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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1922, p. 7

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WANTED TO RENT 11 Two or thrce unfurnished oomo with býath. Appiy to W. F. Ward, Bowman- ville. 12-tf WANTEËb wANPiEi- F ]ilining-r oom girl, wanted at oc.Goodl wages. Apply at'Bow- mnan House, Bowmanville. 9-t'f WANTED M',arried man with farm ex- periencee wants situation on farm or any outside work. Apply 'lStatesman, Office. 10-t PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR ~SALE-Brick residence, 7 rooms, and one acre of land, with fr uit trees. at Nursery Corner. Apply to W. -S. Pjnch, Divisiofl-st., Bowmanville. 5-tf F0OR SALE-Brick cottage containing 6 roins, furnace andelectric lights. Bard and sof t water in house, good gardea and fruit trees. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf FOR SALE--Good brick residence on Centre-st., containing 8 rooms, fireplace, &Il modern conveniences. Possession at a month's notice. Apply to Box 366. Bowmanville. 12-tf FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemens' farm, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres, 5acres Young orchard; fali work dons; il wheat sown. Possession at once. ply Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st., Tor- ito, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf POULTRY EGGS F'OR H8ATCHING-1 wlll sen a limited 'lnumrber of Single, Comb Whlte Leghiorn Eggs from my heavy winter layers: prîce $0 per 15 eggs. George Jamieson, Nwasl.12-t THIE EA'-LýY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM-Chicks shnuld be hatched withjn the next tWo' ùmnonths to make well devel- oped ýhickenis'\a-nd heavy Winter Layers. 1 can furniÉh a imnited number of day old chicks or, space in my incubators for youm own eggs. For further information or prices PHONE 293. 10-t EGOS ýFOR HATCHING-Hatching eggs and baby chicks, S. C. White Leg- horns and barred -rocks, wlnter Iaying &train at $1,25 per setting of 15 or $7.00 per 100. Also handling baby chicks at 25 for $675; 50 for $1250; 100 for $24,00 for Mamch, April and Mayfrom Chas. Sul- ley's Sunnyside Poultry Farrn, Cobourig. Order ealy from, A. H. Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Phone 237-i3. il-tf ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Two good Incuhators. Ap- xly to W. W. Dkrkins0n, Concession-st., Bowmanvile. 11-2 FOR SALE-M~tchen Cabinet, Divan- ette, H-aflraclç, two parlor settees, leav- Ing town, 5 Carlisle Avenue. 12-1* FOR SALE-S3olid Concrete Silos, last the longest and cost the least, get e- timates from W. C. Jackson, Port Perry. 11-4w 4FOR SALE-About 200 bushels of Seed Oats, 0. A. C. 72, free of noxious weeds. Apply to H. G. Pascoe, R. R. 1, Hampton. 12-t FOR SALE-Beautifuil Mahogany Phon- egraph, onterms. 0. E. Laoucks, Duke- at., opopsite South Ward School, Bow- nSnville. 12-2w GRAY BUGGY-In first-clgss condition, wth semi-auto seat, both rubber and steel tires. - PrIce reasonable. Apply to H. G. Freemnan. R. R. 3, Bowmanville, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Hospital Bi rthday Party Tuesday, iMarch 28th. Corne. Mr. F. ,H. Bounsail was in Toronto last wcek on business. Oshawa's tax rate has been fixed at fonty milîs on the dollar. Ladies, be sure to read iow New- castle Ladies' Aid entertaincd. Mr. C. M. Bice's article on The Wonld Situation is worti reading. Shop where you are invited to shop. A merchant's advt la your invitation. McMuntny & Co. quote prices in their advt because they seil for lesa. Mr. Sam Snowden is enjoying life la Oid England by letters we publiai. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Freman, Whitby, spent Sunday witi relatives here. Miss Ethel McQueen, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. P. F. New- house. Mrs. H. H. Dilling and daughtcr, Nina, are visiting witi fniends in Toronto. Miss F. M. Galbraith recently vis- ited Mrs. Gannet H. Duncan, Rich- mond Hi11. L. K. Koshef, Ontario flouse, Port Hope, was mulcted $289,90 for violat- ion of 0. T. A. Mrs. W. C. Rosevear, Cobourg, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. H. Brock. Rev. Frank Langford,, Toronto, wvas guest of Mayor and Mrs. H. L. Quinn over the week-end.' Miss Edna H. Bottreli, Toronto, re- ccntly visitcd her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bottreli. Mrs. W. H. Williams, Toronto, and Mrs. F. R. Brown, Clarke, are visit- ing Mrs. L. Paterson. Mrs. Geo. L. Stevens, Peterboro, visited her sister, Mrs. James Deyman and other relatives here. Miss Frankie M. Jcwell has rcturn- ed from two montis' visit with rela- tives in Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Mary McDougall and Miss Cora Pearce, Oshawa, spent Sunday witi Mrs J. N'. McDougafl. Mr. Jos. Grigg, Winnipeg, Man.,, is visiting his brother, Mr. David Grigg and other relatives here. Miss Thesta Henderson, Toronto, spent tic week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Quinn, Carlisle Avenue. Handbags of Persian Leather in various siapes and siades, juat ne- ceived at Alex Elliot'a, Jeweler. Mn. D. R. Morrison, Chief Ciemist, of Goodyear Plant, is in Akron, Ohio, this wcek in thc intérests of ils frmi. Mrs. E. W. W. ]Rundie and daugit- er Doris, Oshawa, spent Sunday wti her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE NESTLETON B1RTHS Don't f orget to bring yoinr birth- Mrs. Lewis Fallas is l. cosBAt Griffin, Sask., on Marck 12, dypeetto the Hospital Birthday Mis-b el hsrtre ota Bey. 'and Mrs. B. S. Cobb, (nee Ella Party on Tuesday, Mardi 28th. Toronto. Bargains in every departmenit this MrEretW dnvstdMrEdMARA S week at Bowmanville's Big Depart- AMrEretW dn itdM.E. AR GS mental Store-McMurtry & Co. srnW.J.Baokmdeabsns BERRY-PATTERSON-At the homel S. W. Mason & Son's store will be rW,.Baokmaeabsns f the brides parents, March 15, Rev. A. open Friday evening this week on ac-- trip to Toronto. K.:, Edmison, M. A., Elva, youngest count of Spring' style show. No .Mr. C. H. Porteous and Mr. Hugh daughter of Councillor and Mrs. Thos. goods to be sold Friday evening. Wilson were in Toronto recentîy. Ptrson dJh ely eralo _________-Mr. Richard Edgerton ýattended, RROUT-GILBANK-At the Methodtst COMMON SCHOOLS FOR ALL Orange Grand Lodgc at Smith Falls. Parsonage. Bowmanville, Saturday, Mar. 18, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D.. Assciaion Mr. William Thompson's family are Miss Ethel Rose Gilhank, daughter of M.. West Durham MinisterialAsoitn under quarantine-their boy havîng Wm. E. Gilbank to Mr. Chas. Alex. Make' Strong Pronouncement scarlet f ever. Prout, 'ail of Diarlington. Againast More Aid For G R E EN-SH ERW IN-At the Methodist Sectarian Schools. Mr. Goodaîl, Toronto, has moved Parsonage, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, his family to the farm bought from March 22 by Bev. S. C. Moore, B. A.. The Ministerial Association o r ubWlon r isnhsB.D., Mr. Fmederick James Green and Wes Drha a it rcen metig1Moved h ione MPoole lsobNs-Miss Mary AnShemwin, cdaughter of Mr. WestDuram t is reentmeeingmove ino te Pole ous, Nst-and Mrs. 'Walter Shemwin, Orono. unanimously resolved: leton Station, SMITH-HIND-On March 16, at the 1 "That this Association place on Miss Nora Gomm, daughter of Rev,. Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, by Rey. record their judgment that the re-l. frer.esyera mns Geo. Yule, Jessie Marie Norman, only prsetainsmaeteth gvrn G omm,fomrPebtia MS daughter of Major and Mrs. A. F. H-ind ment of tbis province by the Bîshopste here, has been visiting Mrs. Leon- and Donald Merritt Smith, younlgem son of of te Curc ofRom brng or-arcd Joblin and many other crt - Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith, Oshawa. of te Curchof omebrin fo Wrght rinds.SYMONS-BURK-At the Methodist ward a matter more important than Wlh rnd.Chumch, Bowmanville, Saturday, March the question as to the basis on which Mr. Norman, Malcolm who speftt 18, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., schol axe shllbe ivieelinior- te wnte wih rieds as etun-Mm. Garn:et Laverne Symons, Bowman- schol txesshaHbe th witer ithfrinds as etua- ille, and Florence Gertrude, youngest ant as that may be. This larger cd te bis home in Lcmsford, Sask. daughter of the late Erastus J. Burk and question is nothiing lcss tian the ideal Norman should have taken company Mrs. Bumk, Darlington. of a non-sectanian system of Edu- back with hMn. COLE-McDOUGALL-In Bowmanville, éý Wednesday, March 15, by 11ev. D. W. cation powerful to promote sym- The play"fils Last Chance", was Best, M. A., of' St. Paul's Pmesbyteian patiy , understanding and strong given under auspices of the Women's Church, Marion Boberta, youngest daugh- bonds' of common citizensiip among Institute in thc C. 0. T. Hall Friday ter of the late Mr and Mms. Robert Me- Dougal, Bowmanville,i and' Barmy M. ail the youti of the province, of evcry nighït to, a full house. Two quilts Cole, sonl 0f Mm. and Mrs. George Cole, race and -crccd. were disposed of to Mme. Reginald Cannington. 2 We recognize tiat this ideal is Ncsbitt and Mrs. Ollie Brown. _________________ limited at the present time by privil- Adult Bible Class members were DAH eges, in the matter of separate entertained recently at Mr. and Mrs. DAH sehools, grantcd to the Church Of G. M. Malow's when a very pîcasant' CURTIS-mn Bowmanville, on Wednes- Rome in the Act of 1863.- and sociable evening -was spent with day, March 22, John Curtis, aged 62 years. 3 We freely hold that the people discussion on what is a tenth. Music, Notice of funemal later. of the Church Of Rome should net readings and recitations and a very GINN-In Bowmanville, March 20, jas. be deprived of pivileges which they tasty lunch was served. Smokers Ginn, aged 86 yeams. now have under the present constitu- especially should hear Mrs. Sid Mar- GRA Y-At Port Hope, Mamch 17, Robert tion, so long as tiese are desired and low's recitation on smoking. Gray, in bis Slst year. claimed by themi. We also hold that J EFFERY-In Prince Albert, March 9, these pnîvîleges bcing sectarian, Sunday Sehol session took the form BIamiet Bond, widow of the late John should not Isat forever, if the con- of a missionary service given by the Jeffemy,,la hem 76th year. FOLEY-In Bowmanville, March l6th., ditions which have existcd hitherto C.- G. I. T. and Tuxis, boys. Rcad- Mary Ann Goard, beloved wlfe of Mr. should happîly be outgrow-h. Our Ings on l'Answcred Prayers" and on William Foley, in hler 79thý yeam. hope la that thcy will be outgrown. China were given by MissesInez Wil- GRIGG-At SA Howard-st., Toronto. We therefore view witi great ne- hime, Mabel Armstrong ý and Vers March 17, Fredemick Arthur Gigg, be- grettheeffot,,ade t te pesen Jaksonwhospoe onebnitios i ýloved husband of Jessie M. Reachié. grmete geffortenide ofattcesent JakSon wohpoe n cndtînsi SM ITH-ýAt Port Hope Hospital, Mardi tim togai exenionof hes ae- out Ancrca; a duet very nicely 15, Elizabeth K<atherine Manson, helovred cmal pivileges, as being a move in given by littie Misses Iys Williams wif e of Wilfred Smith, ln ber Zth year, thc wrong direction. We chlrsi and Norma Armstrong with Miss McCLELLAN-Suddenly in Calgary, the hope that the day will corne when Doris Williams as pianist; choruses Mamch 15, William Joseph, son of the laie James McClellan and Rachel J'ýCeIan, the Churci of Rome, with ail otier by tic Tuxis boys. It was a good Whitby, la bis 4th yeam. churches will value tic great ad- program. ________________ vantages of a common education for_________ ail the youti of this province and will IN MEMORIAM be ready to take its place beside ail THE ORONO WAY In loving memomy of-our dear father. the otier chirchca in sctting great _____Mm John Luxton, sm., who died Marcb 21. public and plttniotiec consideràtione Methodbt Reception Committee Wel- 1920. abov mcelysecanin itersts cone i-.andMrs Hoar Glnay God knows how much we miss hlm, ,aboe nerey setaran ntersts çoe Mr an Mr. HoardGlony Be countp the tears we shed;, In the meantime we hope the Leg- to ComLmuaity. And wbispers "husbh' be's only sleeping; isiature of tic Province of Ontario _____ Your loved one le not dead. will make no additional concessions Rýeception committee of Methodl8t In heaven there was a vacant seat, in tic direction of separate or sectar- Church organized a party Friday An empty crown was there; .. ian schools, and wc would welcome cvening, March, 10, to wclcomc Mr. A angels eyes weme turned ta carth. with warm approval anything wiich 'n In owadGenvad smly earch of one the cown ta wear; D. H. Steinburgh, Manager. Phone 82J 1 INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE LOANS Bomnville We pay cash for Victory Bonds with interest up to date. See daily quotations in "Globe" and "Mail". Make rnoney by trading your Bonds., We are Specialists in this line. We make safe money every day for our clients. Why, not you? We have a large list of splendid homes and lots. Corne-in and talk it over. Farmers, we make loans on Live Stock and Sales Notes. First-Class Mortgages for Sale., Arthur N. McMilflan & Co Investinent Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. Acreage Contracts L The Canning Factory is now contracting for Green Peas and Sweet Corn. 0niy a limited acreage is left. It Will be nec- essary for any farmer who is, thinking of growing corn or peas to get in 'toucli with the office bv phone or letter thîs week. Brtish Canadian Canners, LIMITED. Phone 82w

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