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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1922, p. 5

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In March issue of Rod and Gun inl Canada read "Nagogamni Beauties" by L, FM,'teenftan; "A Speckled Trout Pu,7zzle," by Bonnycastie Dale and "Fishing the' Cowichan River From a Canioe," by John P. Babcock.1 If you are nlot a fisherman, read any onie of ;ihe hunting and trapping stor- ies and articles. The riflemýan inter- ested la the Lee-Enfield will find some very helpful information, whule the "scatter gun" enthusiast will read with interest the trap department. Rod and Gua in Canada is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont. Wall Prapetrs Recently we received an en- quiry from a lady who was con- 3 sideri ng papering her bouse. Her message reads in part, as t f ollows: "We are desirious of papering e our house a littie better than the ordinar,-, and we have been refer- t red to -vou as haviag such papers ia stock". A complim ent to be sure but nevertheless a fact, and may we add, "the little better costs . n more. We WiII Be Pleased to Show You e W. T. ALLEN , Bowmanvî1let Coughing Coughing Coughing Thswiat a great many people aue doing noir, andd uless your systela isfortlfiad mauci, weathier ila hable ta nmake you do the same. "NYAL'S -CREOPHOS'$ will relieve a cough immediate- ly, and by building up the systeai system will drive out the cause of lyour cou glilg. Large Bottie $1.00 F; 1Krik Druggist & Optician Phoné 49 Boirmanville For chapped hands and face try 1 "Ideal Cream Balm"e. It's 25c a boule,.l Biusiness As Usfia1 At J B. Martyn's I wish to announce that 1 have purchased the gro- cery stock of Miles Knowles anid arn again doing business at-,the old stand. I will specialize Groceries Grain & Seeds oultry Supplies Fresh & Cured Meats J amn in a position to give you the beât of ser- vice at 1'twest cash prices. j. B.. Martyn King-st. E.Bowmanvîlle BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 9, 1922. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. J. C. Truîl, Toronto, visited lier mother, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Church-st. Mis. S. J. Henry is visiting lier daugliter, Mrs. J. Stanley Elliott, St. -eatharines. Mr. and Mrs. Adoîpli Tucker, Tor- onto, spent Suaday at Mr. Arthur Mingeaud's. Mr and Mis. L. J. Brooks and Miss Myrtie Cola Sundayed with Eben- ezer friands. At such low prices it will pay to buy an extra pair of shoes during ives' Shoe Sale. Miss Anale Coulter, Toronto, spent Suaday with lier parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas Coulter. Rebekalis are holding a eudhre la the T. 0. O. F. hall on Moaday, Mardi 13th. Admissioa 25c 9-2w 1Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Osh-. awa, Sirndayed la towa guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James., A new broom sweeps dlean and a first sale meaas big values-so at- tend Ives' Shoe Sale this week. SMr. and Mrs. Norman Hamley, Pet- erboro, were receat guests of lier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Mis. Alex. Colville wns la Toron- to Thursday and atteaded concert givea by Mme Clara Butla Massey Hall. Mr. Archibald Cochrane, Tweed, las been taken into partnership by Crowa Attorney W. F . Kerr, K. C., Cobourg. Mr. Wesley McFeeters and son and Mrs. Herbert Ridge, Oakville, visit- ed at Mr. James Williams' over the week-end.. No need of patuoaizing mail order' house while McMurtry & Co. off er sudh attractive values, See advt. for prices. Mus. J. C. TrulI, Toronto, lias re- turned home ,after a pleasant visit with lier mother, Mrs. W .H. Wil- liams, Church-st. Mis ,s E. E. llaycratt ot this office is speadiag a week's holiday guest of lier sister-îa-law, Mrs. W. J. Hay- craft, Brookla, Ont. Mr. James Martin, Alton, Ont., has been guest of bis brother-in-law, Mr. John Lane, Liberty-st., who bas been quite 111. Mis. M. A. James, Torae Villa, was At Home oil Saturday evening to ber family and a f ew others, the occasion of lier 78th b irthday. Mrs. Walter Armour, Kedron and Mr. Norman Muttpaad daughter, Oshawa, speat Suaday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mutton. Mr. David Nicholson, Pembuoke, was guest of Mr. A. H. Fletcher, "The Rosery", Queen-st., this weak on lis way to Toroato and Hamilton. Miss Haradea invites ail ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to inspeet thie naw milliaery display oa Wed- nasdny, Mardi 15 aad f ollowing days. Rev. Dr. F. Louis Barber, M. A., Bursar of Victoria Collage, was guest of Mr. and Mus. Willard Caldwell, Wil lington-st., during is stay la Bowmaaville. Dr. B.,J. Hazlewood and Reeve E. C. Rehder atteaded banquet at On- tario Club, Toronto, Satuiday aiglit in honor of Mr. P. C. Larkin, High Commissioner to London. Leslie McCullough, Clarke, was honorably acquitted by Judge Ward of taking wire from tic station. H1e was defended by M. G. V. Gould, B. A., LL. D., Bowmanville. Mr. and Mus. Jas. G. Cochrane, Or- aoo, Ont., annouace the engagement of thi daugliter, Arleay Josepha, to Mr.u. James Whitney Boyd, Kendal, 1 nt., the marulage to take place the atter part of Mardi. The newest in Millinery will ha on, lisplay at Diagman & Edmondstone's !dillnery Openings, Friday and Sat- urday, Mardh l7th andl8th. Mr. and Mis. John H. Trull, Ehurci-st., Bowmnanville, annouaca the engagement of their daugliter Viola, and Arthur Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Moore, Eaniskillen, narulage to take place latter part of MIarch. Miss Marlon VaaNest, Toronto, a foumer member of Bowmanville Methodist Churcli Choir, has been anp- pointed soprano soloist la St. John' A.nglican Churdli, Portland-st., "The Old GauuisonChurch", la that city at a good salary. The engagement is announced of Marlon Robeuta McDougall,ý young- est daugiter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDougall, Bowmanvile, Vo Haury M. Cola, son of Mr. and Mis. George Cole, Canaington, the mai- riage to take place the middle of Mardi. Mus. (Dr.) John Spancer, Presi- dent of Woman's Hospital Auxiliaîy, was hostass Vo a very enjoyable musi- cale at hem beautiful home "Dundura" on Tuesday afteuaoon and evening, Febuuauy 28*~. Musical numbers were contribûted by The Deyman Sisters, Mus. J. B. Neale, B. A., Mis. Alex Colville, Mr. Wallaca Bragg and Miss Helen Yallowlees. Mis. M. A. Neal and Mis. D. R. Morrison were, the accompaists. A dainty luncheon was served. Piocaeds amnounting to $90 will be devoted to the needs of Boirmanville General Hospital. Meeting ofthti Ontario Public Sdhool Detanca Leaguehl inlaOpera House Sunday avaning buougbt forth considerable information by Vie speakers on the subject of Separate schools. A committea composed ot Messrs. Jas. Riekard, John Elliott, John Cox, J. H. Bateman and Robt. Holmas was appointed to circulate petitions la town which mili ha for- waudad to the Ontario Goverame-nt. Speakers included Rev. J. W. Rae, OTono, aocal Clergy, Mayor Quinn and W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. Major General Johýn Hugiee presided LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs.' G. A. Gillespie spent the week-end with friends at Dunbarlon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Connors, Marmora, spent the week-end wlth Mr. and Mrs. M. Connors, Duke-st. Dont fo'get to attend the St. Patrick Day entertainmaeut lu SL Paul's lecture room on Friday, March l7th at 8,p. m. Messrs. John Percy and R. T. Stepheus were bearers for Mrs. David Roberts, Ccbourg, who died February 26 in ber 86th year. Men's Brotherhood of Church cf Christ w-il hold au cyster supper lu the church basement on Tuesday, March 14th. Ail men cf the chumch and cougregýation are cordially iuvlted. Ives' Shoe Store w ill ha a busy place for the next two weeks. Monday, Mardli 13, is the date of thc Rebekah's Euchre, Don't miss 4it. .9-2w McMurtry & Co. quota prices in their advt. because they kaow they are lowest, 1Miss Velma Staples won that coveted degree of A. T. C. M.,lanlier receat Conservatory exams. Rev. Capt. E. H arston, Camborae, las an unanimous invitation to. Wood- ville for next Confaranca year. Ladies are invited to inspect the aaw millinery display at Miss Ramn- dan's on Wadnesday, Mardi 15 and f ollowîng days. Mr and Mus. F. A. Foster and Miss Doris attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mus. W. H. Stainton, Osh- awa on Saturday. Miss Marjorle Moore, pupil of Miss Velma Staples, obtained honors la ber edementary exams of Toronto Con- sarvatory of Music. Mr. Mlles Knowles las been engag- cd by the Moffatt Motor Sales Co. as expert painter on cars. Watcli for furtler paîticulars, next waek. Mi. J. B. Martyn lias purchased Miles Knowles' grocery stock and 15 again doing business at the old stand. See announcemant in this issue. Dingmari & Edmondstone wish to announce that they will hold Itheir Spring Millinary Opanings on Friday and Saturday, Mardi î7th and lSth. Milliaery Dispiay of New Spriag Goods will behald on Wedaasday, Mardli 15 and following days at Miss Haraden's. Inspection iavited, Dr. Bainas, Toronto, died on Janu- ary l2th aad .left an estate of $118,- 733. Miss Katharine Baines, Port Hope, receivas $12,000 and a silver service, Mr. F. H. Bounsaîl was la Lind- say tus waek attending the tuneral of Dr. J. W. Wood. Ha was accompan- lad by lis daugliter, Miss Evelyn B ounsaîl. Like' many othar papars The Farm- srs' Suanlias fait the increase la cost of publishing a newspapeî and on February Ist advanced thie subscrip- tion to $2.00. Dr. J. C. Devitt, Messrs, Arthur Fîlce and H. G. Argue îepraseated Bowmanville Football Club at annual meeting of O. & D. Football Associa- tion la, Oshawa. Mi. and Mrs. A. S. Tooley, Court- ica, announce the engagement of their daugîter, Arie Ruth, to, Mu. Herbert James Hobbs, Oshawa, marriaga to take place quietly la Mardi. Mi. H. J. Moore wlio has charge of baautifyiag the Provincial Higliway has promised an illustrated lecture la Bowmanvilla la the near future on "How to Beautify youu Town". Mi. and Mus. J. F. Clark, Vaný couver, celabrated their golden wed- ding Februauy 2lst. Tea yaars ago they laft Port Hope for the Coast. They are a very worthy couple, Miglit as well ha dead as out of style, so tie old sayîng goas. Attend Millineuy Openlng of Diagman & Ed- mondstone on Mardli 17 and 18, and sac the latast New York styles, Citize 'ns will ha pleased to leara that Mu. Alex Elliot has, received word trom Peterboro that bis two lit- tle sons, Douglas and Ted, are making satisfactory recovery from their ra- cent seveue ilmasses, Boarders at the Goodyear Club Hotel eatartained Mi. and Mrs. Johin A. Guna as their guests Tuasday evening and presaated the nawly mai- ried couple with an elactric toaster, Mi. Thiomas Annison making tie preseatation. Gat tie habit of lookiag for Mc- Murtiy's & Co's. advt each weak. It will pay you. Evary member of the Utahi State Press Association is pledgad to say nothiag 'derogatory of any other member la lis paper; la tact tliay keap ont of tiosa "scmaps"' between editors whicli serve no puipose but Mi. "Bert" Jewell, son of the ata Mr. W. E. Jeweli,, las joined up witi the insumance aients, having taken out licensas to solicit insurance la al its branches, inciudlng flre, lite, sick- nass and iealth, accident, automobile, buuglary, tornado and halle. He will represent tic old and raliabla Sun Lite of Canada, so tavouîably known for its bioad policies, Tuberai set la- ments and fair dealing. Mr. Jeml will ha coaaected with Mrs. Edith V. Scohel's insuranca, convayanding and real estata office, wheîa ha xnay ha fouad when noV; on the road and wiere ha wlll be pleased Vo hava i-, friends cali. 9-2j 1Mr. V. D. Wyllie, Attica, N. Y., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J., W. Knight.* Millinery Openings at Diagman & Edmondstone's, Mardli l7th and l8th. Principal J. G. Aithouse, M. A., Miss ilomer, B. A., and Misses Mil- dred and Marie Cole, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott. Mr. E. A. Darch who had lis leg broken in the Port Hope-Oshawa game early la the winter has been obliged to retura to the hospital. The fracture was set in Oshawa and Mr. Darch remained la the'hospital there for some time. Recently an X-ray examination was made and it was found that a metal plate would have. to ha inserted. This operation was perforrned at the Port Hope Hospital and Pete will be confined to bed again for another month.-Port Hope1 Guide. DARLINGTON CITIZENS TO MEET AT ENNISKILLEN The Darlington Trustee and Rate- payers Association will meet in En- niskillen Methodist Church, Thurs-, day, Mardli 16, at 8 p. m., to plan the' consolidation ofEnniskillen and Sur- rounding sections. Good speaker will be present from Toronto. Pub- lic is invited to attend this'meeting. F. J. Groat, R. J. McKessock, President. Secretar. POULTRY THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM-Chicks should be hatched within the next two mon us mc make well devel- oped chickens and beavy Winter Layers. 1 can furnish a limited number of day old cbicks or space in my incubators for your own eggs. For further information or pricos PHONE 293. 10-t HATCHiNG EGGS-S. C. White Leg-ý borne. My breeding pens this year are yearling hens, mated with strong vigor- ous cockerels. These hens, from the Oldham Farm special pen of 1920, aver- aged as a dlock 191 eggs eacb from 29tb October 1920 to October 29, 1921. 1 shal. have a Eited flamber of eggs for sale at 10e each. T. E. Flaxman, Dulte-st., Bowmanville, phone 318. 9-t WANTED WANTED flîning-roomn girl, wanted at once. Good wages. Apply at Bow- man House, Bowmanville. 9-tf FARM MAN WANTED-Young man wanted to work on farm for one year from April 1. Apply to W. G. Werry, R. R. 6, Bowmanvllle. Phone 160-r3 10-2w WANTED-Married man with farm ex- perience wants situation 'on farm or any outside womk. Apply' "Statesman Office. 10-t WANTED TO RENT-Small farm with- in 2 miles of Bowmanville, 10 to 15 acres with option of purchase., Send full par- tieculars to Y. J. W. Drawer B, Bowma:n- ville. 9-2w* WANTED--Generai servant or middle aged wonýan. If you are a good cook and are willing to do ligbt housework in a comfortable home where there are ploasant surroundings and no ch~idren write Box Q, Bowmanvllle, 10-t ARTICLES FOR SALE HAY FOR SALE-Quantity of Timothy Hlay. Apply to W. L. Barton, Bowman- ville. 8-3w 50 LAYING HENS-Must be zold as room is needed; also good milch cow, Durham and Hloîstein, 4 years oîd, just renewed. T. Wesley Cawktr, Bowmin- ville. 1110-t FOR SALE-Few Barred Rock Cocker- cia. Good laying aIrain. $250 eacb. Alan Campbell, Raby Head Farm, Bow- manville R. R. 2, phone 183-r5. 19-2* FOR SALE-Ens.lage corn, about 30 tons, well matumed, bright and clean, free from moulç6 lot of kernel. Soîl in quant- ities desired. J. H. Power, R. R. 2, Bow- manville. Phono 183r4 10-l t FOR SA LE-Several pure bred York- shire Sows due from lst of March to let of April; also some hog pige 4 mionths old. Apply to Wm. Hays, lot 20, con. 2, C'larke, 2 miles east of Newcastle. 6-tf, 1 FOR SA LE--Mare and horse, rising S5 yaars, sound and quiet, general pumpose, good drivers. W'11 be sold reasonable. Barn 40 x 25 wîll be sold worth the money Also o6g millett seed. Arthur Bellman, Bowmanville R.R. 4, phone 139-r12. 9-3 AUCTION SALES Tuesday, March 14-Mr. Horace Hockley, lot 23, con, 2, Darliagton, will sell nîl of his tarai stock, im- plements, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. James Bishop, Auctioneer. Wednesday, March 15-Frank Web- ber, lot 23, con. 9, Darlingtoa, will off or without reserve bis stock of choice cattle, horses, brood sows, etc. See bills for list. Theo. Siemon, Auctioneer. 10-11 Tuesday, Marc.h 28-Mrs. W, E. Pol-_ lard, lot 10, con. 3, east fTrone C. N. R. Station, will seil ail of lier Stock and implements and house- hod uritre lm__ Semn BIRTHS DARCH-In tDarlington, February 20th., to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Darch, a daught- er. MARRIAGES GARN ER-MORRIS-4n Bownianville, March 4th, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Florence Edna, younfgest daughter of late David T. Morris and Mrs. Morris and George Wesley Garner, youngest son of late W R. Garner, London. DEATHS' MONTAGIJUE-In Newcastle, on Wed- nesday, March 8th, Mary, daughter of the laie James and Rebecca Montague, New- castle. Funeral service at St. George's Church, INewcastle, March lth at 2 p. m. BEACOM-InOrono, on Saturday, Feb. 25, William Beacom. SOUCH-In Darlington, Feb. 28, Charles Soucb, in bis 85tb year. WOODO-At Lindsay, March 2, J. W. Wood, M. D., in lis 74th year. APPLEBY-At Cobourg, Feb. 24, Alex- ander Appleby, in his 94th year. FISH ER-In Hamî>ton Tp.,, February 24, Hlenry Fisher, aged 86 years. MALLETT-At Port Hope, March 3, ,osiah Mallett, lu bis 72nd Fear. MO RTO N-In Darlinglon, March 3rd., Elizabeth Ann Morton, aged 51 years. BINGHAM-At 68 Isabella-st., Toronto, March 1, George A. Bingham, M. D., aged 62 years, SCULTHROP-In Port Hope, on Feb- muary 25, Henry Albert Sculthrop, aged 81 years. MORTON-In Omono, March 1, Mar- garet Jane McGirr, beloved wif e of Robert' Morton, aged 55 years. GI LL-At Coborne, Feb. 27, Carlton Gill, in bis 62nd year. Father of Mr. Frank 0111, Dowmanville. MONTGOMERV-In Cartwright, March 7, Mildred F. Montgomery, beloved wif e cf liorbert A. Galbraith. B LEW ETT-InOrono, Feb ruary 27 lb., Fanny Hutchison, widow of the late Wil- liam Blewett, ilulher 89tb year. HOOPER-In Tyrone, Marcb 2, Margar- et MeFeeters, beloved wif e of Samuel Flooper, aged 77 years, 3 montha. MACKLIN-At Gores Landing, Feb. 26, Emma Dartin Luxton, wif e of the late Edwin Macklin, Cobourg,,in ber 84th year GAMSBY-At 128 Bleeker-at., Toronto, Marcb 3, Dorlon Anson Gamsby, in hie 87tb year. Interred in Orono Ceinetery on Monday th imat. MOON EV-At residence of ber daugh- ter, Mrs. W. J. Casey, 147 Langley Ave., Toronto, on Marcb 6, Mary Mooney of Pickering in bier 93rd year. WILKINSON-At 560 Palmerston Ave., Toronto, March 6, Jane Humphrey, wif e cf John H. Wilkinson, Markham. aged 61 years. Interred in St. Johns cemetery, Whitby. MACKLIN-At Gores Landing, Sunday, Febraury 26, Emma, Martin Luxton, wid- 0w of Edwin Macklin, Cobourg, aged 84 years. Native of Tavistock, Devonshire. Mr. Macklîn died iu November 1914. TO LET TO RENT-Frame House and 3y2~ acres Land, fruit trees, good ptable. Apply to James Veale, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, Phono 139-23. 8-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Brick bouse cou- taiuing 5 rooma and summer kitchen on Queen-st. For particulars apply to Mrs. Geo. Frank, Ontarie-st., Bwoman- ville. 8-tf No Baetter Time Than Now To have your WATCH CLOCKS JEWELRY repaired. We cari prom- ise, you prompt and effi- cient service. Give Gifts That Last Alex. E"lliot 'JEWELER BOWMAN VILLE GRAND OPENING SALE Having taken over S. A. Engel's Store, op- posite Thos. Tod's Store, we wish to annourice the grand opening of DILLICKS STORE where a full line of general Dry Goods, Boots anid Shoes and Ready-to-Wear for meni, wornen and children ,will be carried in stock. SALE STARTS MARCH 11-ENDS MARCH 25 Watch for big bis offering extra special val- ues throughout the store.1 Corne and see the val- ues we offer you. A. DIILLICK Cor . King (Successor to S. A. Erigel) & Division Sts. Bowrnanville J. .1 WOOL WAN TED 1 arn prepared to buy several thous- and pounds of wool to f111 an order. Farta- ers having wool for sale communicate with me at once. Levi Skinner, Tyrone, Phone 196 r12. 10-2 GARDEN FERTILIZER Citizens wish-ng to enrich the soil of their gardons ýmay obtain Seottjsh Fer- tilizer in any quantity desired and at best nmarket prices from me. Farmers, don't forget to order potato fertilizer to increase your crop. Thos. Taylor, R., R. 6, Bowmanville. 1- PROPERTY FOR SAI£ FOR SALE-Brick resideace, 7 rooms, and one acre of land, with fruit trees. at Nursery Corner. Apply t0 W. B. PI nch, Division-st., Bowmanvlle. S-tf FARM FOR SALE-100 acre farm aI Pumple H1111, Cartwright township, near school and church, about 4 miles from Burketon. Prîce $3500. Apply ta Bruce Honeyweil, 60 Duke-sI., Toronto,, or phono 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-ti FA RM FOR SALE-W. R.. Ceameau' farm, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres; 20 acres youug orchard; faîl work done; faîl wheat sown. Possession at once. A,.ply Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st., Toi- onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanvllle. 52-tf ITheShop That LeadsI Acces'sories are' not iceable.' The littie details of your toilet are of essential importance. A neat fitting collar is one of the season' s new shapes, neckwear that is becoming, shirts of har- monizing color and design, hosiery of quaiity and gloves that are correct are necessary adjuncets to a good appearance. We are Headquarters for the newest and best in Men's Furnishings G.e N. TeiHUR"STON Bowmanville's Up-to-date Ilaberdashlery Iand Fur Shop. Announcing Our Spring'Opening Our Spring Suits, Frocks and Wr aps are now, ready for your inspection. The new vogues are so smart and colorful that one is actually be- wildered with their rare loveliness after the rather sombre lines and severe modes of the, winter seasori. Friday and Saturday March 24th and, 25th, will be ou r Formai Spring Opening days at which the ladies of this district are cordially invited to inspect our wonderful display. We're, enthusiastic abou t this showing and are certain it will delight you too 1 We would like, to get your opinion--so step, iri and look the new styles ove.ér S. W.Mason 0 Son Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods IPhone 106 Bowman Ville

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