BASEBALL NOTES Oshawa makes no bones about pos- sessing Gallagher, of the Kingston Poules, n nd barber shop rumor thereabouts bas it that his catcher, Evan.%, is there to. 'Tis said John Nott's to*h possesses new first and third batmen. Leaside Athletic Association put their -team in the York Industrial League last year and landed in second place. They tried f or affiliation with the T. A. B. A, this year, but weîe not acepted. They are no new aprout, but a going concern. WANTED TO RENT Two or three unfurnished roome with bath. Apply to W. F. Ward, Bowman- ville. 12-tf BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY In order to comply with the Act governing Horticuit- ural Societies it now be- cornes necessary that ail sub- scriptions for the year 1922 be in the hands of the Sec- retary flot later than June 1, after which date the Secre- tary cannot accept subscrip- tions for 1922. Ail former sub;ýcribers are cordially in- vited to renew for 1922, and are also to endeavor to bring in another new subscriber, but be suré to be in with your dollar by June lst. MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL, Seczretary, Bowmanville Society Rupture Expert ir_ Do you sufer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now aîrived. Mr~. Reavley the noted rupture ex- pèrt will be at the Hotel Bowman Hotel, Bowmanville, for one day only, Wednesday, April 5th., and wîll be pleased to give fiee examination to any sufferer, and to demonstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days and will cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance is positively demonstîated to y'ou right eou your own person without any charge. You do. not spend n penny unlçes you are fully satisfied that it is f tihe right appliance for you. A consultation witli Mr. Reavely will cost, you nothing. Don't let this opportunity get uway from you. Re- miember the date. 13-1 Expert Advice usually is wortb ahl it costs, and there is such a thing as being pen- ny wise and pound f oolish. In wearing glasses it is flot a ques- tion of merely seeing objects (whicb many tmes cun be accois- plished with a ten-cent pair of glasses), but of seeing sucli oh- jects perfectly and witbout tax upon the nervouis system. A higli price does not alwuys mean more satisfaction, but as a usual thing you get what you pay for, and eye-sight is too valuable to take any chances, it being wiser to economize in some other direct- ion. Oui' Registeîed Optometrist, R. M. Mitchell, is qualified to make scientific exaninations. Modemn equipment in our Optical Depart- ment. R. AI. Mtchell1 & Co.j Druggists '& Opt ometrists, Bowmanville Ont. j LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mus. A. Randaîl, Port Hope, is vis- iting Mrs. F. L. Squaii, Providence. Miss Mclntosh, Coîboîne, lias been vîsiting Miss Carrne Lathrop, Liberty Street. Mi. and Mus. Edwaîd Orchard vis- ited Mr. and Mis. Thos. Hughes on îSunday. Miss Mande Wrighit, Toronto, spent the week-end witb ber sister, Mis, J. J. Mason. 11 Mr. Gilbert Jones, New Toronto, spent Sundny with bis mother, Mis. C. Robinson. Mi. E.,H. Purdy of Port Perry, bas been appointed Clerk-Treasurer of the town at $750. Corne to "Singing Scbool", a farce in two acts, Opera flouse, Friday evening, April 28tb. Men, your Spîing suit now awaits you at the new lower prices. Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman. Mis. Tbompson and sister of AI- liston-, have been visiting their bîotheî, Mr. W. Kiîkton. Miss Leta Pickell, Ebenezer, is spending the week with ber sister, Mis. L. J. Brooks, Carlisle Avenue. Mis. Wilson Dean lias been visiting for past two weeks witl Mis.. Thos. Hughes and other friends in town. Mis., Henry Lambeit, Fenelon Falls, lins been vîstng lier daugliters, Mis. Fred Cook and Miss Ettie Lami- bert. Mr. W. Cronin, Messrs. Leonard, Norman and Miss Mae Bottreli, Toi- onto, spent Sunday at Mi. Thos. Bot- trell's. Don't buy your Spîing Suit or Coat until you have first inspec'ted oui display. Coucli, Johaston & Crydeiman. A dance under auspices of Beaver Lodge, Loyal True Blues will bc held on Friday, Mardi 31 in the Goodyear1 Athietic Hall. 12-2w Miss Laura Virtue, Hampton, Miss M. Pope, Toronto,, and Mr. Roy Mc- Gi, Enniskillen, were Sunday guests of Miss Mildred Cole. Mr. H. W. McBrien of Kiale, lias been appoînted Clerk of the townshipr of West Whitby succeeding Mr. Dan-I iel Holliday, deceased. Farmers and citizeus are given a chance to dispose of anything they wish to seli by the Community Sales advetised in this issue. Miss Hilda Barîett lias-îeturned to lier home in Bowmanville, aften spending the wiater witli Capt. and Mus. Moirison, Fenelon Falls. Bowmanville Women's Institue wîll meet t the home of Mis. T. C . Jew- ehl on Friday Mardi 31. The grand- mothers are in charge.of the prograni and a good tme may be, expected. Mr. W. H. Kiîby,, Oshawa, an- niounces the engagement of bis youngeî daugliter, Ethel Winnifîed, to Mi. Charles LeRoy Penfound, Lindsay, mainiage to take -place early in April. Major R. J. Gill, M. C., lias been included among ;the officers to carry on a campaign to eiect a memorial in1 Kingston to the, 830 officers, N. ÏC. O's. and men of the 2lst Bttai- ion who f eh fighting in its ranks dur- ing the niai. Dr. A. E. Aunger, Stettler, Alta,, and Mr. Ed, F. Law, Toronto, niere ia tonin Tuesduy calling on fîiends. They ulso called on friends ut Hay- don and Hampton. Dr. Aungen lias heen taking a post giaduate course in dentistry in Chicago. Mis. (Dr.) R. B. M. Potts, dnugbt- er of Rev. Dr. W. S. Puscoe, 16 Bruce-st., Haumilton, Ont., was in town on Tuesday lookîng for a suit- able residence us ber father wilshes to retuin to Bonimanville. Mis, Potts was guest of Rev. W. H. Spar- go. 1Stout ladies should see special line of Dianthia Dresses at Coucb, John- ston & Cryderman's, April 7 and 8. Miss Amy E. McKowan goes to Toronto ou Sunday next wnen she will give an address on Russia and Her Needs in Runneymede Congiega- tional Church in the moîning, in the Noîthein Congregational in the af- ternoon and Bond-st. Chuîcb in the evening. Mi. W. H. Morris, Publisbeî of The Reporter, Athens, Ontario, gave us a fiiendiy caîl on Monday. Mr. Morris îeceîved hîs fiîst lessous in The Art Preservatîve in "Tihe States- man" office and nias for some years afterwaids la Peterboro and Moose- jani, Sask., bef oie coming East. Hie and Mis. Morris were visiting rela- tives in Orono. Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East Going West ,Express 10.18 a. ni. Express 5.50 a. ni Express 2.36 p. m,.* Local 8.20 a. m.*~ Local 10.08 p. m.* Expies. 4.40 P. ni. Express 12.20 a. mi Express 7.42 p m>* *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towm Agent. Canadian NrtionaI Railway. West Bound Eagt p-undi *Daily except Sunday. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, minister. il a. m.-"The Heavenly Vision". 7 P. M.-An Honest Man's Vctory. 2.30 p. nM.- Sunday School and Bible Classes. Methodist Church, Sunday, April 2nd-Evangelistic services by Rev. J. W. Mahood, D. D.- il a. m.-"The lights that Fail". 7 p. m.-"The Books Opened". Mr. Waugh will sing at both services. St. John's Church, Retor C. P. *Muirhead, organist, Mrs. J. A. Gun, Evening Prayer Friday at 8 p. m. 5th Sunday in Lent, April 2nd. il a. mi. -Holy Communion. 2.30 P. nm.- Sunday School, 7 p. m-Evening Song. Preacher, the Rector. Salvation Army band from Osh- awa will be here Saturday and Sun- day, April 8tb and 9th. Lots of good music will be given as there will be 3 5 players. Saturday night special musical progranm wifl be given in the Army Hall. Admission 10c only. Don't fail to hear the Band. On Monday a special sale of work will bc held in the S. A. Hall at 3 p, m., followed by a supper at 6 and con- cert, at 8 P. nm. Further announce- ment next week. BIRTHS JOHNS-In Orono, March 17th, to Mr. and fIrs. Il. Johns, a daughter (Ileen Doris). HALL-In Toronto, March 21, to Mr.ý and Mrs. William Hall, (nee Etina Mc-1 Donald), Northcliffe Blvd., a daughter. CH ESTER-At Weilesley Hlospital, To-1 rente, on March 20tti, to Mr. and Mrs. W.1 M. E. Chester (nee Dorothy Gilverson), a daughter, (Dorothy Yvonne). MARRIAGES BOYD-COCHRANE-At Oron, arh 22'nt, hy Rev. J. W. Rae, Whitney DByd and Miss Arlreqay Josephaý Cochrane, al of Clarke.1 NAIRN-MALCOLM-At Port Ferry,f rMarch lSth, by Rev. J. T. Ha1ýll, Blanche Aberta, daughter of the late James Mal- colm andijàrs Malcolm, Port Ferry, andi Albert Walter Nairn, of Fortreeve, Sapk- atehewan. MOOR-TRULL-At the Methodist Parsonage, Bowmanville on Saturday, March 25, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D,, Mr. Arthur Henry Moore, Enni- skilien, andi Miss Viola Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. TrulI, Bowman- ville. DEAkTHS BEER-In Orono, March 22nd, Aber- tina A. B. Beer. BROWN-In Toronto, March 28, Wil- liam HI. Brown, Ný,ewcastle, aged 86 years. B E MA NIn Clarke, on Saturday, Mar. lSth, Edwin Carfrae Beman, in his 86th year. McMULLEN-In Orono, March 23rd, Jane Burley, relict of the late John Me- Mullen, ageti 84 years. LOBB-In Long Beech, California,i March 4, Catharine Malcolm, beloved wif e of George Lobb, aged 70 years. Sister of Wmn. Malcolm, Maple Grove. IN MEMORIAM VIRTUE-n loving menmory of Ifazel Maude Virtue, who ffasseti away March 29th, 1918. Aged 15 gears. Only a memory of by-gone days And a sigh for a face unseen, But a constant feeling that God alone Knows best what might has been. Though her lovlng voice is silent And ber true heart ceased to beat Hlow we miss her well-known foot-steps And a voice we loveti to greet. Mother, Sisters and Brothers. VIRTUE-In loving memory of our dear husbanti and father, John W. Vir- tue, who passeti away April 3rd, 1921. One year bas gone and none can tell The loss of our father we loveti so wefi, One of 'the best thât Goti coulti lenti, A loving father, a faithful friend. Hie was the one that helpeti us most, And ail our troubles shared When daYs are dark, and friends are few, Decar father how we long for you. r , Wife and, famuly. WANTED TO RENT-Two large rooma or two bedrooms and a sitting roomn. Pre- ferably unfurnished by end of Âpril. Ap- ply to Box 221, BowmanviUle. 13-tf HELP WANTEO--Girl or woman to look after office and attend to books, at once. Apply Greenaway & EliIott, Con- sulting Engineere, BowmanviUle. 19-1 HELP WANTED-Two young girls, house parlor maid and boune mald latin- dress to go to Toronto. Write Mr@. Nor- man TilIey, 48Avenue Roafi, Toronto. 12-2w WANTED-Energatic, Salesman to act as distrIbutor; exclusive territory; profit- able fast eelling article; no conPetltiOfl; act quick. W. A. Benson & Ca ' 865 Euclid ave., Toronto. 18-1w* WANT TO BU-Small boune. brick cottage preferred, centraily located, Con- veniences, about 1/tacre of garden with amail shedi or lien boune, on easy termas. Apply by letter stating full particulars to S. E. Drawer B., Bowmanville 13-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE. FOR SALg-Brick 'residence, 7 moins, and one acre of land, wlth fruit trees, at Nursery Corner. Apply to W. B. Pinch, Division-st., Bowmanville. 5-tf FOR SALE-Brick cottage containing 6 moins, furnace and electric lights. Hard and soit water in house, good garden and fruit trees. Apply to J . Westaway, Qucen Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf FOR SALE-Gooti brick residence on Centre-st., containing 8 rooms, fireplace. ail modemn conveniences. Possession at a month's notice. Apply to Box 366. Bowmianville. 12-tf FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemnens' farm, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres, 20 acres young orchard; fall work done. faîl wheat sown. Possession at once. Ajply Bruce Honeyweil, 60 Duke-st', Tlor- onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. ii2-tU PROP ERTI ES FOR SALE-If intereet- ed in securing a lot overiooking river at ýWindy Cove, Bowmanville Beach, write ;F G. Dyke, Room 708, Dominion Bank Building, Toronto. 13-3* POULTRY EGGS FOR HATCHIr'.G-White Wyan- dtte, Martin's Klle's, White Leghorns Barrons and Ferries Strain, Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, Ancona Andulusians, $150 setting; $10 per 100. R. H. DIlling, llowmanville. 13w EGGS FOR HATCHING-I will sella 1liited number of Single 00mb Wbte Leghorn Eggs fromn my heavy winter layers. Price $2.00 per 15 eggs. George Jemieson, Newcastle. 12-t EGGS FOR HATCHING-H-atchiflg eggs anti baby chicke, S. C. White lieg- horns and barreti rocks, winter laying strain at $125 per setting of 15 or $7.Q, per 100. Also handling baby chicks at 25 for $675; 50 for $1250; 100 for $2400 for Mareh, April andi May fromn Chas. Sul- ley's Sunnyside Poultry Parai, Cobourg, Order early from A. H. Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 237-r3. il-tf * ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Solid Concrete Silos, last the longest and cost the least, get es- imates from W . C. Jackson, Port Perry. 11-4w FOR SALE-About 200 hushels of Seeti Oats, O. A. C. 72, fres of noxions *eeds. Apply to H. G. Pascoe, R. R. 1, Hampton. 12-t FOR SALE-Beantiful Mahogany Phon- ograph. on terras. O. E. Loucks._ Duke- st., opopsite South Ward School, 'Bow- nianville. 12-2w CAR FOR SAI.E-Ford Car, 4 nearly new tires, mechanical condition in gooti shape Big bargain for cuick sale. Ap- ply to A. W. Piokard, Bowmanville. 13-t FOR SALE-Mare rieing 5 years, sound andi quiet, general purpose, good driver. Spring Rye for seeti. Barn 40 x 25 will' be sold worth the money. Arthur Bell- man, Bowmanville R. R. 4, phone 139-12. 12-t FOR SALE-Several pure bred -York- shire Sows due fromn lst of March ta lst of April; also soine hog pigs 4 months old. Apply ro Wm. Hays, lot 20, con. 2, C'larke, 2 miles east of Newcastle, 6-tf 1* FOR SALE-i Colti Tire Set, 2 11ot Tire Upsetters, 1 Tire Binder, 1 Sharpening Vice, 3 Power Makers (for car), 1 Rnb- ber Tire Machine, A quantity of steel Roof Ladder. Apply to A. W. Plckard, King St. E. 11-4w BUILDING LOTrS FOR SALu I arn offering two of the choicest onE acre building lots in the town of Bow- rnanvitle ai very reasonable prices, In gooti locaity on Liberty-st., Just one block south of Nursery corner. Excellent gar- den with about 50 good apple trees on each lot just coming Into bearlng. Nor- man S. B. James, Statesman Office, Bow- TWO FRIDAY NIGHTS & SATURDAY MARCH 31 APRIL 1 I tE ROYAL PIEROTS Present Their Revue of Mirth, Melody, Song, Dance and Fun MIDNIGHT REVELS With a cast of English Vaudeville Artistes on a Tour round the World Direct from a successful run at THE LIBERTY THEATRE, NEW YORK (Played at Grand Opera House, Toronto, recently) ALMA GRAY AND TOM ELLIS The clevejr comedienne introducing hîs own or- and dancer direct from iginat comedy and dan- the London lime!ights. ces,?,f Art. PRICES 35e and 50e Plan Now Open at Mitcbell's Drug Store i lu' LOCAL AND OTHERWISE TO LET Top soil anti .filling, free for teaming I ARM TO RENT-Pree fire wood and away. Apply A. Turner, Scugog-st., lower rent for first year. APply to Ed. Bowmanville. 13-1w Milison, R. R. 1, Enniekillen. 12-2 This is one of the best home print ~--.- issues ever publisbed in Bowmanville. W NE Mis. Dunu and duughteî Reta, are1W TE visiting her mother, Mrs. K. Alcott,. CATTLE WANTED-For ranch, lot 3, Mr. nd rs. . R Ellottand isscou.' 6, Darlîngton, for parLiculars Write Mr ad is R R Elittan MssGe.Lane, Oakwooti. 13-3w Jean recently visited Mi. and Mis. J. WANTED-Dining-room girl, ýwanted Lyle, Queen-st. at once, Gooti wages. Apply at Bow- Mr Sm node rtune Sndyman Hiouse, Bowmanville. 9-tf Mi.SamSnodenretîne Suday MAN WANTEO-To work on farm, afternoou froni his trip to England single man preferreti. Duties to com- highly pleased with the outing. mence April 1. Apply to R. H. Hamiey, Lake -View Farm, Bowmanville, phone Complete line of Dianthia Dresses 28-r2. 13-tf will be shown by special 'repiesenta- WANTED-Marrieti man with fanm ex- tive at Couch, Jobnston & Cryder- perience wants situation on farm or any man' s, April 7tb and 8tb. outsitie work. Âpply "lStatesmnan Office. 110-t ,THE NEW CREATION is the Patent toe and. vamp and a medium heel., Price Scotch Grain Oxford with perforated per pair $7.0O.ý Black or Brown 2 Strap Slippers, cuban or low heel welts at $6.0O to $6.50 per pair Patent 2 Strap Slippers, cuban or low heels,$4.50 to $5.00 per pair Fine Caif iBlack or Brown, one or three', strap with buckles, made by Blach- fords, priced at $9.00 and $9.75 per pair W.CLA UDE IVES CASH SHOE STORE PHONE 241 BOWMANVILLE STYLES SHOW An Immense Success The garments were not beyond the moderate purse. Our personal supervision in buying made it possible to secure garments with real style at very moderate prices. The style show garments with manýy others may be seen at any time in our Ready-to-Wear Dept. Corne in an d look around. AMONG THE MANY EXCLUSIVE STYLES New Wrap Coats, New Suits, Silk Dresses in Canton, Crepe Net, Guaranteed Taffetta, Ging- hams, in wonderful styles-Ratines in new cape effects-Spring Coats in homespun, Velours, Polo Cloths-New Silk Bloomers-Pretty New Blouses -Voiles and Swiss Organdies in many attractive patterns. NEW HOMESPUNS FOR SKIRTS, SUITS AND DRESSES Very popular and stylish, all colors $2.75 and $3.00 NEW SWlSS SPOT MUSLINS In very pretty colorings, per yd $1.50 LADIES' DAINTY'CAP HAIR NETS Princess Pat, in ail colors, 3 for 25c WHEN YOU THINK 0F CORSETS Think of 'D & A' and Cromptons, the corsets that will give you real satisfaction., Guaranteed riyetted steels. BOWMANVILLE'S FAVORITE, SHOPPING PLACE Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods Phone 106 Bowmanviîle Easter Fashlins The Spring Shoes are now on display Neyer in the history of footwear have more beautiful de- signs been displayed than in this year's styles. The ever ini- creasing popularity of Oxfords and Strap Slippers. is shown in the graceful line of each new shoe. The prices are the most reasonable in years -- ----- - --- . ........... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .