BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 30, 1922. ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN-t TEE. ' iN dith V. Scobell, Agent 2nd door west of the '«Big 20" Bewmanville Ontai4o.t TH EO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Speciaity.t Terme moderate. 1-tf Enniekillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. VETERINARYt DR. F. T. TIGHE 'VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or1 -Night Cails Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bewmanville. Phone 243. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., 4LLD. BARitISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and Town ?Property. Royal Bank Building, B3owmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to boan. Bonds for sale. offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, ie prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For terms phone 12, "GreenI Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- 4ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hfospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, l3ow- 1 manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- enanville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Qraduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P. M. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE laenor graduate in Dentistry Toronto îniversity. Graduate of the Royal ColIege of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Ilonor Graduate of Toronto Uni- ýversity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in- ail its branches. Office-King-st., Bowmanville OpposÏte Banik of Montreal Phone 301 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complote equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended te.' Bowmanville phonos 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO LUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. AUCTIONEER WILL T. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. Live Stock aSpecialty. Livo Stock and farms for sale. Phone 167-14. 3-t CHANGE 0F TIME Agency. Ail lunes of l'IRE, LIFE, Taulac reuders the. bnrly vigorou. and elastic and keeps the mind clou: and euergetic. Jury & LovelI. I AM THE COUNTRY WEEKLY I am the friend of the f amily,-the bringor of tidings from other friende; I speak to the home in the evrninz light of eummor'e vineclad porch or the glow of 'wintrr's lamp. 1 bnlp to make this ovruing hour; I record the great and the emaîl, the varird acts of the days and werks that go to make up lifo. 1 am for and of the home; I f ollow, those who louve humble beginnings; whether they go to greatness or to the gutter, 1 take to them thr thrill of oid days. with whoiesomo messages. I speak the language of the com-1 mon man; my words are fitted to hicl understanding . My congregation le larger than that of iany church in my town; my neaders are more than those in the school. Young and old, alike find in me stimulation, instruc- tion, ontortainmen't, inspiration, so- lace, comfort. l am the chronicier of birth and love and death-thr three great facte of man's existence. 1 bring togethen buyer and seller, to the benefit, of both; I am part of the manket-place of the world. Into the home 1 carry word of the goodsi which ford, clothe and shelter, and which ministor to comfort, ouse,ý health and happiness. 1 am the word' of the week, the1 history of the year, the record of my commuuity in the archives of stateý and nation. 1 am the Couutry Weekiy. CHURCH AS A COMMUNITY INFLUENCE The value 'of a commuuity asset can best be nealized by considering how much pooren it would be without it-ow vital its relation to the pub- lic welfaro. If this City wore cut off from water supply, for instance, ql- though that would be physically ne:kt to an impossibility in our case the City wouid pnactically be depopu- latod in boss than a week. If it were deprived of fine and police pro. tection, ananchy and 1 rmin would thneateu. If its gas and elrctric lighting machinery wene put ont of commission nigbt would be filled with dangers and terrons. These, to any City une material assots; thoy are physical necessitirs. But there are assets which are no bessimport- ant to, the moral and social if o of a City. Even agnostice of a thought- fui type agree and f eel that religious influences are of great value as con- servators of law and orderly civiliza. tion, and would admit that the ebimi- nation of ail the churches would be a blow severo if not fatal, to civie hralth and strrngtb.-Bebeviile Daily O ntario. SEED TIME AND QAT SUPPLY Goverument Will Supply No. 1. Seed Qats, The Diroctors of Publicity, Dopant. ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, ne- quets us to say to Durham County >farmers that the uni ortunate cnop conditions in 1921 lu many parts of Canada, more especiaily for outs, lec the Serd Purchaeiug Commission of the Seed Brauch at Ottawa, to hold in reserve cousiderably more thar haîf a million busheis of No. 1 seed outs for this spring's seeding. This grain wae stoned in govornment in- terior terminai ebevators at Calgary and Saskatoon. Early in Manch about 400,000 bus- hols of this grain had bren disposed of, a considonabbe proportion of il goiug to Ontario, Quelbec, and more easteru points., The Serd Purchas- iug Commission supplies serd outs in 1car boads only- and ut the net cost of the re-cieanrd serd. It is uu-derstood thut during recrut months baukers .und othens have pereisted in encour- aging merchaute to be cautious. So much of. tho succose of a crop depende on the quabity of the seed sown as wobl as the promptuese of goýtting it into the ground when the proper eerdiug time arrives, thul farmers who have not abneady secur- ed their fuil roquinemonts of croc should see to it without funther de- lay. Address as above. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q I have been asked why a trou should evor die., Can you answer ,this for me? A Theorticaily a trer shoubi OSHAWA PARTY AMVONG TOURISTS. That Helped ta Save Liabon, Portu- gal from Revolutioni6ts, From Oshawa Telogram Uuconsciously, but very effectively, a numbor of Oshawa touniets, comn- pnîsing Mn. G. W. Mctaughlin's party with many other Candian and Amer- iran touriste, saved Portugal fnom be- ing plunged loto a state of revolution a f rw days'ugo uccording to a des- putlch to the Toronto Star. The stony relates ho(vir the g-overnumout ut Lisbon had fird to the Cascade mountains, because the army had revolted and nefused, to disband when onders to do Bo wre given, and the sky looked very black. Suddenly the, stately ship of the C. P. R. ine, the Empres of France appearing lu the offing, aud steamed into the barbon with ber car- go of right huudred tourists brut on a thnee days visit to the capital of Portugal. Thé inhabitants ueeded monry, and, the sight of sncb a large body of sightsrers filîrd them with de- light, with the rrsubt that Lisbon'e political leaders began to discuse the visit in a fnirndly wuy and the wonld be revolutioniste decidrd to postpone operations until the visitons had do- parted. As the party stayed bouger than was ut first antîcîpated by the citi- zens, bent on revolution, their ardon became cooled and the guards decided to live peucrably. Iu the purty were Mn. and Mns. G. W. MeLuughlin and fnmily, Mies Lor- raine Tod, and with themMre. B. J. McCulouch, of Tononto, sister of Mr. G. W. McLuughlin and honr two child- ren, Misses Marlou and Adeinido Me- Culloch. Thus again hue Canada suved the day and ns always, Oshawa bas play- ed a big part in the game. The Mc- Laughlin Six and Tod's Big Dandy are worlheaters every tinie. A Bank Account for the Fanner's Wife r.,very farmer's wife xill find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses a help and a safeguard. Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail, makinga trip to town unnecessary. En- closeyour cheque with your order. Theu Royal fBank et Canada R. F. Aitchison 1 CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE APPOINT COMMITTEES President Hardy's Teani Won Men,- bership CampaÏgn. Af ter enjoying a vory sumptuous banquet at Christir's Refreshment Parlors, Thursday evening, March 16, the executivr of Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce, adjourned to the secretary's office, ail members being present except T. H. Knight. Socretary announcrd recuit of ne- cent mombership campaign, Presi- dent's tram securing 159 membens and the Vice-Prosident's team 80 members. Committees for 1922 were appoint- ed as follows: Publicity, Transportation & Com- munication-James, Knight, Wilson. Industrial & Mercantile-Wilson, Thurston, Cawker. Light, Power, Fuel, Fine & Waten, Public Health-Cawker, Bonnycastie, Devitt. Property, Insurance, Assessment & Taxation-Carnuthers, Morris, Knight Agricuture-Campbell, James, Thurston. Athletics and Panks-Devitt, Neal, Campbell. Lab9r and Education-Bonnycast- le, Morris, Chase. Musical and Amusement-Chase, Carnuthere, Neal. Membeship-Executive. Mn. G. E. Chase gave a report from the Band Committre and wae asked to continue investigation and report at next meeting. Mr. F. F. Morris explained Orono and Noth Clarke Telephone situa- tion. Committre was appointed to wait on Mr. W. G. Jones, Newton- ville. Secretary was instructed towrite Bell Telephone Co. requesting direct connection with DunhamUnion Line. Public Health Com. was asked to interview Medical Health Officer re having King-st. pavement flushed at least twice a week.- A ruling will be obtained fromn Secrtany of Hydro Electric on bus-1 mness tax of hydro. Information will ablso be sought from Ottawa as to how.,$15,400 was spent last year on Bowmanville har- bor. A. Remarkable Table of Dividends NEXT to growing the grain, flour milling is the most natural of ail Canadian industries. Yet strangely enough this industry has not had the growth in' Canada that its merits deserve, or that the amazing profits in' it should have stimulated. For example: The foilowing is a table of the Dividends paid by the varlous Canadian Milling Companies in the past few years. These Dividends in most cases were only paid after setting aside substantial reserves out of earnings. RECORDS 0F DIVIDENUS <Taken fron, tbe Annuel Financlal Review, 1921 Edition) The Ogilvie Fleur Milis Company, Limited Prefeirred Shares 7 % per annuin regularly pald. Comnmon Stock- Dividend 1917 Cash Dividends............. ..10%/% and 15% 1918 Cash Dividends................. 125/ and 15% 1919 Cash Dividends................. 12% and U5,% 1920 Cash Dividende............... .12 % and 10 % Lake of the Woods Milling Company, Limited Preferred Shares 7%/ per annuin reg'ularlyIT dc Common Stock Dividend 1917 Cash Dividrnd..8% 1918 Cash Dlvidend... 10 ~%7 and, 2 Bonuses of 2 % % each 1919 Cash Dividend ...12% 1920 Cash Dividend ...12% and 25% Bonus Maple Leaf Milling Company, Limitedý Pi eferred, Shares 7 % per amnun rgalarly paLl. Common Stock Dividcnd 1917 Cash Dividends.............. 10% and 111/% 1918 Cas>h Dividends..............10(ý% a n -1 1919 Cash Dividrnds.............. 12% 1920 Cash Dividende.............. 12% 1921 Cash Dividends.............. 12 % Tbe 1Mils Leaf Common Shares aboyate"v(,f(rred to %ucre gixený as a bonus with tbe Preferred Stoaro', w h iei fy were piaced on the markët. The Iresflt nlAket x Inue of t.0e Ci)onionStockl, is$115 per sbarv. Western Canada Flour 1YhIfls C'o., Linited Conimon S.ock D;Vidcnd 1918 C -ýh Dividends. .. .817, and 2% and Victory Bonds 1919 (ca.Divid, ds .... 8';l ati 2% an d Victory PBonds l'9"1 C .hDividende . . . S % id 200 and Stock 10% in 10% in 15% in .4 Co'm n S'cchL, Wmd 19,C ah Ei iderd . . .. 328, -to Bradid 20' lQïO (Cash îivideDd . ... 1 , f which 540,000 was 1917 Uas', Dvidend f . li.2 0Jwa t,"'te n CL', c -lSock 190Cash, Divide.,d. 4' v%(iwich $27', -vaa la tdin Co'nion iStock 1919 Cash Divîde'd... 16 1920 Carli Dixidend.... .16' and 30% Coîmmon '-'ï ck. We are offering for imniediate suhacrintionf the 8% Siking FuncI Cunmulative Preference Slîares of the Coieland Flour Milla, Limlted, ut 100, carrying a bnus of 30% in Common Stock. S hares of the Mapie Leaf or any other Canadian Milling Company-a portion of the Maple Leaf Sharas were originaliy given as a bonus. One-balf of this issue bas already bren sold. Indications are that it wil he quickly over-sub- scribed. Werercommend, therefore, that you make immediate application for ehares or for a compiete prospectus. A KC RSE;BOND COMIPANY 60 KlEng et. wecst Li .I<DTORONTO April issue of Rod and Gun in Canada is a particulariy attractive one, and abounds in brigbt, interest- ing ý,,f eatures. Stories include a splendid contribution from Frank Houg-hton, "The trail of a golden Hope". "B1irds", by Phil H. Moore, is also worthy of special mention. Bonnycastie Dale le the authoe of "Our Wild Drcoys". The various departmrnts contain a wealth of val- uable inf ormation. A handeome art cover by F. V. Williams, who con- tributes a short story, wiil attract at- tention. Published monthly. at Woodstock, Ontario, by W. J. Tay- lor, Limited. '1wo teapoonsful of Taulac lu a littie water, takea three tîmes a day just béfore meale, will make you eat better, feel btter, sirop btter and workbetter. Jury & Lovoîl. BrAi OPEN a Savings Account ini this Bank for each child the year it is boni. Make smail deposits regularly, and when college days corne, the requi- site funds are ready and the éducation wilI flot b. a drain on the &fanf purse. STANDARD BANK 0Or CANAD& S TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, . . . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, - . . . -E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Mrontgomery, Manager ir nv estment Securities Buy Electric Bulbs at Hydro Shop Where you get first quality with a guarantee, ail sizes in stock- -both clear, and'frosted. Electriýc Fixtures- Reduced We also have a la rge stock of El ectric Fixtures at greatly reduced prices. There is a fi'xture for every room. Inspection Invited You are invited to inspect our stock where you will find the. quality' the best and prices that are right. Buy Vour Electrical Goods At An Electrical Shop T he Hydro Shop BOWMAN VILLE î PHONE 192 TEA SHORTAGE MEANS HIGHER PRICES During the war trac reached a vory high level of cost largely owing to ehortage of shipping. In 1919 and 1920, greatly increased production and unlimitrd shopping resuitrd in enormous quantities of tea reaching every market in the worfld, and a con- soquent faîl in cost ensur.d. So ser- ions did the situation become in Iu- dia, Ceylon and' Java that the var- ioue growens agrerd to decrease their output during 1921 to 20%. This agreement was krpt and the world le now faced by a shortage of ton, which hue rrsuited in the market climbing ~week by week for the mest eighteen monthe until it has now reached a level fully 15 cents a pound over that of October 1920. Why Not, 8% and **- Safety TFIE oid iaea that safety accompanied a low rate of interest bas long been put tu the discard, Durlng the past 7 or 8 years, witb banking facili- ties stralned to the Umiit tinder abnormal demande, borrowers in the AAAI clas Bradstreet's bighest ratlng> have been obllged-compelled by clrcurn. stances beyond tbefr control-to pay rates of lu- terest wlthout precedent. flankers today tell as that money l9 workzing easier--THIS 18 VOUR OPPORTUNITY te as- sure te yourself a higb luterest return for a long period of years, with a large inargin of safety, by lnvesting In the 8% convertible debentures of The Mount Royal Rote! Company, Llmited, carrylng a bonus of 30% conimon shares. Descriptive Clrcular on Request. mm -- - -- - mm - jTo W. A. Mackenzie & Co., Ltd. 38 King Street West, Toronto. Dear Sire: Piease send me a oopy of tleie rclar descri bing ith e 8 % Convertible Debentures of The Mount Royal Hotel Company. ILlmited. and oblige. Mane tufufl.................................................. Fil addres..................... ........................... Peas-e write clearly.M To-Parents ARE CHEAP, This is a good time to buy certain selected stocks. We can recomxnend shares wbich have paid from 6% to 8% in dividends regularly evexy three months for a period covering flot less than 15 years. Among the pr esent shareholders are some of the t urcon- servative investors in Canada. Write for Full Particulars%. -uGreenm&Co. Members Toronto ýStock Exchange Union Bank Building Toronto Ili