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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1922, p. 6

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Ïl, Substantial reduction on the pnice of Dodge Cars now la effect. Bradley Bros. cf Oshawa, are the deniers in this locality. Write for ilustated catalogue or phone 169 for demon- stration. 11-4 AUCTIONSALE The undersigned has received in- structions fromn the executors cf the estate cf the late W. R. CLEMENS ta seIl by public anctien on the premises TYRONE FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST the folowing valuable f arm stock, fumniture, etc:- HORSES-1 horse 10 years, 1 herse il years, matched draft team. 1 brown mare 7 yenrs, 1 bay horse 6 years, 1 mare 7 years, general purpose, 1 driver il years. 1 mare 6 years, 1 horse aged. CATTLE-l cow 5 years, due April 10, 1 red, cow 5 years, due May 10, 1 red coW 4 years, due May 18, 1 cow 6 years. due May 24, 1 Jersey 8 years, due April 15, 2 red cows, just renewed, 1 Polangus cow 6 years old, 2 heifers i years, due iu June. 6i steers ising 3 years, 2steers rising 2 years, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 6 heifers rising 1 year, 2 steers rising 1 year, 2 caives. SHEEP-37 Shropshire ewes ail regis- tered, 1, registered Shropshire Ram. SWI NE-Yorkshire Sow with 6 pigs at aide, Yorkshire sow. due April lst, 1 Yorkshire boar, 7 pigs about 80 lbs., 7 pîgs 3 months old. IMPLEMENTS-2 Massey-Harris Bind- ers, 6 ft. eut, Massey-flarris 13 hoe drill. 1 good mower, Manure Spreader, lover Leaf No. 4,, 2 sets sleighs, one set nearly new, 3 farm wagons, 1 herse light wagon, 1 horse rake 10 fs., 1 set Renfrew 2000 lbs. scales, 1 cultivator, 3 drumn steel rol- ier, nearly uew, 4 secion diamond har- rows, 2 Peter Hamilton Scuffiers, Fan- ning Miil, hay forks, repes and slings, 1 riding plow, 1 Verity twin plow, 1 twin plow, 2 Verity single piows, spray barre] outfit, ladders, quantity rails and fence posts, large iron kettie. 11/2 barrels lime nnd suiphur, grain bags, wheelbarrow, Massey-Ilarris Separator, 700 Ibs capac- jty, new, chains, forks, hoes and other articles tee numerous te mention. CARRIAGES-1 geod top buggy, cutter, top buggy. HARNESS-2 sets breechinig harness. 1 set double harness, i set single harness, 1 pair herse biankets. POULTRY-65 lhens, FURNITURE-Dominion Upright Piano in good condition, 2 ceai Souvenir heaters, ceai grate, box steve, 2 bed steads, bcd- room suite complete, 1 rag carpet nearly new, mattresses, i hanging lamps, 1 hall lamp, 1 extension table, kitoben table, i rocking chairs, 1/2 dozen dining-reem chairs, lyidozeu kitchen chairs, 2 couches.I quantity linoleum, qiaantîty gems, milk cane, churn, 1 gasoline lamp, secretary and beokease comnbiued, cupboards. Pic- tunes, other furniture and articles too numerous te mention. TERMS-On poultry, furniture and al eums of $20.00 and under, cash; over that amount seven menths' credit on approved notes. 4% straight discount for cash. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp Lunch will be provided for People com- Ing from a distance at il a m. As this is an exepinnl large sale It must begin at P12 .'clokshrp. .HOEW L, THEO .M. SL EMON, Clerk. Auctioneer. U. F. 0. MEETING Tyrone Farmers' Club will hohdi their regular monthly meeting in the Sons' Hall, on Wednesday, April 5 at 2 p .M. Ail members attend. EBENEZER On Thursday, April 6, there will be presented by the young people, the play "Every Youth", a moral phantasy, in three acts. Mrs. R.C. Pearce, Mrs. G. F. Annis and Mr.' Frank Walter will assist on the pro- gram. Admission 35e and 25c. AUfloTiGN_ The undersigned has received in- BURKETON fThe sick are improving. A lithe visitor has come to the home cf Mn, Arthur. Wilson-a son. Mm. F. J. McLaren nnd Major E. E. Saider gave addresses on Conselil dated Sehools Menday evening. Junior League ia charge cf Willie Hudson, Thnnsday evening at 7.30 Everyone come. S. S. and church at the usual time 10.15 te 11.00 a. m. Snnday momning. Spring has surely came, robins and1 binebirds are here, and mnýddy roade also sap's runnîng. We carry a fulli hue cf Tobacco, Cigare, Chocolates, Ice Cream and Soft Drinks, aise ail the lateet maga- zines. C. P. R. Lunch Ci>unter~. 18-t SOLINA strucions roinMr. Harold Pascoe had a wood bee ED. MILLSON hast week. to seli by public auction on the e Mr. Harold Nayior is stili cenfined thie bed with a sevene illnes. premises Mm. Edwin Annis is confined to the Lot 27, Con. 7, Darlington house under medical dire ction. Mme. Frank Westlnke le home from on Litl Biti where she enjoyed a the ollwingvalablefar, stck: Mr. and Mme. W. T. Baker attend- thefolowig vhuale arm stck ed the funemal cf Mr. John Curtis, implements, etc. Bowmanville. HORSES-1l team reg. Clyde mares, 1 Nurse Vema Baker is at Benar Law Yearing colt. CATTL E-i Hosteinco years due fifty miles eat of Peterboro; where, June, 1 roan cow. fresh. i Yearlings, 4 they have an epideraic cf typhoid 2-year, olds. f ever. SHEEP-30 Cotswold breeding ewes, 1 Mme. Thos. Baker and Miss Vera Cotsweld ram. gave a birthday party Wednesday PICS-1 brood sow, due sale time. evening in honor cf Mr. Baker and FEED--Quantity of bay. Mies Muriel hie gtand-danghter.- IMPLEMENT-Deering 10 ft. nake, McCermick mewer, Massey-Harris bind- 1Mm. J. M. McCallum, Shakespeare, er, Deering hay leader, new, log sawing and F. C. Patereon, District Repre- frame witb saw, Bissel i drum steel roi- sentative, Port Hope, heid n meeting er, MeLaughlin two-seated cart, Deenîng 13 cisk seed drill, new,Massey-Harris 2- Satumday night la Sons' Hall on live row cern souffler, Massey-Hanris diek stock imprevement, or better bmeed- harrow, large size, Massey-Harris clover îngofctl. t ainruivad table for 51h~ ft. mewer, 1 rubber tire cfcte. twainruivnd show buggy, wire wheels and hall bear- entertaining. ings, ]Zeering combination cuivator,ý An debate was heid at new. This cultivator bas spring tooth,'teWmnsIsiuea h oec stiff tooth, both with extra Points and 4-th oesItiu atehmef herse puiley hltch, 'set scales 2500 lbs., Mrs. John Baker when fifty wemen set sleighs with box, griudstone, 10 bee were present. The subject was "Re- hives. set trucks with iren vwheels, treadisle htabsns dctc sc power, pea harvester, fanning mii with sleth abinsedcioi f extra sieves, set sleighs with wîde plank more value to a girl than a demestic hottom, wagon with 14 fe cembnatien science course". Mme. E. J. Black hay rack, Crown gang plow and two sing- and Miss Edna Reynolds the jndges, le plows, Ceckshutt single furew riding gave the negative the decision. plow, new, iren axie epring wagon with box compiete, De Lavai cream separator, Recent visitore: Mies Gladys new, with power drive,, wagon with 16 ft. Brooks, Bowmanville, at Mm, Elmer Adams combination hay rack, gravel box Wiibur's; Messrs. L. J. O'Neil, Tom- and many other articles. onto, and F. C. Paterson, Port HARNESS-1 set heavy bneeching Hope, at Mm. John Baker'e; Messrs. barness, baud sewn, cempiete wîth col- lars, 1 set back band harness with col- Cee. Johns, Nestieton, and Mr. How- lars, 1 set plew harness, i set light team ard Williams, Gosarea, at Mn. Sulas driving haruess, like new, 1 set light Williamis'; Mr. and Mms. H. Hardy single harness. and son at Columbus; Mm. Geo. Gib- Sale at 1 o'ctock sharp. son at home frem Oshawa; Mme., S. TERMS-On ail sums of $1000 and un- Edgar Wermy and Master Wesley at der, cash; over that amount 12 nionths' Tomante; Mne. J. Penfeund, Osh- credit onapproved notes wth intemest at 4 per cent. .nwn, at Mr. W. T. Baker'a; Mis FRED ASHTON, JAS. BISHOP, Margaret McKessock at hem grand-I Clerk. Auctioneer.- ma'% at Hampton. I 4 ~-'-,~ CE mm C oming right down te brasa tacks when you want a good strong stout pair cf- work boots step into Bert Jennings' Store and yen will find hon- est values from $4.00 per pair up. This isn't ahi either: Don't fonget te get afew cf those extra apecials Bert ie off ering this Saturday. Going te .paint this Spring? Well, Bert's new stock cf paints and oils is expected any day now. 12-t 1 =71 14.4 Paint Up K EEP your house looking -ita best at ad trnes. Keeping up its appa newülI keep Up your prîde in kt Plant flowers and grassseed. Tri=mtp the shrubbery* and vine&. Don't let uis aAcumulate li either tIi. froMi or back yard& Then paint your hou-je wUh Lowe Brotli- ers lligh Standard-tIhiva t paint. Last.s longer than most other paints and looks better as long as it Iasts. This me&s that repaintin.g won't be 80 s&rysoon., 'High Standard costs a f ew cents more per gallon, but you need fewer gafllns, there- fore you begin saving money right at the start. We will gladfly prove to you that the difference between Lowe Brothers and other-paintsis-more-than -a nere -dîfference----- ofopinion. Corne In and ask for interesting litera-" ture and look at the sample panels COURTICE Mr. Roy Nichols is home fromn Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs .E. S. Wilkins recent- ly visited in Toronto. Zion Church League expect to visit bere on this (Thursday) evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks recent- hy spent a few days in Toronto. Mrs. E. Cole and Miss Myrtle Gole, Bowmanville, spent the week-end at Mrs. Wm. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott and Bernîce, Taunton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jane Osborne. Our young people are getting up a play entithed "Every Yeuth" which they expect to give on April 6th. Congregational meeting waa hehd at the church Friday evening hast. Good reporta were read from varions branches of church work, an inter- esting program and "ents" hehped ta make a very pheasant and profitable evening. Congratulations ta Miss Aie Tooley on her recent marriage ta Mr. Herbert Hobbs. Mr. and Mra. Hobbii will leave April Sth for their new home in Carman, Manitoba. Mr. and Mr@. W. R. Gourtice at- tended the funeral of the hate Mrs. Wm .Foley, Bowmanville. HAYDON Church service Sunday at 2 p. m. Everyone welcome, .League consecration service wil be held on Sunday at 7.30 p. m. lst Vice-President is preparing an in- teresting program. Leagne Snnday evening was in charge of the 4th Vice-President, Mr. Milton Slemon. Bible lesson was read by Mr. Leslie Graham. Topic was splendidly given by Mrs. Henry Ashtonî. Readings by Masters Ar- thur Toole and Earl Thompson. -Tyrone- E-pworth--Leuuers--visite-d here recently and wihl be wehcome again. Program consisted of abun- dance of music and literary numbers and was splendidhy rendered. Leag- uers were then arranged in groups, when an interesting contest was held af ter which refreshments were served and a most enjoyable and sociable evening was spent. A pleasant evening was spent on Tuesday When a yearly business meet- ing in connection with the church wasi held ta discuss and balance up the year's work. The program was in- terspersed with music. A very sweet number was given by Misses Annie Trewin an.d Mabel Beech, also a mouth organ duet by Messrs. Allen Cook and Cecil Shemon with Mrs. Theron Mountjoy as accompanist. Refreshments were served at the close. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Fred Stevens, Nestleton, spent Sunday at home. rMr. Wm. Foley, town, is visitîng his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hockin and danghter Eileen, Cor- bett's Point, to our community again. Young people who gave their play "I Can't Afford It", at Newcastle and Hampton had a very enjoyable time. Mr, Samuel Snowden came home Sunday after a delightful visit with Englîsh relatives la Devonshire and C ornwall. Mr. H. W. Foley, Uptergrove, and Mr. William Webster, Cambray, re- cently visited the former's sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Adult Bible Glass officers are: President-M. Munday, Jr; Secretary -Chas. Greenham; Treasrer-Wm. Lymer, Jr; Teacher-H. G. Freeman. League meeting wns ia charge cf 3rd Vice-President, programi as foli- lows: Bible reading, Mrs. Boyce; topie "Personnhity in Personal Work"I by Mme. Wm. Lymer; reading, Ross Stevens; instrumental, Mrs. G. H. Snowden; reading, Mrs, Swallow. The brothers and sisters cf Mr. Samuel Snowden,, who has been on a trip to England for the past eight weeks, were entertained at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Base Line, on Monday when a very pleasant evening was spent. Our young people will, by request, repent their play " ICan't Aff ord It", on Friday evening, March 3lst. Music wilh be furnished between ncts by the Bragg Quartet, Bowmanville, and Miss Irma Salter, Hampton. Admis- sion,25e and 15c. Part of proceeds la aid cf Bowmanvilhe Hospital. Grocery Department Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs for ....75c Cheese, fresh and nippy, only 25c lb Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs for 23c Home-made 'Marmalade, pint jars, while they last ..............35c each Gold Medal Tea, with cup and saucer, try a package at ...............65e each Pearl White and Taylor's Borax Soap, 7 bars for 47c Gold Dust Washing Powder, 3 pkg. 23c Choice Bulk Dates,......2 lbs. for 25ck Tapioca and Japan Rice, 3 Ibs. for 25c Tip-top Salmon, pink, large tin, 2 cans for 35c Campbell's Assorted Soups,2 tins 33c Fresh Creamery Butter ....42c per lb Blado Fresh Fried Cakes in pkg. try them ...... ...................... 30c each Dry Goods Department A stunning lot of mill ends of Prints & Ginghams ,while they last 29c per yd 58 inch Bleached Table Damask, reg. $1.50 for1 $1.19 per yd 36 inch Chintz and Cretons, in ail the leading patterns, reg. up to45c for 35c per yd, a snap 17c per yd Scrim and Madras Curtain material in cream and white ranging from 25c to 85c per yd Ladies' AlI-Ove'r Aprons in ail patterns, from 95c to $1.48 Ladies' Waist Aprons, reg. 60c for 49c Ladies' White Cotton Underskirts, with lace trimmed frill, reg. $1.35 for 98C Ladies' White and Pink Jersey Bloom- ers, regular 60c for 49c Ladies' Cashmerette ilose, Special 39c a pair DO YOUR SHOPPING FRIDAY AND SAT4JRDAY AT BOWMANVILLE'S BIG DEPARTMENTAL STOIRE 1 PHONE 83 MfcMurtry& Co., Ltd. BOWMANVILLE TYRONE DARLINGTON COUNCIL ENNISKILLEN Mrs. R. Hatherley is visiting at Regular meeting of councîl, mem- Reserve the date, April 7th., for Mr. H. llooey's, Bowmanville. bers ail present; Reeve Baker presid- Enniskillen Choir Concert when they Miss Mary Brightwell is visiting hier ing. will present the play "The Village aunt Mrs TamlynTorotoMinutes of last meeting were read Choir Rehearsal". More particulars aun, rs TmblnToono, and approved. next week. Mrs. C. Dawson, Campbellford, vis- John Reynolds, collector, present- ited hier daughter, Mrs. A. W. Clem- ed his bill of abatement for $396.49, New goods are here-carpet ens. which was allowed. squares, ail kinds, linoleums, congo- Miss Margaret Moore who has a Messrs. Kerr & Cochrane, Cobourg, ieuma rugs and curtain materials. position in Oshawa spent Sunday at wrote requesting a meeting with Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. homecouneil to discuss the proposed ad- home.dition of certain farm lands to the Sympathy is extended to Mr. S. V. ýTownship of Darlington which are Hoar and family in their severe seige now located in municipality of Bow- of illness and a speedy recovery is manville. Laid on table. hoped for. Thos. Brisbin'a3 tender ta supply Leagu wasin cargeof M. c.5,000 feet of bridge lumnber was ac- GodN w fo th Leagu wasin cargeof M. C.cepted. odN w frth Stinton., Study was read by Miss School Attendance Officer Jas. Gur- Mary Richards, reading by Miss M. tis made report of his work on school n e=o rs d L. Wight, piano solos by Miss May reports for February. Gardiner and Loin Richards, vocal Repairs ta Town Hall fences was ___ solo by Mr. Floyd Dudley and the referred to Coun. Souch with power topic by Miss E. M. WeXry. to act. The Gleaners Adulty Bible lass spent Wages for work on roads for year Hundreds of people are literaily a very pleasant evening at the home 1922 are to be $5.00 per day for man starving 'n the midst of pienty, of their much beloved teacher, Miss and team and $2.50 per day for man because the systemn is not gettlng F. Virtue on Wednesday evening, for lO-hour day. proper nourishment from f oods 'March 22nd, when about 60 members A.' Ormiston was appointed path- lackîng in Vitamines. with their friends and a f ew of the master for Rond Beats Nos. 114 and officers of the school assembled to 115 vice L. G. Pascoe, resigned. Modern methods of preparing spend a social time and get better Jas. Gameron was appointed path- foods, destroy those, strength. acquainted. Also with a view toin master for Road Beat No. 78, vice J. producing, health-giving, body-. crensing interest and attendanee, and T. Naylor, resigned...buligemnt owoscne with a smaîl fee of 10e being charged,1 R. R. Stevens and others presented as "Vitamines". help raise part of our missionary ob-J a petition requesting counicil to pass Lack of "Vitamines" in the jective of $25.00. a resolution asking that Hydro-Elect- -food causes indigestion, malnu-. ric Power Commission prepare es- trition, bouls and skia troubles. After the company had been called timates of cost t opetitioners for light to order by Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Pres- and power on their premises. Reso- NYÂL VITAMINE TABLETS"' ident, a cordial welcome was extended lution was passed as requested. expressing the hope that al. By-law No. 825 was given its sev- supply Vitamines in a concentrtý' would enjoy a pleasant social time. A eral readîngs appointing A. E. Jen- ed from. They contain Yeast, short program was put on, Mr. and nings, Thos. Wray, the Township Iron and other agents for build.. Mrs. Arthur Brent giving the open- lerk and the Reeve Park Commis-, ing up firma healthy fiesh, purify.. ing selection a duet "God's way is the sioners for ensuing year, îng and enriching the bhood and Best Way", followed by a reading by strengthening the mental func- Mrs. R. Hodgson, a solo by Mr. Wm. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of tions. Staples, a reading by Mrs. Sydney $6.00 from R. Francis for rent of Hoar, an instrumental by Miss Gladys road and 79 cents fromn Mrs, G. Nol- Take NyaI Vitamine Tablets Colacot. Short speeches wr an, Toronto, taxes for 1921. adwthyu egticae given- byRev. W. T,- Wiekett, Supt. -Qrders-dxawn-on- Treasurer were: odfr$.0a A. W. Annis and Miss Virtue expres- VMrs. G. Clatworthy, barrel odfr$.0a sing her great pleasure at such a fine spikes $ 2.50 gathering, also welcomed ail and ex- C. W. Woodley, gravel side- tended an invitation to ail to come walk 6,00 K r and join the class. Several con- W. R. Allia, sal, lst quarter ý 120.00 tests prepared by social committee, M. A. James & Sons, ptg and under the leadership of Miss T. Fer- advertising 39.75 guson were thoroughly enjoyed. Sid T. Hoar, advance S. S. 10 150.00 urlug store A. Milîson, do No. 14 1,50.00 Finest line of curtain materials and, D. B. Farrell, do No. 13 3000 he4 carpet rugs we have ever shown are R.J cesck oN.2 00.00 Ph..49Bowmanville now in stock. Couch, Johnston & C. H . Snowden, do No. 6 325.00 Cryderman. W. R. Allin, Tp. Clerk, MeMURTRY'S Tenmpt you to yvisit our big DepartmeIntal Store, MARCH 31ST AND APRIL 1ST, Ien 's Furnisshing Men's Work Shirts in Khaki and Blue Chambray, Special $1,00 each Men's Caps, broken lines, To Clear $1 .25 each Men's IFine Dress Shirts, new patterns, Special $1.50 Men's Work Shirts in heaVy quality drill $1.48 each Men'.s Heather Cashmere Hose, $1.25 value for 90C Men's Odd Pants, good quality-, in Cot- ton aiso khaki, a snap $1.95 each Men's Work Boots, another large ship- ment just arriVed, be sure and see them before you buy, Speci al $3.95 pr Men's Box Caîf Bluchers, we guaran- tee Q-atisf action $5.95 per pair Men's Suits-12 Men's Suits, assorted sizes, the best materials, regular $50, your choice for1 $24.50

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