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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1922, p. 12

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Wreford F. Soucb, Reg- istered Optometrist, wish- es to announce that he bas opened an office in bis borne, one door east of Skating Rink, Bowrnan- ville, where be will be very pleased to render one and al tbe very best of Optical Service. .A very complete line of Optical Goods is always in stock. Telephone 315 for appointrnent. an 13-2 COAL 1 have on hand a supply of the best SCRANTON COAL both Nut ýand Stove size. Sheds at the G. T. Ry. Phone A 1220 Geo. Jamieson Newcastle MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M.' Graduate of Trinity Ujniversity, also of Royal College ýPhysicîans, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Lkientiate of the State University of ï-1,~ York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and Hos- pital "of New York and Fellow of the 'Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton'à Rosidence, Newc.astle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 t3 n. m.,,and by appointment. THURSDAY, MARCH 3th., 1922 AUCTION SALES Friday, March 31,-The executors of the etate of the late W. R. Clem- ens, Tyrone, will seil by auction al of his farm stock, implements, quantity of furniture, etc. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. See bis. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Monday, April 3-Mr. Ed. Millson, lot 27, con. 7, Darlington, will sel ail of hýs farmn stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 P. M. See list in next issue and in bills. James Bishop, Auctioneer. COMMUNITY AUCTIONS AT CENTRAL YARDS BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST At 1 p. m. Anytbing la Live Stock. Everybody may contribute. SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST Buggies, Hanness, Furniture, etc. CIerk-R. F, Aitchison, Royal Bank Auctioneers-WilI T. 1 Bishop Baker, Jas.1 OU will be astonished at the re- sults we get by our modern sys- tem of dyeing and cleaning. Fabries that are shabby, dirty or spotted are made like new. We can restore the most delicate articles. Send one article or a parcel of goods by post or express. We -will pay carniage one way, and our charges are most reasonable. gWhen you think of lean- ing and dyeing, think of PARKER'S. Prarker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. Toronto We invite inquiries on the following unlisted'Bow- manville Stocks:- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Preferred. Canada Scale & Slicer Company, Common and Preferred. Thomson Knitting Com pany,' Limited, Common and Preferred. Municipal and Victory Bonds, bougbt, sold and quoted.- "Full interest up to date". Advances to Farmers for Live Stock. Arthur N. McMillian &Co Investment Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. W E EK-mE N D SPrE't"CIA LS AT D1L LICK'S llere's just a f ew of tbe extra special values we are off ering this week-end Men's Boots....................................... $3.à5 Men's 2-buekie and Laced Rubbers ........$2.65 Boys' Rubbers, sarne style ..................$1.95 Men's Suspenders.................................. 39c Men's Dress Shirts........-....................... $1.33 Ladies' 2-sqtrap Blac k Kid Sboes ............$3.50 Many ocher uines at reasonable prices NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Ladies' Skirts, Blouses and Camisoles at very attractive prices. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS A. 1D1L LICK Engel's OId Stand, Cor King and Division-its. Bowmanville Ont. NEWCASTLE "I CAN'T AFFORD IT" Miss Agnes Drummond is indis- The drama "I Can't Afford It"J posed. presented by the young people of Miss Gladys Matchett is visitingI Maple Grove under the auspices of friends la Toronto. the Suashine Class of the Methodist Capt. Spafford ie spending a f ew Sunday School, drew a crowded bouse days at the Rectory. on Tuesday last. T. W. Jackson had business in The different characters were well Port Hope on Monday. represeated, some of the artists dis- Mr. Frank Branton was down from played more than ondiaary ability in Oshawa on business on Tuesday. the portrayal of the parts taken by Mrs. Alfred Elsworth made a bus- them. mness trip tq Port Hope 1last week. Mrs. Metcalf and Miss Abernethy Mr. Fre &I Lake, Toronto, spent the added much to the eveniiig's enjoy- week-end under the parental roof. ment by thein splendid duets on the Mrs. B. Moise is confined to the piano. house, the resuit of a severe coid: uigtenarngn ewe Mrs. Gomme is ln towii arranging the acts instrumentais were given on her eff ects for sale which will be held the piano by some of the Newcastle next week. members, viz Mrs. C. A. Cowan, Miss F. A. Butler came down fnom Tor- Bernice Couch, Cordon Kitchen and onto and spent the week-end with his Mrs. Howard Allia. family here. A vr noal vnn a Big shipment of Hornockses goods vr noal vnn a just received at Couch, Johnston & brought to a close by the singing of Cnydenman's. the National Anthem. Meirose Parker is oven from Michi- gan visiting his parents, Mn. and Mrs. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY James Parker. Mrs. Wm. Atkinson has gone to The regulan monthly meeting of Oillia for a visit with bier sister, the Horticuitural Society will be held Mrs, Poimenoy. ln Alexandrin Hall on Fniday, April Mns. Petens, Coibonne, is visiting 7th at 8 p. m. The prognamn commit- librother, Mn. H. W. Dudley nt tee has arranged a splendid program heroGades consistrng of community singing, voc- Willw Grden. .ai solos, duets and sevenai instrumen- Miss Naomi Honrocks, Toronto, is tai numbers. ilorticulturai sub- spending a f ewdays la town a guest jects will be discussed such as the ofMs Cr and management of thel Mn. W. G. Hay came down from hotbed, celery culture in the home Toronto and spent the week-end with garden and the planting> of early his family at Mn. Frank Benaett's. flowers. By special request the pap- Mr. James Best bas returned home er given by Mrs. (Dr.) Butler at the ,after a pleasant two weeks' visit with last meeting on the gnowing ,and bis son, Lloyd Best of New Tononto. culture of gladioli will bc repeated. Mr. nd rs. ran Ricarden-Mesdames Eiibeck and Smith wili be tertained a number of f riends nt pro- invitatioetoaitaend this meet-acoria gressive euchne on Thursday evening ini emenmbertoatedthsmet last. ing. Hall', e the place-"'Alex- andria aP the date-ý-Apriie 7 and Miss Ethel Colwill has neturned, the time-8 p. m. Don't forget this home aften a moath's visit with 1lis ail free. frieads ia Windsor and othen western j________ Ipoints.i-- , M~r. Walter Deline is moving his household eff ects fnom the Couch cot- tage to the rooms over the barber shop on King-st. Dr. G. H.- and Mrs. Canveth,; Ton- I onto, motored down and spent the week-end at their cottage at New-1 castie-on-the-lake. Miss Frances Gibson has taken a position with the Genenal Motors Ltd.* of Oshawa, and left on Monday to assume her new duties. Mn. George Deline is moving bis househoid eff ects to Napaaee la order to be more convenient to bis work on the Provincial Higbway. Mn. Cynil Ruadie and Misses Auraj and Marie Rundie of Mapie -Grove, were recent guests of Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce.j Dr. A. Fanncomb ieft on Sandayj ffor Hilisdale, Mich., calied thene 0w- ing to the senlous iiiness of bisi daughten, Mns. (Rev.) A. N. McEvoy.1 Mns. Ugiow neceived word that ber sister, Mrs. Mary Neai Biocksom of Terre Haute, Indiana, died of1 pneamonia on Thursday, Manch 16. We are giad to report that Mn. and Mns. D. J. Gibson "Hazel Dell Farm" wbo have been seriousiy i11 for the last thnee weeks with la- testinal 'Fia are improviag. Mn. D. J. Galbraith annived home fnom Toronto this week. 11epur- chased a car of good "stockers" on the Toronto market and shipped themn here for bis "Beimonit" fanm. Mrs. Butchen and chiidren lef t Monday on their return home after a month's visit with ber sister, Mrs.1 (Rev.) S. G. McCormack. Mrs. Mc- Cormack accompanied hen as fan asi Toronto. It is ex pected that our former towasman, James Welsb, is going to become a citizen of Newcastle once more. Newcastle people are hoping it may be so, for a more obiiging or better citizen than Jim can't be f ound every day. The remains of the inte W. H. Brown, a former resident of New- castle, who died la Tornto, were broaght here on Wedaesday and la- terred la Bondhead Cemeteny. Fan- erai was unden the direction of the Orange Order, of which society the deceased hns been a loyal member for neariy seventy years. Mn. H. M. Camp, Telier ln the Standard Bank here, bas been pro- Imoted to St. John's, N. B., and ieft fon Saturday to assume bis new dut-j les. Newcastle people are sorry to lose Mn. Camp but pieased to know that bis ability 15 being recognized by ~his employers. Ail join ln wishing hlm success la his new field of lab- ors. The Women's Association of the Presbyterian Church, Newcastle, ln- tend holding an afternoon ta on Saturday, Apnil lst froni 3 to 6 at the home of Mrs. S. G. McCormack. A musical program wiii be pnovided and tea wili be served for the unas- ual fee of 20c. Ladies ahl weicome, but a speciai invitation is extended to gentlemen, but as this is Apnil lat "Watch your step". Newcastle fnieads off er congratu- lations to Mr. John R. Atkinson, third son of the late Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Atkinson of this village, wbo was married on February 22 la Merid, Sask., to Miss Maude Amelia virtue, recently of Tyrone, Ont. The happy young couple were married a he blethodist Parsonage, Kinderuiey, Sask., by Rev. James Bright. LETTER FROM STARVING RUSSIA Countesa Natasha Razamova writes, Miss Amy McKowan of Awf ul 'Sufferings fnom Hunger In view of the fact that in many churches in Canada special collect- ions are to be taken, next Sunday for the Relief of the Famine sufferers la Russia, the foliowing extnacts fromi a letten necently received by Miss McKowan of this town from Petro- grad are timely. It seems to us that the spirit of courage and cheenful- ness bneathed throughiout this letter witten by a girl of twenty-one whoi has had little but suffering and hard-1 ship for eight yeans, shouid' surely, inspire every Canadian to want to do something to relieve the distressi which is so acute. Neyer la ail the histony of the world bas any countryý suffered as Russia is suffering to-day.1 We may say, as many do, that Russia has bnought it ail upon henseif; but lu reality that is not true. A few Russians ýbnought it upon the country; but the ones who are suff ering are not the ones who are responsible f or the situation. This letter fnom wbich we are per- mitted to quote was writea by Count- ess Natasha Razamova who was Miss McKowan's Secnýetany and Interpret- er when she was working with the Amenican Red Cross la Sibenia, and Miss McKowan tells us that the young Countess was 18 when, she came to wonk for tbe Red Cross, 'had seen ber father, a former Judge of the ussian Supreme Court, die from ex- posure wben trying to save his fam- iiy from the terrons of Bolshevism, and hem brother, an officer ln the Guards, înurdered. Thus Countess Natasha was left with a step-mother and a five-year old baîf-brother to support. She had, of course kaown nothing of work, but when the three of them found tbemselves penniiess, homeless refugees, Countess Nat- asha bravely set to work to earn enougb to keep, them ail alive, if possible. Her knowledge of iang- uages made ber indespensible in the Red Cross fOffieandl ber ceein BOARD 0F EDUCATION 4)f spirit, even under the most tnying, Regular meeting of Newcastle crusacs ndae e oal Board of Education was Manch 6 with My Dean Miss Am-y :-For some W. F. Rickard presidiag. jtîme 1 promised to myseif to write to you.But for a long time there bas Foilowing accounts were passed: not been the means of communicat- Fred Graham, coal $99-80 ion so I write not. But aow at last I Hendry Co. map, 10.00 jw rite. But what shah I tell you? Mr. Bradley was instructed to col- We bave at present even in Petro- iect fees fnomn Mrs. George Robinson grad so much of the near starvation acording to regulations of Depart- that 1 cannot to think of the terrons ment. in the loved Volga. Little Ivan is gone. He gnew so tired of cabbage Mn. Jos. Toms was appointed twice a day-for we are not allowed Truant Officen at saiany of $15 per, to eat more than two meals a day; year. 3 at the Christmas time hie die. H1e ofenspk of you and wondered Secretary was instructed to write bsow T cpotcaAywsadwa Secnetary Shaw's Scbool, advising she was doing. Now Maman is witb him that Florence Robinson was not a Kommissar, and I have ail my own attending Newcastle Schooi. alone to live. I stili wonk as Secre- Amontof 10 t crdi1 ofCaettany to the Kommissar I told you Amontof 10 tocrditofCaEt about. Ahl stili is weil witb me, f on Corps was ordered paid to Rev. J. . as 1 tell you I use my eyes. 1 know, Fenning 'to n eenihurse hlm as in- that 1 am bis strong caprice, and structon. while that ils, ail in w.IL Tbey tell terrible thiags even here o f the suffering in Sanatoif and the EASTER MONDAY PAGEANT Volga. 1 rememben how you and ________I Miss Margaret used to say the child- 70 charactens will take part in the, nen must be saved if Russia is to re- wonderful pageant, "Strikiag of Can- coven fromn this terrible time; but it ada's Hour" ln the Newcastle Meth- 1 s no longer so. The children die by odist Sunday School Hall on Monday, tens of thousands, and their mothers April 17, at 8 p. m. Admission 35c. are glad to see the end of their suif- No extra change for resenved, seats. erngs, and the fathers and grand- Plan at H. C. Bonathan's store week fathens eat the flesh. before concert.ý 12-2 i Do you rememben the barges that 1came one day down the river,' and --how when we drew near the smel vmade us il1? And do you nemember h ow terrible it lokoed when we weat on board, and found so many dead ________________________ bodies nolling on the deck witb the I ____ motion of the boat, and no one to î buny them? It is like that evenywhere V- noiw. Miss Amy, d oyou stili believe there is a God and that He canes? If you could see what I see you would not, 1 wish so oftea you had not had to go ýq away fromn us. If yoa were bere I should feel myseif stnong. I had 1 ....... oped to go to Amenica, but I cannot now, and so cannot hope to see you for the soon future. But some day - I shahl see you, f or the worid is so smnall, and one bas always to meet again those whom one liked and ioved as I loved you. Our bouse in Petrograd, oun estates on Volga and ~ A Krimea are gone, so I will have to try to make fortune in someway, ~I1 Car and wbene I will be and whnt I wili be rrotecit ourr no one knows. But ail I can I wili and do for you aiways, wili I be queen or From Coldd Fire paupen. Ia the ls case I suppose VOU know the resuits of a Beiag very fataiistic I wili see where 1 Ycold garage-radiator fro- my fate wili conduct me. zen- enamel cracked-cold So dean Miss Amy, I hope to see moto r-deteriorated tires. you some time and some where, and You can quickly and cheaply hope that you wili bave a nice life remedy these isks by lining witb no cabbage or black bread; and vour garage with wiil not f orget a littie wild and very often fooiisb Natasha wbo tili pre- C senut is not losiag lber bopes for nice 11f e somewbere, and not quite crazy. Iam veny sorry for ail old people. A FIIIIIIIII Wall Wj:hos na«r They rua about like crazy ones dry- ing Food! Food! But there is no j At the same time you pro- food. Those who work witb their tect it f rom the intense lieat of b summer and change your bare hnads here get fuit rations,. those gargeino aplasntrooni who work with their beads get baîf. garae io a plesant wn Full rations for 'one week are about repaira or clean your car with a third of wbat yoa used to give at c S on.the work-sop for one meal a Now is the time. Ask you there are many worse. So as 1 say dealer to send up a f ew sheets 1 am very sorry for ail oid people, al of Gyproc to-day. cbildren, and strange but less than evenybody for myseif, at the same For Particularis Ap-&Pu YtO, time 'not kaowing at ail wbat wil A. Sonto me become. John A. lolginte & I Good-bye. My best wisbes to o once more, and hope that you wiii Builder Supply Dealers write to- me £rom wbereven you wil Phone' 153 Bowmanvi'lle be. Many kisses from your own, NotîceTo Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of James Ginn late of the town of Bowmran., ville in the Couuity of Durham, a. retlred I farmer, deceased. 1 NOTICE i.i hereby given that ail per- sons having dlaims or demands against the late James Ginn who died on or about che 2th day of March, 1929, at the town of Bowmanville in the Province of On- tarlo, are required to send b y post pre- paid or deliver to the underslgned agent for Alfred J. Huggins and Alexander Michael, the executors under the will of the said deceased, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars la wrlting of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the flfteenth day of April, 1922, the said en- ecutors will proceed to distribute the a'suets o-f fthe said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard oniy to the dlaims of which they shafl~ then have had notice and that t he said executors will not be hiable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose dlaim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Bowmanville the 27th day of March, 1922. MRS. EDITH V. SGOBELL, agent for Messrs Alfred J. Huggins andl Alexander Michael, executors of the hast will of the late James Ginn deceased, 13-3w Secure your Wall, Paper No'w While the cboice is good. GREAT VALUES Great specials in Wringers while they last HOUSECLEANING NEEDS Everything you need for Spring Housecleaning will be founid bere. WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle BRITTON'S BUILDS VITALITY Eat more of it, Itfs the great food for grow- ing cbildren and adults, Britton's Better Bread îs full of ricb pasteand nourisbment. Britton's bread maintains your bealth and energy. H.eS.B iTTO'U N Baker & Grocer Newcastle ALWAýý,YS Wben you shop at our store you always get fresb groceries of the best quality and at lowest rnarket prices. where., Grocer We botb lose wben you sbop else- "j I , R. WALTON Newcasile Another Cai of Coal In We now have reay for immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We have 'for, sale Portland or Super Cernent ini any quantity desired. FrIed Graham PHONE 3323 NEWCASTLE' p 1 --ý .Lîve Stock Improvement Meetings at Tyrone, Tuesday, April 4th a t 1. 30 p. m. MOTION PICTURES Shaw's School House, Tuesday, April 4tb at 7.30 p. m. These meetings wili be addressed by special speakers. Cuit the scrubs. Now is the time to improve your herd, Ail interested farmers are invited to attend these meetings, which are being arranged, by he Durham County Live St ,ock Improvement Association. J. R. R. COLE, S. C. ALLIN, F. C. PATERSON, Chairman Block D. Chairman Block F Secretary Why does the tuiber strop hîs Razor? Wben the barber's' razor loses its extreme keeness-what does He do? Does he throw bis razor away? Not be-b e strops it. The Valet Auto Strop' Razor strops it- givesa clean, smooth satîsfactory shave. The Valet Auto Strop Razor is an economical razor. There are 500 perfect shaves guaranteed frorn every dollar packet of Valet Auto Strop blades. AUTO STROPS FROM $1.00 TO $5.00 H.c.OATA Hardware Newcastle

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