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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1922, p. 6

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PIESOCIAL AT ENNISKILLEN Friday, Mardi 24 in Orange Hall. A Pic Social ander auspices of b. O. b. No. 141, Enniskillen, will be keld la the Orange Hall on cveniug of Friday, March 24, to begin at 8 p. m. Be sure to corne and enjoy a real good time.-, Ladies will kiadly Fred Adamis, Russel MeLauglilin, W. M. Secretary. 11-21 I I I ENNI5KILLEN beague mee=ing on Wednesay evening was la charge of lst Vice- President, Mis. J. R. Ormiston; Bible neading by Milton Stainton; topic was ably taken by Miss Aima Werîy; duet was given hy Mrs. EDias Ashton and Mr. J. Siemon; Study chapter was rend by Mn. Harvey Mc- Gll; readings by Miss Myrtie Brant and Miss Winnifned Oke. It being consecration nigýt each respopnded to the Roll Caîl. Attendance 26. Tihe Canning Factory is now contracting forj ,:reen Peas and Sweet Corn'. O nly a limited acreage is left. It wilI be nec- essary for any-ý farmer who is thinking of growing corn or peas to get in toulch with the office bv ph,_ne or letter this Week. Britsh Cnadin Caners LIMITED. Phone 82w D. H. Steinburgh, Phone 82J INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE LOANS Manager. Bowmnanville We pay cash for Victory Bonds with interest up to date. See daily quotations in "Globe" and "IMail".., 1 Make money by trading your Bonds-, We are Specialists in this line. We make safe money, every day for our clients. Why not you? We have a large list of splendid homes and lots. Cornein and talk it over. Farmers, we make ' bans on Live Stock and Sales Notes. First-Class Mortgages for Sale. SArthur N. McMillan &.Co Investmaent Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. R Theatre, OENwaT Monday-Tuesday -Wednesday MARCJ-I 20, 21, 22 MATINEE DAILY-25c EXTRAORDINARY ENGAGEMENT 2 Performan ces Daily at 2.15 and 8.15 Boc>kYour Seats By Phone 1011 The Srmashing Screen-Hit of the Year Don't Miss It REGENT ORCHESTRA PRICES Aduita 35c; Childien 25e RoevsoSc RESERVE YOLJR SEAT BY PHONE Seats K£ept Until 7.45 p. mL HAMPTON Weddiag bells are ringing agnin. Mis. Mary Anne Hastings la with friends la Newcastle. Mi. J. B. Horn, Peterlboro, visited at Mr. Charles Horn's. Mr. Charles Horn made'n business trip to Toronto this week.1 Miss Lottie Challis, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mv. H. Wilcox's. Mr. and Mis. AIa Parker, Toi- onto, were guests of Mr. J. H. Bur- roWs. Several £rom here attcnded Sun-, day School Convention at Mapie Grove on Tuesday. Rcv. W. W. Jones' subject for Sunday next is the Fourth la the ser- ies-"The Apostle who succee.ded la spite of a handicap". Women's Institute invite you to Hampton on Friday, Mnrch 24, to hear Maple Grove Leaguers present theti play "I'Can't AI! ord It". Ad- mission 25c; childien 15c. Eight o'clock sharp. The Methodist Church Anniversnry services on Sunday were lnrgely at- tended, weather bcing fine. Rev. Wesley Elliott of Belleville, President of Bay of Quinte Conference, prench- ed splendidly forceful sermons and gave a fine addness to Sabbath School la afternoon. The choir yen- dered good music la a very attractive manner. The objective financially was over met, about $225.00 being placcd on the plates. This is veîy gratifying as it is one of the most successful thank-off erîng occasions wce ever had from every view point. The newcst la Millinery will be on display at Diagman & Edmondstoae's Millinery Openings, Friday and Sat- urday, March l7th and l8th. HAYDON NEWS The home depaîtment in connect- ion with oui S. S. werc most royally etertained by the Preàident-Mrs. H1. Ashton on Wednesday cvcning. When ahl had assembled, n short progiam of rendîngs and songs weîe enjoyed, -afterwards n real sociable time was spent in games and then rcfreshments weîe served in abun- dance. Every one reports having hail a good time..On Sunday moîn- ingý after the S. S. exercises weîe completed the hour was taken up lan Temnperance." Mis, b. Graham had a most helpful and interesting prognam in the f orm of a Temperance Musical StIory. Miss Mullholland rend the stoîy while la their separate tains, solos filled ia to complets the truc mcaning. Thosc tnking these parts were: Mis. Theron Mountjoy, Miss Reta Ashtoni of Enniskillen, Mis. WmL. Trewin and Mrs. Henry Ashton. Pledge signing followed. .On Sun- day evening, the Home Dcpartmcnt held services with splendid attendance Mi. John Wright, acted as chairman for the cv7eniing very efficently. The Bible lesson was rend by Mis. Henry Ashton. A couple duets.were sweet- ly given by Mis. Elias Ashton of Enniskillen and Mis. Wm. Tîewin. Their lnst number deserves special mention foi the excellent wny in which they sang it nnd the character of the numiber. Mis. Silas Trewin acted as pianist. Mi. Thos. McGill, Enniskilien gave a splendid address, which was most helpful to ail..On Friday, evening Tyrone Epworth- Leaguers will visit our League .... Mr and Mis. Milton Slemon and Mi. and Mrs. Theron Mou ntjoy attended An- niveisary services at Hampton... Mis. J. Wright is visiting ber daught- er, Mis. W. Ridge, Pontypool... Col)ds are veîy prevalent la this dis- trict. SOLINA Mi. Cliff ord Nnylor had n success- fui wood bée on Friday. Reeve Baker recently made a bus- iness trip to Hagersville. The school nurse and doctor visit- cd oui school on Tuesdny. Mr. and Mis. H. b. Pascue, Eat Whitby, visited bis father, Mr. Rich- ard Pascue.' Mr. and Mis. J. T. Rundie visited her brother, Mi. Edward Pascoe, West Whitby. Mr. Chas. Shortîidge wns at Tor- onto procaring new books for Solina Public Librnryand visiting fniends. M vs. Julia VanNest, Toronto, is with her daughter, Mrs. Norman E. Wright who hns had a very sevene cold. Messrs. J. D. Hogarth, C. A. Biana- chard and J. R. Kiveil parchnsed some good Shorthoras at the big sale in Bowmnnviile. Mach sympathy is cxtended te Mr. and Mis. W. H. Montgomery by their fricnds here la the death of their daaghter, Mis. H. Galbraith of Cart- wright. Some fifty fricads and neighbors of Mn. and Mrs. Samuel Bush took possession o! thein home Friday even- ing, the occasion o! the 25th anniver- sary of their Wcdding Day. Thcy brought with them a niceiy made and tvimmed thiec-stoney Wedding Cake and supper was scrved at 5.30 p. m., After-ail hnd dune justice to this part of the funetion Mi. Blake G. Stevena cnlcd the compaay to order and ex- piained why tlhey unceremoýiiously invnded their home and they were pvcseuted with a niccly wordcd ad- dress full of good wishcsansd appre- ciation and a dozen silver spoons and f orksanad a pain of cuff links for Mv. Bush and a heautiful bouquet of roses and carnationis for Mis. Bush. The bride and g-room o! 25 years ago fittiagiy nespnded and compliment- avy speeches followed aftcr. which games and mausic wcîe in-dýulged la tili n late heur. Mi. and Mis. Bush have b'een residents of this village for many yeaîs and have been highly re- spcctcd and estcemed and their many fnierds wish themi many more years o! asefainesa and happines's. ZION Visitols: Mrs. W. J., Langmaid, Oshawa, is at Mr. A. D. Langmaid'os; Mr. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove, at H. G. Pascoe's;Mrs. G. A. bang- maid, Oshawa, at P. A. Langmaid's; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Armour at Or- ono ;Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton were in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Langmaid at Everett Mountjoy's, Kedron; Mr and Mrs. S. G. Chant at Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. bang- maid andMisses Hilda Langmaid and Cruse, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant and Mrs. (Rev.) Jones attended Prof. Stephen- son's Recital at Oshawa, Miss Hilda Langmaid taking part ... . Congratu- lations to Mr., A. D. Langmaid who ýwas married to Miss Hfelena Hall, >Columbus, on March 8th. The com- muîiity welcomes hier tQ this neighbor- hood .... Mr. Pey bangmaid is one happy man, Why? Because they have a daughter! Congratulations. . *Glad to see Fred Robbins out again Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Pearce and baby, Darlington, recently visited at J. G. Langmaid's ... . Parties are the order of the seas on, Mr. and Mrs. A. TÉ. Stainton attended theGolden Weddlng of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stain- ton at Oshawa.... Kedron Club vis- ited Zion League on Wednesday, kMarch 8, when about 40 members were present. They gave a splendid programi consisting of solos, duets, readings, Kazoo Orchestra. Zion furnished the games and lunch. Ail enjoyed themselves. Copie again Kedron friends! MAPLE GROVE Mr. Horace Hockley's sale was well attended. Large attendance at' S. S. Conven- tion on Tuesday., Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth, Hamp- ton, R. D. Trimble's. Miss Marion Pickard, Town, spent the week-end with Mise Edna Swal- low. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and fain. visited'at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker have retura- cd to their home in Stirling accom- panied by Mrs. Fred Tucker. Miss Gladys Allia, Oshawa, spent the week-end with, her cousin, Miss Beryl Oke and took in'the play Fni- day evening. Frîcnds of Mr. Alfred Laird wili be pleased to know that heis doing niccly aftcr hîs operation in Bowmaa- ville Hospital.. League service in charge of Mr. Chas. Grcenham, ist Vice; bible read- ing, Elgin Munday; solo, Mis. Wm. Lymer; instrumental, Stella Jcffery; reading, Eda Swailow; topic, Me- thods in Personal Work by Pastor W., S. Boyce; reading, Mis. C. H.ý Snow- dea; solo,,Irwaxa Po'Wer; roll cali. ' Commendabie eatei'priEe and talent were displayed by Qui youang people in the ro duction of their play "éI Can't Affod It,', iven under auspi- ces of the League on Fîiday eveniag before a crowded h'i.ouse. ýCast 1of characters was e-xceptionally good, ail the parts bexn-g ably taken, while the play itself abounding lai good dlean healtby humnor, was ail that could be desired. Abundance of good music was given between acts by Miss M. Abernethy and Mrs. Roy Me'tcalf. Proceeds aroundý $50.00 Miss Macklin and ail conicernedl are to be 'congratulated., TYRONE Mis. Staples is.seriously ill. Mis. Cameron E. Trull, Oshawa, visited ber sister, Mis. Albeit E. Clemens. Mir.and Mis. J. Moore, Solina, Mr. and Mis. Fred Moore, Bowmanvifle,, visited with, ý Glad, to report that Mr. S. Hooper and Mis, W. Cana ýwho have been- very iii aie iecoveiing. Mi. M. J. Wenry attended the Do- minion Alliance Convention in Tor- onto and enjoyed it greatly.. A goodly number, of Leaguers were present on Thursday wîth Miss Flor- ence Gardiner in charge. The topic was given and much appreciated by Miss Vera'Slemon, Haydon, along with a reading by Miss -Elma Gardin- er. Friday evening oui League vis- its Haydon. womt~n's Institute held its concert class pîeceded hy a Étoîy of its origin told by Dean Hodgson and succeeded by the latest news fîom our Mission- aries ia Japan, the questions being asked by- thein teacher, le4, C. W." Woodley. Answers wcîe given by each member of the clamInTa ai it was n pîogrnm much appreciated by those present., BURKETON Mis. Giegson lm seriously ili at time of wniting. Spring has suiely corne, sevenal robins have been sccu. Lengue meeting called off owing to St. Pntrick's concert ou ýFîiday,! March l7th. We sympathize with Mi. and Mis.1 Robert Hall lu the loss of their littie daaghter Phylis. SC}IOOL TRUSTEES' MEETING A meeting of the school truste es of Darlingtoa township wili ho held la the hall, Hampton, on Friday, March 241 at 2.30 p. m., to disceuss medical inspection in the schools. Eveîyonc iatereste'd invited to be present. NEW BROTHERHOOD STARTS Sanday School and church were' 1 well-attended. Services next Sun- Taesday evening Mnrch 14, thir-1 day ns usuni, S. S. 10.15 and chaîch teen men met in the Lecture Room at il n. m. of the Church of Christ to partake of Be sure to come to the concert an oysteî supper, and incidentnliy to given by the C. G. 1. T. Good. po- ffect the organ ization of a gram is being prepared. Admission Men's Bîotherhood., The numben 25e and 15c. fluors open at 8 was shortiy încreased to fourteen, n.i. îî-1w J thus lifting the "hoodoo" from the or- ganization at the outset. 1 like coffee, I like ten, I ike "Ice At the close of the, supiper, the Crenm Eclairs" -and su ,does she. company wa's favoîed with a delight-I Bring hen over to the Station some ful solo by Mis. Frank Williams after evening an4d give her n ittie tient. which the Pastor, Rev. L. E. Zavitz, 1 0-t B. A., intîodaced the subject of the ___________Men's Brotherhood by the poem, ".Ai Friendly Sort of Way", by James Whitcomb Riley. The tentative or-1 HAMPTON ganization which had been put into affecton Sunday evening was then Distant fields mnay look green, but why outlined and the thîce officers intro- go further than EBert Jennings' Big De- partmental Store tu do your shopping? duced. Mr. C. A. Johaston îead a Hle is demonsrating every' day to bis short poem, "When Birds go North" growing list of dustomers that lie dan which was fraught with, deep signii-ý give as good values as ls obtainable frorn mail order bouse, cty stores or any other cance to certain of those present. place. If it is ayhn in groceries, dry Varions matters relating to organ- goods, boots and shoes, wall papers, etc., zation wcre then discussed 'and defin- Bert has a good stock from whlch to make your selections, best quality and as itely decided, and the first regalar we said before, prices that stand for a meeting was called for Tuesday, Mai. real saving 10-t2 1st., Pat S P. M. Executive Committec consists of: F. J. Ratclifl'e, President; Geo. Young, AUCTON S LESVice President; Wm. Young, Secre- AUCTON S LEStaîy-Treasurer; G. A. Cordon and Tuesday, March 28-The execators1 Cook. o! the estate of the late W. E. Pol- These Commîýttees wcre elected lard, wîll sell on lot 23, con. 9,i Visiting, Pablicity, Athletic and Fia- Dnrlîngton, (enst of Tyrone C. R. Station), the stock,, implements, A beaatiful poemi on Bîothcnhood and some household furniture. was prodaced by Mr. A. Colweland Sale, nt 1 p. m. Theo. M. Siemon, Irend when the meeting closed wlth Auctioneer. the Mizpah Benediction. 36 in Fancy Cotton Cashmere% in Rose, Navy and Red, Reg. 45e for .......39c Ladies' Camisoles in Crepe De Chene, Silk, and Satin, Lace and Ribbon Trim- m-ed,. Reg. $4.00,- for ............$2.50 Large Range, of Flancy Voiles, rang-, ing from..................50e to, $1.25 Large Range of Crepe De Chene and Voile Blouses, in ail shades, from $2.75 to $5.00 Heavy Black ýCottoni Hose, in all sizes, Reg.,35e for..,........ ........... 25c per pair Men's. Work Shirts, Khaki, Blues and, Bcs.....................Spcil98e Men's ,.Cotton Socks, while tbey last, 4 pair for $1.00 Men's Feit Hats, $6,00 value, 'foýUr Choce $3.95 -Men'sSpring Coats, ali shades, Extra Value $24.00 Boyvs',Fine. Quality Bo-x Cali, sîzes 1 to 51/2,.........................Special $3.95 J illinery Openings at Digman & Edniondstone's, March l7th and 18th. Do you carry your lunch? Then a Vacuum Bottle'i s mme- thîng you should have, 1They keep bot liquida hot or coid liquida coid for frum twenty- four to furty-eigbt hours. FOR THE SCHOOL CHILDREN wbo have tu carry théir dinuer, the Vacuum Bottle affords a mens o! having n wnrm drink, withan otherwisc cold meai, For fecding o! the baby, they afford n, mens whereby the food, may be prepared ahiead and held ready on denîand. They are now obtaînable for Pints $ 1.50 anid Q0uarts $2.50 With Pint Refils at $1.00 at Kerslaàke-'s Drug Store Phone 49 B owmanville We at ai times have cho ice Pot Plants suitable for table or sickroom. Ladies', Balbriggan Bloomers, in Pi>k and White, Reg. 60e for.........49 Ladies' Summer, Underwear, ranging from ..........25c to $1.00 a garment Children's Drawers in knee and ankie length, Reg. -55e for ................ Children's White, Jersey, Bloomers, sizes 5 to 16,...............Special 35ç Ladies' Black and White Cotton Hose, ail sizes,........................Special 25e Special Table of Remnants Men's, Odd Pat,...T Clear at $1.95> Men's Overalîs, such makes as Kiteli- eners, Lennox and Headlights, a inap, $1.95 Men's Combination Overaîls, sizes -38- to 42, .................To Clear $2.95 Men's Smocks, odd sizes, 36 to 469. Whi Thy Lat $1.48 BTloys' School Boots,.... To Clear $2.75 M AcMurtry& Co., Ltd. 8HONEO'83 ANILLE v I Box' After Box of Spring Goods Being Opened With the big rush of thrifty ,shoppers to our stores recently our winter stocks in man'y unes have -become defleted and we are now filling our shelves and counters with the newest in Springgoods. Corne and inspect these goods at an early op- pÔrtunity. We quote a, few prices below to convince you that it pays to shop at Bowmanville's Big Departmental Store. Don't Overlook Bargains in Groceres Aylmner Tomato Soup .....9eA per tin Canned Corn or Peas .. .15c per tin Choice Cooking Figs....2 IL for 35c CIalifornia Prunes, large size, 2 lb. for 35c Cýalifornia Seeded Raisns, 25c per pkg. Buckwheat- Flour for Pancakes, 4 IL for 25c Criscoe for shortening, 1 lb. tins 27c eaeh Jelly Powders in Glass Moulds, 2 for 25c Gem Lye ................3 tins f or 25c Brooms, 4 strin g, try one, Reg. 65e, TFor 49c ....Granulated Sugar ........101lb. for Soc L What Is New in Dry Good s Attractive Values from Men's Department Dirop in P rice of Boys' Boots Ar Il À&J'el, 4w,

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