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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1922, p. 8

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EAST ANO WEST AGREE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege.. table Coud is Helping Sick Wme to Health The two letters which folio, laryshow the broad field covered bthsweli-kuowa medicine. Women frein every section-you know sonta In your own neighborhood-praise Lydia B. inkham's Vegetabie Coin pound as a wonderful mediciine for troubles women ofteu have, From Prince Edward's Is- land-East Mlscouche, P. E.I-" had female troubles for two years. I 'always had a headache and a pain in my side and sometimes I fait so weak tha.t I could not do my work.' A friend advised me to take Lydia \E. Finiý ham's Vegetable Compound and 1 have taken six botties of it. It lias doue me a lot of goed and I am stili taing it. I will tell my friends of 3 our medicine and hope thaey will try it."-Mas. CAmiLucuDEs RocHn,, Miscouche, P. E. I. From Saskatchewan-West Wadpna, Sackatchewan.-"A friend in Rose Valley recomrmeuded Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to nie and it hias been a great help to me.- I reconimend it aud you cau use this letter as a testimoniel If you wish."-Mu. PL-=B NoIIDIN, Wadena. Saskatchewav, Ail Men and Women When, in Need of a Tonic Should Start on the Road to We Iiville by llo This Advce Petorboro, GtspIaueeak in the of tt ~ n'Dr <' r ii a long feminne kfbecaine cri, s karo F ln't did1 took Dr.Ie ' ya D)îscov.rry. r t ,d' be was cxira heaithI 1 . word for Dra' ~ Mrs. _.Martha _ Lehune St. If you need a it u-p tonie, for stomach and bloc cd utain, Dr. Pierce's Golden Mledical !lis oery froin your nearest dru giî i Y>'end 1!Oc to Dr. Pierce's Labror inluBridgeburg, Ont., for trial p)k c ablets and Write for free confi1d' ir , cal advice. LII The Double Track'Route between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago U'nexcelled dining car ne « ie. Sleeping cars on night trai-n. anv parlor cars elq the principal day craint Fuil Information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. B. Horning -"!strict Paumenger Agent, Toronto. J. H. H. JURY, Agnt ?h... 78 Bwavl echai11111111n's Puisî BOWMANVILLI ,E, MARCH 23, 1922.1 LIEIN JAPAN Extracts From Letters Received Fromn Dr. and Mrs. Norman Found by Their Relatives Here. Seoul, Chosen, January 3, 1922. We arrived ln Seoul last night to give an account of myseif to the powers that be and to teli what 1 have doue with ahl that money. 1 also have to arrange for a language teacher and some house furniture and groceries. We have to say what repairs are necessary in the house and arrange to have them done, We also have to report our presence officiaily to the Japanese authorities and the British consul. To-day, however, is a Japanese holiday and we canuot do anything at ail. It is just as well since Dr. Douglas Avisen from the North of Korea is lu towu and came around first thing to show me the sights. Ha was quite excited Indooi 'Life Spending more time incloors makes women far more subject to constipation than men. The liver- becomes sluggish and torpid, the bowèls constipated and the system poisoned by impurities. If you woulcl get away from t the myriads of iliiiwhich resuit from constipation, it is only neces- sary to use Dr. Chaie's Kiclney- E Liver Pis.1 The benefits from their use are as lasting as they are prompt and certain. Mr S. John Barry, 1 8 St. Amable Street, Quebec, Que.. writes: "This is to certif y that 1 was troubled for years with constipation and tried ail kmnds of inedicines without relief. Ait lait my housband suggested that 1 try Dr. Cha.,e's Kidrey-Liver Pills. I did so, and must say that they have givenj me more relief than ail the melicine 1 nave takeri during the last fifteen years, 1 may also add that 1 have used -Dr. E Chase's Ojotanent for piles with ex'el- lent reaulti.' Dr. Chas"îs Kidney-Liver t Pils, one pil1 a dose, 25c a box, Aiidealers or Edrason, Bates Co.,L d ,,ron-to. ~c Are ynureid i Ut ez I< teiling stories ra rc f~ ic~ Hero i; part of a letterfroutMi D l.eir y r- S vey, Bliack Lake. Que. Wieleriuud 'rýenyars of erem.a e "' ý-- Treated inavaitingty t-y doctors l sampie alone of D. D.D. cured mae, et. The proof of the pudding is irnie eatLn Wlien a prescriptjou for skio disease has lettc, of cure and endorsement from neariY everî' city and towu in the Dominion, surey it is enougb ta cauvince the mot sirop tical. Relief front itchiug torment as inamedîto#, Just'try one bottie cf Di. D., D. today on czr positjv'- gaarantee. $100 a bottle. TrY fD. D D). FNL- Lotionfor Slin Diseae JURY & LOVELL, DRUGGISTS CouHS ANO OLOS Iare, a drain upon the vital forces. I strE;heE:us SCOTT'S EMULSION ' strngtensthewhole d systema and helps r d rive out the prew, S disposing cause. Scott & Bowne. Toronto, Ont S-ALSO MAKERS OF-n (Tablets or Granules)9 FOR INDUGESTIO S Do uas Mr. Gard Mr. Anson A. Gard, the well knout, Littdrateur of Ottawa, called, the WN- dering Yankee, says la an t"olci. tesinéoomal for ZUTOO TabletS "'Zutoo Tablets stop my head- aches so complotely that I do uàto s niind having them mny more." c No need for "nY one t.ssforfrom humi. ache if thoy do as Mr'. Gard dos S and take Zutoo S %nd lias beau for the last week since the local paper announcçd (by mis- take) that we were 4ere at the liotel. Douglas got the 'hospital car and took us ta the British cousulate sud to sea the city walh whicli if cam- plate would ha 18 miles long. Ha showed us twa of the aid gates which the Japsasa hava respecýtad; aiso aid bail il feet higli, baiug the sec- ond biggast bell lu the world snd probabiy 500 years aid. Wa also saw a big stane turtle witb a linge pillar suitably inscribad to the bouar of somebody. We wara allowed to inspect the autsida of the Temple ,of Heavan which is naw situ- atad on the- privata grouud of the Chosen Hotel, ana of the hast iu the East. We passed the Bank of Chosen which issues Korean paper maney sud walked up and down the main Japsu- ese business street. The palace of the Emperor stili stands whara it was sud the new stone building which ha neyer occup'ied is ou the same ara. Then we weut up ta the Avisen Home sud saw bis gifts from the aid Em- peror sud than ha showed us tlirough his father's haspital which has beau built Up by many years of patient di- piomscy intaoun of the hast haspit- ais in the East. We saw the Me dical School with its eqnipmaut snd clinics. Thaeieder Dr. Avisen came with us sud is vary proud of bis bos- pitai sud school' not without good reasou. Wa then want up to his bouse sud saw the eider Dr. Avisen sud Douglas' wif e sud baby. Evary- body we mat, and thera were dozeus oftliam, had heard about my comiug or at ieast tbay said they had. Tbay bad aveu beau guassiug as ta whatber we, wara fat or slim, dark or f air, etc.,, etc. Tiien wa hsd dinuer sud came home to our prescrit iudgings witli Mr. sud Mrs. Bunker, treasurer ofý the Mission. Thay are s joiiy pair who hava beau here for 36 yaars aud treat us as if we had a per- fect right to ha liera., Wa ware out ta tes with a Dr. Deuniug wbo an- tartaiued us witb taies of his early 11f e lu this country. Kongju, Korea, Jauuary 14, 1922 This morniug it bas beau suowiug but miow it bas maited sinca the, weatlier is quita miid. Iu the last tliree days wa bave movad ail aur things into 2 rooms lu the Ameudt's house sud wa wilh prohabiy hacliera s monîli more sinca the Chinese car- pentar is takiug bis owu tima at the odd jobs arouud the bouse. Also Mr. Amaudt wilha away January 30 to Fabraury 10, sud we might as wel stay witb Mrs. Ameudt untiiliec comas bsck. We feel qulte at hiomo wltb -tha' family liera who ara about the same age as wa are and quita agreeshie, nat heing ut ail stuck up. The servant proýblern stili looms large lu the houseliold liera. Yesterday lia lost a chickeu that ha had brouglit home ta kili sud hsd to clisýse it dowu tawn before lia cauglit it again. Tliursday at high noon we went to' a Korean wadding lu, the cburcli uradelhad ou Western hunes. Tliay borrowed ail the plants fram the bouse liereand with the beip of some evergreauýs sud souma tinsal, papar thay made a very daceut arcli. A great mob of womeu of, ahi ages gatbared sud a f ew men iucludiug the twofathers. The hast man was the local doctor at the prison wlio wéars western clothes with distinction sud ha was assistad by sgood lookiug youug fahiow with black Prince Ah- hart coat, white socks sud reddisli boots. Two teacliers lu the local school helped the bride. Mrs. Ameudt wss asked to play the wed-- ding marci on su organ you couid easily pick up sud carry. Tliey were about 20 minutes late lu start- ing but that is uothiug ta a Korean cro'e. d. The wadding came off ahi riglit but' whihe it was going ou the scliooi chiîdren arrived sud blocked up the sishes sa that the' bridai party lrad tu be takuai out througb anutiier door. Then thay had ta have their pictures taken hefora the fasI. Wa were afraid ta go ta tha faast us it wss a cold day sud we wouid probahly bave liad to sit outside ou the grouud. Thay thiuk uothing of, taikiug out ioud lu the middle of the sermou or ceramony sud a mather tryiug ta keap lier chidren quiet may stop up the wbole show with lier noise. The preacher liera gets 60 yen a moutli sud s weii paid school teachar is worth 70-80 yen a month. Fridsy we wera ont for a walk sud hsppaued to sec market day lu the towu. They hriug lunlinge'ioads of brush for sala an the backs of caws or buils. Rice, beaus sud chickau uer time we couhd nat go dowu ta sea tle. After dinner we went ont ta see a pond -where we r4ay have skating some time. We have beau cousideriug putting lu a supply 'of ice, so that we eau speud most of aur summar here if uecessary. We -went ont praspecting for a site f or an ice 1,ouse sud f ound a hbic about -15 ft square with a trea luin about 10 years oid. Wa think that witli a small outlay wa could make up a thateli roof sud fill the hole with !ce cakes packed lu chaif.' Ice is only 4 luc hes thick yet so we think we wil wait awhile for colder weathar. The arrivai this waek of lettars from home makes this week notable ln many ways. Helen lias beau six waeks without -a latter from home, as she dîd not give hier Kobe address sund she was certainiy ovarjoyad when her flrst latter came yesterday. Hava just flulshad a hif e history for the henafit of tha Japsuese police. The preachar was up ta sea us this eveniug sud had a conversation with me through an interpreter. Ha asked about Canada, wbethar wa had lîcard mucli of Kurea aud said thay would ba quita willing ta wait a yaar tili I can learu the isuguage. You wiii mayba ha intarastad'ta know that my namae lu Korean is Pondu siacethere is no F iu Koresu sud ail words must end lu a softar souud than "d". The Japanase are sticklers lu intarpratation of rulas. They will not accapt a telegram toaa man wio lias lately movad ta a new place uu'lass the books show that hae is there. If a man- walks over1 a dan- geroue (coundamned) bridge the policeman lu charge has beau known to make hlm walk back ovar the daugarous place sud proceed by a new bridge. They hava. beau knowu ta seud back a parcel of dishas ta Japan from Saoul for' rashipment hacausa the parcel was not of proper shape. Tbey maintain that thase thiugs can- not be doua aveu thougli tbay hava aiready beau doue. No amount of raasoniug seams to sitar their opin- ion sud mayba thay ara not so far1 out. At a tailor shop lu Saoul thare recantiy liuug a sigu, "High works for ladies' sud gentlemen", musîîiag bigh class work doue for ladies' sud gentlemen. Iu Kobe wss a sîgu still better. "Teaihor shop for men sud (To 'ba coutiuued.) As Usual They Blame Women Prof, McCoilum, of John~s Hopkins University, statas that deaths from premature aid age-heart, arterysud, kidney diseass-bave douhhed lu 30 years, carryiug off 60,000 people un- der 40 sud 165,000 undar 60, ln the States, yaarly, Ail authoritias agrea that this is iargely a rasuit of faulty food. Womieu ara bianîed, bacause aý liausehoid purvayors they -have not studiad ta provide the diet esseutiai ta human healîli, as farmers, have studied the requiremeuts for stock. 1The great ueed is for green veget- ables, fruits, miik sud wliole grain cereais, foods richly alkaliue. The most aikaline food availabie la Rom4n Meai Porridge, taken with milk. Milk is ricliilu aikaline calcium. Roman Meal is rich lu calcium, sod- ium, potassium sud maguesium, ahl stroug aikalis whch correct the de- ficiencies sud excess of acid lu mod- arn rafiued diét. Soid hy grocers. 4a SUCCESSFUL STOCK SALE It evideutly pays to advertise livel stock sales lu The James Papers asl Mr. Scott, Columbus, did. Thei Whitby Chrouicle says: One of the1 most successful suies held lu this1 section for years was Mr. W. S. Scett's. Nearly 1500 people gather- ed, and bidding was very brisk iu al liues. Ail animais ware in piuk of condition, aud bidders showed their appreciation. One haudsoma filly, 2 years old, sold for $285, and al other horses accordiugly. Cows averaged well over $100 mark. One pig realized $105.00,_ Total of sale was a littie over $6000. Mucli sym- pathy is fait for Mr. Scott for being compald to selI hîs flue stock, of which he was justly proud. Smash 'Your Coejld, To-day Give at a kuockout blow with a few doses of Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Triad sud proved by over 200,000 people. Positively Guaranteed to give relief. 40 Doses for 7 59 SoId by aul drugiste 0 by malfrona W. K. sochley. Limited, 142 Motual. St. lirmats. SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE BEATJTY 0OF THE SKIN Il the naturs.l desfre of every woman, and lu obtainable by the ose of Dr. Ohase's Ojimtient. limpies, hlackheads, roughn,,ss and redooss of the skiu, Irritation and eczema disappear, and the skin 19 loft soft, smooth sud velvety. Ail dealers, or Edmanson, 'Bates & Ca., Limited, Toronto. Sample f ree if yen mention tib aper. LUMBAGO SCIATICA- flheumatisin and simil1ar troubles invariably yield te this T.R.C.s (Templeton's Rheumatie Cap- sules) treatmnent. Many doctors and mnany hundreds of druggists from coast ta coast will cenfirni this truth. The hundreds of tes- timonial letters in our f iles show that T.R.C.s have successfuily treated Pheumatisin, Lumbago, Neuritis, Sciatica and aeute Nen- ralgia of ail kinds. But the best evidence je yo'rw xeine 'Itou suffver we want yen t try th sguaranteed non- injurioue remdyat urex ense. Drsg- giss sll .R.ý's9eI11ý pr box. For Free Trial Write Tfl . Con, 56 Coiborne Et., Toroato, Sold by Jury & Loveli k BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS 1 ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer dlrect of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLEl: 1 emptoy no cemetery caretakers .sagents. oreferring ta Oel myown ji goods thus saving the purchase Sthe agout's commission. A cail esolicited. F.H OUNSALL Poprletor. Bowmanville. M jhn 326W: Box 94 THE "LIFTUP"I (Patented) ALL BIAS FIL LED CORSETS are designed in conformîty wjith the science of Anatomy The L aFT P atented invention with non-slip elastie inside beît. gently supports the abdomen and fi vsry beneficial for use after an oper- ation involving an abdominal incision. Mot effective in relieving those physical ailments from which many women suffer. WRITE for :::hsl hints an ilttins and s zeormn.FREI_ l'bc genuine gpatented ý'L1FTUP" tisa BUAS CORSET made only by D!51AG COlROIETS LZF42%Tu 45 RITrAa 5IMEET DeTP PHONE MAIN 3700 iL LE D Ask for a price on our Feeds-Corn, Shorts, Cotton Seed, and Oil Cake, also on Corn and Peas ground together. Oats, Oats, Hiogg& Lytie, Limited, Phone 203 ~ll j ]jlrj.jjjjjjjjjjjlj III Il Il j. Oshawa j: jjjj Il j J. j j r j: j j * , jjIIljlijjlIIjll!IjlllI[IIIIIIjIjIiJjlJllJllllIi!lîl t ~ N "éBless you, 'son, for calling Me up!e", 'l did something to-day that, I'm ashamed to say, 1 have neyer done before," said a well-known business man-"I called my Mother on Long Distance. By- Jove, she was glad to hear my voice." "What with business, worry and responsibilities I'veý been neglecting lier for years, and it took a load off my shoulders just to hear lier happy, tremulous voice, say "God bless you, son, for calling me up !" But what about you and the mother who sits in the, far away silence, perhaps hungering for a word from the son' she loves? Caliliher by Long Distance to-niglit and bring gladness >4o lier lonesome lieart. Let lier listen again to the voice she knows, so welly and it. will repay you a thousand-fold to hear lier say 'God bless you, son, for c" me up!"ý Every Bell 77elephone'is a Long Distanceý Station Thlere is Always Somfethin g, Doing Our bakery department is always helping some- body. It may be unexpected visitors, an after- noon tea, a party or just the regular meals of the day, Our large and varied assortment of fancy and plain baking is always at your service. Why flot take advantage of this service? CHRISTIE'S BAKERY The Cash & Carry Bakeiy Phone 97 Bowmanville OBITUARY John T.' Littiejohns,' Ebenezer. Death on Saturday morning claim- ed a farmer well known in Courtice, Darlington and Oshawa, in the per- son of John T. Littiejohns, in his 57th year. Deceased was taken ili a littie over a week ago with appen- dicitis, and in Oshawa Hospital, last Thursday underwent an operation, complications setting in. For the past il years he had operated a farm for Mrs. W. Manning, southwest of Oshawa. Previous to that lie lived for-many years in the Courtice sect- ion.1 11e was a native of England, and had been in Canada for 30 years. Five brothers and three sisters live in England. Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Courtice, and Mr. Mark Littlejohns, Rochiester, N. Y., are cousins, and the only relatives on this side ofý the water, The funeral, took place Tuesday afternoon from the resi- dence of Mr. W. R. Courtice, Court- ice, interment taking place ln Eben- ezer Cemetery. Service was ln charge of Rev. A. M. Irwin of Osh- awa, which deceased attended, as- sisted by Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, Courtice, Durîng the service a solo was rendered by Mr. Frank Walter. -Ref ormer. OUR 1TEAPOT-ý will demonstrate why HAS NO EQUAL Largest sale in America HOGG & LYTLE, L1MITED, OSHAWA SEED GRAIN Seed Qats, Seed Wheat, Seed Barley, Seed Rye Stock complete. Ask for prices. CLO VEL RnRSD&TIMOùýT H Y Ail kinds and of flnest.-quality.

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