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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1922, p. 2

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Insurance Agency. Ail lines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- ýTEE. Edith V. Scobeli, Agent 2ud door west of the 6'Big 20" BowmavilleOntauio, T-HEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Fanm and flouse Sales a Specialty. 'Ternis moderate. 1-tf Enn[skillen P. 0. Phone 197-r3. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VIEERIARYSURGEON. Day or Lih Calîs Promptly Atteaded To. Ofice, ing-st., W., Statesma n Block, BownAnrille. Phone, 243. LEGAL M. G.* V. GOULD, B.A., LLD... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY znoney te blan on Faim and Town ]Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvilie. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYt Money te blan. Bonds for sale.i Oefices: Bleakley Block,' Kingi ,cret, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 343. T. W. SÏTANLEYP (London College of Music) a Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman-V ville Methedist Church, is prepared te take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ur.For terms phone 12, "Greenn Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*a MEDICALa 1.J HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. C id Medalist ef Trinity University i Tr<jnn. Four years /4tteiûding Phy- jl miia and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel r RptaPttsburg, Ks. Office and t Residence, Wellington, Street, Bow- e, unnil.Phone 108. p C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Gr,"aduate et Triaity Medical Coilege,' -G froronto, formerly of Eaniskilen. O3ic and residence, Dr. Beith's, trerresidence on Church-st,, Bow- manzville, Phone 259., 44-t P, nl DR. V.H. STOREY re rxraduate Toronto University, year la and a haif resident physician anud sur- fe gecon Toronto Generai Hospital (six C- ,nths Burnside Matenn-rnty) two su and haîf years Military Hospital. pc Office. Royal Bank Buildi ng, Bow- n, unanvihle. Phone 143w.- 10-1yr* co sh DENTAL m DR. J. C. DEVITT a &raduate of Royal Dental College,? Toronto, Office, King-st. East, Bow- 1 auanville. Office heurs 9 a. m. te 6 POý ~.m. daiiy exceptSunday. Phone eu 90a. House phone 90b. cal DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 'fui ,Eonor graduate in Deatistry Toronto erî University, Graduate of the Royal rat Coliege et Dental Surgeons ef On- giv tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. T] Office phone 40. House phone 22. oal ~DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Th Liceised te practice in Ontaric3se and the Dominion. 0'. Dentistyi i ts branches see Offi e-Kyingal' i Bowmanville daý OpposteBa.k of Montreal o Phone 301 f0r FUNRALDIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. West complete equipment. Sunday L$I'ORTHANO, TVPEWRITING, col SOOKKEEPING of Cemplete Commerclal and General i provement Courses. Students acoepted ch -at auy time. Geed positions fer ail R. ý9raduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- M 0LEnE, Oshawa and Toronto.IV BOWMANVILLE, MAROR 16, 1922. THE EDITOR TALKS Knowing from past experience how very much our readers ail over Can- ada and in the United States, maay of whose parents came from the Old Country, and indeed many of theni- selves were born there enjoy reading yabout the people and places "ever there", we welcome a newsy and in- teresting budget of correspondence from Mr. Sam Snowden of, Darling- ton who has been spending the win- ter in Devonshire among bis numer- eus cousins. While his letters are of necessity very personal in character we know well that his travel talks will be read with keenest interest by his many friends. 0f course, we ex-, tpected him to say very nice things' about the splendid cooking of the English ladies and the prime Devon- shire beef and luscieus clotted cream as they cali it in England, and his an- ,-ouneffent of his intention te spend an extra fortnight with his English cousins is no surprise to us. lis interesting account of his visit to "Middle Green Farm",. Wellington, Somersetshire, the palatial farm resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Brooks, revives many delightful mem- ories of our visit there with our twe daughters in July 1895 and the grand entertaiament accorded us. 0f the fanm and its equipment ne words can do justice, se we are not surprised that Mr. Snowden should confess te us his inability te describe what his eyes beheld at "Middle Green". PROBLEM 0F FLAX SUPPLY Frorn ail quarters corne statements regarding the certainty of a great shortage la the World's Flax supply; and accompanying these are assur- ances of a revival in the linen trade. In- the nature of things this cein- bination should ýbe regarded as a bright omen for the fiax grower, and indications are that fiax will be a pay- ing crop this year. The Ulster manufacturers are pay- ngconsideraýble attention te the efforts that are being made in Can-j ada for producing fiax. Canada, bas ýnow an oppertunity of taking theJ plac~e that was once held by Russia, and every possible encouragement wilL be giicen te the groxvers by the 1 Ulîster Manufacttirers.1 Befere the war there were fourÏ million acres under flax in Russia,I and while it is impossible te give an 1 accurate figure te-day, it is doubtful I if it is more than an eighth of the 1 acreage of fermer years. One of the mest difficuit problenis 1 with vhich the linen industry is con- fronted is the supply of fax. While the industry was depressed it did not t natter, but any large increase in 1 the demand for ]4nen geeds must la- r evtabiy resuit in rushing up flax prices. c G~REEN FEED FOR EVERY FARM 0 Mr. Frank Tinney, Charlottetown, c P. E. I., says that perhaps ne other a plot on the farrn will give such large ti returns for the amount of time and e labour expended, as a small area of ii feed grown for soiling purpeses. h Green feed is relished during the g summer months by cattle, hegs, and o oultry but without doubt proves the si rnest profitable when fed te mulch t( ews. Soiling creps are found te as- h, st very materially in maintaining st -e milk flow during the hot summer 1-V] nonths when pastures are short and M fry. Cern, oats, peas, vetches, rape ol rid sunflowers in the erder named, -C ie ail valuable for this work. Cern w sene- of the best creps for this pur- M )se, anid gives a large yield of suc- th ýulent feed, much relished by beth m uttie and hogs. Oats, peas and vetches mixed, eats w: We parts, peas four parts, vetches fr ,e part by weight, and sown at the cr ate of 3 te 3 1/2 bushels per acre, will th ve large amounts ef excellent feed. ha 's should be cut and fed while the in ats is inthe milk or seft deugh stage. ce 's will necessitate twe or three th edings, if soîling crep is te be fed di; ver any great length of time. Two edîngs, or at the mest three, ten ays apart. should be sufficient, and ne acre should supply plenty ef feed r fifteen cows. LAWN BO~WLING CLUB L The genereus effer ef Mr. Aiex. ',iliot, Jeweler, te put up a cup fer )mpetitien was accepted and thanks TI )fclub was extended te the donor. a Hoaerary members appeinted in- duded Chas. Gibbs, Htamilten, Robt, dE 1Elliett, Geo. B. Bail, C. W. A.'q [eath, B. W. Rice, Russell Goodmnan, di: oronto; R. Elliot, Peterboro. 1to CANADA'S OLDEST MAGAZINE The Canadian Magazine Commences Its Thirtieth Year of Continuous Publication. Canadians should be loyal te the preducts et their owa country. We take very great pleasure la announc- iag that the current moath's issue et the Canadian Magazine marks the thirtietb year et continueus publica- tion. The Ontario Publishing Ce. et Toronto may well feel pnoud et this splendid record. Other magal zines have freni time te time been lauriched on the sea et literature in Canada, but have generally been short-lived. But the Canadian bas gene on year atter year, and because et its high literary character, and its leyalty te Canadian literary effort it bas grown in popularýity and prestige. Threugh aIl the years the Canadian Magazine bas kept abreast et the imes, net enly in rnaintnining the quality and status et its contents, but la its artistic mechanical production. This is equal to the best British er American magazines et its class and holhe rend in every intelligent Canadian home. MARRIED FIFTY YEARS Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. H. Stainton, Oshawa, Houored. A bappy event whicb eccurs only once la a lite was celebrated-at the home et Mn. and Mrs. William H. Stainfon, 23 Charles Street, Oshawa, on March 4-their golden wedding. Mn. and Mrs. Stainton have spent fitty years et happy wedlock la Osh- awa. Mn. Stainton was born la Darling- ton near Zion, wherýe he 1i'ived until his marniage with, Miss Martba Tremeer et the sarne place, then tak- ing residence on King Street East and operated a tarrn.- Three childrea survuve: George, Oshawa; Luther, Brooklin; and Mrs. Speight at home. Saturday some sixty relatives and friends gathered at the home toecx- tend congratulations, giving them a pleasant surprise. A pregram etf addrcsses and musical numbers was given, Mr. H. F. Werry officiating as chairman. Speakers were: 'bey. J. H. MeBain, William Batty, Thos. Stainton, John Stainton, Miss Gract MI. Tremeer, Toronto; Frank W. Bat. ty, O. D. Friend, Fred A. Foster, Bowrnanvilic, Charles Stainton andl E. Bntty, A. Stainton and H. Stain-( 'On. Others taking part were Mrs.E Fniend, Mrs. Speight, Miss Stainton,( 'iss Doris Foster and Miss L. Staini- ton. Mn. and Mrs. Stainton were turtherE îeaered when they were presented witb a purse of gold, their grand- daugbten, Miss Effie Stainton making he presentatiu wile Mr. Clarence Batty rend a vcry compiimentary and ricely worded address whicb ciosed with these words: As a slight teken o£? oun appreciation we present this purse et gold, and mayGod preserve you fer many years te enjey each ther's cornpanienship. The bouse was very prettiiy de- corated with flowers, which tormed n attractive scene. A sumptueus ua was served and the evening pass- ýd ail tee quickly la deiighttul social mterceurse.' Mr. Speght rend mnny diuters and telegrams offering con- ,ratulations trorn outside peints, ail )f wvhieh tcstified te the great ne- ject la which Mr. and Mrs. Stain- ,n are 'held. Since making their ioe la Oshawa they have been ;tauncb members of Simcoe Street [ethodist Church, and çn Sunday Ir. Staînton, wbo is aise a memben dthe Men's Club et Simcee Street 'hurch, wns shewered witb best ishes by bis teliow members. Both 4r. and Mrs. Stainton. are enjoying bc best et health and hope te spend lany more years together. A pleasing tenture et this occasion is the preseace et a number et riends who were prýesent at their rystal wedding, March 4, 1892 when e tniends wished that they rnight .ppily celebrate-their golden jubilee 11922. Ail joined in wishing- them ntinued health and joy and that ley niay live te celebrate tliein. imond jubilee. WRITE IT DOWN (E. Harold Cumings) r ou have a happy thought,, Write it dowa; est it soon sheuld be fongot,, Write it dowa; you hear a funny word, Ceai is te tumble in pnice la April. 'is wiii be appreciated as much as drop in ice in December. Young people at MilIbrook won a hbate frorn Peterboro veung people: Resolved. That citv lite is more con- ucive te intellectual gnewth than awn lite". BOWMANVILLE POULTRY SHOWi AS SEEN BY THE JUDGE Best Class of Red Caps Seen for Many a Year. We had hoped te publish the cern-1 plete list et prize winners at the Bew- manville Poulltry Show which, was held la Holgate's Evaporator on Jan.i 24-26, but after making, several ne-ý quests fon the lists they were notl forthceming se the matten was drop-1 ped. 1 We are, therefere, pleased te, pub- ilush the tollowing repent trem Mn. J. 1-. Warrington who jndged at the local show: "The Northumberland and Durham poultry show was held this year at Bowmanville, and I un- derstand it wns e the first shew that ithey hnd held therýe since the On-1 tarie was held there la 1892. The show this year was held in the sarne building that the Ontario was held un. They had a goed, large show reeni, splendidly cooped. About 1,100, entries, and the quality et the ex- hibits wns Ai.' They have a splendid set et officens and nuembers, and each vied with eaceh other in seeing that the exhîbits were well looked atter, well ted and watered, fleors and coeps~ kept nice, cîçan and tidy.' The at- tendance waslarge, and everyône was well pleased with the show. The tel- lowing are a few comments; on the classes I judged. Light Brnhams, Cochins and Langshans, smail classes filled with extra good quality birds. Barred Plymoeuth Rocks, a nice, large class et neal good quality, untortu- rnately sorne et the best females had te be turned down fer white enniobes. White Rocks a nice class et real goodi bîrds. Golden Wyandottes geod c'ass et splendid quality, fit te go to the Ontarie and win. White Wyan- dettes another fine cfass, some et the ,birds would stand n betten washing. Reds et both combs were xveli ne- presented with a fine lot et birds et bang up quality. Black Spanish bad a fine class et very high quality. Harnburgs and Polish, srnall classes et reni good birds. Red Caps were the iargest and best class I have seen at any show tonrnmany a year. They j are a splendid layer and utility breed1 and it is a pity that more do net;i bnced tbern. Cernish a tain class.i The tanciers in Bowrnanville are, and tbcy sbould he, proud et the splendid show they put up, and it was a great i credit te thern and wns muçh appre-j ciated by ail the visitons whe, attend- ci. They ceuld easily have bail 200 or 300 more entnies, but atter givingi a rensonable tirne atten their entniesi closed, they neturned over 200 late j entries"1 BOWMANVILLE se Propared for, the Rad Season, No one ii1o-wtteýter how u--certai-j Seasoin 1-,-. Cor(ops namY 3c g od for a bc. of vear.s, but tUle ieau year is sure to corne. Peepare for the bad si asoin b'- deoetîîig i i a Ssî A ita portion "ýtie profits ef each good scasoii. Manager k [ p '4 4 h A.. I - PHONE 192 rFOOTBALL CLUB OFFICERS Annuai meeting et Bowmanville Football Club was heid in Council Reoom Tuesday eveaing when follow- ing officers were elected for ceming seasen: Hon. Presidents--G. N. Thurstoa, F . R. Kerslake, F. C. VntnJ. A. Guna; President- Siemea; lst Vice-A. Fnice; 2nd Vice-C, S. Halîman; Secretary-R. G. Harding; Treasur-1 er-Geo. W. James; Executive Cern-1 mittee te League representatives-A.1 Fnice, D. Aldread; Finance Com.-J C. S. Halîman, H. Argue, N. Bun-1 gess, G. N. Thunston and Treasurer; Grounds Chairrmn-R. Bates; Select- ion Com.-Captain and two others; Manager-A. Fnîce; Assistant-A. 1Dunlop. It was decided te enter team in On- tarie and District Football Associa- tion. If a Junier series is arraaged Bow- manville will also enter a teaminl this group. ~I/RINTouCaotBu7 cook'sOittoaRoot CompoqmL SNew Bym .A aaf reliable reg , u tiug ei .cms Presmil a edioqie.Sold iu îhrep, de. gre fstrength-No. A,$1; ~kiirlneyeReedy ,~ No. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 Per box. Nigh an MoringSold bY aIl drusmists. or sent ,rpi u re'-'ipt of rrice. ep7~Un. ,cear eopampll t. Addcess: r " fU..,Cor VHEOCOO tbir.DfCpi:E. 41 Buy Electri*c Bulbs at Hydro Shop Where you get f irst quality with a guarantee, ail sizes in stock--both lerand frosted. Electrie Fixtures' Reduc ed We also have a large stock of Electrie Fixtures at greatly reduced prices. Thereis a fixture for every room. Inspection Invited You ai-e invited to inspect our stock where you will find the quality the best and prices that _are right. :Buy Your Electrical Goods At An Electrical Shop Thne Hydro Shopv M-Z Stocks Advancing Stocks and bonds listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, somne of wbich have continuous dividend records for flot Iess than 15 years, are now quoted at very attractive prices ýto the investor. Tis is therefore a good tiIne to buy themn. Wrile and we will teill ou what they are. L. M.eGreen & C0. Members Toronto> Stock Exchange Unon Bank Building Toronto Inland eaport -M.oreai, with a population of almost orze million, has but 915 rooms in modern fireproof hotels. These cannot accommodate the visitors-.- travellers, business men and pleasure- seekers--who, day after day, week after week, month afler month, visit Montreal. More than fifteen huridred of these people will be' able to find fortable, luxurious accommodation-i.n the new "MOUNT ROYAL" Hotel, which. wiIl be open about October, 1922. This new Hotel will have 1,050 rooms, stores and offices, as well as a great con- vention hall, together with ail the other luxuries and necessit<es that go te make a thorough1y modern hotel. it wilI cost approximatelv ten mililion dol- lars. c A study of conJâtjons in Montreal wî]J convince the niost sceptical that "THE MOUNT ROYAIh" will fill a long-felt need, and will undoubtedly be a most profitable, enterprise for its sharebolders. Ple are offeing the 8% convert- Êble det entures, carrying a bonus of 30% of~ Common Stock, of The Motent Royal Hotel Comnpany, Linzited, and shall be glad to send descriptive cîrcular on rcquest. T o Wý. A. a,ý-,ckenzie Co .,Lt.? 38 King Street West, Toronto. Deair Sir" Plemse end miea copy of the circular describing the 8% Convertible Debentureý4 of The Mount Royal Hotel Oompan-Y.M Limited. and oblige. Naîne In fuli].............................................I r ull addieýs ...........1............................... ' rite cIearly . Z 1 -

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