pays the advertiser or not. If advertising didn't pay, the adver- tisers would have ail quit long ago. The only dollar that helps the coin- munity is the dollar that stays at home. Let your dollars work in Boxvmanville and heip to build up your'town. We have often been asked why we didn't publish ail the news of the ¶ýommunity. If we did a lot of people might soon be in the Bu.g flouse and we wouid be in a hospital or the cemetery. At a meeting of the Canadian AWeekly Newspaper Association -at Toronto recently the minimum rate for newspaper subscriptions was fixed at $2.00 per year. Representatives were present from nearly every pro- vince in Canada. The annual 'con- vention in June will be held in Ot- tawa. In ail our buman r >elationship there is in existence an invisible and in- tangible radiation, a heart wave or a brain thought or conviction whi4h is calied Good Will. Advertising alone won't make "good will"., No sireel! But no business will ever reach its bigb point of good wili value without continuons and far-reaching adver- ising of somne kind. Kipling lad the right idea when lie wrote: "Lt ain't the guns nor armament, nor the funds that tbey can pay, But close co-operation that makes lem-wîn the day. Lt.,ain't the individual, nor the army as a whole, But the everlasting team-work of every bloomin' seul". That's what wins-the everlasting team-work of every citizen. That's the spirit required to put Bowman- ville on the map in big letters. Join the Chamber of Commerce and get into the game heart and soul. Dr. J. M. Pebbies who died last montb in Los Angeles in bis lOOth year wrote a book on "How to Live a Century and Grow Old Gracefully". LHe made himself an example and demonstrated bis theeries. Some of bis rules were: "Abstain £rom ent- ing animal flesh. See how strong are horses and oxen. They do not live on dea-d flesh. To bed every rlght at M.0. Out of bed every morning at 6. Neyer use tobacco. t4ever use intoxicating liquor. Neyer complnin. Avoîd worry and keepE a harmonlous mmnd. Worry is among tbe worst things in the world.t Hlave a strong will power. Alwaysi look for tbe new.- Keep calm". A local business man complainsi that bis place of business is made a oafing place by a number of men who have littie to do during the working ' hours of the day, with-the resuitthats when customers corne in to do busi-1 ness of a private nature with him0 they usually make some excuse fort coming in and fail to make knowni b the real cause of their cail. TheV 'esult is that business is killed in t many cases. The remedy seems to be s simple-merely to make it known b lainly that cuÊtomers are welcomec but loafers are not. Lt is a delicate b matter, however, for, a business man ý o risk offending friends by a blunt tatement of this fact, and yet some- bhing bas to be done. The evil ofa loafing has gone to sucb limits in cer-9 ain cases that customers often hesi- t ate to enter those business 'places affiicted". In seif-defence the pro- prietor bas to adopt some means to- lean up shop., Mayhap the offend- rs will read and take heed. Lt is not fair to their friends in business to loaf whike customers are driven .way or prevented from transacting private business. I We bave neyer fuvoned bazuars, sales of bome-made coeking or thej like as a meanas'of raising rnoney. The ýOillia Pilcket commenting on this subject suys: "Dees it neyer eccun te the people viho interest themselves, la "bake sales", and that sont of tbing, te maise money fer chunches and charitios, thut the buk- crs, confectionens and keepers of restaurants have somo ights vihicb ougbt te be respocted. These trudes People and thoir employees anrevihelly dependent on the profits of thoir ousiness for a iiveliheod. Tbey puy nent and taxes, thoy contibute te the miaintenance of, scheols and churches, tbey subscribe almost every day of thein lives, mror lon s.±,-one e, l. A LOUD CIALL te gain the lleaning of every amn- bit ieus person is ibut vie viish te make. We viant te tel you that if you desire to ho a Sucess in, this World's BUSINESS yeu rmust ho n musten of seme particular TRIP TO JAPAN Extracts Frcm Letters Received From Dr. and Mrs. Norman Fcund on the Voyage. Editor's Note: Agreeably te our request Mr. and Mrs. William Found of Concession-st., tbis tovin, have hianded several le'tcrs their relatives have received from bis brother Dr. Norman Found who with bis bride, nee Miss Helen C ~s, a trained nurse, whose home wns lut L'Orignal, Ont., bave gene as medical missienaries te Japan. The first letter is dated on bourd the Canadian Pacific Royal Mail Steumsbip "Menteagle", Decem- ber 8,,1921. Lt is with great pleasure that 1 sit me devin te write you a personal ac- coun, of our voyage te daté. We are novi in latitude 52 degrees 40 seconds and longitude 175 degrees, vibich as2you viill notice puts us very close.te the Aleutian Islands. As a matter of fact we have been pussing a row of mountaineus islands since il n. m. te-day, This by the way is the first land we have seen la 8 dnys. As, heviever, there is ne port, we do flot stop at this spot, nor is it possible to-day te get a snap- shet on acceunt of the poor light.. You wiii aise notice, that we are neur Meridian 180, se that to-mer- row is Saturday, December, 10, there being no Friday of this week. We are se far north that the sua sets at 4 p. m. and rises a few minutes after 8. -The nights are very long and I arn catcbing up some lest sleep. It is very funny te see the Chinese "beys" running around la ;the wet with wihite stockings or often ne stockings at ail. In a snowstorm, their loose cents flap and they look ternibly cold but tbey neyer seem te put anything more on. Perbnps they have notbing more te put on! This ship is net a very big one- la fact, it is ne bigger than muny of the lake boats and we were quite dis- appointed la its size. Hewever, it rides mucb betÉer than the Empress of Russia", vihicb is neanly three cimes as big and gees twice as fast. Te-nigbt vie are in teuch by wireless viith the "Empress of Japan" viest- bound serne twenty miles off us. They have ulsu ueen getÉing wireless mes- sages frem stations la Alaska. Yes- terduy vie made 309 miles in this 'boat vihich is an unusually goed run. Tbis is acceunted for by the smooth sea and lack of wind which made it a pleasure te be alive. Tbe men were running around witb cents unhetton- ed and for tbe first time this voyage the "fiddles" (e vhich bold the dishes on the tables) viere taken off, The waves, in fact, viere ne bigger tban ordinary lake viaves. Tbe temper- uture hevers urouad 40 degrees and you wiii be surprised to knovi that vie have seen ne ice of any kind sine leaving land. The captain tells us that in this part of tbe sou tbe varia- ion between, uverage winter and summer temperatures is only 10 de- grees. Notwitlistanding the vieuther, it appears tbat the Aleutian Islands are net habitable, there being ne troos_,on tbom and very fovi animais. A fevi In-dians have te live on tish. As the questtion of me'als and sea- sickness arevery closely allied I wiii tell about them together. The first day eut we only got as far ns Victoria and i- was veny, fine sailing so that everybody feit quite "peppy". Next morning, bowever, vie avieke te find the, tbings tumbiing around the floon and after a brave attempt te get dressed decided te bave our break- fast la bed. At dinner time we went tbrougb the samne performance and ve viore tickled te tumble iute bed. A funny tbing was that I had a good appetite even though my- bead was tee crazy te walk or stand. We slepL. rnst of that day under the in- fluence ef some bremides I hnd nlong.. At supper time we mnged te drag ourselves to tea and cnt a few edd ;bings.- We retracted eanly vient te bedand slept vieil. Next rnorning we were uwnkened early by being tessed against the side of the bed and, soon found that it was three times as )ad as the day before. Aften the China "boy" brougbt us our tea la' >ed (as usual) we rnnnaged -te crawl l'ovin fer seme breakfast at 8.30 a. m. During tbe day we viere tumbled areund shnmefully bu'- managed te get ns far ns thýe table 3 times. We never wero ahi0 te climb the stains bhat day nt ail. The boat oaly made 160 miles la 24 heurs, se you know it was seme viind. The end of the .ost v atuabl lienILt11 1b v dt1dUe. .lts uses are innumerable and for many years it has been prized as the lead- ing liniment for man and beast. "Big 20" Bookstore LENDING LIBRARY Every Bock cf New and Popular FICION1li You OnIy Read T hem Once! Save Mcney and Rent The Bock You Want When You Want It. You will receive prompt service of The New Tities. The Books are fresb, cdean, inviting. You are your own librarian. We sup- ply any book requested of new or popular Fiction. We charge one dollar and twenty-five cents for the first book (which is yours) and ten cents each time you exchange. If you are a lover of good read- ing this is a splendid opportunity at a reasonablo cost. W. T. ALLEN Bowmanville Big Reductions in Price of Hoover Electrie Cleaners and Electric Washing Machines Regular Reduced ta Special Hoover Cleaners ........1..$75.00 $69M.5 Baby Hoover Cleaners ..........$62-50 $47.50 The Hoover Suction Sweeper is 1çnown the world over for its special cleaning qualities and when'you buy it pays to buy the b est. When you buy the Hoover you buy the best Ask for a free demonstration in your home which we wiIl gladly give. ELECTRIC WASHERS REDUCED TO $100.00 We have a limi- ted supply of Eleet- rie Washing Ma- chines reduced to $100.00. Let us send one of these Washing MYachines to your home for 14 days' free trial. Our Motto is "Service" Satisfaction guar- anteed or your Iwoney refunded. We seli nothing but flrst quality goods. A phone cail will bring, any of the aboye to your ir A Now Tat Prices 1 Phone 18 day or nighit Bowmanville Mrs, Found Writes: Decemben l6tb., 1921. This is Normnn's birthdny. No doubt you are tbinking about bim very bard te-day. H1e is ut present sleeping dev in l the cabin. We have been exceedingly vieil censidering àrough sens vie have had. I can st- nd on the stera vihile the sbip bea'Ves up inthe air and down contin- uously. Norman says she heavos up, and "tukes n chîp eut of the moon". Ia twe more days vie shall have rencbed Japan and vie von't be sorry te get on "terra firma" once more. On the evening of the l3th-we wiere witbin wirelesg range of Yokehnmai and Norman sent n message te Seoul by viireless on the l4th. Wehave made the acqunintanceepf seme very fine people on hourd, most of vihom are missionaries. We tpok some snaps of the bunch, and hope you mny be able, to see their like- nesses. The snaps of the Rockies wenre very poor because it vins a durk, snewy day but these taken on hourd eugbt te be allright. To-day the sbip is nose-diving (dipping end te end), I don't mind that but when v.e get the hillevis on i the benm und it relis yeu around your bertbh ike a peu on a kaif e, thon L'd rathernont. Norman vins lying on the coucb and -the pont-hole justi even it buppened te be pnrtly open.- A grent vinve came dasbing up and ia.I Say, if yeu ever ýsavi anybod'yjup la a bunry ho did. Luckiîly he had a1 nug ovon him. I laughed, it was funny renhiy. December l8tb. Here we are with- hua.outtwisa ou'rnerully vnrm iniaou two heurs' ru fomYoko- sunny day. Women are eut without cents. Yesterday vie sighted land1 HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED, OSHAWA SeedEE OaGRee h A IN aleSe y Stock complete. Ask for prices. CL O'VEf- S ý& 1TIMOTH Y AI] kinds and of frnest quality. Ask for a price on our IFeeds-Corn, Shorts, Cotton Seed, and Oil Cake, also on Corn and Peas ground together. Oats, Oats, Hogg Lytie, Li*mited.' 1 - ---------- ý4 boat went Up and down 20 te 25 feet and several fisbing boats and what a every wave we bit. Next day tbe relief to know we are se near land. sea was calmer and se were we and This mornîng we saw Fujiama which by Sunday vie were able to chirp wvith looked quite pink la the distance. It the best of tbem. Helen lest only mus4 be a very huge volcano. 1 one meal af ter tbat first day and I would like te get a littie nearer it. have lest none. Other people viere InL a short time 1 expect the quar- net se lucky and a doctor from Win- antine officers and rnoney changers nipeg stili bas bis wif e la bed nfraid will beceming on board .There rnay te move. The cooking and serving be some bing more interesting te tell are dene by Chinamen and they cer- you later on. tainly do wait on you. Tbeir bread 3 p. m. Our sbîp eut of quar- is, ho wever, uneatable and the rest antine and are just landing at tbe of the food did not taste up te the dock I1 savi some littie Jap viomen mark for n f ev days. Thene is, how- walking up and down the dock la even, lots te eat. The dining-roem their floviered kirnenas jus' now. weuld sea, 100 passengers but is Norman nnd 1 are getting offte tube only about half full this trip. There a viee walk la Yokohama. ,re a lot of Hindees dovinstairs vibo are neyer seen but it is net very bard (To be continued) 1 smeli them anytime. Ia the 50 people on board, vie have people from ail ever the world. including 2 viho A Power of its Own.-Dr. Thomas' dlaim Toronto as their home tevin. Fcleienic Ohbas a subtie powier of Another is a Norviegian whale- . shoterwhois oin totheSeaofits ovin. Al who have used it shotervih isgoig t th Se efknew tdis and keep it by thern as the Japan te start work. Mg.VIihalnmn f Why not have that bathroom outfitted? We are in a position to give you a flrst class job; ex- pert workmanship; best of materials used through- out; work done promptly; and at the lowest prices We have been able to quote in the past four years. Estimates GIadly ]Furnished Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers The Best Is The Cheapest That is just one of many reasons why you should eat Tod's Bread., Todý's.Bread is made every day under most modern and sanitary conditions by expert bakers. Nothing but the best ingredients goes into Tod's Bread. That's why Tod's Bread is so nourishing. THOMAS TOD Ba.ýker and ConfectioDel' Bowrnanville Hligh Quality Lowest Prices Prrompt Service These three facts are the foundation of our steady growing meat business. Every purchase 'fromn our store carrnes the guarantee of, being the best the market affords. WE DELI VER THE GOODS 'Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville ý 4F