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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1922, p. 2

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Insurance Agency. Ahl lines of ilcIRE, LIFE ,ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, AWUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- T'AE dith V. Scobeli, 2nd door west of the "Big Age" B.ownanviIIe Ontai-io. -THEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER :Farm and House Sales a Speclalty. TtEarms moderate. 1_.-tf Enniskillen P. 0. Plions 197-r3. VETERINARY, DR. F. T. TIGHE V-ETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calîs Promptly Attended To. Oiffce, King-st., W., Statesman Block, B«Dwmanville. Phone 243. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD... BARRISTER,,SOLICITOR, NOTARY mýcney to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bocwmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NQTARY Mcney to boan. Bonds for sale. Ofnlces: Bleakley Block, King Stireet, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, bouse 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Churcli, is prepared to tal<e pupils for Piano and Voice Cuit- ,ure. For termis phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*t MEDICAL ,3. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. t xodMedalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- aician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hlospital, Pittsburg, Ks, Office and Re.csidence, Wellington Street, Bow- màanville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College,c Toronto, formeîly of Enniskilien. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's,s former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- .manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H.STOREYE 'Graduate Toronto University, yeart and a haîf resident physician and sur-t geon Toronto General Hospital (six1 montha Buinside Matern4ty) two and haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville., Phone 143w. 10-lyr* DENTALc DR. J. C. DEVITTh '(ýxadiiate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, Ring-st. East, Bow-g manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 I p. m. daily except Sunday, Phone .90a. House phone 90b. il 1DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE t Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office Kîng-st., Bowmanville, ~Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Licensed to practice in Ontario tl ýnd the Dominion.E -Detistry 1la aU its branches 0fie in-tBowmanville a *Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 301P R. M. MITCHELLc OPTOMETRIST REGISTERED BY EXAMINATION Eye Examninatîon by Appointment Office Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Office at Mitchell's Drug Stors l Bowinanville Ontario t(I FUNERAL DIRECTORS b F. F. MORRIS Co. i Most -complote equipmont. Sunday and night calîs promptly attonded to. e Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. ' Branch at Orono. M. A. JAME BOWMANVILLE, MARCU 9, 1922. iGOVERNMENT HOUSE GUESTS Citizens Enjoy a Function Given by Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Ris bonor the Lieutenant Govern- or of Ontario, ,Mr. Harry Cockshutt, lias introduced a new innovation toi ethe high office to which he has been appointed by holding a series of lun-j cheons at 'Goverament bouse, Tor- onto. The purpose of these gather- ings is to bring the business men of the Province into dloser touch with each other. The- sixth of these popular func- tions took place Tuesday, February 28th, the guests being representatives from the Counties of Ontario, Dur- ham, Northumberland, bastings, Len- nox, Victoria and Peterboro. This occasion was also taken advantage of to bid bon voyage toMr. P. C. Lar- kmn the guest of honor, who leaves shortly to assume his duties of High Commîssioner ina London, England., The guests were welcomed per- 'onallYî by Mr. and Mrs. Cockshutt ia the reception room and luncheon was served la the large bail room, the tables being beautifully decorated with Spring blossoms. Following the luncheon short ad- dresses followed by Mr. Cockshutt, Mr. P. C. Larkin, Mr. W. H. Tay- lor. Mayor of Peýterboro, and Col. J. F. Grierson of Oshawa. Bef ore ris- ing from the banquetting table Ris Honor invited the guests to inspect the various rooms of 'Goverament bouse and view the numerous art treasures. Invited guests fro m Bowmanville included: Mayor H. L. Quinn, Reeve C.ý E. Rehder, Deputy Reeve M. J. Elliott, Councillors R. E. Yates, Wil- liam Thickson, William Merritt, C. S. Halîman, A. L. Milmine, Geo. W. James, Messrs. John Lyle, J. W. Alex- an-der, Ex-Mayors J. B. Mitchell and M. A James, W. B. Couch, J. A. McClellan, John McMurtry, J. L. Morden, D. Burke Simpson, K. C. CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE EXECUTIVE MEETING New executive of Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce held its first meeting at secretary's office, Monday, Feb. 27th. with President A. M. Hardy in the- chair2 and following members present :Messrs. Geo. Chase, C. A. Cawker, ,M. A. Neal; J. D. Carruthers, E. R Wilson, G N Thurs- ton, N S. B. James, Alan Campbell, F. F. Morris, Dr, J. C. Devitt, C. H. Mason. Commîttee of Messrs. Cawker, Carruthers, Campbell was appointed to meet local Board of Heaith in connection with town milk supply and quesion of pasteurizated milk. It was left with Presin-dent Vice- President and Secretary to draft 1922 committees and report at next meeting. Samne committee was instructed to procure speaker for general meeting on Friday, ,March 24th. It was decided to hold a member- ship campaigaý with Presîdent and Vice-President as team captains. Campaigns started March 2nd and ends 7 p. m. March l6th, when the team securing least number of mem- bers provides an oyster supper to the winning team. Teams are:- President-H-ardy, Carruthers, Caw- ker, Neal, Chase, James, Bonnycastle; Vice-President--Wilson, M a s o n Campbell, Morris, Devitt, Thurston, Knight. Dr. Devitt reported on Athietica and asked support of Chamber of Commerce in securing a suitable grounds for games and forming Ath- Letic Association. Messrs. Chase, Neal and Thuraton1 wCre ýnstructed to make arrange. ments to organize a town band. 1 President suggeâted that Commun-i [ty Picnîc be held on July Tht in-î bead of first Monday in Auguat. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, Feb>. 25, 1922. Regular Meeting of council held this day, members ail present, Reeve Baker presîding. Minutes of last meeting were imad and confirmed.e Robt. Philp and others presented a petition requesting council to build sidewalk in Burketon. Referred to Coun. Souch.t Jas. Curtis, School Attendance Oificer, made bis report for January.u Lloyd George of Wales, be with us yet; lie is the world's only safe bet. r- ,Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator will drive worms from the sys.. *em without injury to the child, be- v cause its action, while fully effective, a s mild. 1 -- - ý - -- 1 ille; L. C. Snowden,. R. 3, Bow- nanville; Neil Mutton, Bowmn 'nviibe; F. C. Paterson, Dept. of.Agriculture, Port Hope. Thousan 'ds of thin. frail mon and women have reported an astonishingl a.nd îapid increase in weight as a re-1 suit of taking Tenbac Jury & LovelI. TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Honor Rail for February Sr. IV. Ia this class the average peicentage made on the examinations is published. If below the pass mark (60%) parents should investigae the reason. (' absent fîom exam- ination.) Lucy Oliver 76, Bernard Mitchelb 75, Ruby Haliman 75, Leiand Berry 73, Mary Muiîhead 73, Lucy McMurtry 72, Dorothy James 72, Marlon Mc- Dougaîl 69, Audrey Trimble 69, Jack fCole 68, Alice Highfieid 68, Gordon 1Chartran 68, Frank Newhouse 67, Fred Ellegett 66, Sam Buttery 66, -Alex Cameron 66, Claie Ingiaham 66, Donald Brown 64, Vera Coiwelb 64, Harold Foster 6z?, Chaton Caver- ly 64, Dorothy Plummner 64, Orville Williams 63, Norval Gives 63, Jack Kent 62, Almon Fletcher 62, Theo Martyn 61, Iva Anderson 61, Harold Caveriy ol,ý Eleanor Murdochi 60, Keaneth Cavey 57, Ada Jackman 54, *Luac Goddard 53, Francisj Purdy 51, *Gordon Pearce 48, *Grý don Cowie 46, *Uaa Allia 39, *Sam Manning 26. J. H. Johnston, teacheî.1 Jr. IV.-Doreen Battie, Anale Tay- loi, Dick Widdicombe, GIadys Hooey, Harvey Brooks, Annie Cartwright, Ruby Witheîidge, Lillian Sutton, earl Manners,ý Edward Rundle. M. M. Jennings, teacher. Sr. III.-Isobel McMurtry, Rena Caverly, Viola Callan, Helen Argue, Ted Mason, Jim Devitt, Lena Diliing, John James, Helen Daîcli, Clifford McMullen. H. Morris, teacher. J-r. III.-Marj orie Moore, Pauline Turner, Noveida Berry, Florence Ives, Harold Williams, Dick McMiI- ban, Morgan Lunney, Keaneth Lux- ton, Frank Jamieson, Jack Culley. Greta Wickett, teacher. Si. Il.-Brenton Hazlewood and Kitty Knowles equal, Greta Symons, Marie Valleau, Herbert Coimer, Ruth Allia, Leola Miller, BeatriceHeaslip), Bernice VFennell, James Basinger. Amy E. McKowan, teacher. Cbass S.--Jahez Vanstone, Morley Vanstone, Horace Hobbs, Phyllis Dard-, Margaret Westnutt, Marion bamley, Geoffrey Terret, Clarence Yeo, Edgar Tomlason, Ernest Tudor. Grace M. Armstrong, teacher. Jr. IL. Stanton Caveîly, Lila Hamm and Bruce Cameron equal, Robert Bate, Morley Oke, Jessie Mac- Fariane, Charlie Gives, George Chen- ery, boy Lunney, Walter Colo. L. L. Bragg-, teacher. Sr. I.-Haroid Siemon, Donald Williams, Loîne McQuarrie, Minette Shortridge, Ruby Thomas, Margaret Colville and Betty Morris equal, Jack Hall, George Widdicombe, Stanley Duan. M. A. Wilson, teacher. Jr. I.-Newton Hackaey, Lewis barris, Charlie Cawker, Joe On, Yvonne Tiglie, Walter bately, Graceý Weish, Marion Slemon, Francis Clarke, Ruth Tuerk. Gertrude C. Hamley, teacher. Primary-Bessie Gives, May Mac- Lean, Jack Fenneli, Muriel Taylor, Clarence Nichols, Greta Pierce, Jack Lunney, Ned Relider, Byron Van- atone, Mary Thompsoa. Nellie Montgomery, teacher. South Ward Jr. Il.-Olive Piper, Clarence Oke, Isobel Mitchell, Doîothy bumpage, Frank Blunt, George Marsh, Leslie Tudor, Reggîe bearl, Miidred Barroîl, Madebiene Veale. 1Jr. I.-Dorothy Marsh, Hlector Gould, Elsie Large, Edward Flax- man, boy Neads, Annie MacMillan, Clarence King, Russell Brown, Gor- don Flaxman, Lila Brown.' Mildred F. Cale, teacher. Primary-Evelyn, Flaxman, Ruth Purdy, Willie Mutton, June Lough- man, Russel Oke, Glynn Large, Roi- and Bate, Charlotte Mitchell, David Marh, edMarsh. Flara M. Galbraith, teacher. Penny Bank Deposits for Febeuary Jr. IV.-$?.90; Sr. 111.-$9.38; Jr. 111.-$9.64;= Union ýRoom-$22.- -49; Si, II.-$6.20; Jr. 11.-$18.00; Sr. 1.-$18.07; Jr. 1.-$13.27; Pr.- $20.83. Total-$120.78. Total number of deposits-299, PURE BRED CALF CLUB Ia the Spring of 1921 a Pure Bred Caîf Club was orgaaized by the West Durham Agricultural Societyand il pure-bred Shouthora beifers and 3 pure-bred Holstein beifeus were dis- tributed to boys la Durham Couaty. The resuits have been very satîsfact- S-wmanville Big Reductions in Price of Hoover Electrie. Cleaners and Electric Washîng Machines Regular Reduced ta Special Hoover Cleaners ..........$75.00 $69.50 Baby Hoover Cleaners ........**'*$62-50 $57.50 The Hoover Suction Sweeper is kçnown the world over for its special cleaning qualities and d when you buy it pays to buy the best. When you buy the Hoover, jyou buy the best Ask for a free demonstration in your home which we will gladly give. ELECTRIC WASHERS REDUCED TO $100.00 We have a limi- ted supply of Klect- ric Washing Ma- chines reduced to $100.00. Let us___ send one of thesel Washing Machines to your home for 14 days' free trial. Our Motto is "Service" Satisfaction guar- anteed or your IIIHIH money refunded, We seil nothing -- but first qult goods. A phn cail will bring any of the above to your home for freetrial, You are under noolgto oby but when you do buy1 BUY YOUR ELECTRICAL GOODS AT AN ELECTRICAL SHOP THE HDOSHOPuà-wr BOWMANVILLE PHONE 192 IL 1 COURTICE DARLINGTON Mis. Bertha Dorman, Lexington, Report of S. S. No. 8, Darlington, Mich., and uncle, Mr. W. Dearbora, for Febîuary: Si. IV-Walter Oke Oshawa, weîe recent visitois at Mr. 520, Aura Brooks 500, Della Essery Howard Foley's. .Miss Stella Black- 489, Harold Denison 456, Willie Pen- burn la visiting her parents, Mr, and berthy 421, Howard Essery 407, Mary Mis. W. C. Blackburn, Newcastle Brown 374, Bert Nichols 231, Doro- . - -. Mis. 'Wm. Cory, Oshawa, was thy Courtice 216. Si. III-Bjeth visiting Mis. W. H. Wood who is Gay, Gordon Cochrane, Annie Cochi- recoveriîîg slowiy from a seîious ili- rane, Stanley Kinsman, Ruby Phair, .es..... Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parsons Sadie Muir, Elmer Walter, Isabel were recent visîtors at Oshawa and Gearing, James Hancock, Konneth Whtby. . Mis. Herbert Power vis- Walter, Della Balson (absent), Made- ited ber sister Mis. J. Hopkins, Osh- ine Courtice (absent.) Jr. III-' awa.... .Mrs. E», J. Burk's1 many Sam Gay, Seebura Esseîy, Roland friends will be pleased to know that Wenn, Viola Welsh, Velma Gay, Jack she is îecovering nicely £rom her îe- Cornish, John Wilkins, Clarence Sad- cent accident caused by being 1er, William Everson, Fergus Kins- thrown from a buggy. -man, Edith Balson (absent), John Mi. and Mis.' Herbert Nicholîs, Terry. Si. ll-Mona Kinsman, Har- Ebenezer, Mi. and Mrs. Jas, Aber-1 ry Gay, Gordon Brown, Beatrice AI- nethy, town and Mi. Ross Trenouth, lin, Willie Bickle, Willie Konopachi, Hampton, at Mi. Roy Metcalf's; Mr. Leonard Courtice. Jr. II-Douglas and Mis. boy Metcalf visited rela- Courtice, Gladys Bickle, Hazel Oko,' tives in Oshawa îecently. Verna Found, Norman Walter, Ken- neth Essery, Arche Muir, Roband Wenn. Si. 1-Annie Wilkins, Jack -Elsie Courtice, Nora Adams, Edith Gay, Claie Courtice, Eva Courtice, AllunRoss Oke, Couitice, Gearing, Alfred Welsh, Loîna Barber. Jr. I Guelda Trimble, Mary Konopachi, -Cleve Kinsman, Robert Courtico, Helen Wilkins. Edaa Sadior, 'Ray Terry, Walter c Shoîtt, Hazel Walter (absent). Pr. Clara E. Wiîliamson, Marjorie A. Clteachers. NO ROOJM FOR AN ARGrUvMENu'T We have the largest variety of choice cooked Imeats in Lown-'ai-d prices are always the lowest. WEEK-END ýPEC1ALS We are alwrays putting across some bargains in' meats that makes it Worth your while to watch our' windows, providing you are interested in getting the mnost for your money. G..A.Ed ndte One door east of F. F. Morris Co. That Princes Are Lowèr Why not have that bathroom outfltted? are in a position to give you a first class job; ex- pert workmanship; best of materials used through- out; work done promptly; and atý the lowesteprices we -have been able to quote in the past four years. Estimates GladIy Furnished Greenaway &Elit Consulting Engineers Phone '18 day or night Bowmanville Hligh Quality Lowest Prices Promfpt Service These three facts are the foundation of our steady growing meat business. Every purchase from our store carrnes the guarantee of being the best the market affords. WE DELI VER THE GOODS Wilbert J. Dudl"ey Horsey Block Phone 225, flouse 272 Boxvmanville @Um HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED, OSHAWA SEED GRAIN Seed Qats, Seed Wheat, Seed Barley, Seed Rye Stock complete. Ask for prices. C('L O V'rE RSz & TI1MO% âTH Y AIl kinds and of finest quality. Ask for a price on our Feeds-Corn, Shorts, Cotton Seed, and(ûil Cake, also oni Corn and Peas ground together. Oats, Qats, Hogg & Lytie, Limited, Phone,203 Oshawa ________ u ffj4IPI ýN ig Mad orn1ngý. > Eyeai1f they Tire, R -ý Itch, Smart or Buin, r if Soie, Irritated, In- cseMIurineoften. SoothesRdfre«hnSafefor Xnfant or AduIL.At aIl Druggists. Write Iooks fotonRoot CoMpoaýnG Med cn.Soldinteed. - rees of et eogth-No, 'l$1 SoId bY all drggists, or sent irpd onrceipt C'f pice. Free pamphilet. Addrress: Now Phone 21 MORâ"%TKE-PROPERTY SOLD We sold four more dwellings last'Week, but stili have several good bargains. Bowmanville Real Estate is good buyinr,, If you have property to seil list it with uý. We have prospective purchasers waiting to be suited. Lowet Insurance on Autosý' Rates for Bowmanviile and vicinity to protect car owners against damages by car to persons or property are lower than formerly. No owner of car can afford to carry lis own risk when rates for full protection are as low as we car now1 quote in absolutely reliable companies. J. J. MASON c&Z>uSOlN Real Estate and-Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 BowmanviI1ei W., e 1

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