Insurance Agency., All lines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS,l AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE., Edith V. Scobeli, Agent 2nd door west of the "Big 20" Bowmanville Ontario. TrHEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terrme moderate. 1-tf Ennrisklllen P. 0. Phone 197-r3. VETERINARY DR. Fý T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Cals Promptly Attended Té, Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal- Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to boan. Bondsý for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block,' King Street, Bowmanville 1 Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Mus ic) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist'Church, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For termis phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 4943m* MEDICAL B.J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. AGold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attetiding Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C.* W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. ,Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREY Graduate Toronto University, year and a haîf resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital -(six months Birnside Materity) two and haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w.' 10-lyr* DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT 'ltiaduate of Royal Dental College, 'Toronto. Office, Ring-st. East, Bow-, 'manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone ff0a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ,Ronor graduate in, Dentistry Toronto University. tGraduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario Office Ring-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Licensad to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches Office-King-st., Bowrnanyille Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 301 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complata equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO UROPE-Canadjan pacific, .White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. AUCTIONEER WILL T. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. Live Stock a Specialty. Live Stock and farms for sale. Phone 167-14. 8-t CHANGE 0F TIME For the convenience of the travel- ling public I arn now making daily trips to Oshawa. Leave West End Garage, Bowiuanville, at 6 a. m., leave corner King and Mary-sts., Oshawa, at 5 p. m. Saturday leav- ing Oshawa at 12 noon. 2 tt Art Cote, Proprîetor. SHORTANDTVPEWYRITING, BOOKKEEPING BOWMANVILLE, MAROR 23, 1922. THE EDITOR TALKS ua The Director of Publicity, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa tells u how farmers are being fleeced by some dishonest persons. In admin- istaring the Faeding Stuiffs' Act the Seed Commissioner at Ottawa. bas made the 'discovery that many/com- mercial live stock feeds are adulter- ated with worthless or almost worth- less substances which give only buiki and weight. A pro duct sold as bar- ley meal at $4 a bag, wns found by microscopical-examination to contain no0 barley wbatever! The material consisted of a mixture 'of grouind cor~n, sorghum. beau meal and ground oat bulîs. Another mixture sold as oil cake , however, was of mucli less value as food inasmuch as it consisted to a latge extent of ground cocoanut shelîs, which is a very indigestible product, together with a littie linseed meal and barley flour. Many mix-7 tures, though, are sound and good. But there is necessity for a careful enforcement of, the Feeding Stuifs' Act. One of the very excellent weekly publications that every business, pro- fessional and other intelligent man should read regularly in order to keep abreast of the times on the greater public questions in regard to the var- led financial enterprises that concern this growing and pulsating Dominion is The Financial Post publisbed by The Maclean-Publishing.Co.' Limited of 143-153 University Avenue, Tor- onto. It seems to us that every thinking man sbould strive to obtain and maintain a reliable conception of the evet-occurring financial problems that concarn this great country and we know of no better publication or more reliable authority for such per. sons than The Financial Post. For instance, two great and recent pub- lic issues that have convulsed, we miglit almost say, the public mind ,have been the cases of TËhe Canada Steamships and The Merchants Bank situations and the audacious manner in which these concerns have been dealt wîth has aroused very wide- spread public interest. The Finan- cial Post has a large and growing circulation ail over Canada. Mr. J. W. Tysoin is the editor. We do not see how any man posses- sing ordinary common sense, can differ £rom Editor H1. J. Pettypiece of The Forest Free Press in pleading for a change in date of the municipal elections. The Legisiature, he says, can confer on everytown and village in the Province a great and lasting benefit by enacting legislation that will provide for the'holding of muni- cipal elections at, some other than during the Christmas season., Busi- ness men in the towns and villages cannot giva the same attention to municipal aiffairs during the, busy holiday season that they could, and would, at other times. For this reason the towns and villages have not had the benefits of having their most interested citizens takinz nart in municipal affairs., Now that the women are to take more active part than heretofore in municipal elections the need of a gbanga is grenter, than before, be- cause during the holiday season the time of the women is almost entire- ly devoted to children's entertain- ments and other festivities. The month of November is objected to be- cause a large number of voters in lake'ports would not be home at that time. First week in Febraury would be a suitable time, both in town and country, the holiday rush baing over, and spring activities not yet start- ed. If our rapresenýtatives in the Legisînture will give this important matter due consideration the neces- sary legislation will be passed this session. -If any of our readers have any pei*thent suggestions wby such change should not be made or when, such elections sbould be held if made we shall be glad to bava them. We bave long believed that efforts~ should ba made to reforest the Pîne Ridges of Durbam County and ad- joining counties. In orde'r to make reforestationýeof. barren landa in Southern Ontario a "going concern"' of rural councils and of farming pop- ulation, the Canadian Forestry As- sociation bas drawn- up a hard-bitting program of aducational propoganda to be applied through its viarîous cbnnnels during 1922. This As- sociation is independent of ahl gov- eraments and commercial interests and wbile such independence is the mainspring of public confidence, it constitutes at the same time an ob- vious financial waaknass. It bas re- cently applied to tbe Ontario Govern- ment for a grant of $10,000 for 1922 and quite rigbtly bas suggested that sucha grant. would be a fruitful economy rather tban a postponable expenditure. Witb lecturers and demonstrators skilled in precisely sucb work as is now planned for tbis section of Ontario and with sucb unique facilities as two railroad cars, one a forest exhibits-car dealing with forest protection, the other n tree planting-car equipped as a motion picture auditorium, the Association is prepared to giva more extensive educational service in this province tban bas been the case in any previous year. Recently adeputation placed the matter before Premier Drury and bis Minister of Lands and Forests and a decision will likely be reached soon. Toronto contractor says that, com- pared witb last year, tbere wil haa reduction 'of.$1,000 in the cost of a $3,500 bouse. Mr. John Hutton of Wild Rose î Farm, West Ops, soid a span of gray THE -WORLD SITUATION By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., Denver, Colorado. Those in close relationship with Lloyd George, inform us that hae is tired and raally iii, as wall as disap- pointed-tbat hae is about to give up the burden lie has been carrying se long; and those who baliava that bis- tory has a habit of repeating itself will turn to the if e of the younger Pitt and maka comparisons and dis- c-over parallels. The wonder is that Lloyd George has been abla to remain la power se long, in face of good and evil to bis country. Ha bas been a Cabinet officar over sixteen years, and for the largar part of that time, bie bas had tha projecting light upon him. Be- fore the war came hae was in a strug- gie with tha so callad, "unearned in- crament" elemants in the kingdom, and whan the war came hae bad to take up the greater burden and see it througb. Now hie is weary and bis country is ungrateful and angry that lha bas not wrougbt world mira- cles. Parliament is likely to break into tbree or four of its original. alaments and leave its premier without a ma- jority. Parliaments, like republics, are ungrateful. The American Sanate is tbreaten- ing to lundo wbat was done at ýthe Pacific Conferance, and, if it does, not defeat the principal trçaty, around which the others cluster, at laast may seek to render it innocuous and restore the statusquo regarding- Pacific questions, which would be notbîng short of a world calamity. It is admitted by administration leaders that the four-power treaty is ln grave, danger and that the country is not responding to the dan- ger signal as it might have done im- mediataly f ollowing the adoption of it bv the conference., The Public memory is short. Only four montbs ago and the nation with other nations was welcoming the Hughes manifests for armamant- raduction and limnitation as the gospel of world pence; and now the naval treaty com- ing from tha Huglias declaration is in e.anger of repudiation by ail con- carned on account of the failure pre- dicted for the four-power'treaty tbat would make possible naval reduction and limitation. The Genoa Conference is going to be the play of Hamlet without the prince. The U. S.. the determining factor in world rebabilitation, is not to take part. France is playing a lone band de- spite haer recant twenty-year treaty ,With Englnnd; and the latter is mov- ing away from France and seeking a new oulet. No agreement seems possible among the nations principnlly con- cerned regarding the Russian' situa- tion, altbough it is well known that no rani international settlement can coma so long as Russia is excludad.- The German situation is not im- proving. The German mark is still the evîl genius in foreign trade, and no one can tall what mny comae out of it aIl n pnnic in that nation, re- volution, monarchical raàction, or n Germany taking possassion of the trade mnrts througb advantage of ber depreciata.d axchange and upsetting ail our notions of political economy and monetary values. Tnking a dispassionate survey witb the experiences of the last two years to go by, is it trua or not true, that mucb of our troublas on this con- tinent, and in fact in the worldgen- arally, refusaI to work together for the common good, are due to the failure of the U. S. to enter the League of Nations and' to assure France of protection in casa of an- othar nttack from bier centuries-old enemy? Is it possible for the U. S. to re- main politically aloof from Europe? Can she make treaties with certain nations regarding Pacifie-Oriental questions and still keep officially aloof from European understandings, treaties or alliances or wlat-,ver the~ termi usad? Can prosperity ha ýrestoraýd to America while Europe is floundering? Thase questions are practical and are no longer in the renlm of idealism. Economics is undoubtedly back of the Russian situation and in the fore- ground of politics. The question of recognition or disavowal of the JLan- ina dictatorship at Moscow bas grave political consequences forý the wbole world; and yet, economics, Marxian Communism, is behind the whole business, as everyone knows, so that it is impossible to divorce the one from the other. But mucb the saine conditions are in eff ect in Germnny. The repara- tien question is economie and at the samne time it is polities, political to a degrea. It is a burning political issue at this moment betwaen the zovernments and the peoples of both France and Britain; and it is so ha- cause the economies of tbe European situation strikas the two nations fromn different angles and considerations. The question in Britain at this hour is, shahl thare-ha a dloser alliance with France, or an open cleavage over the economic question arising fromn the German situation? Secretary Hughes on bebaîf of the U. S., bas refusad tbe invitation to narticipate in the Genon economic_ Conereceon the ground that it isý to be more political than eeonomical in character. Indeed, sucb a con- farence could not ha other tban main- ly political, the two fields closely coalease. To make an ecomomie adjustment is to influence politics and introduces i)oIiticalý consideration--hence Mr. Hughes declined 'to participate. A large crowd was' in attendance at the auction sale of farma stock and impleme nts, the property of Mr. Ed- ward Powell east offiNewat A YEAR 0F PROGRESS 1 A Prosperous Bowmanville Industry' Although 1921 was probably the most difficult yenr that Canadian business men have expyerienced since the bard times period of the nineties. the Ross Can Co. of Bowmanville, made continuous progress. The units of production during 1921 showed an increasa of 44% as compared witb 1920. Tbe number of new accounts showed an increase of nearly,100%. Additional macbinery was purchas- ed to complete the macbinery already in use and to make the operation of the plant more efficient.' Inventories on December Slst were wvritten down to replacement cost, ahl dead stock not previously disposed of. was eliminated, leaving the stock of rnw materials and goods in process in a thoroughly satisfactory condi-1 tion. The company starts the new yaar in batter condition than at any time in its history. Unfilled orders on the Company's books as of Mardi first totalled a larger amount tban at any time in the last three years. The organization is efficient and working witb a spirit that sbould pro- .luca results during the year 1922 of whicb both the sharebolders and the citizens of Bowmianville will be proud. On March lst, due to the unfilled orders on band, a night shift was started which it is expected will con- tinue for an indefinite time. This in itself is a striking testimonial of the demand that now exista for Rossi Can Company produets. CHIROPRACTIC If you are sick and have tried everything and did not receive any fielp, try chiropractic "spinal" ad- justments and get WELL. "KI-RO-PRAK-TIK" means to do by hand. It is spinal adjustments of any of its sublexations, relieving pressure on narves, thus allowing nature's reLstorative powers to do thair full work to secure HEALTH. We do not treat we remove Tl>e Causa, and Nature Curas. C. W. PAXTON, D. C., Bowmanville. Office next door to Greenaway & Elliott's on Division Street. "This Tanlac is really the firet medicine I have ever taken that doas what tbey say it will do", said J. F., Holly, Lexington, Ky. Jury & Loveli. O-pen S-ivîiogs Ac- coulis for eauh oile of your ci.iildrtni. Insist upon regullar deposits fromn poaket inoniey. Thrif t will gradually bcdome a strong traîtt ni eacli chiid'-s chiaracter. There is a branch of this Baink \ou arid a Savitigs Departmetnt at eveî y Brancdi. R.F. Aitchison Manager Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto Is strictly first class in ail depart- ments and unexcelled in the Do- minion. A sound business edu- cation is a sure stepping-stone to success, but the imitation kind is not. Why flot investigate the subi ect? We wil gladly send you our large catalogue which contains complete information. SFor your sake send for it to-day. Students admitted at any time. Our graduates are eminently suc- cessful. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. THE BACHELOR'S REVERIE 1 sit in my shanty and whistle and' sing, There's nothing to worry me, no not a thing;' No children to squawl and no women to fuss, So a fellow like me has no need to cuss. 1 get my own meals and wash Up the 1dishes, Eat good barley loaves and a few *little fishes; Still I have plenty, and then some to 1spare, So why should 1 worry when I haven't a care? 1 go and 1 corne, there are none to ask why, The, days ail look bright, not a cloud in the sky; O, yes! 1 have friends I can count by the score, So why go a-hunting to find any ýmore? You say my lots' lonesome, and that I look blue, Well, a bachelor's life's quiet, I vow that is true; But just look around at some -married men Who are tied up for life to somne cranky old hen! 0 yes! they look hen-pecked and -wary-aId worn, You think they look happy? Oh, no! They're forlorn! A bald spot soon shows on the top of their head, And their money's ail gone, they haven't a red. So you think I would change from my sweet state of blisa, And marry a girl who'd make things like this?' No! leave me my sbanty and freed- om to roam Without fear of a scolding; there's no place like home. Victoria Road, Ont. J.FLae SUrùCCESS__-===== IN BUSINESS is based on right training. We give -personal individual instruction. Shorthand. typewriting and business methocs. Over 20.000 graduates. Eleven schools in Toronto. Start at anytirne. Write for complete prospectus. P. McINTOSH, Chief Principal BUSINESS SCHOOLS ALOUJD CALL to gain the llearing of, every amn- bitious person is wbat we wish to make. We want to tell you that if you desire to be a Success in %his World's BUSINESS you must be a master of some particular work. THE BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE teaches you ail Commercial Stud- ies, and prepares you to rapidly gain Success. Positions-are constantly await- ing our graua es. --JtEs not -too- late f or you to make your start TO-DAY., 1Write for full particulars. CÇora P. Fulton, O. G. A. Principal Chiropractic (Spinal Adjustmoets) Remnove the Cause of Diseane without Medicine or Knife, Chir- c'practors have remarkable suc. re?,S in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Dçnafness, Asthma, Rheurnatism, Lumbago, Lame 'Back, Constipation, Piles, Fernale Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousnesu In many forms reapond readily to Chîro, 1nractic, Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 9~6 Sim'coe St. N. Osha~wa Phone 224. Ready Money IF alI your surplus funds are invested, you May 'be embarrassed for ready money ini an im. Smediate emergency. Money in a Savings Account in this Bank, us always available to meet the unexpected need. THE STANDARD BANK BANK 0F. MONTREAL I ESTABLTSHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS BOWMANVILLE BRÂNCHI J. A. McCLELLAN - Manager.. - ---- - Buy Electric Bulbs at Hydro Shop Where you1 get first quality with a guarantee, ail sizes in stock--both clear and frosted. Elec tric Fixtures Reduced We also have a large stock of Electrie Fixtures at greatly reduced, prices. There is à fixture for every room. Inspection Invited You are invited to inspeet our stock where'you wvill find the quality the best and prices that are right. Bu'y Your Electrical Goods At An Electrical Shop TLhe Hydro Shop BOWMANVILLE PHONE 192 ~wpJcNlght ani or neg.ookyï fton Root CompnflL Eyes. 7f they Tire,.adcn.Sldi be e oR-Itch, Smart or Burn, W 7 grkC) ede.S o st ntho.ede- a 11 u