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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1922, p. 4

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Largest staff of Plumbers Yes, it is a f act that we have the largest staff of Plumbers and Steamfitters in this district. This means that when you place an order with us the Iwork is attended to promptly and our experiene places us in a position to do a job that is satis- Jact6ry. HEALTH.COMES FIRST When planning your home consideration of -health cornes first. Ihat means plumbing-goQd sanitary fixtures and fittings in the kitchen and elsewhere. Aboveall, the bathroom must be riglit. Tt must be as spic-and-span and whole- some as you would have yourself and your child- ren'. Let us quote you prices for attractive lustrous white'porcelain enamelled bathroom outfit. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phione 18 day or night Bowmanville Mason DaIe's Hardware Have an electrie light bulb for every make Tires, etc. Phone 145 Bowmanville ITSNOT OUR if we are not your butcher. We are giving many citizens in town and country best of service, choice meats and at reason- able prices. Many deal exclusively at our shop. Let us iffil your next meat order and convince you it is worth-whîle dealing with us. eWil1bert J. Djudley HorseyBlock Phone 225, House .7 Bowmanville INSURANCE RATES Rates on dwellings in Bowmanville have been Ireduced. If you have' not fulli covering you should do so as the cost lis trifling compared to the risk. Nearly ill1 the companies have increased rates on farn- buildings. We can stili give you absolute security at the old rates. Don't pay more., Wle stand behind every transaction and guar- anptee perfect satisfaction. BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE We. are selling Bowmanville property. If you have prQperty to seil at reasonable prices Iist it with us. We will advertise it, both locally and in Toronto papers, at no expense to you, and only a small commission if we seil it. Buyers will save time and money by consulting us and ge ting the choice of our off'erings. J'. J. MASNk&SON, Real Estate and lnsurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanyile Citizens wlshng te enrich tihe soil cf their gardens inay obtaln Scottluh Fer- tilizer In any quantitY desired and at, Ibest market prices from me. Farmers,' dont forget teo order potato ýertîlizer ýte inraeyour rp ThuT-eR 6, BawmanvIlle. 1,ie-i TRIBUTEL TO MRSYIGGS By a Brother Miïnisteir of Rev, W. Higgs, Madoc. Editor's Note: In our last issue ap- peared a report of the funeral ser- vices of the late Mrs. Higgs, but we have since received a very fine tri- bute te her exemplary Christian 1f e from which we )publish these ex- cerpts. .Liz'zie.Estella Rliggs, whose maiden namne was Fosater, was born in Frank- ford, Ontario, April ý16, 1871. Rer father, Thomas Foster, came from Clones, County Fermanagh, Ireland. Rer mother, Mary Prescilla Stevens, was of sturdy U. E. Loyalist stock. Both parents were devoted Christ- ians, making their home a centre of spiritual influence. Mr. Foster act- ed as class-leader both ia Ireland and Canada, and was Recording Steward at Frankford for inany years.- The subject of this Memoir re- coived ber early education la the Pub- lie School at Irankford, then at- tended Albert College, Belleville, where she graduated in Music and Art. At about 12 years of aga she made a public profession of f aith during the pastoritte of Rev. Wm. Peake, and from that time a steady spiritual de- velopment was marked by ail who knew ber. She became a S. S. teacher, Epworth League worker, and organist for eight years la ber home church. Thus uncon»ciously she was being equipped by birth, homelife, mental and spiritual culture' and religions activity for ber sphere of service as a Mistress of the Parsonage. On the 21st cf June 1900, ber mar- niage with the Rev. Wm. Higgs.teck place, and together they labored for Christ and the Church 7w ith unwary- Ing success upon Cloyneý Wilfred, Grafton and Centreton, Tyrone, Mill- brook and Madcc circuits. Upon ail these circuits Mrs. Higgs endeared herseif te the people by ber uniform cheerfilness, 'tact, depth cf sympathy, and eager intereat in everytbing helpful te the cburch and the cominunity. She loved te attend the public ser- vices, and the W. M.- S., cf which she was made a Life Member by the Madoc Auxiliary had a pleasant place la her thougbts and prayers. She made ber home a centre cf gracious hospitality. The men la the minis try, especially, cannet soon forget ber smiling welceme, and ber provis- ion for their comfort and enjoyment while guests at the parsonage. The main interest cf her life cen- tred la ber familý.- Four children brightened the home by their cern. ing. Four of tbese-Mary Aliee Alexandra, Emily Eileen, Dorothy Beatrice, and Alfred Foster survives their mether, and their's la the price- less legacy cf ber Christian example and beautiful cbaracter, upon them she lavished wbile living, ail the at- tention and care cf a 'wise and loving mother's heart. Their welfare was ber first and l.ast thought. Mrs. Riggs was in declinîng health for about a year. It seemed best la the Providence cf God that she should be i 4made perfect tbrough suif eringl'. Varieus eperations at Belleville, Tor- ente and Peterboro and the'care cf the most skilied physicians availed jnothing. The week prier te ber death there seemed some ray cf hope, but the end came suddenly la Peter- boro Rospital and on February 2lst, !1922, she entered into rest. Ia the beautiful Frankfcrd Ceme- tery where many other relatives ais rest, the ligbt and shadows faîl upon ;the place where she sleepa ln the hope cf eternal if e and a glorieuls regur- rection. Death lu another 'life; We bow our heada at gcing eut we tbink, .And enter straight Another golden palace cf the King, Larger than that *e leave And lovelier. OBITUARY Mi$. Joseph kieynolds, Oshawa. Death removed an old residmnt on Monday, February 27, la the persan cf Mrs. Joseph Reynolds wbo passed away at ber late reaidence, 121 Mary Street, Oshawa. Deceased bad lived for sixty yearn la Oshawa and -was twice married, R er flrst busband the late Samuiel James predeceased ber 4« Yeom ago, leaving two daughters, Mrs. E. Rcrttuu THE FARMERS 1 1 FRIEND e^pvE rND Relleves caked bag, gar. get, spider or Infection fe h S1rh of lhe teat, also thrush Oý'e In horses' feet, fistula, etc. Stops bleedîng at once. Removes proudn F M flesh, ssoreness and swen. 'g ^t At aH Deslem and Drugglob. to t gft Xanufactuýreld only by DOUGLAS & Co., NAPAIÎBE, Ont, -"Get up e arly, said bis friend, __ '-Knd-see urfine-sunisluO" Johnny looked at hlm and said: "You don't fool me in the least, The sun dosen't rise here at ail, It rises la the east"., BUILDING LOTS FOR SALr- I arn offering two of the cholcest onç acre building lots In the town of Bow- manville at very reasonable prices. In .,ood locaity on Liberty-st., just one block e3outh of Nursery corner. Excellent gar- den wlth about 50 good apple trees op each lot just cornlng Into bearing. Nor- mnan S. B. James, Statesman Office, Bow. mnanville. The Practice of Optometry is conducted by optome- trists who are legalized pratiionrsand may.or may not be dealers in op- tical merchandise. The scientifie, optometrist makes a comprehensive examination of the, eyes without the use of drugs todetermine what lenses, if any, are necessary to in- sure normal vision. While hie may detect diseased conditions, he does not treat them or pre- tend to, but refers such cases to the medical prac-1 titioner. An optometrist with years of experience in ex- aming eyes is able to give you expert advice and ser- vice. RM. Mitchell & Co. Druggisasand Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanville Wall Pa-pers Recently ..we received an en- quiry from a lady wbo was con- sidering papering ber bouse. R er message reads, la part as f ollcws: "We are desirious of papering our bouse a little better than the ordinary, and we have been refer- red te you as having such papens in stock". 1 A compliment to be sure but aevertbeless a fact, and may we ad,"the little better coats ne more. We WiiI Be Pleaged to Show You W. T.MALLEN Mn. Joseph S. Waugh, the Scotch Tenor, who is coming te Bcwman- ville te siag and direct the chorus during Rey. J. W. Mahood's Evan- gelistic campaign, was bora in Scct- land where bis father was a choir director and in wbose choir at one time sang the famous RarryLauder. Mr. Waugh worked la the ceai mines for some lime nfter coming to this country. Six years ago hie was enverted ia Dr. Mabood's meetings in Marlon, Iowa. He weint at.once te, the Moody Institute lu' Chicago where hie teck the full course la Chorus Directing under Prof. Town- or. Later lie studied witb some df tbe best vocal teachers cf the country. He bas a remankablo voico that lie is using la the intorest cf the Kingdom cf Christ. Rë bas directod great choruses in Philadeiphia, Columbus and other large American cities. Mise Etta Helena Mahood Miss Etta Mahood is a trained Y. W. C. A. wcman and a graduate cf Morningside 'College. Sho' bas proved berseif a capable helper ilalher fatber's campaigns. She will be la charge of part cf the organisation, conduet porsonal wcrk, and preseat a erles cf health-culture addresaes to women and girls after the afterneon meetings addressetl by Dr. Mahood. Miss Ruth E. Mahood Miss Ruth Mahood, the accom- panist fer the Bible Coafenence, be- gan bier musical educatien n aMena- ing College. Frem bere she went te Evanston, Illinois, te, Nortbwest- ena University Ccnservatory and later te Toronto, Canada, whore slie teck the Concert Course la the Toronto Conservatory. Besides bier work as accompanist, Miss Mahood bas the lBie werk for Junior Rig-h Scbeol girls. Rey. Dr. J. W. Mahood will begin bhis evangelistie campaiga la Method- ist Churcb, Bowmanville on Sunday, March 26th. DARLINGTON PIONEER PASSES. Charles South, Clarke Union. Tue£daky,1February 28, there pass-, ed away one cf Darlington'a cîdest pioneens la the person cf- Mn..Charles Soucb, the hast cf a family cf tweive --ten beys and twe girls. He came te the old homestead la 1847, wbere bis son, S. D. new ives, and had lived la the samie place ever since. December 2Otb, 1866, he marnied Mary'A. Jewohl. For more than balf a century tboy have lived together la love and devotien. Te them wene bera four children-tbroe beys and co girl-Edgar, cf ,Oshawa; Mns. Fred Rilli, eber and Silas. He was a faithfui, leviag husband and father, an inspiration te those, around him, and eùe wbe nover forg'ot the family altar, even la the busiest heurs., He was a member cf the Methodist 'chureh and a negular attendant when health permitted. The funeral from bis son's rosi- dance *&as conducted by bis pastor, Rov. A. K. Edmisca, B. A. The lange number cf scrrowing friands and reatives wbc gathened for the service manifestod the respect and affection la wbicb the departed was held. Interment teck place in Orno cemetery. The pali bearers were four neighbbns: Colin Smith, 'Geo. Cala, Edward Power, and William Archer, and two nepbiews, C. W. and Fred Couch.-Orono News. Business As Usual At J, B. Martyn's I wish to announce that I have purchased the gro- cery stock of Miles Knowles and am again doing business at the old stand. I will specialize in: Groceries Grain & Seeds Poultry Supplies Fresh & Cured Meats I arn in a, position t give you the best of ser- vice at lowest cash pricees. W. livery Give Prompt De- Service at Cash Prices. JL B.Marityn IKing-st. E. Bowmanville THE CH-AIN GROCERY STORES 0F CANADA SPECIAL SALE 0F 4's STRAWBERRY JAM75 RASPBERRY JAM 75". P. & G. GoId, Surprise, Sunlight, Comfort, Laundry Soap 14 BARS $1.00 Rinso, 2 packages...................................... .15c Lux .................... ............ ............. 12c Bath Brick, tin .... ...... ........ ......... 8è Eagle Brand Milk, 2 tins................45 Sheriff's or Pure Gold Jelly PoWders, 3 for ..........25c D. M. FERRY &-Co. SEEDS IN STOCK Try our 'Perfection' Bread Flo ur, made by Cherry & Sons, Preston,, from liard Manitoba Spring whçaàt. Every bag guaranteed by utS., EVERYTHING CLEAN AND WHOLESOME MANY GOOD SUGGESTIONS IN OUR WINDOWS HALLMAN IS SAVING LOTS 0F MONEY not for himself-but customers who buy their gloves and mitts from him. His stock includes: LADIES' IMPORTED FRENCH GLOVES MEN'S WORK GLOVES AND MITTS You're mighty hard to suit if you earp't get what you want in the 300 kinds in stock. BUY DIRECT FROM MAKER AND SAVE MONEY The Glove & Mitt Store Manufacturer and Retaîler 1 Door, Eait of Stateamau Office The ]Best Is The heapest That is just one of many reasons why you should eat Tpd's Bread. Tod's Bread is made every d"y unçier rnost modemn and sanitary conditions by expert bakers. Nothing but the best ingredients goes- into Tod's Bre ad. That's why Tod's Bread is s0 nourishing. THOM.A S 'iTODE ) Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Cream Wanted! Prices of (Jrearn are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours- If we fail to cail on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write us. Orono Creamnery ,Coeg ORONO Bowmanville

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