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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1922, p. 3

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- - - SPORTING NEV7S BOWMANVILLE ENTERS TEAM BOWMANVILLE AMATEUR CENTRAL BASEBALL LEAGUE ATHLETIC ASSjOCIATION Messrs. R. E. Wilson and G. O Formed to Handie Sportk From One Pater- i represented Bowmanville at Central Organizaàon. ennuat mieeting of Central Basebal _____ League held in Oshawa on Monday. Aflter severai previous efforts on Applications for membership-were ac- the part of local enthusnsts interest- cept.d. from Leaside and Bowman- ed in amateur sports tc f orrn an viik,ý Clubs, thus making eight teams amateurathletic association and bring in the bague with Oshawa, Port the varions clubs under one parent Hope, Cooourg, Belleville, Peterboro body their ambitions have been ac- and Lindsay. opihd The League decided a double sche- compaise.atnddïetighl dule, the winners to play off for the Atal tedt reighl ehampionship. Bowmanville has its for this purpose 0o1 Saturday eveaing frst home game on Wednesday, May representatives were present frorn 24th with Belleville. the hockey, football, oaseball clubs Allgarie plyedinBowmanville and it was unanimnousiy decided to ilecpino oia garnes aryeel combine their efforts inTo one organi- liet epon of holiday aere zation to be known as une Bowman- noons starting at 5 o'clock.vilAmtu hei socaon Central Basebali League officets With an active progri n of sports for 1922 are: Immediate Past Presi- being looked f orward te uhis summer dent-A. C. Kimmeli, Cobourg; Pres- the formation of. such an organiza- îdent-E. Parsons, Oshawa; First tion is a step in the right direction Vice-Pres-*dent-M. J. Dedman, Lind- iind should mean much to the ad- say; Second Vice-President-M. P. vancement of ail athletics in town. Duf, Belleville; Third Vice-President The last two seasons of hockey have --Jake Solomon, Peterboro; Secre- been arnong the best the club lias yet tary-Treasurer-J. G. Nott, Oshawa; enjoyed. With ahl due ruspect to the Executive Committee-Ford W. Moy- officers la charge there is'no doubt nes, Lindsay; R. D. Adams, Belleville; that greater success would have at- S. Lockirtgton, Port Hope; R., E. tended their efforts had the teams Barnes, Cobourg; G. 0. Patterson, been under the direct control of sucli Bowmanville; Geo. Peacock, Leaside; an association as lias nou~ been f orm- C. M. Anderson, Oshawa; and J. J. ed. The same may apply to branch- Solomron, Peterboro. es of other sport. ______________Basebaîl from a local standpoint is more or less of an unknown quantity BOWM4ANVILLE AMATEUR as Bowrnanville lias not been a mem- ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ber of an organized league for at least ten years. Players have there- An important meeting of the ýoffi- fore not been developed to a state cers and executive of this association of efficiency they wouid otherwi1se will be held in the Council Room, have been. It is hopec the coming Thursday, March 23 (to-niglit) at 8 season wilî put Bowrnanville as promi- P. M. There is much preliminary inently on the basebali nîap as it en- work to be done. Be there on time. joyed in the good old days when Thank You! 'Spud' Wilcox, 'Mngs' Mooris. 'Gooze, Osborne, 'Dusky' Mingeaud, Alf. Ben- BUILDING LOTS FOR SALr- nett, and others wielded the willow 1 arn1 offerin g two of the çhoic and pounded the pill ai ound the lot acre building lots In the town of Bow- at the oid fair grounds-aow Carlisle manville ,t very reasonable prices, in Avenue. good localb' on Liberty-st., 3ust one bock south of Nursery corner. Excellent gar- More than once it bas been re- den wth about 50 good apple trees on marked that it was a knock ont for each lot just cornlng Into bearing. Nor- man S. B. James, Statesman office, Bow. summer sports when thi drill shed manile.grounds were cnt into building lots. ___________________This dark cloud is now showing its Ce C AI0 FDC*1 silver lining with the report that .olc cLes energetic organization the exhibition c'. ~'t'itronglhve effortsof t se and diamond as well as a level f ootball field the coming season. GOODYEAR LADIES' HOCKEY TEAM Winners of the Mason Cup for 1922 Standing, left to right-K. Moore, L. Wing; H. Bottreil, Centre; W. A. Edgar, Coachi; M. Westaway, Sub; C. Currans, R. Wing; Front Row-J. Avery, (Capt.) L. Defence; M. Bulbeck, Goal; R. Reader, R. Defence; M. Mckachern, Snb; i11 when pictnre was takea. GI RLS' HOCKEY LEAGUE Great interest by the spectators [and keen rivalry by the teams was shown in the hockey garnes playedý at Tayior's Ice Palace dnring the, winter by the rnembers of the Girls' Hockey League of Bowmanville which was composed of tearns from Good- year Tire, Thomon aKffiiting and Ross Can Factories and Front Street. The Goodyear champions went throngh the series with only one de- f eat. They defeated the Ross Can sextette, 7 to 0; loat to the Thom- .on Knitiag Co. 1 to 0; and then made a three-cornered tic in the league by diefeatiag Front Street 1 to 0. Ia the play-off, ,they agaîn downed the Front S;treet team, 1 to 0, and thus qualified to meet the- Thomson Kaît- ters la the finals. On soft ice, and after a dingredoag battie ail the way, the kaitters were able to secure only one goal, while Goodyear garnered txvo, and incidentally the Mason Cup, donated by Mr. Geo. R. Mason of'the dry goods firm of S. W. Mason & Son. A great deal of credit for the ex- cellent showîng of the champions is due Mr. W. A. Edgar, the coachi. He devoted considerable time toward de- veioping the team and initîating them into the complexities of hockey, and his efforts are appreciated by the Goodyear Athletic Association, un- der whose auspices, the team was entered in the Town League. The Association likewise showed its ap- preciation of the ladies' efforts by supplying the team with their snappy blue and white unifoims.1 HOCKEY CLUB FINANCES After the basebaîl meeting Tues- day aight the hockey club held a meeting to wind up the year's affairs and to get an early start f or next season. Officers were elected, but since an Athletic Association has been forrned the hockey interests will be parried on-by the latter organiza- thon. R. F. Aitchison, Treasurer, present- cd the foilowing statement of re-' ceipts and expenditures for past season: Receipts Balance on haad 1920 Receipts, home garnès Mileage, garnes away Total receipta Expenditures Registration fees District meeting expenses Mileage, ont of town teams Referees expenses Unit orms Advertising Sticks, oranges, gnm, etc Suppers alter games Transportation Postage and war tax stamps Balance on hand Y29 697.25 114.00 $884,23 $ 14.50 4.20 149.00 82.50 84.42 31.50O 169.27 168.00 175.50 2.00 3.34 $884.23 TROPHIES ON IDISPLAY The window of Mr. Alex. Elliot, Jeweler, is attracting passera by these days by an înteresting display of trophies, cnps, shieids and medals won by local clubs aný1 societies. They include Junior Champîonship Inter School Athietic Meet Shield; medals of J unior and Senior Inter-School Mee'; Oshawa Rotary 'Club Cup for Charnpionship la Central Inter-Col- legiate Hockey League; R. S. Me-1 Lanhglin Grand Championship Cup- fori- nter-School Meet; and the Jury & Loveli Debating Shîeld, aIl of the above-trophies being won by students of Bowmranville Higli School during 1921-22. The S. W. Mazon & Son Cnp won by the Goodyear Girls' Hockey team la the Ladies' Hockey League la aise on display. Concrete Cernent Work I arn prepared to do ail kinds of cernent or concrete work. Also have plant comploe fer rent by day or as desired. G. A. Chenery Corner Church & Silver St 111-4 Bowmanviile1 Headquarters For Spalding Sporting Goods Get ready for big season of out-door sports. Use Spalding sport goods-they're the best: BASE BALLS GLOVES, MITTS BATS, MASKS TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS IBALLS FOOT BALLS Biggest stock of sporting goods in town. Mason& DaIe's Hardware' Phone 145 Bowmanville p. q i Onlyproperîy carcd for Baby Chicks make healthy Hens. The first two weeks of a baby Chick's lie la the most important period in the bird'a existence. WODEHOUSE BABY CHICli FOOD je flot only made from the fiacst ingredients but bas also a medicinal cajue posEessedby no other Chick Food. Your Chicks ted on WODEHO IS1E for the first two weeks wil be equal la weight te, other bîrds three weeks Old. WODEHOUS1E CREAMEAL FOR CAL-,V7 The only caîf n-al made contaiaiag milk powdcr. jt. îseuajr nutritions as cows rnilk. It la economical too, as the milk v ed în È. d cau be used for other purpeses. Many stockrncn fee i Creea ial -,,>p îg,, ,t weanin'g. Pigs weaned on Creameal are not retarde n n rowth as W à other foods. This is -the time of year when the feeding oi WODEHOUSE ANIMAL INVIGGtý'ýATOn la most benefielal to your 1-i sto _ ___ Une ZENOLEUM for all infe«.'tingpr ~ [7r ScIll J'dehouseie Pa b -'ac e 6I4e td:eve hç e rclahe tac cth HARRY ALLIN, Bowmanville UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS Efficiency demands concentra- tion, analysis and sustained effort, ail of which la tîme become ex- trernely fatiguing. Unquestionably many cases of nervons derangement are caused by eyestrain. We auggeat a thorongli examination of yonr eyes to determine their condition. Telephone for an appointment. RM. Mîtchell &' Co. Druggists & Optometrists Bowmanville Ont. r- - --- ----- - - --

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