Mr. Frank Q'Neil has returnied home from Ottawa. MAIL CONTRACT KENDAL SEALED TEÉNDERS, a&ressed to The two week21s of evangelism spenti the Postmaster Generýd, will be re- this month by Rev. E. Brown and Rev.' ceived at Ottawa untilýýnoon, On Fri- E. W. Tink have been very fruitful day, the 2lst of April,'1922, for the ln* renewing the chlurch attendance conveyance of Ris Majesty's Mails, and the interest ln things spiritual. on a proposed Contract for four Many have felt their sins f orgiven years, six times per week on the route and have faced towards heaven with NEWCASTLE R. R. NO. 3 renewed hope and confidence. The via Port Granby best wishes of the communîty go with froî thelatof Jly nxt.Mr. Brown ... . Miss Jean Milne of Printed notices containing further Toronto, was guest over the week- information as to conditions of pro- end at Mr. Abram Jackson's. . .. Mr. posed Contract may be seenanad Honey of Markham, speat Sunday at blank forma of Tender ýob- Mr., Abram Jackson's. .. .Mr. Shaw~ THIJRSDAY, MARCH 23, 1922 NEWCASTLE MIr. Volney Moore la indisposed. More New,,castle and Clarke newst is on page 5. -Mrs. W. J. Jones la visiting frienda at Newtonville. iVrs. L. Hastings, Hampton, la vis- iting at Miss Lee's. Mr. F. W. Cowan had business at Ottawa lat week. Be sure to read N. T. Selby's let- ter on another page. Mrs. (Dr.) Buter spent the past few days ia Toronto. NEWCASTLE FLOWER SHOW The third Annual Flower Show of the Newcastle Horticultural Society was held on Friday, March l7th i the Methodiat S. S. Hall, and was generally conceded to be the "best, yet". The numberof entries were equal to former years, and the quality of the exhibits was a big improve- ment on former years. The attendance was largr han former shows, and the "Tea", well, it is an old sayiag that if you waat a good supper go to Newcastle and the ladies sure lived up to their repu- ADULT BIBLE CLASS BANQUET. One of the most, notable eveats of the past week in Newcastle Metho- diim waýs the Aduit Bible Class Ban- quet held in the Sunday School rooms on Monday evenîng, March 13. This banquet was a joyous climax of a year rich la experience in Bible learning and in real c lass achieve- ment. It was an occasion of real happy retrospect over the past. But more than this, it was the fitting-out point, the starting place of a more earnest onward march of the class for another year. AUCTION SALES EASTER MONDAY PAGEANT Tuesday, March 28-The executors 70 characters will take part in the of the estate of the.late W. E. Pol-~ wonderful pageant, "Striking of Can- lard, will seil on lot 9,' on 3 ada'a Hour" in the Newcastle Meth- Darlington, (east of Tyrone C.N. odist Sunday School Hall on Monday, R. Station), the stock, implements, April 17, at 8 p. m. Admission 35c. and some household funiur.No extra charge for reserved seats. Sale at 1 P. m. Theo. M. imn Plan at H. C. Bonathan's -ore week Auctioneer. , before concert. 12-2 Friday, March 31,-The executors of the estate of the late W. R. Clem- enTyrone, will seil by auction al of his farm stock, implements, Notice To Credfiors quantity o furnituzre, etc. Sale_____ at 12 o'clock sharp. See bills. IN THE MATTER OF' the estate of Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Jane Squair Pinch, late of the town 0 f B1owmanville, in the County of Durham, Monday, April 3-Mr. Ed. Milîson, Ia widow, deoeased. lot 27, con. 7, Darlington, wilselli NOTICE ia hereby given1 pursuant to ail of his farm stock, implements, Sekc. 56 of Chapter 121, R. S. O." 1914. etc. Sal at1 p.m. ee iat that ail persons having claims or demnanda etc. Saleat 1p. . Se lis inagainst the estate of the said Jane Sqluair next issue and in bills. James Pincli, dec(ýased, who died on or about BsoAuctioneer. the 23rd day of Decemnber 1921, are re- Bishop, uired to send by post prepaid, or de- iver to the undersigned, W. F. Ward. Bowmanvjlle,- Ontario. Solicitor- for the