Robert Cowan spent a f ew days Iast week visitîng friends in Bow- imanville. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noo n, on Fri- day, the 2lst of April, 1922, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six timaes per week on the route NEWCASTLE R. R. NO. 3 via Port Granby from the lst of July next. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may bc seen and bla enk forras of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of New- castle, Port Granby, and at the office of the Post Office Inspecter, Toron- to. A. Sutherland, Post Office Inspecter. Post Office Inspector's Office, Toron- te, March 4, 1922. 1 1-3 COAL I have on hand a supply of the best SCRANTON COAL both Nut and Stove size-. Sheds at the G. T. Ry. Phone A 1220 Geo. JamiÎeson Newcastle Another Car of Coal In We now have ready for immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We have for sale Portland or Super Cement in any quantity desired. Fred Gtahamn PHONE 332j NEWCASTLE y THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1922 NE WTON VILLE Mr. Clemens Perey spent the week- end at Bowmanville. Spring is here-the bank staff play bail now instead of seven up. Miss Norma Hallowell' is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. F. R Brown recently visited friends in Bowmanville A number from here attended the sale of Lewis J. Crossley at Zion, Rev. E. R. Brown, Evangelist, Tor- onto, cornes here Sunday, March 19, for two weeks, holding meetings each night except Saturday. Everybody invited and welcome. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, also ' of Royal College Physicians, Edin- 'burg., Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and chîldren. Office-Parker's B3lock, Newcastle. J1. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Ronor graduate of Trinity University, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton's Reidence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., and by appointment. N< tice 10 Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the Estate of William Rickard, late of the village of Newcastle, in the County of Durham, a farmer, deceased. e NOTICE is hereby given pursuant tol -Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. O., 1914, hat aIl persons having claims or d ed a gains~ the estate of the sat-d William 1iekard, deceased, wlîo died on or about the eighteenth day of December, 1921, are required to sead by post, prepaid or de- liver to the undersigaed Solicitor, D. B. Simpson, K. C., at Bowmanville, as So- licitor for Roy R'ckard, the executor of the will of the said deceased, on or be- fore the twenty-fourth day of March, 1922, their christian and surnames aadý addresses with full particulars in writing! of their caims, and statement of the'r aco0unts and the nature of the securltle (if any) held by themn duly verifled by AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-fourth day of March, 1922, the said Roy' Riekarci as such executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- t tled thereto, hpLving regard oaly to the dlaims of whjch he shall then have notice, and the said executor will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, ta any person or persans of whose dlaim notice shaill ot have been received byý him or bis said Solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dated FebruAry 27th., 1922. ROY RIOKARD, Executor. IID. B. Simpson, K. C., Solicitor for the sald Exeutr Bowmanville, Ontario, r: .1 DOMINION PIANOS Have a tone-a tone exclusive to Dominion instruments-that for haif a century has entranced music loyers. Sold on, easy terms, F. J. MTHL Sales Agent 1Telephone 105 Bowuianville ý 1 I t I NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE KENDAL Miss Gertrude Martin is on the John Montgomery is on the sick Special services held in1 sick list. list. Cburch here have surely be Miss Coin Butler spent the week- Mi, Artbur Bevis spent the week- blessing to our communit end la Toronto. end la Toronto. E. R. Brown, Evangelist c Mi. Ed. Kerr, Seagrave, visited at Mr. Spence of Lakefleld, is a visit- Cnrene wsaby a Mr. Cliff Brown's. or at the Parsonage.,Ms Brown. In song ai Mr, . J Gabraih, oroto, pen Mi. E.C. ishr enertine atthe old, old story of Jesi Mr .J abthw oroto, fteMrnoonC ihe ntrane love they showed that the the week-end i tw. flatrno tea" Saturday last. not lost its ancient power,, o hneDgas h as be ndsoe Mr. and Mis. Frank Allin have set- fully proclaimed. Every forthepas f w dys.tied la their new home on Manvers- two weeks souls were enq T. W. Jackson bad business in Tor- st. way into God's Kingdom, onto on Monday last. Ed. boar, Proprietor of Newcastle fifty persons of various agei 1 Mrs. Finley, Port Hope, spent the Garage, had business in Toronto on four score-professed rweek-end witb Neweastle friends. Thuîsday. and the wbole community Mrs. Wm. Rickard made a business Mi. Aia McLean Howard of Tor- ened to the great importai trip to Bowmanville on Tuesday last. onto, attended the funeral of Miss message and professing Mrs.Hary Klla, Npane;, s Mntane.were aroused to consecra Mrs.Hary Klla, Npane,, s Mntaueselves anew to a worth-v visiting ber mother, Mrs. Gro. Deline. Mrs. Samuel Cook, Renfrew, is vis- and the scenes in the mee Mrs. C. W. Baker, Westmount,' is iting ber sister, Mrs. Glendenning of suich as to cause every love visiting ber mother, Mrs. Jas. Row- the Oriental. eousness to, rejoîce. Il land. Mr. Murray Eilbeck bas resurned marked degree Mr. and M' Mr. Fred Graham is nursing a bis old position wîtb the Chevrollet bave won the esteem of broken nib the resuit of a blow from Motor Car Co. of Oshawa. bere and hope that their a sick horse. The stork paid a visit to the home Newtonville, where tbey b Mi. S. Rickard shipped a hand- of Mr. M. Aldîead on Tuesday last on Sunday next, may be eý some specimen of a Sbortboîn to and left a bright lîttie baby girl. cessful. 'Mariposa tbis week. Mis. J. S. Scott Montgomery en- 1Miss S. A. Moise, Hastings, is vis- tertained a number of ber lady ORONO EPWO'RTH LEA4 iting under tbe parental roof at Mr. friends on Tuesday evening last. VISIT NEWCASTLE B. Moise's, Bcaveî-st. Mis. Jobn Stapleton has returned Mis. W. E. Butcher and childien, home after a two months' visit witb Exceedingl y Enjoyable St. Marys, are visiting ber sister, hier brother Tbomas, Clarke Town- Orono Debaters Woi Mis. (Rev.) McCormack. ship. Decision. Mi. Walter Crowtheî bas purchased Excellent report of, Ladies' Aid Mrs. Gomrne's bouse on Edwaîd-st «' gatbeiing at home of Mi. Benj. (Aîrived too late for las and intends moving there at once. Moise will appear in next week's Epworth Leaguers of( Mr. Russell McNeil bas rented the paper. companîed by other youi John Fligg faim on the third line and Mi. W. T. Baker, Soina, recently and well chaperoned by sev is moving bis effects tbere this week. visited hîs uncle, Mr. W. H. Pearce more elderly inteîested fi and bis cousins, Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard relatives of the Young pe, Mr. Ed. Powell bas rented the J. and H. R. Pearce. guests of Newcastle Lea F. Osborne bouse on tbe third line Mrs. Wallace b&lmes and daughter Monday evening, February xvet ad s mvig bs arniythee.Ruth, came up from the faim and This visit of oui friendà Moffatt Bros. have rented the John are spending a few days at Mis. enterprising noithein villaî Middleton farim on the thîrd line Coulteî's, "The Towers". of' those bappy events m and are busy moving their effects Laur aedn om there. T. M. Gibson bas a gang of men cLeagers avdneSpam J engaged moving one of the buildings1tc ouge pand lbengftoupa Mis. J. J. Wrigbt and daugbters from bis town pîoperty "The Toweîs" thge.yon poplhe of o have gone to Toronto wbère tbey ia- up to the faim' "Willow Hill". laeanto sbvene tend to spend a few weeks visitîng iokaNwate bedrt of mingling and getting to friends. It okaNwatebedrû1 understand each other, ofe furnisb the bigb priced animal at the'piograms and eats and of Miss Gladys Bradley, teachiag big Shorthoîn Sale beid at Bowman- and improving natural tale staff of the Deaf Institute, Belleville, ville. This was our own J.' F. Os- Tbese friendly visits ling spent Sunday at ber fatbeî's, Mi. J. borne. the memories of these parti W.Brdy.E d. Matcbett is displayiag tbe them and many of the acçq 1 Mr. E. E. Middleton bas moved' prizes f or the flower show in bis thus f ormed often erow ir bis family into the village. Tbey store window. Needless to say tbey fîiendsbips and sometimes are occupying the Thos.' Moffatt are much admired. Corne along and unions of lifelong joy and bouse on Manvers-st. bave a look select the one you want. President Ewart Giemer Miss Nora Coleman, Toronto Public Then get busy and win it. local League opened the m, echooh Teaching Staff, spent the Mr. Lorne Cobbhedick purchased iextendied a most cordial m~ week-end witb ber 'father, "Chief" one of the choice off eîings at the big the visitors, and afteî cond James Coleman, George-st. Shorthora Sale in Bowmanviile last devotional exercises, called A Soldiers' Memoriai for Newcast- week, Lorne bas the rigbt idea. A Win. Riddelh, the Orono Pr lis a wortby proposition. Let good fouaidation is' necessary for take the chair. le Mr. Riddell spoke fluent' everybody boost, and be prepared to, success in aany undertaking. tuisial ftewr att 'end the meeting that is to, be caîl-1 Oui old fîiead Wm. Deioag was tus were ding n of ewr ed soon.1 stepping rather bîgb on Monday last, mighter doi and of n e Sunsbine Oîganized Class of Meth- land on being iateriogated as to the sboul doacruefro the fe odist Cbuîich bas aîranged witb Maple 1 cause, be iaformed us that bie bad tercourse pîovided by th( Grove Dramatic Society to present just received word from Port Hope of He expressed on behaîf of tbe drama "I Ca't Aff ord It' here the arrivai of a great granddaugbter. Leaguers, their 'sincere p on Tuesday, Maîch 21,9t. 10-t The "Be Sharp" Class met at the being présent to enjoy tbi Members of the boîticuitural So-'borne of Mrs. B. Moise on Saturday, ity of their Newcastle fril ciety are busy grooming their flowers afternooa lu thei regular fortnight1ly Mis. Milton Tamblyn, Si for tbe coming show, Friday, Marcb session and made progiess towlards, President of the Orono Le 'l7tb. A number bave their eye on ý the bazaar which the class intends sided with fine grace and the cbampioasbip silverwaîe. ! holding some time in the near future. duîiag tbe rendering of JSeveral namnes bave been îeceived Mi. and Mis. Albert J. Soucb, Ken- mixed progîam of recitatio by Mis. J. E. Matcbett foi oui new1 dal, announce tbe engagement of Mary Dîckson and Mrs. Ha park. If you baven's sen t yours ini. their daughteî, Olive Edna, to Wel- vocal numbers by the Cla better get busy. Be 'suie and ask lington A. Adams, oniy son of Mr. Maie Quartet, and a solo1 youî neighbor to do the salie. and Mrs, b. Adams, Newcastle, the lin. Division Court was beld here on* maîriage te, take place quietly in Perhaps the most Friday hast, bis bonor Judge Waîd March. feature la some respect w pîesidiag. There was only one case Mr. Wes. Noden, a former popular bate: Resolved, That suce, on the docket Thoînton Plaintiff vs. Blacksmitb at Newtonville, is assist- depeads more on heredity t Cote, defeadent. Judgment was ing W. J. Moore witb bis work. Thislcumstances.. given in favor of the plaintiff. is a good move on the part of Mr.1 About four days hefore Suashine lass of the Metbodist Moore aad wilh be rauch appreciated Orono League sent out a S. S. met at the home of their chass- by bis- maay customers at' this busy to Newcastle League to( -mate,--Miss lEthel-Ililbaak, -Kingston season. question, the challenge _bei Rond, West, on Wednesday eveaing The bouse to bouse caavass on be- ed. Mis. Oscar Roif e and gave bier a miiscellaneous sbo wei b aîf of the Bible Society met, with a Wynn of Orono, cleverly inl view of bier approacbing mairiagei very iberal response and a bandsome affirmative side and Mr. 1 witb Mr. Prout of Bowmanvlhie. sum was colhected la aid of this very and Mi. Lawrence Crydei Tbiags are beginnfng to assume a wortby cause. A, good cause is ah- replied for the negat: business appearance on the New ways well supported by the New-'cladie,"ba the ials o rd" Community Hall. Extra men are' castle people. usadesiradte. aTbey aise at woîk uacovering the foundations Miss Marie Selby, tbe popular the box of chocolates, th and making ready for the big push ý teacher of Port Granby Sclbool, was Ivcoy wbicb foreman Arthur Bevis expeects taken seriously ill witb appeadicitis viTheeisorwsanon to, inaugurate ha the next few days. hast week. She was rusbed to Bow- S. G. McCormack, B. A Mi. Frak Gibson bas taken the maaville Hospital wbere an opera- man of the judges, wbo f< contract to move the frame building iou was performed and latest ac- i announicement by some v( puîcbased by Merkley Clark from its aouts report ber as improving sat- and belpfuh îemarks on t present location on the old Wagstaff ifcoiy fdbtn. Ti st lot to Mi. Clark's, farm on the base Tbe debate at the home of Mi. and1 terleague debate, or any line., This is the hast of the build- Mis. Moise on Friday nigbt by mem- 1 believe, taking place ia oui ings to be moved from the Commun- bers of the Ladies' Aid was the third tween local speakers, and, i ity Hall property. we bave bad the pheasure of listea- ont, and might possibly gi Newaste popl sbwedther a- ng ta in the village witbia twelve series of township andc pecatle of pleeffsof their - days. Ia the tbree debates six mai-t bates which would eventua precetin o th efort oftheHorried hadies bave takea part, two single for the Dr. James L. bu, Iticultural Society, when canvassers ladiles, one married man and five of prizes, made through tl tsoliciting contributions to the prize single1 men, Dr. James L. Hughes'i of thîs paper some montbs CHIROPRACTIC If you are sick and have tried everything and did not receive any hielp, try chiropractie "spinal" ad- justments and get WELL. "KI-RO-PRAK-TIK" means to do by hand. It is spinal adjustments of any of its sublexations, relieving pressure on nerves., thus, allowing natute's restorative powers to do their full work to secure HEALTH. We do not treat we remove The Cause, and Nature Cures. C. W. PAXTON, D. C., Bowmanvilli . Office next door to Greenawýay & Elliott's on Division Street. ise you prompt cient service. and effi-1 Give Gifts That Last Alex. Ellio't JEWELER BOWMAN VILLE Gentlemen When you are in the market for. machinery 'let me know. I can supply you with anything that Massey-Harris Co. makes. Don't forget this when requiring machinery. WM. JAMIESOIN Hardware Store Ne-wcastle T-here's A. Reasona We notice a §teady increasing demand in our Bakery Dept. We are endeavoring to warrant this confidence of our customers by using the best ingredients in our bakinig which is made under most sanitarv conditions. Patronize Britton's Bakery and you get the best, H. S. BRTO0'"N Baker & Grocer Newcastle interesting as the de- -ess in if e thnon cir- Whiory Ab u Sthis visit, W y W ryA o t ichallenge debate the V ýin _acep-Outsidce COM p t io and Missje upbeld the We're flot afraid to compete with mail order Elmaîrby oe houses or neighborin0' town merchant. ive. 0f BECAUSE cadure ther We grîve Our customers a service hhtes ~received moguls can't begin to touch. Our grocery stock iprize o is as fresh and clean, and our aim is always te, ced by Rev. give the most for the money. LSpokea.. lowed the '" L /N ery tactfulR, W L O Grocer Newcastle SOLD IN NEWCASTLE BY He C. 1BONATH'IAfN HARDWARE GASOLINE NO ROOM FOR ÀN ARGUMENT' We have the largest variety of choice cooked meats in Lown-and prices are always the lowest., WEEK-END SPECIALS We are always putting across some bargains in meats that makes it worth your while to watch our windows, providing you are interested in getting the most for your money. G. -A. Emondstone One door east of F. F.,Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanvîlle No Better Time Than Now To have your WATCH CLOCKS JEWELRY repaired., We can prom-1 Wý-ý DANCE AT ENGEL'S HALL OSHAWA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, by Ben Hokea's Hawaiian' Orchestra starring, Johnny Kakalia of Honolulu H4awai Ukulele Player and Tenor Soloizt. Mi. Ukulele has already establiahed a fine reputation here and sbould be gîeeted witb a large crowd. Dancing 8.30 to 1 a. M. TrICKETS: $2.00 a couple; single tickets $1.00 d 1