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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1922, p. 9

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Parisian Jligh Class TailJor fûormýi .y of Bowmanvllle now at 207 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO Will>be pleased to continue and acpept orders for- Ladies' or G~t'Garments, also dyeing, through our Bowmanville agent, Mr. G. N . Thurston, who lýas our samples. Our usual first class fit and workmanship will be guaranteed and will be personally looked after by myseif. Louis Cowell Phone College 3217 W Toronto BARGAINS IN USED CARS Cali at the West' End Garage, Bo*- manviile, tÈ~is week and see extra special values in used cars. McLaughlinTouring Car 5-passenger McLaughlin Touring Car, electtri startei and lights, demountable rims one spare tire, ail in good c ,ondition. A Snap $375.00 We need the room and cars are being sa.crificed accordingly. Three Ford Cars We as have three Fords which we are clearing from $225,00 up LUKE, BOYS LIMITED West End Garage Bowmanville Courtesy is a First The first thing în our business is to know ail there is to be known about the care and repair of storage batteries. But we can't for a minute forget that it is flot only what we do but the way we'do it that counts. Our way is always the courteous way. You may be sure that we will treat you just as we would want you to treat us if you were the battery service man and wve were the car owner. Bring your bnttery in. If it's a Willard Battery you're to be cor gratulated. But you will be kiven> the same attention, the samne courtesy and the same service whether it is a Wî1lard or flot. -Ontario Battery Servjce Moffatt Motor Sales Bldg. B-)wmanville' Representing Willard Storage Batteries 200 More, Men Wanted To Fili Positions in Earîy Spring No experience necessary, $125 to $200 per-montb, operating gas tract- ors, driving motor trucks, -cars and farm power macbinery, or'auto and tractor macbinery, city and country garages. Steady work. We have a plan wbereby you can work in our shops to pay for part of your train- ing, Under this system, you can soon be trained, ready to accept one of these big paying jobs. This spe- cial off er is good for a short time only. Day and evening sessions. Don't delay. Write or caîl for full particulars immediately. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOL, 163 West King Street, Toronto. of course I took it away, and he was soon down to breakfast. After this littie repast we ventured for a walk through the town to the Secondary School, Romnan Cntholic Church, Pub- lic Hall, Hospital and the Parish Churcb. Thei sexton being there cleaning up kindly offered to take us up the tower, whch off er we accepted. BOWMA NVILLE, MARCII 23, 1922'. MR. S. SNOWDEN IN ENGLAND Maple Grove Butcher-Farmer Enjoys Lif e in Beautiful Devonshire and Cornwall. Editor's Note: This inter esting article sent us by Mr. W. S. Blank of Plymouth, England, should have reached us in time for our March 2 issue, but delay in transit made it a day too late. Our readers will ob- serve that Mr. Snowden travels with his leyes wide open and very little of importance escapes his attention. ýOne newspaper scribe writes in Orono News in part: Those letters of Mr. S. Snowden, in reference to bis trip to England, are very interestîng and well W~orth perusing. It Ws not everyone who trave&s abroýad that can write interestingly about the country visited, its peoples and cus- toms, but Mr. Snowden is an obser- ver above the average, who'makes bis letters, ail the more interesting, es- pecially to those who cannot get any nearer to those Englîsh places than in reading about themi. Just the samne, may we have more of the samne. Mr. Blank writes from Plymnouth on February 22nd: On/ Friday, Febraury 3rd, 1922, whilst visiting my mother and sister at Keyhani, Devonport, a Canadian, by namne Samuel Snowden of Bowmanville, Ontario, and profession butcher and farmer, paid us a rather surprise vis-, it, although I had heard from his son Lloyd that! he would probably be coxalng across to England shortly. I was only able to remain in bis' good company on that day for a very short time, so promised that next morning 1 would see himi'again and take him through the Plymouth Meat Market which 1 knew would greatly înterest hlm. Saturday nMorning on reaching the saine address, this Canadian cousin of mine, seated in a rocking chair, seemed quite pleased to see me, and in a ver y f ew moments we were'on our way to catch the motor bus to the 'Devon Metropolis Plymouth. Many and varied were the quest- ions hie put to me during this journey of 'about 20 minutes, and I did my best to answer them, 0f course, as in ahl other matters, finance was agreat tbing, and our first businçss was to try to cash one of the drafts hie brougbt witb him frota bis banker in Bowmativille. To do this hie went to Lloyds bank in Bedford St. and after about 10 minutes hie returned with neither draft nor cash, and to crown the whole hie had not even got a receipt for the valuable piece of paper hie had left inside. Evidently hie had more faitb in the bonesty of British people than some of their ownf olk, have, as 1 like a receîpt in aIl such cases. Then to the meat market wbere we saw some large carcases of beef bung up still warm, and many stails where the butchers, dressed either in Mlue or white aprons, were doing their best to get rid of thte few pounds' wortb of meat they had brought from their homes trat môrning. During our conversation with one of the men connected with 'the tradg, I gleaned that they were stili slaughtering. I knew this sight would please my Canadian cousin, so I en- deavoured to get into one of these killing bouses. Meefîng a constable in the vegetable market, (in this country if -you! want to know any- thing ask a policeman) I inquired of bim where the:slaughter bouse was? He replied, "You're too late now to see any killing'". Realizing that the ment man -or the policeman was wrong we marched off to Tavistock Rd., and there saw the very place we wanted, and found that the in- nocent beasts were stili sbedding their blood, and thap there was no ob- jections whatevet to our going in to witness the working -of the bumane kîller. We went from there to the fish barbican, but being Saturday tbe boats were ail anchored to their moorings. 'Plymouth Hoe was our next ob- jective and to get there it meant a liftte climbing and we were well re- paid for the effort on reaching the summit. There we saw Sir Francis Drake's statue, and the Old Smealton Ligbthouse,'and as time was passing %SO fast, we hbad no time to go out on the pier, but with jtust a look at it George L. Tessey, a well-known Buffalo mecbanic, said he bad gain- ed twelve pounds; bis wif e bad gain- ed twenty-six pounds and bis dagh- ter was gaining every day, býy ak- ing Tanlac. Jury & Lovell. ,Ne Smoking --ne Soraylm-Ih SaUR just Swallew a Capsule RAZ-MAH la Guaranfeed te restore normal breathing, gtop mucta gatheriags in the bronchial tuLbe, ive lnnltsof quiet sleep; contai», ne ~i~f~1~ dag.$1.00 at yeur drug- et'@.Tial é fr teur ageiacli r wrfte Temletn4,142 Kiug W.. Teromtok Sold by Jury & Lovell 'y A Used car~ Neither of us wefe sorry we h ad made thîs effoôrt, flot even the sexton. We made our way througb the Castle Park wbere the war memorial stood on which was a great number of names of lads wbo had given their lives for King and Country. Now it was time to return to dinner, and' me 'to be off to work again, return- ing about midnight. N Friday we crossed the patfield I ster's farmyard where we, saw bis stock of Scotch Shorthorns. The cattieman did bis best to show the beasts which were very good, from tbe largest to the smallest, and we went alone to the field to inspect the herd of cows whicb were also of fair qualîty. We visîted the stable and saw tbe two farmn horses and the var- Al ious pens ýof poultry. After a walkbenr of about 300 yards we entered tbe be e wool factory wbere a large number of pitd men and women were worki ng, pre- pîtd paring the wool for the factory in other parts of this country? The W/e f oreman was very good and gave us sacrifiin all the information hie could and es-haefr corted us to most of the rooms, ex- hv is cept to those at the top of the build- ing wbieb were filled mostly with wool in its rougb state. From there wo Con went to Moorswater viaduct whicb buy a cçi stands. across -the valley about 100 feet bigh. There are also the old piers stili standing which for many years carried the trains across, being replaced with complete stone archesjIf Sc about 35 years ago. Dinner, time bas again arrived and time for me tolokag ble earning my liveihood.loka Saturday 1 gave up my place te my daughter, and by the 1.40 p. Mi. train she tool my cousin to Looe-.- a small fishing town on the South Coast and in the summer time a noted q health resort-I cannot describe the! sights on this date, only to say that Cousin Snowden was quite taken up witb bis visit to lovely'Looe. Sunday I quite intended accom-! OSHAV panying my Canadian cousin to churcb in the morning, but instead of doing so left hlm again in charge, of Miss Ada to do so, and 1 did my best at home witb the wife for bis _________ arrivai. In the afternoon 1 took' bim to the picture palace wbere we hold the' brotherhood session, the ad- dress being given by Mr. A. W. L. Husband of Indian Queens, New-1I$ quay, a schoolmaster by profession. One and ail listened attentively to bis address. The soloist was Miss Dor- othy Batten of Merrymeet, and she, gave as ber solo "God shaîl wipe away ahl tears fromn their eyes" in beauti- f ul style. The chairman was, Mr. Pateman of Moorswater and bis open- ing remarks were very fitting. In the evening we attended the Wesley- an Chapel/ where the preacher was our brotherbood speaker, again wbo gave us once more quite a treat. Monday after breakfast my cousin and I paid a visit to the Liskeard Cat- tie Market, but owing to the "foot and mouth" disease, only a f ew fat IBATTL E bullocks and sheep were for sale. We spent about an hour there îistening thatà to the auctioneers selling, and then a hlittle walk through the town toiT F your ba make a f ew purchases brought us bring ith near the time wben the dinner bellwIIrpr rings. Mrpt On our way home we bad to pass tien and fu the station, and thinking a f ew mom- cost cf repE ents in an English Railway Signal Cabin might interest Mr. Snowden, I Whatever ri took himi in and the signal man on have now,1 duty happened to be Councillor Fin- ords â namore, I. P.;' an bonor that very yu ip few signal boxes bold. I commen- repair a)) ir ced to explain the vnrious parts con- Our modera nected, the electrical instruments, lto ey etc., but was soon superseded by Bro. ltô oy Finnamore, wbo evidently thought hie had more right to Instruct the visitor As long as than 1 bad. The cabîn dock now your battei showed 12.25 p. m. on ts dm1l, and will prolong we left f or borne. After dinner we both left about try to sell 2 p. m. for the station again, where the i * ,ui<f 1 depart for the west 12 miles, and my cousinf for the East, but I hope only for a few days absence to visit more friends in Devonshire. I amn looking forward to another f ew bours: of pleasant talk with him before bie finally says good-bye to cross the Big Pond to his Kith an.d Kmn in the land of bis birtb. Friday I spent a few moments, with Cousin Sam again at Keybam. Ifind since we parted on Monday that lie bas seen friends at Lifton and Holsworthy (Devon) and also ati Bude (North Cornwall) and from the "tone of bis'voice" should imagine lie had been treated even better than Premier Lloyd George would, be at 1of our used cars are in good running order. ýcentiy overhauied. They have also been ,-and now look like brand new cars. Each has attractively lmust have the room for our new cars coming in and are nig used cars for quicksales.' Don't buy a car until you t st seen our stock of used cars. ne in and see how easily you can make your pocketbo ok ýar.] GOING TO HAVE YOUR CAR PAINTED? 5o, we can give you a first ciass job that will make your car good as new, and the cost is only trifling.j WE CAN ASSURE YOU SATISFACTION 'ffeatt'Motor Scales Ltd. UA gOWMANVILLE ~4tOJto ige 2Mezy ERY REPAIRS'ý save you money )attery is in need cf repair, here for an inspection. We tupen the battery's condie Eurnish an estimate cf the pairs, if needed. nake cf sterage battery you Prest-O-Lite Service is at sÉal. We are equipped, to nakes cf storage batterie&. ,te prices will Wove a reve- 'OU. there in a spark of life in ery, Prest-O-Lite Service ig its. usefuiness. We neyer 1you a new battery while ela worth repalring. e F. W. KIRKENDALL BOWMAN VILLE M179e ABigBr A ful-size, full-weiîght, .olid a of good soapo is "SURPRISE." Best for any and ail household use, For use in washing machines shave or slice a portion of the "SURPRISE" bar direct t o the machine.-It wiIl do fine work. 124 While Prices Are So Low NEXT BOWLING GREEN ý v

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