91l). LXVIII. M. A. JAMERS & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, MARCH 23, 1922. $2.00 a Year In Advance5caCp.N,1 I. 'i The Magic of Spring Expresses Itself in Many Ways wi*th the SeAson 's New Fashions The year is at its, favored season and Dame Fashion opens the first page of her alluring ro- mance with a wonderful display of attractive wearing apparel at this store. Visit -our store at your earliest opportunity and- view the beautiful display of Suits-Coats -Skirts -Blouses-Dresses-Silks-Taffetas- and'finest range of Voiles ever shown in town. 2106 In the Men's Department you will find Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats excellent materials, well made, stylish and at moderate prices. Methodist Sunday Scbool anniver- sary on Sunday, was one of the best in the history of the scbool. The officials were exceedingly fortunate la securing 11ev. Frank Langford, who is known throughout the Dominion by his work as General Secr-etary of Sunday Scbools and Younig People's Societies. Ris morning addtess opened witb a brief review of what he anid his co- workers are doing, giving bis hearers the idea th9t there is no tume for idling if the work is to move f orward as the Department desires. 11e bas- ed bis sermon on the words of Matt. 28, 20 "Teaching tbema to observe al tbings wbatsoever I have commanded youp. 1He said this was the supreme message to be taught to the world and one wbich touches every phase of if e -the home, the Public Schôol and the Sunday Scbool. He contrasted the work of the teachers and supporters of Sunday and day schQols showing the vast difference and the opportun- ities afforded eacb. The choir under direction of Mr. THE 'EDITOR TALKS A PROGRAM 0F HIGH MERIT Talk about Newcastle beingp a dul l nteresting Debate and First Cias place, we have neyer v.een the beat MuA c of the co-operative enterprises of the citizens of that aristocrati.c incorpora- For an evening of real satisfying ted village as published from week to pleasure and educational profit, the week on the "Newcastle Independent'" programn furnished by the Epworth page. Indeed, we are publishing League ln the Metbodist Churcb on two extra pages to give the world the Monday admirably filled the bill. record- of their varied, happenings. Miss Marlon Morris, Convener of the Speaking of the last big function- Missionary Department, pleasingly the Adult Bible Class Banquet-a presided and introduced the various gentleman filling a high official posi- numbers most creditably. The musi- tion ia Durham county who was a cal program alone wns worth more guest said he had recently attended than the admission fee. Miss Mil- the Government House Reception la dred Cole read the scripture lesson Toronto tendered by Ris Honor the after wbicb Miss Mabel Couch ren- Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Cock- dered a piano solo; Messrs. Stanley, sbutt to some 300 leading gentlemen Holgate, Slemon and Tapson, sang of Eastern Ontario and for interest- wîth zest "The Boys of the Old Bri- iag, uplifting, constructive oratory be gade"; Misses Violet and 1Éhea Dey- had heard nothing on that miemnorable man played a violin and piano duet, occasion to compare withi the addres- then came a vocal solo by Miss Jaàney ses delivered'at Newcastle Adult Mason, Miss Gwendolyn Williams ac- Bible- Class Banquet. This is an- companying her. The chief event other evidence of the sure results of of the evening and the one which pro- nl pulling in a community and organ- voked and sustained the interest of izing for separate team-work. the audience was a debate "R1e- solved, That Christian Missions have done more for civilization' than Trade SUCCESSFUL S. S. ANNIVERSARY and Commerce". The affirmative was taken by Mis- Rev. Frank Langford Deiivered Capi. ses Gertrude Hamley, Rena Jewell tai Acidreses--Children's Singing and Annie Cox. The negative by Hiehly Praisied, Messrs. Lorne Jackman, Wallace 'rag ad jr ie erry, ail deser- RVJJ ý- AODD.. ing full credit for the arguments pre- J RV .W AOD .D sented. The judges-Mr. A. R.- Scott, B. A., Mis. W. J. Monrison and The wideiy known and highiy success- Dr. R. E. Dinniwel-gave their de- fui Evangelist who commences an cision in favor of the affirmative. Dr. Evaageii.tic Campaign î1a the Meth- Dinniwell remarked that la point of odist Churcli on Sunciay, March 26. delivery the boys excelled, but the D.Mho ilb sitdb i girl wonla ateral.talented daugbters, Miss Etta Ma- The second part oftbe musical pro- hood, a University Graduate, who will gramn consisted of a piano duet by Mr. work amnong wvýomen, girls and child- T. W . Stanley and Miss Marion ren; and Miss Rutb Mahood, a stu- Picekard; solo "Jolly 01d Rover" by dent of Toronto Conservatory of Mr. R. M. Mitchell and as an encore Music an~d the miusician of tbe cam- he sang a little Irish song. The agn; aIso, by Mr. J. S. Waugh, the concluding nuniber was a pretty duet skillful Scotch Tenor and chorus by Misses Deyman. leâder, who wil sing and direct the A vote of thanks, moved by Mr. W., large chorus throughout the services. Pointon seconded by Mr. Lorne Plum- mer, was accorded the judges and, D.Mho sa ubmCut the others for their part la the pro- i boy, a native of Cartwright, a man gram. Wbile the admission fee #s who began bis ministry la the present only 15e, people in Bowmanville hwae 'ýHamilton Conf erence, and who spent often paid 50'c and 35e for a lesu sat- several successful pastorates la im- isfying literary and musical bill of portant charges both in Canada and fare. United States before devoting himself ____________exclusivelyto Eyàrhgelistic work. Ia this specÏalsphere of service be bas been greatly u.sed and bonored of WEDDING Coie--MeDouirail A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday morning, March,15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Carruthers,ý Church-st,, Bowmanville, when Marion Roberta, younges. daughtet of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeDougall became the wif- of Mr. Harry M. Cole, son of Mr. and Mis. George Cole, Cannington, the 11ev. D. W. Best, B. A., of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, officiat- ing. Owing, to the illness of the bride's brother, Mr. A. W. Meflougali, Hamilton, the bride was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. James D. Carruthers, and was unattended. Thze happy couple left on the 10 o'clock train for Hamilton and other western points. Symons Burk A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized ia the Metbodist Cburch on Sat- urday, March 18, at 8 p. m., in the presence of only the immediate rela- tives when Miss Florence Gertrud( Burk, youngest daughter of the late Erastus J. Burk and Mrs. Burk, Lake 'Shore, Darlington, and Mr. Garnet L. Symons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons, 'Bowmanville, were united in marriage, 11ev. S. C. Moore, * . , . . s . ý wL u1ë tIi 9. bride wore'a tailored Homespun sui, of copenihagen ýblue with bat to match and corsage bouquet of white roses. Miss.Vilda Symons, sister of the groom, in brown suit and bat with corsage bouquet of violets attended tbe bride, while Mr. Roy Foster ablv supported the groom. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a platinum bar pin and to tbe groomaman he gave a gold watcb chain. Mr. and Mis. Symons will reside in Darling- ton. DURHAM OLD BOYS CLUB Friends From the Homeland of fluâr- ham Speciaily Invited. A meeting of the Club will be belà at the Central Techaical School, IÀp,, pincott Street, Toronto, on Thurs- day evening, Marcb 30, at -7.45 p. ni. A very excellent progiam of music and recitations will be provided and an address by Dr. J. B. Reynolds, B A., President of Ontario Agricultura' ColleÈge,,Guelph, -a- Solina- Old Boy.