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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1922, p. 1

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/ <~ Xx 6V 'j, ~ttei 4 Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, MARCH 16, 1922. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.i Couuch,Johnston & Cryderman. Bowman ville 'I 1* n h. 1 First Spring Showing Of Fine Things For We open the season with a most complete presenta- tion of authoritative styles in men's wear. Our displays constitutes an authentie review of what's new and correct in clothes for men and boys. Our establishment cardies elothing and furnishings ex- clusively for men and boys. We are prepared to, show you the season's most desirable merchandise. It'snot too early to be measured for that Eàster suit noriw Wonderful selection of suitings and styles from $25.00 to $45.00. W. H. Outfitter for Men Opposite Bank of Montreal Y( COLE, oung Men and Boys Bcowmanville, Phone 104 LIMItea The Magic of Spring Expresses Itself in Many Ways with the Season's New Fashions The year is at its favored season and Dame Fashion opens the first page of her alluring ro- mance with a wonderful display of attractive wearing apparel at this store. Visit our store at your earliest opportunity and view the beautiful display of Suits-Coats -Skirts .-Blouses-Dresses-Silks--Taffetas-- and finiest range of Voiles ever shown in town. In the Men's Department you will flnd Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats excellent materials, well made, stylish and at moderate prices. THE SALVATION ARMY Sunday Scboel Annual wiIl be beld next' Sunday. Special meetings al day conducted by the Sunday Scbool' workers and others. Monday eveaiag a special prograsu will be givea by the childnen and friends after whicb the pnizes wîll be awarded for last yean's attendance. Everybody come and welcome., Ad-ý mission free. Don't forget the Girl Guards meeti every Monday at 7:30 p. m., all girls will be welcome.1 * METHODIST CHOIR CONCERT Excellent Program Enjoyed by Large Audience. The equal of any former concert and an ail-round success musicanly and in a literany sense is the verdict of the peopie on the pnogram of glees, chonuses, quantets and organ solos pnesented in tbe Metbodist Church on Wednesday evening, Matcb Sth by the choir of that church under the direction of Mn. T. W. Stanley, the iiew Choir Dinecton and Onganist, as- sisted by Miss Jessie Tuite, Instruct- ness la Elocution and Expression in Albert College, Belleville, and Miss Dorothy Stanley, soloiat la West- minster Presbyterian Chu.rch, Toron- to. The attendance wau lange and near- ly every nurnber was entbusiastically applauded. Indeed, thene were so many recalla that the alneady com- prehensive program of sixteen num- bers was extended to nearly double that number and even thea Misses Tuite and Stanley could not meet the demand towards the end, se eager was the audience for more selections. Not for many years bas a public neaden been accorded sucb a truly hearty receptien as Miss Tuite te- celved bere and her vanled repertoire was indicative cf the good judgment of the reciter. Miss Tuite bas won for berself a reputation that will guarantee a large audience whenever she returas te Bowmanville. Miss Donotby Stanley cf Toronto, daughten cf the Choir Director, la this bier first public appearance in Bowmaaville could bardly have de- sined a more genuine and thoroly cordial 'welcome; and, after hearing býer well-trained voice la the num- bers on the program and the encores demanded and se generously given, Miss Stanley is sure of a sincere greeting whenever ulie can f aven Bowmanville witb ber presence and more pleasure la bearing ber at- tractive voice, se well unden con- trol. The choir ýnumbers were "Com- rades Song of Hope", (Adam), "Hear my Frayer", (Mendelssohn), "Bal Smiling Mena", (Speffoth), "Baby- lon's Wave", (Gounod). The choir showed that tbey bad been carefully traiaed and sangaIl the selectiens very well, indeed, The fhadi ng was excellent as was the blnc, One wonders wbat would tb.ey do wene the leader in front, as cf course be sbeuld be. As it is the attack was veny good. Mrs, W. J. Morrison sang the solo in "Bear My Frayer"I veny well giviag a very sympathetic renditien cf avery difficuit solo. The enunciation of the choir was certain- ly fine., The mixed quartet "Ancbered" (Watson), was sung by Miss Eliza- beth Painton, Mrs. B. M. Foster, Messrs. W. B. Tapson and W. B. Pollard, and their voices blended very nicely together. Fer an encore they gave that delightful old Folk Song "Oft la the Stilly Night". The maIe quartet Messrs.' Tapson, Dr. Slemon, T. S. Bolgate and Pollard sang well the "Belîs cf Shandon"l and for an encore "The Boys cf the Old Brigade", and the audience would have liked still another selection. Two organ numbers "An Alpine, Pbantasy and Storm", (Flage), and "The Coronation Match" (Meyer- beer) by Mr. T. W. Stanley, Organ.. ist, made up the local part of the prog ram. As intimated above the soloist cf the eveaing was Miss Dorothy Stan-i ley, Toronto Ber numbens were cf' a vanied chanacter from the vîvaclous "Little Damezel" cf, Nevello to the sud "Princess" cf Greig. Ber splen- did nendition cf "Nympbs and Fawns" (Bemberg) sbewed what weadenful confrol cf lber brenthing she has, and the flexible quality of ber voice. Pos- sibly bier best number, musicians would dlaim was the dramatie piece "The Pincess", Greig. One could pictune the shepherd fan away play- iag bis pipes and the Princess listen- ing te the music afar. Miss Stanley'a last number "When I was Seventeen" (Kramen) was alse delightfully ren- dered. For encores she gave, "A1 Fairy went a Marketing", "The Lilac1 Tree" and "Ceming Tbrough thet Bye"y. Miss Tuite's recital of MacLarea's "Laddie" brougbt tears to many eyes, so veny pathetic and heart-toucbingt was it. "Snatcbes cf conversation overbeard at a movie show" gave full range te bier pewers cf imitation of the f olk wbo are found there. "A boy's essay on Jack-knives",,and "Eat more porridge" were wcli given. Ber TOWNSHIP S. S. WORKERS. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Splendid Convention at Maple Grove ENTERTAINS STUDENTS on Tuesday. Banquet Served, in A8sembly Room. Ëowmanville 'and Darengton Town- Members of Bowmanville High ship Sunday School Convention On School Board gave a complimentary Tuesday at Maple Grove in point Of banquet on Monday nîgltitnl the As- interest and attendance was one of sembly Boom to B. H. S. hockey teamn the best held for years, the church which won the championship of the being filled to the doors with men and Central Inter-Collegiate Hockey women interested in Sabbath School League and to the debaters who ne- work. cently won the Jury & LovelI sbield. Parents of the players and debaters Principal F. J. Groat, Hampton, were included among the guests and President, was in the chair and gave a number of the students who pre- a most encouraging report of the sented the "Midsummer Nigbt's year's wonk. The secretary, Mrs. C. Dream" also participated in this en- A. Wight, presented a very complete lefncin tabulated report of ail the work of joyabl uein the schools in the township. Principal W. J. Morrîson in bis introductory remarks explained that The address by Mns. W. Adams, the members of the Board took this Bowmanville, on "The Elementary means of sbowing their appreciation Division and its Problems" was very of the honor the students had brougbt interesting and instructive. to the school. The epots y th Deartent The chairmen alsowelcomed four The epots y th Deartentmembers of the Oshawa Rotary Club supeintendents were worthy of speC- who were present, Principal J. G. Ait- il mention. Mr. T. F. Harrison of house, Messrs. W. A. Coad, Geo. Haz- Cobourg gave an address to Adults zîewood and R. C. Douglas. and teachers that was very helpfulD to all.' Miss1 Erma Salter, Hampton, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie in propos- sang a solo veny nicely that all aý- ing a toast to Oshawa Rotary Club re- preciated. Conferences were held ferred to the splendid work this or- f or the different departments where ganzation was carryîng on among problems of S. S. wonkers were un- the boys. He felt the team had ravelled and helpful suggestions giv- won the championship by good hard en. The good people of Maple Grove honest playing. provided an excellent supper wbich Mn. J. G. Aithouse, M. A., Prin- everyone enjoyed as the social hour cipal Oshawa Hligh Scbool and Presi- which followed. dent of the Intercollegiate, Hockey League, said the league had Evening session opened with a made a good start f or fifteen, minute song service previous first year. Games were played fair- to the devotional, exercises. ly, there bad been no protests and there was only one default and Bow- The report of the committees and manville had won its laurels in a the introduction of the new officers sotmnlk anr.Hmo. was as usual an interesting feature., the players would carry the sae The convention song "Win them one spirit into the bîgger battles of life by one" was sunig with much enthus- as was shown in, the games., iasm and is a good slogan for every On behaîf of Oshawa Rotary Club ,school to adopt. Mr. B. C. Douglas, Manager of Bell Mr. T. F. Harrison's address in the Telephone Co., presented the hand- evening contained many good things some tnophy to the team which was practical and suggestive. He express- received and suitably acknowledged ed very great pleasure with the re- by Wm. Pointen, Captain, in a very ports and said that Danlington schools > appreciative mannen. were considered ýby the Provincial, Dr. J. C. Devitt congratulated the office to be generous givers and to players on their victory and said they stand among the front rank schools deserved to win. ,After drinking of the Province. Bis address deait the health of the victons ail joined with the Sunday School and its pos- in singing "Tbey are Jolly Good ition in regard to other organizations. Fellows". Renneth Fraser said hie He stated that the Sunday School felttlhe was an outsider coming from holds first place for the' uplift of Orono but hie now considered bimself *mankind. Be quoted as one author- a part of this sehool. It was a great aive The New York Times which has bonor to play on the team. a regular Sunday School Department Andrew Somerville was unstinting and engages expert contributors. in his praise to Harry Weiler, honor- The solution of Anarcby and Bol- ary coach, who ýsaid games were flot shevism in the United States lies in won by individuals but by combina- the Sunday School. In closing his tion. The coach always advo- address bie complimenited his audience cated dlean hockey and six men on on'the splendid attention and inter- the ice and as a nesult of following ested hearing they had giveni him. these rules Bowmanville. received Mr. Harrison is the Business Manager f ewer penalties than the other teams. of the Ontario Beligious Council and At this stage a gold mounted f oun- is giving his services free to this im- tain pen was presented to Mr. Weiler portant work. as a gift of appreciation from the players. Ia acknowledging the gift Anothen very interesting featune Mr. elrepesdhspesn wasthedraatiatin o "Pul e-surprise. Be looked upon the boys fore Festus and Agrippa" by Miss E. as diamonds in the rough when he M. Werry's S. S. Class of 12 young took them in hand. Tbey always ladies from Tyrone Schooi. Each gave him bearty coopenation and if did bier part well and the presentation they continued to show the 'sanie was belpful from many diff erent spirit success was sure« to follow. poinjts. AIl enjoyed it very much. AfetanngM.FakWlim Miss Allie Parsons,, Ebenezer, sang tethnigM.FakWlam very sweetly a solo. Next convent- for refereeing in Belleville Principal ion will be beld at Mornison stated the players were above the average ia their studies Newly elected officers are: Presi- and their intenest in atbiletics did dent-Franklin J. Groat, Hampton; not interfere with their academnic Vice do-C. A. Jobaston, Bowman- duties. 111 ville; Secretary-Tresurer-Mrs. C. Mr. J. H. H. Jury in presenting A. Wight, Bowmanville; Assistant do the Debating Shield tbought the -Miss Mileta Hoar, Bowmaaville; Board should feel proud of the Children's Division-Miss Annie Cox, school. Much had been said about Bowmanville; Young People's, Girls atbletics and one might tbink this -Miss E. M. Wenry, Tyrone; do was the only thing ln which this Boys-Maj. R. J. Giii, Bowmanville; school excelled, but sncb was not the Home Dept-Lawrence Squair, Salem case. Be considered debating one Teacher Training-Bev. W. W. of the best exercises a it teaches Jones, Hampton; Missionary-Miss aiertness and requires extensive Aura Osborne, Ebenezer; Temper- reading. Mr. Lawrence Mason as ance-B. J .McKessock, Eldad. one of the successful debators and in behaîf of bis colleague, Miss Helen One of the important resolutions McGregor, accepted the shield in be- was as follows: "Viewing wi'th haif of the school and assured them alarm the regrettable lack of biblical they would do their part to netain this knowledge la possession of oun child- trophy. ren and young people, be it nesolved that this convention put itself on, ne-. At this stage the students indulged cord as requesting our. Sunday in a few songs with. Miss Cwendolyn Schools to place grea/er emphasis Williams at the' piano. Theboys upon the teaching of the Catecbism la put ln an extra number with a few the Sunday Scbool; and that a copy of their scbool yells. of thîs resolution be forwarded to the Miss Buth Grigg pnoposed a toast Head Office of the Ontario Beligious to Misses Smith and Tighe who s0 Council".fatful and efficiently promoted and directed the drama "Midsummner Nigbt's Dneam" so recently enjoyed by the citizens. Ia acknewledging ST. .PAUL'S CHURCH1 FRIDAY, MARCH l7th I19221 ,ADMISSION 25c Don't Miss ItL 'MINISTERS. AND CHURCHES St. Paul's Church, Bey. D.' W. Best, minister. il a. m.-No man liveth unto himself ". 7 p. m.- Restoration. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday rSchool. St. John's Church, Rector, Rev. C. LP .Muirhead. Evening Prayer, Fri- day 8 o'clock. Brd Sunday in Lent, rMarch 19tji-11 a. m.-HoIy Comn- muniQn; 2.80 p. m.-Sunday School; 7.00 p. m.-Evening Song. Preach- er The Rector. B ey. Frank Langford, General Secretary of Sunday Schools, who is such a favorite with the young people will have charge of anniversary ser- vices in the Methodist Church on Sunday. If you live within reach of this town don't miss hearing Mr. Langf or.d Service at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Be on time for a seat. Monday evening, March 20, League meeting in the Methodist Church will -be in the formn of a debate-"Re- solved, That Chilatîan )iuIong hbu done more towards the Civilization of the world than trade and Com- merce". The âffirmative will lbe taken by three young ladies and the negative by three. young men. Spe- cial music. Admission 15c. League meeting in the Methodist Church Monday evening was attend- ed by a large and very much inter- ested audience. The devotional ex- ercises were taken by Miss Lola Souch and the programn was in charge of Miss Gertrude C. Hamley. The subjeet, "Ireland" was presented by twosplendid addresses, Miss Amy E. McKowan speaking on "The Mythol- ogy of Ireland" and Mr. J. H. John- ston, Principal of the Public School, on some of the interesting features of that historic country. The music was in keeping with the occasion, be- ing sung by Master Donald Williams, Leone Ellegett, Hilda Curtis, for- othy Plummer and Leone Quinn. Two quartets were also nicely given by Misses Eva Jackman, Irene Halîman, Greta Pollard and Gertrude Grant. Monday next promises very interest- ing being a debate by three girls ýand three boys of the League. Don't miss hearing it. FAMOUS PHOTOPLAY AT REGENT OSHAWA The tremendous photoplay "The Three Musketeers" featuring Douglas Fairbanks, will be shown at the Re- gent, Oshawa, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20, 21 an~d 22. Two performances daily at 2.15 and 8.15 p. m._ People of Bowmanville can reserve seats in advance and samne will be kept until' 8 p. m. the night of showing. See advt. in this Lissue. 12-1 Dingman & Edmondstone wish to announce that they will hold their Spring Millinery Openings on Friday and Saturday, March l7th and l8th. must be classed as one of the beat institutions of learning in the pro- vince. Miss Marion Beliman on behalf of the Girls' Athletic Association con- gratulated the boys on their splendid records on field day in Whitby at football and in hockey. Mr. H. Goddard replied ýto this toast and re- viewed the work of the Boys' Asso- ciation and thanked the girls for their cooperation. Mr. A. R. Scott, B. A., also spoke of the pleasure hie had received in bis association with the boys in their sports. The banquet was prepared by Mrs. A. T. Christie and served by the girls of the school. One verse of 'O Canada' brought a memorable and pleasant evening to a close. G 1ood As Ever ST. PATRICK'S DAY CONCERT LECTURE ROOM of ----i

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