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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1922, p. 6

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DURHAM COUNTY. HOLSTEIN CLUB First Annual Consignment Sale of [ 141 PURE BRED HOLSTEINS At 1 p. m at BEITH'S WAVERLY FARM, BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th, 1922 A Chance to get a-good sire or a good COW. foundation WE -SELL AT HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Best Mýanitoba Flour, Ontario Flour,' Westerni Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereals, etc. Always best quality and rght price. DON'T BUY SEED CORN until you have seen us. We are expecting some very choice seed corn almost any day. CHOPPING AND CRUSHING We are prepared to do ail kinds of chopping and crushing on short notice. CHAS. HORîN Phone 129r6 Hampton BEDS. BEDS. BEDS. WOOD BEDS, IRON BEDS, BRAS S BEDS For one week we are making a ýspecial of Beds, ail kinds and sizes, with an extra eut of 20 % from present low prices. Should you ýcontemplate buying a new Bed this Spring, buy now and save money. Corne' and see these beds for yourself, they are nearly ail ju;st in from the factories and ail the newest patterns. F. F MORISC The Store For Furniture Bowmanville Ont. SMART HANDBAGS JUST ARRIVED The ladies will find them a very smart ac- companiment for their new spring suit. In any shade or shape desired, real leather tooled, al manner of fitments-vanity mirror, puif pockets, memo tablets, coin purse, etc. Comparing our prices with similar goods be- ing sold in Toronto we are 25% to 50% lower. Our prices for these new hand bags run from $2.50 to $6.00. SALEX. ELLIOT JEWELER BOWMANVILLE 1 TYRONE Miss M. Harper, Unionville, an Mr. and Mia. James Thempson, Car wright, visited at Mr. T. Findlay's. *. Mis. A. L. Woodley spent the weel end with relatives in Bowmanville, *. Miss Evelyn Brent attended M M. M. Stephenson's recital in Osl awa. ...Miss Geraldine Clemens: at her grandfather's, Mi, C. Dawsoi Campbelford. . . . Mis. A. W. Cicr ens is in Toronto with relatives.., Willie Little, Oshawa, is with b: grandmother, Mis. Little. . A heart welceme is extended te Mi. Stewai and family to our chuîch and cor munity .... Mis. A. E. Clemens wh is going to reside in Bowmanvill will be gîeatly missed in church an social circles. . .. Several Tyroneç attended anniveîsary services at Bov manville on Sunday te hear Re, Frank Langfoîd and weîe highl pleased ...Tyrone Leaguers had good tume at Haydon on Friday eve: ing where they were right îoyally e: tertained. Spiing styles in Ladies' Ready-t Wear Friday and Satuîday at S. -M Mason & Son's. ENFIELD Recent visitors: Mr. and Mma Il James ,Columbus, at Mr. John Hel burn's; Mr. Arthur and Mis. Alex Smith, Columbus, at Mi. F. L Smith's; Mi. and Mrs. Ellis PascoE Brooklin, at Mi. F. T. Ashten'a; Mi and Mis. C. L. Mackey, Brooklin, a Mr. L. C.' Pascoe's; Miss E. Brambi: bas retuîned to Saskatchewan afte spending thîce months with her sis ter, Mis, C. Simpson. . We regret los ing Mr. John H. Campbell and faxi ily. Mi. Campbell bas always live( ini this neighboîhood. He was beri on the faim which h. îecently sold bas beeni a goed citizen, an ab1igin$ neighboî and a succesul faimer., .Mr. Hoskin Smith bas purchascdi car .... We welcome Mr. N. Prescoti and tamily, Shirley, who have movec unto bis faim purchased fîom Mr J. H. Campbell .... Mi. Frank Wob. ber had a vr successful sale Wed. ncsday. ..**Quite an agitation la re. gard te consolidation ef schools, ol noitb west corner et Darlingten, Il Enniskillen section aredeteimincd tc ~have it at Enniskillen they necd nel count on Enfield and Bradlcy's. Il would be over seven miles tromn the extreme corners te Enniakillen. COURTICE Visitors: Mr. Elmer A. Rundie, Toionto, at home; Miss Lla Os- borne, Toronto, with ber mothci, Mis. Jane Osb orne; Miss Doîothy Boyce bas icturned te ber duties at Trenton much impîoecdla health; 'Mi. Mark~ Littlejobns, Rochester, N. Y., spent a f ew days with his cousin, Mis. W. R. ouitice; Mr. Walter Truli, Osh- awa, witb bis cousin, Mr. Angus Truil; Mis. M. G. Eveison has return- cd from a pleasant visit with relatives and friends mn Port Perry and Caxpbelltoid.. Mi. James Ginn dicd ln Bawmanvifle on Monday morning afteî a long illness. Burial at Blackstock Wedncsday ...Several Ebenezerites attendcd anniversaiy service at Bowmianville Methodist Chuîch Sun day evening... Mi. Sid- ney Nichols is impîoving niccly after a slight operation in Bowmanville Hospital ... . A very ple asant evening was spent Friday, March 17 at the home et Misses Muriel and. Stella Penfound, there being over fifty et the young people present. Appro- priate games, music, St. Patrick fav- ors, helpcd te make a veîy enjoyable time. Dainty retreshments were seîved which ail enjoyed. HAMPTON Vistors: Messrs. Vernie and Hairy Welsh, Toronto, at their fatheî's, wbo is iii; Mis. Wilbur Buînett, Mark- hani, with ber sister, Mis. Will Wil- bur and friends; Mi. and Mis. Chas. Wood and family, Newcastle, at Mi. Lewis Johns'; Mr. and, Mis. Milton Avery, Bowmanville, at Mi. R, Aveiy's; Miss Norah Hein bas ic- tuined home aftcr a pcasant visit at Kitchener, Preston and Toronto; Mi. and Mis. Aithur B. Stephens and Mr. and Mis. Elmer Boyd, Toronto, metoîed down on Friday and visited their parents, Mi. and Mis. Enoch Stevens ... . Mi. A. C. Trull made a business tripte Toronto last weck.. .Several from bere attcnded the An- niveîsary services at Bewmanville on WHEN IT COMES, TO GROCERIES We have them ail talking about the real values we give. We're flot afraid to quote prices ei$her, because they are always lowest Maple Syrup, large bottie, try it 49c Pure Cocoa, 1 lb package only 19c each Seedless Raisins in bulk 27c per IL Peanut Butter, "Squirrel Brand" 29c tin Hardy Ammonia 3 for 24c Mother Hubbard and Polar White Soap1È 5 bars for 25c McLaren's Jelly Powders 3 pkgs for 25c Corned Beef, sliced or in tins 47c'lb. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. for 80c Pure Ceylon Tea of fine flavor 39c per IL MEN, YOU DRESS FOR LESS HERE M~er's Dress Shirts, new spring, pat- terns, a wide variety to choose from, $1.50 each Men's Cotton Socks, 4 pair for $1.00 Men's Ties, large assgrtment at 48c ea Menl's Odd Pants, while^ they last, $1.95 Men's Ovèralîs, ail leading makes,- Special $1.95 each' Men's Braces, your choice, Reg. 75c, For 45c, per pair Men's Smnocks to clear at $1.48 Men's Heavy Work Boots, guaranteed ail leather and good. wearers in black or tan,.$5,00 value for $3.95 Men'.s Box Caif Bluehers, extra fine quality, $7.50 value $5.95 o SOLINA 4 t Tii. play "Home tics" given under e auspices et Epwortb League was a buge success. Chuîch waa packed ta the deors. The play was wcll given, eacb knowing their part per- tectiy and it was well acted. Ces- tumes quite bccoming and artistic. The'local oichstia-Mcssrs Wotton, *Bush, Crydeiman and Leask-. fui- 1. nished mnusic between acts with Misa eLyda, Taylor as piano accoxnpanist.i i Misses Taylor and Willianison aise iplayed a plane duet. Rev. W. W. *Joncs, chairman. Pîeeeeds $65,45. . ..Mis. C. H, Scott is at South- *ampton attending thie tuneral et ber esister *ho died in Flrida.. . Mr. *N. E. Wright bhad a 'wood bec Friday ...Mi. Gardon Leask gave a party 1te bis tiiends Tuesday nigbt. 1 Recent Visitnrs :-M4r. and Mis. Chas Mackey and Miss Elcanai, Mi. and Mis. Ellis Pascoe an-d daugbtcr, 1Broeklin, at Miss Mary Hogarth's; Mi. Jim Reynolds ab Toronto; Miss Florence Waîkington at Toronto; Mi. and Mis. Ernest Larmer, Biackstock, at W. T. Taylor's; Mi. and Mis. R. J. Luke at Mi, S. E. Weiry's; Mr. Lloyd Williams and Miss Annie at Cosaiea; Miss Aima Williams, Coes- aiea, is visiting at Mi. S. Williams. Mi. and Mis. Jno. Reynolds, Mn. and Mis. W. T. Taylor and Mi. and Mis Albert Balson ceîebrated their wedding anniversanies at the home et Mi. and Mis. Balsea. Mi. and Mis. Jno Reynolds' eamily presented theni with a beautiful Victrola. ENNISKILLEN Visitors: Miss Florence- Short, Oshawa, at Mn. Levi Brunt's; Miss Hiliier, Cobourg, at Mis. H. J. Wer- ry's; Mis, H. J. Weiry recently vis- ited la Torontoland attendcd Domin- ion Alliance Conventian. She will give a report et the convention at ýSunday School next, Sunday_. The trio by Messrs. Robert Preston, Herb. Stainton and H. Stevens last Sunday evenîng was mucb enjoyd ... Enniskilîen choir are preparing for a chair concert in the near fut- nie,.. .There was great cxclternent la oui burg mest Satuîday afterneon when it was discovercd Mi. Byron J. McLaugblin's bain was on fic. Al- tbougb there was plenty et beip there sean atter it startcd the fic inade such headway ýthat nothing could, be done. The only thing saved was theseven herses. The barn was full et good tced. The impiernents, im- piement bouse, hen bouse and ah wcrc complctely destroyed. Mi. McLauirh- lin bas the deep sympatby ot the en- tire neighborhood in bisloss. .'. The young mca et aurbnig met at the home et Mi. E. C: Ashton Tuesdav cvening and eîectcd Enniskillen Foot- ball Club oficcîs as tollowsý: Presi- dent-Mr. D. Buigmaster; Manager -Tbeo. M. Siemon; Captain-Fran- cis Werry; Seccetary-Lloyd Ashton-, Trcasuicr-Russei2McLanghlin. The tearn expect ta enter a team la the Oshawa District Football League.... Glad te sec Mis. John Slemon eut again atter ber necent illness.. Mrs. Jas. Monntjoy continues quite M ...., Mis. E. E. Staples visitcd at Lindsay and Fleetwood... Ma. W. Herring visitcd lu Bewmanviiîe and Newcastle ... . Miss Ethel Gilbert. Taronte, spent the week-end at ber brotber's, Mi. Russell Gilbert... League meeting an Wednesday even- ing was in charge et oui Missienary Vice-President, Miss May Werry. Bible îeadîng wAs givcn by Miss Mabel Mountjoy;'tepic was taken hy Mis. Wiltrcd Sanderson on Japan which was greatly cnjoycd by ail; sole by Miss Reta Ashton; a stoîy was told by Miss Aima Wer-ry whlch was very instructive; icadinigs by Elva Griffin and Howard Pye.ý A social haIt heur was spent and meeting closcd with League Benedfictien.F WOMEN CANNOT RESIST THESE VALUES 56 inch Home Spum in ail the leading shades, from '$3.00 to $4.95 per yd Colored Voiles in ail shades and pat- terns, ranging from59c to $2.25 per yd Spring Prints in different patterns and quality, 25c and 35c peryd Large assortment of Ginghams in alf makes from 25c up Ladies' Girdies and Fancy Belts, from 25c to $3.00 Ladies' Underwaists with embroidered yokes, Regular up to $1.00, for 49c Ladies' Silk Bloomers, pink and nat- ural, . Special at $3.00 and $5.00 Ladies' White Voile Blouses,' with fan- cy lace and embroidered collars, Special $2.75 Ladies' White Silk Blouses with fine tucked fronts, Special $3.00 Children's Hair Ribbon, assorted colora and widths, a snap 15c a yd Don't overlook the Rem nant Table many worth while savings. GREAT WEAR IN THESE BOOTS Boy.s' Boys' Brown Boots, medium weight, Box Calf Quality, sizes 1 to 51/, Boots to clear at Boys' Odd Sehool $2.75 . 1 Live Stock Improvement Meetings, at Selina, March 25, at 7 p. ni., addiesaed by J. M. McCallum, Shakespeare MOTIONPICTURES Maple Grove, Monday, Maîcb 27th at 1.30 p. mn. Addiressed by Prof. A. Lcitch, 0. A. Coliege, Guelph. Cuil ont the scrubs. Now ia the time te improve yeur herd. Ail inteiested farmera are invited te attend these meetings, wbicu aie being arranged by the Durhani County LÀive Stock lm- piovemnent Association. J. BAKER, F. C. PATERSON. J ~~President. Sceay McMurtry,& Co., Ltd. BOWMANVILLE Fr'iday and Saturday thia week are the days S. W. Mason & Son are holding their Grand 'Sping 'Opening et Ladies' Ready-te-Wear and Dry Goods. MAPLE GROVE League meeting on Wednesday evening was in charge of Mi. Lloyd Snowden, 2nd Vice-President. Bible reading, Edna Swallow; solo, Chas. Grccnhnrn; topic, "The pcrsonality la personal Work", by Mis. F. Swallow; recitation, Clara Tuckeî; instrumen- tal, Erma Pewer; reading, Mis. F. Lane; solo, Edna Swallow. Social time at League next week. 1Al coe ... . Oui young people will, by request, repeat their play "ýI Can't Afford It", an Fîiday evening, Marcb 31st. Admission 25e and 15c. Part et praceeds in aid et Bowmanville Hlospital ... . Tl4e synýýpaýthy et this cemrnunity is extended te Mis. J. D. Stevens in the death et ber mother, Mis. Wm. Feley .... Mi. F. Swallow is home troni visiting trienda la Toi- onto. BURKETON DARLINGTON Mi. Chas., Downey has scarlet Soiry te report the death of Mis. fever. Joseph Gîegson Wednesday mrnînngy MsFlrneSotTatnv- Maîch 15, at the age et 82. She iss Flrborc lae Short.vs died of dropsy. She leaves bebind ie e rteM.BaeSot ber an aged hushand te meurn ber Mi. Mark Blackburn and son Fare- loss. She was buricd on Fiiday at- well visitcd triends at Newcastle. ternoon £romn ber late heme. A Miss Emma Tabb, Mis. J. M. Rowe, large number et ber ,friends and Mis. J. T. Mollen and daughteî Giad.. neighboîs gatheîed'at the bouse when ys on visited Mis, W. H. Wood. the Rev. G. T. McKenzie, preached Mi. and Mis. Sydney Morîsb, Dun- the funeral sermon and the body was barton, spent Sunday witb Mis. E. J. then taken te Cosaiea, and laid be- Burk and Mis. Blake Short. side ber former husband and only We welcome Mi. Alexç. Prout and son. The paîl-beareis weîe Messrs. bride who have taken the McMil- Robert Philp, Jas. McLaugblin, Jas. Ian faim recentiy vacated by Fred Shortîidge and D. Hall. She was Downey. one et the pioneers et the village, a good friend and kind neigbboî but ,Cengratulations te Miss Florence ef, late years bas suffered much and Buîk and Mi. Gainet Symons,- who death came as a releas .... The C. were marricd on Saturday evening. G. I . T. 'concert was a success. The They will reside on the Burk faim. girls gat through their part et the Tell the merchants yon îead their progiani witb credit te tbemselvcs advt in The James Papers. and those who trained them. Miss Get the habit- of ieading McMur- Bessie Everest and Miss Alta Ben- try's & Co's. advt. eacb week. thami gave very pleasing instrument -________________ aIs; Miss Lenere Benthami a violin -selection; solos by Mrs.'MeCutcheo» Miss Lelia Rahm in the chair. Every- and Mi. Waterhouse weîe rnucb en- anecocme ... . Pleased te report that joycd and eveiyene appreciated -the Mis. John Grear bas cerne through assistance given by the Enniskillen ber eperation sately in Toronto Gen- male quartet. Pieceeda $23.75 te ceral Hospital... .Wc bave had jnst a be used toi getting neccssary, booksý taste et maple syrnp, more may tol- and literature te carry on the woîk. low .... Don't toîget the C. G. I. T. ...Last Fiiday morning a little girl cîass at Mis. F. Waterhouse's Morr-, rame te the home et Mr. Sami Mc- day ev ening at 7.80 p. mi. Knight. . Last Saturday Miss Lena, McKnigbt was eperatcd, on tor acute I like ceffec, I like tea, I like "Ice appendicitis, She is doing well *...Ceam Eclairs" and se dees she. Sunday Seheol and churcb wce ell Bring ber over te the Station some attended,... League to-nighta7.0 evening and give her a little treat., CARDS OP rHANKS Mr. S.,Hooper and family, Tyrone, desire to thank their friends a neighbors for the kindness and syniî- pathy shown them during their re- cent bereavement. Mr. Herbert A. Galbraith, Black- stock, desires to thank his many friends and neighbors for their kind- ness and sy-mpathy in his recent ber- eavement by the death of his wife. Yes, We're goîng to have on1e. No doubt you have made this same remark, but as yet yen have nlot decided what, make of Phonograph you are going ýto have. If you have nlot heard thie GERHARD HEINTZMAN SPHONOGRAPH you have yet to hear one of Tory best -that money can buy. And they are not high priced. Their tone chamber is mnade of Violin Spruce, and la se con- structed as te equally distribute the sound waves and thus give full, clear and true reproduction of the artists recerding. Free demonstration any #isMe at Kersiake's Dirug store Phone 49Bo anjl If you are considering a plano in the future, let us ' how yen "Canada's Best", The Gerbord Heintzinan. Ternis te seuit purchaser. ZMON Satnîday nlight sorne scventy mcm- bers eft tus cemmunity asscrnbled at Mi. Arthur Langmaid's te welcome hlm and bis bride te, their new home and cammunity. About ,8 p. mi. bride and groom aiiived treni spend- ing their honcyrnoon at Toronto and Drayton. As tbey entered rnuch te their surprise thcy tound the bouse full et merny people. Mi. John W. Balson calied the coxnpany te eider and Mi. Arthur Stainton explained la an addiess why tbey had corne. At the proper tirne they weîe pîcsented with six oak dining-room chairs and the newly wcddedpair sbewered witb confetti, and sang "For thcy are a jolly good couple" and ether songs. Mi. Langmaid tbankcd the trienda for the splendid git. The company cntered into general chit chat and games. The ladies seived lunch and the gatbeiing'bioke up at Il o'cleck, ail 'wisbing the bride and groom al the bappineas and pioeperity of mai- îied lite. PHONE1 YoUdmâý ""J-I. I Secretary. 1 BMA UY, WISELY A Pie Social undfer auspices et L. O. L. No. 141, Enniskillen, will be held in~ the Orange Hiall on evcning et Friday, March 24, te begin at 8 P. Mi. Be sure te come and enjey a real geod time. Ladies wfIll kindly bîing pies. Fred Adams, RusgeI McLaUgLIin, W. M. Seeretary. When you buy regularly at Bowmanville's Big Departmental Store. Neyer before, have we 'shown as complete an assortment of Spring Goodsa o we are now showing, both Men's and Women's, and, at prices that a're almost unhelievable, quality considered. Buy from this list Friday and Saturday, and save money., lu-t 1 83

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