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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1922, p. 7

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DiliTHS LANGMAI D-Â&t BowmanviUle HOBPitgl. March 85 te Mfr. ad Mrs. Perey Lang- maid, a daughter. HAMLEY-Ifl BowmanviUle Hospital Ou March 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ham- ley, (nee Minis Trebilcock,) Peterboro, adaughter. MARRIAGES GIBSON-POINTEN-At the home off the bride's mother, Washington Avenue, on Marcïb 11, by Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Georg- Cilison to Muiss Margery Louise, daughti-r off Mrs. Loutisa Pointen, ail off Bow-marvil-le. CHALK-At Port H opeý, March,(', 9, Michi- ael Fetcher Chaik, in his 5th1 year. SM ITH-At Bwly ~c ,Iael Butler, belqved wijfe off Mr. Joh'n ýSmi h, aged 65 years. BATTLE-In Bowmanville, March-10, Alice G. Perkins, beloved w;if e of Mr. Arthur A Battie, aged 47 years. McLAUGHLIN-Suc1denly atMethodist Parsonage, iFontypàol, March 11, David, youngest son off the Rev. and Mrs. An- drew MeLaughlin, B. A., B. D. M A B EE-At Port Hope Hospital on March 14th,, Alanson Gifford Maybee, son off the jate, Alanson Maybee off the Township «'fHamilton, in his ffth year. HARE-At the residence off ber son, Mr. Frank Hare, RIockfford, 111., March 14, Kate MciDow ell, beloveýd wif e off 1ev., Dr. J. J. Hare, fformerly l'rincipal off untario 14adies' College, Witby. Daught- of the late 1ev. D. C. Bcoel ow- .anviile. IN, MEMORIAM In loving memory off our dýear son, Wil- liam Alffred Seymour, who died March ~1~Q~aged2years and 5 moaths. Two years ago a message came, Fbrom Goa wnlo tnougnr IL et To ta3ke-rou -from _thiswearyworld And give you peace an d rest. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE j Miss Annie Connons in iiig ber sister in'Toronto, Mrs. A. J. Stalter, Oshawa, necent- iy visited Miss Emmenson, Odeli-st. Mus. W. O. Herring, Enniakillen, is visiting ber nîecès, the Misses Web- ber. Miss Dorotby Hlllnd, Oshawa, was in town Wednesday and gave us a friendly cali. Mrs. James Veale, near Stephens' Miii, receatly fell on the ice and broke an arm. Miss Winaifred Hobbs visited Mrs. Downiey, New Tioonto, over the week-end. MissIsael ennett bas been en- joyng wek'svisit with ber aunt, Mus M.Burows, Toronto. Mr.J.A.Yorick, traveling PaS- senger Agenit for the C. P. R. ocean traiffic, was ini town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, W. Lake and daulgh- ters Winnie and Betty, Newcastle, spent Sundny with the Misses Web- Misses Nora Clough and Annie ChuriLch spent the week-end in Tor- onto, guests off Mrs. P. P., Ciough, Perth Avei-ue. M4rs. S. CooQk, Renf rew, aadý Mrs. L. Glendeaing, Newcastle, haveý been re-cenît guests of theuir sister-in-law. Mrs. S. Bennett, Duke-st. MiieyDîspiay of New Spring Goodýs wili be beld oa Wednesday, Mar-ch 15 and, foflowing days atý Miss Harnden's. Inspection invited. onTuesdý ~Substantiai reductîon on the price cf Dodge Cars now in effect. Bradley Bros. of Oshawa, are the deniers in this locality. Write for illustrated catalogue or, phone 169 for demon- stration. 11-4 Misses Et hel and IHelen G. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tapson, Mrs. H. M. Foster, Mi's. Fred H. Joness and Miss Aura Caldwell attended Mr. M. M. Stephenson's Recital in Simcoe- ,t-M-etlodi-tChch-au-ivntayeve-- io. Miss Helen of bis] Mr. M. M. Maxwell, Secretary and General Manager of. St. Catharines Chamber of Commerce, will address the open meeting of Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce at the Bunga- low on Friday, 'March 24tb. Watch for more particulars. Con crtete Cernent LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Mr. Thos. Perey was in Port Hope Miss Maude Gartahone recoýntiy visý- on, Sunday atteadiag the funenal of ited relative. at Brighton. the late M. F. Chalk. Mrs. M. Penny, Toronto, is spending Mrs. H. S. Freeman and Miss a f ew w eeks with ber father, Mn. F. Chrissie G. Freeman have been visit- N. Stevens. iag in Whitby and Toronto. J. B. Martyn iseiis' at cash prices Mis. H. W. Lapp wili receive at ber and: delivers the goods pnomptiy to home on Concession-st., on Tbursday, your home. March 23, from 3.30 to 6.00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bray,. En- Miss Grace V. Trewin and Miss field, were recent guests at his sister, Rilda G. Siemon spent the week-end Mrs. M. A. James, Lorne Villa. with Dr. and Mis. G. M. Trewin, Mrs. Ellen Morrison, Egbert, Ont., Oshawa. is visiting h ler son, Principal W. J. Mrs. H. M. Lunney, Goodyear Morrison, B. A.,j of the High Scbool. ilotel, and lher daughter Miss' Jennie 1 t will be to your> advantage to Merchant were visitors to ýIoonto'rea.d C. W. Paxton, the Chiroprator's oný Friday., advertisement in this issue of The This is to remind you that Ding- Statesmnan. man & Edmondstofle wiii bold their MrH.EReolshseure grthand MiiaeyOpnigso Mrc'to his home la South: Roxton, Que.,. I7thand Sth.after a pleasanit visit with bis par-1 Last meeting of the year of Bow- ente, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds. marville Poultry Association will be Mr. and Mrs, Wmn. Virtue, Tyrone, beld Friday, March 24th at 8 P. M. in G. W. V. A. Rooms over States- anuc h naeeto hi man Office, Important business, Be daugbter, Edna Penrl, to Mr. Harry there.M. Mercer of Kendall, the marriage take placein Marcb. OBITUARY .Mrs. Arthur A. Battie., After many weeks' iliness accom- panied by very severe suf ering thene passed to nest on Fniday morning, Alice G. Perkins, beloved wife of Arthur A. .Battle, aged 47 yeaus. Sh e was the youngest daughter of the late Mu. and Mrs. John Penkins, Ilorsey-st. Possessing a happy and brigbt, disposition she was a. veny generai favorite with ail who knew ber. Especially la ber own home, by ber only sîster, and by ber aeigh- bors wiii she be greatly missed. The fanerai was beid on Sunday afternoon and was attended by a large aumber 'of friends, relatives and other citizeas. Service was conducted býy ber pastor, Rev. S. C. Moore, B.* A., B. D.' The pail-hearers were Messrs. T. -I. Knight, Geo. Weekes, C. A. John- ston, Lawry Crydeuman, Elgin Wight and Norman S. B. James. Besîdes ber husbaad she leaves an o nly sister, Mis. ýC. W. Hicks of G-rand Rapids, Micb., who has been w,ýith ber during the past ten weeks and bas belped veuy mach to comfort ber ln ber lat days. Rer uncle, Mr. Henry Bennett, Toronto, and hrotber-ia-law,' Mr. Wallace Battie of Lindsay, were among relatives from a distance. at the fanerai. Very great sympathy is f elt for the son- rowing busbaad and sister. CARDS 0F rHANKS Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wood, Clarke, are very tbankful to all their fyiends and neighbboýrsfdTor eprs Swear Off 111 Health It is not too late, let us help you. 'Trying to retaîn heaith unaided or by old methods is often a losing fight against heavy odds. So don't try it. You can compel success in business, in society, in out-door sports, in everything worth while if you have a heaithy body., The natural condition of the body is HEALTH, it is easy to regain that natural condition.' DO' NOT COMMIT SLOW SUICID 'E Cali at our office and let us eèxplain and show you-how thous- ands who have given up "ail hope" now bless the advent ofthis strange, unusual and reniarkable method of IIEALTH RESTORA- TION. A quarter of a century has piaced its,,stamp of approval on it and time is the test of menit.' RESULTS TELL THE STORY Its successes have been amazing. Its adherents are now numbered by -the millions. If you have a personal health problem to solve you owe it to yourseif tj become informed about Chiropractic,ý the greatest healing science h-nown to the wonld to-day, accomplishing more than ail the other methods combined and curing after ail other methods have faiied. If you do not enjoy health it is your own fault. This may seem to be a harsh statement. It is, however,, true, for witli the advent and growth of the Dnugiess Health Science Chiropractic, everyone has an opportunity to become healthy, and stay healthy. Do not take our word for it. Do not even take the word of any friend-, who have'been helped. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF, An open minded investigation wiii surprise you. We will be glad to give you any, information you may désire. Isn't it worth a trial? If you have,,any of the following ailments, stop taking. any more drugs: Asthma, Brights' Disease, Bladder Disease, .owe -Troiib1eb, Bronciis, Cosipbatidii, C-ata-~r-Y, -Consumptio-ïÏ7Piarr-- 1 Su ilnpa- i)vgy)enin. iiiseases oi vvomen. Lr eV Z7

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