When is a. Tire Worth, Repairing? Many motorists discard their tires too soon. ýThey f orget that very often a casing, thongb old, caa be made to yieîd up a lot of additional mileage. As tire surgeons of long experience, it',s our job to get all the mileage possible from oîd and partly-worn casings. We've the equipmeat; our workmen are hîghiy trained specialîsts, and every job receives onr personal and careful attention. Bef ore bnying ta new tire, bring the oid one ia to us, for examination. If it's past repairîng profltabîy, we'li tell yon so, an~d you'll be nothing ont of pocket anyway. BUY YU NEW TIRES FROM US BOWMANVILLE: STAIFESMAN BLOCK EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS OSHAWA: JACKSON'S GARAGE There is noth;ng g-ained by putting off, buying. Prices have reached bottom. We are in a position to give best service at lowest prices. - 1 BOWMANVILLE,,MAROR 23, 1922. NE WCASTLE COUNCIL Regular monthly meeting of coun- cil was held Mouday night. Reeve Rickard presided. Ail members were present.i Cierk was instructed to fil out questiomaire and return- to Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons. Accounts passed as follows: John Garrod, shovelliug snow$ 1.93 Frank Garrod, police duty 2.00 A. A. Colwiii, milk to Belgars 4.94 H. C. Bonathan, registering B. M. and D. 5.00 John Scott, work on streets 7.05 It was decided to pay Geo. Eilbeek $5.00 as balance of salary and $50 for coliecting taxes for 1922. A. A. Colwill is to be instructed noýt to deliver milk to Belgars on vil- lage account. Messrs. Geo. Jamieson and J.: S. Montgomery addressed council re- garding ploughing and grading Drill Grounds and: requested that a Park Committee be appointed to develop the grqijnds so as to be entitled to grant from Dpt. of Agriculture.ý Couns. Buitler and Buckley were ap- pointed cbmmittee. They were given permission to spend $100 on this work in conjunction with labor given by Horticultural Society. Horticultural Society was ývoted a grant of $25.00. Wm. Jamieson wés requested to pay his four months' arrears of rent in full. Property Committee was requested to re lKace rope on flag pole. J. Scott was appointed Sanitary Inspector, bis duties to be carried out under instructions of Medîcal IHealth Officerand to bc paid for services rendered. By-laws were given their final read- ings limiting expenditures of any member or committee of council; ap- pointing salaried officers and auth or- izing Reeve and Treasurer 'to bor-] row certain sums of money. By-law to permît dogs to mun at large was given its flrst reading. Council adjourned to meet April 1lOth, at 8 p. m. ONTARIO APPLES OUT WES Mr. Noah T. Selby Offers Tix Advice to West Durham App Growers. Dear Edit,,!r-When 1 was qui 3kid-some long time ago-Ic meuced to work in the nursery the late Mr. J. P. Lovekiu propý ting apple trees and other nur hunes. Later 1 foiiowed up business with the late Mr. W. Chaplin and flnally engaged in business for myseif. I remember ou one occasionc iug from Newcastle to Bowman, with two young sehool teachers being a nurserymau, should k the names of aIl the apples. It winter but some apples were cliuging to the trees, The teac- wanted to know what kind of ap those were and ýasked me the qu ion. Why said I "Those are frc appies". For this gimple bit of they bade me "take the head of class". 1 cite this littie mncic that you understaud that do I: somethiug about appies! Now that 1 bave shown you ti should know something about apl I wiil ask, I{ow is it and whyi that we _out here seldom see any tario apples? Does it not pay sbip here? Is it too far west the freight rate too bigh? OrCI Ontario Orchardists wunt this wesi market? Or-please apply the pedal there-have Outarioe ahi1l threshed themselves out of this market? If, Mr. Editor, youm to go into a Regina store and for Ontario appies the clerk WC most like say "Wehave noue"l.1 is that? you ask. "Weli, xveh hbeen nipped too often". 1 bought a f ew barrels of Ont- apples lu the Fail of 1920 at Gi Couiee, Sask., at $10 per barrel- marked xxx., The Greenings w good and Baldwins about a No. But Spy appies, to be honest ab them, they sbould have been Mai, "Good Culîs. They graded rat over thun under size, but'therei flot a select apple lu a barrel of th Spy apples! We were going keep these Spy apples to use lu Spring. My neighbors calied meûlpon about the latter part of Decen and asked me the question if we1 opened our Spy annies? I told breezes wili help ber so that she wilI soon join ber m rany friends who will be pleased to see her aronnd again. . ,Miss Gertie Buliied and Gwendolyn Halioweli have quite recovered from the f ever and will soon be out again ...Quite a number from here at- tended the religious meetings at Ken-. dal at which great good was doue. Rev. Mr. Brown spoke very forcably on "Amusements". HeImade every point very clear and very stroug, proving ail his.points. Mr. Brown wii continue the meetings in New- tonville ...ConsolÇdýated School question is under discussion here with the need of economy owing to the heavy debt upon us, and drop in ail prictes, would it not be utterly un- wise for our people to think of get- ting into sncb a trap? We have a good school and a good teacher and are not wiiling to give the school up -not now at least. It is a mv that requires serions thought. Substantial reduction on the price of Dodge Cars now in effect. Bradley Bros. of Oshawa, are the dealers in this locality. Write for illustrated catalogue or phoue 169 for demon- stration. 11-4 Port Hope Guide~: Chirkeu thieves are at work again and paid two visîts to Mr. Wm. Bamsey's f arm east of Welcome lat week, Wednesday uigbt they carried off teu of bis best bens and just to demonstrate that they were real boid burgiars they re- turned Tbursday uight and stole twenty-flve more. 1 1 4 It Pays To Give The Poultry' Special Attention To make your pou3try a paying proposition they must have special care. We have the best line of poultry supplies on the market including: WOODHOUSE CONDITION SUPPLIES QUAKER QAT FOODS FULL-OF-PýEP SCRATCH FEED FULL-OF-PEP DRY MASH QYSTER SHELL, GRIT, CHARCOAL H. O. STEAM COOKED CHICK FEED SPECIAL PRICES ON WHOLESALE ORDERS 0F ALL KINDS HARRY ALLIN PiIONE 186 and so reasonably priced, S__PEnameled Wr a the smooth surface.and poîish of fine crockerY-without the break- age. And iL is so very easy to dean. -just like china, and therefore pmakes light work of pot w ashing. Whenever you are buying kitchen < ~ utensils be sure they carry the SMP trade..mark.L were 1 BOWMANVILLE