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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1922, p. 8

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Coughs Colds and Chronic Bronchitis Totally destroyed .by 1 Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture, The World's most wonderful remedy. GUAP-ÀNTERD ta givýe relief or money refunded 40 Doses for 750 Sold by aul druggista or bt' mail frora W. K. 309KLEY. LIMITE, 142 Motuai St. Toronto SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE LET TER: Canadian Woman Recoin- mends Lydia- E. Pinkham's Vegetable'NCompound 'Win!Peg, Manitoba-"I can_ net Spealk too highly of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. 'I was a nervous wreck and 1 just had to forgeiniyself to do My work. Life was a misery and work was a burden. Even the sound of my own cildren playing made me feel as if I must seream if they did not gef away froin me. I could flt even speak right to rny husband. The doctor said that he could do nothing for me owing to my condi- tion, but -told me to expeet another misearriage. My husband's grand- mother advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I started it righf away and everyone noticed what a different woman 1 was in a short time. Iý went and engaged my doctor and he did flot know me, I was g0 well. 1 was able te do my work once more and it was a pleasure, flot a burden. Now 1 have a 'fine bouning baby' to use the doctor's own words. 1 arn able to nurse ber and enjoy dolng my work. I can not belp recomrnending such a medicine, and anyone seeing me before I took it and seelng me row, cau see what It does or me. )Ybat It bas done for me it can do for anyone in the same condition. 1 arn oniy toc, pleased for you to use My testimonil."-Mga. Emn.y DAvis, 721 MeGee. St,. Winnlpeg, Manitoba.. THE HEALTHY WOMAN 1S ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL IN THE EYES 0F MAN Stratford, Ont. -"I do think Dr. Pieroe's Fa- vorite Prescrip- tion is one of the best medi- cines 1have ever knoýwn for the aliments 0of women. I bad for quite a long -time been hay- Ing inward trou- ble wieh caused me to become ail run-down, weak and nlervous. I doetored, but nothing seemed to give me relief until I be- gan taking the 'FaVforite Prescrip- tioni' and this medicine gave me sueh, wonderful relief that I arn giad to recornrend it to others."-Mrs.' A. Godwin, 60 Brant St. Ail druggists. KIDNEY TROUBLE? Take Mr. Býron's Advice Montreai, Que.-"1'or thi ee months 1 was under the doc tcr's cure and got 1n0 botter. I was always com- piaining of my kidneys. Finally, I took Dr. Pierce's Anurie Tablets and don't complain any more. I have gained in weight aeîd arn stili gain- ing, my appetite is great and sleep has corne to me. That is what Dr. Pîeree's Anurie (1-,idey and back- Rche) Tabiets bave done for me. I do truly recmeoînd them to those wbo are suffering the way I did. The tabiets are migbty good, though not expensive; easy to buy, but bard to beat."-T. A. Browvn, 415 Dorchester St. W. Don't wait for serous kidney ail- mient t0 set in. Heip your weakened kidneys with Dr. Pieree's Anurie. At ail drug stores or send 10e to Dr. Pieree's Laboratory in Bilidgeburg, Ont., for trial pkg. LSWMfflý The Double Track Route between Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night train, and Parlor cars on the pemenipal day trains Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. B. Hornîng 'Distrct PaSsenger Agent, Toronto. J. F. FL JURY. Agat ?bon* 78 o avil OOD'S PHOSPHODLNEý le Qreat English, Preparatinn. ,z Tones and invigorates the whole nervons system., makes new lllood in old Veins. Used for Nervous fiDebility, Mental and Brain Wrry, Despondiencv Loss of Energy Palpitation o the Heart, ?aiUng Memory. Price $2 pe., box. 3s for $51PSoId by al druggists, or mailed in plain .pkgon rerei,Âo,!>rice Nr a iWtn.I' BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 30, 1922. A BARE FACT Two ladies gay met a boy one day; Hîs legs were briar scratched; His clothes were blue, but a nut brow hue Marked the place where his pants were patched; They bubbied with joy at the blue- eyed boy, With his spot of nut brown hue; Wydon't you patch with a color to match?~" They ehuck-led why flot in blue?" "Corne, don't be coy my blue-ýbrown boy, "Speak out", and they laughed witb glee; And he biushed rose-red whiie he said, "That ain't no'patch; that's me! Appetite Good, Gained 20 lbs. Could Not Feel Better From a nervous wreck this man was restored to healtb, strength a nd happinais. He tells his own story in this letter. Mr. Ralph A. Roberts, Loverna, Sask., wnites: "In 1917 1 had lost ail appetate. f ailed 25 pounds in weight, beome very nervous and shaky and in fact given up ail hope of recovery. For tome ime 1 had sufiered f rom consti- patsio, which kept getting werse, until 1 was f ast becoauins a total wreck. Doctoràancd ther drugs were sending me to my grave at the age cf 39., 1 Tl.en1Ire«d aboat people eing restored by Dr. Chas', "Medicines and after three..months' use of Dr. Chas Nerve Food and Kidncy-Liver Pilla 1 found that my bowels were restored to normal Inovement ecd day and the çonstipation was no more. 1 had a Sood appetite, had gained '20 poundsancd could not feel better, I shahl always be grateful for these benfts.- 'D. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box; Dr. Chase's Kiclney-Liver Pis, 25c a box, ail deniers or E-droanson, Bates & Co., . , Toronto. Terrible Weepi4 ,f;>Mes. E. Hayeg, of Hamilton, aftei' seing South ta find relief; finmlly eured b., a local remedy. "T hav suffered wt rw'ig cIose the haed,.sebad thatm bnawereheplr -te bave tried and tried remedies, withoo1.t ars- lief-to have given up work and coîne South for belp-to have been c!red completelj on ha If a bottle of D. D. D. This la the substance'ot lirs. Hayes' letter, 22 Sunset St ., ilamilton,Gic. Cases can be sentyou fromnyour own vicinhîy. Write for Canadian testimonials, or eccore a bottle cf D D. D. today. W4hy sufer itclrinu torment anothea- moment? If yen don't get relief on the firaI bttle, we will refond witbout oluestion. $.00 a btt e. vry D. D. T, S.P.o too. .THE lotion for SipDn s JURY & LOVELL, DRUGGISTS ihat foods that abound in 1devitamins best promote ~hea1thfuI growth. a s an aid to growth and strength should h ave a place in the diet of most chiidren. Scott & Bowne, Toronto Ont. *-ALSO MAKERS 0F- Whlen You !eel It -t omingr -imthat old Headache menda Its wuivlmgdbyou are going to sufer- b&eZTOO. Wbea you feel a Cold coming on taiesZUTOO. At the first ig of a pain-at the. firtfeeling ofsick- ucus-take ZUTOO. Ycsu wil bc ail right ia 20 Minutes if it's a headache, or the. next morning ifit is a cold. Pain ail gone, and the whole body refrehed. Don't vait--doa't taie. chances. Get ZUTOO Tablets to-day-and bave themn ready to takes at the. first sign of a Head- ache or cold and TAKE THfEI 25e a box-at denier or by mail postpaid ILN. Robiason& C.,Coaticook.Q CANADIANS IN KOREA Exae'acts From Lettes Received From Dr. anad Mr&. Normani Found by Their Relatives in Bowmanvilie and Darlington. Kongju, Korea, January 2Oth. To-day is a very cold day. Thent was ice on aur wash basin flua morn- ing and we cerf ninly lad to hop around fa keep wnrrn. We have bas word fromn fhe north that flic weafher is very cold-24 degrees bclow zero one morning and iota of sno'w. To- dayý one tendonr doca flot corne, so1 arn trying fa mernorize 52 Koreax wonds that wc bave beard and atudîed ta date. Tëeiy do nof seem to stick very well. My appefif e keeps pretty good and tli f ood we get la quifî good enougli for nie. Yeatenday we sfudicd la the rnorn- îng and went for a long walk ln the affernoon fa sec if we could find a good skating pond but there didn'i aem fa be any nearer flan 11/h miles away. Tuesday affernoon we gafli. ered up aur skates and went ouft oa rougli pond ncarby ta break la aux limîs for future skating. For benefif of Wmn. J. Found, I am sending flic liat of rulca writtcn la Enghiali by Japanese for flic benefif of English touriste. Tbey wouid apply anywliene I slould fhink wlicne autos arc found. 1 Aftfthe risc of flic land of fthe policeman stop rapidly. Do not pasa hlm or otherwiae diarespeef hlm. 2 When a passenger of flicffoof- bove la siglif toofle the bora melod-1 ioualy af finaf. If lic sf111 obstacles your course fôotle wifb vigor and ex- press by word of moufli fli waraing Hi! Hi! 3 Bewane of flic wandcriag hanse that hc shahl not fake fniglit as you pass hlm. Do not explosion flic cx- bause pipe on hlm. Go socithingly by or stop by flic roadaide f111 lie pasa away. 4 Give big space tfathflfestivedog thaf makea sport lanflic roadway. Avoid enfanglement of dag wifli yous' wheci spokes. 5 Go soofhingiy on flic greasy, mud as fliene lurks flic speed demon. 6 Presflic braite of flic foot as1 ýyou rail around flic corners fa save the collapse and tice up. Kongju, Koa4ea, January 29th. I bave juaf beca fa dhurci and understood six different words. I neariy froze my feet, siace fhey neyer think of blocking up flic cracks. This le New Ycar'a fime for flic Kon- cana who sf111 atihere fa flic lunar calcadan and cverybody who owns a new suit of cloflies pute if on for flic occasion. Purple sox and cerise "ésuifs" are very popular and tlicy have quite a gay fime lanflicir own way. Helen fook sane picturca of flic kiddies yesforday but flic colora will of course, be lost in tfli final print. The weaflicr sf111 remains, dean, coid and caini-nof onougli wind most days ta blow flicsrnàoke as'ound and dcad leaves are sf111 on flic frees sînce theno is no breeze sfrong en- ougli fa blow flienioff. Tic chief event of flic week lias been looking ýaffer aur ice for sumnior use. We finaf wenf down ta flic police station fa sec if if was ainiglit ta go aliead. They did naf care as long as wc did no; seli if. Sa some coolies wcnf ta work digging ouftflic dint at 8 0 sen a day and after mucli dickcring we made a bargain wifh a man fo hanveat tbc ice af 12 sen (6,c) a hlockfor which pricc lie lad aiso fa deliver if af flic ice bouse saine 100 f cet higli- as' flan flic closcsf wagon rond. We tisa bargained for sonie nec cliaif at 30 son for a snck about fhe size of a big four sacit (took 60 sacits). By tbc time flic coolies lad clcaned ouf tbc bale lanflie rocky hillside whieh serves as an icehouse, flic ice began bo arrive. Tbey brougltit t in wag- ons fa flic foot of tbbc li andflien carried if up fwo 'blocks af a tirne on fle ic"iggis. Mn. A. took a snnp- sbot of myseif af flic iceliause on Iapnuary 27, beside a man carrying a j'iggi. Tbis film, wiil, 1 suppose, reýacl you la fime and you wili be able f0 sec for yourself tînt if la no liglit lond. There must lave been 20 mca working af fIat ice fan about 5 days, and wbcn they finished fbcy askcd for a fipi and wene ves'y pleased wifli 2.80'arnong the lot-S, cents a pieco. This waa to pay fhern for gcffing a huafle an and finishing if bef are New Year's Day, wlin tbey al try ta gef drunit and bave a spnce. Wlica 400 blocks wcre lanflic ice- blocks 24 x 12 x 16 and wc will have ao puf on a roof costing about 16yeI -2 families ice.I 1Next and most important iocally this week is flic klling of aur pig. To ho sure nothing went wrong wc go down fa police station and find otf fliat we cannot kili the pig our-, selves unloas we faite if 10 miles ouf of fown and bring baek fthe heart for them fe examine. Then we find that by taking if down fown we caný bave if done in the goverinent slaugbfer house for 60 sen-BO cenfts -if we supply our own wood and bring the pig up and do'wn wbieli seerns quite reasonable. So one maxn fakes fthe permit,sfating the age and sex of thie pig and fies fbliv up ln a bail with sfrawroean iputa it on bis back and fakes hlm rdown and brings bim up in 2 piecesl the sarne xigb The bousebold *electa me -bufcher and at nighf I eut birn up info reasonable sized piecea and heipa sait hlm down about rnidnighf. Tbe ment weigbed 74 *pounds and there la very liffle faf on hlm at that. We bave diacovered a reaaon why fbe Japanese are so particular about ice. Tbe only way Koreana knoxv bow fe use if 15 te eaf if and fhey are wondering bow six f oreigners are going f0ent 624 blocks fhia summer. >Nafuraliy fainted ice mighf cause an epidemie of choiera or typboid, In Helen's case fthe greafeaf evenf of the week is the arrivai of our diali- os from Kobe a monfli affer fhey were abipped. This trip fook us only 33 hours but the dishes gof ide- fracked af Kwangju for a f ew days, We gof fthern up infoý one of the roorns of our house's cellar and unwrapped theni and set fbem ouf on our new fruit shelves. Not one of 110 pieces ia broken. Mrs. Amendf was up f0 aee fhem and nafurally proaounced them o. k. very good and beaufiful fe bebold. Friday wae cerfainly a big day for us. . In addition f0 killing the pig and finisbing fthe ice the diabes an- rived and we beard from Cbo Clii in thaf our Toronto freight bas amived there. The leffer feiling us was al in Japanese as also was the bill of lading, so I ar nenof ucb wisen as to coafs or requirernents. On Friday aiso the finsmîfh (dnmjang) finisbed his work and 1 was able yesferday to ligbf up n fine for the firsf fîme. Helen was over to make a four of in- spection and declared everyfbing satisfacfory. Probabiy the freiglif will nof arrive f111 affer the populace sobena up from New Year, celebra- fions. O yes! I forgof fe fell you about Mrs. Sbarp. She leff Wednesday f0 catch the Hoosier Siafe for San Francisco et Kobe. Monday nighf, we gave ber a party liere af the Amendfs expense. The bouse was deconated as a ship and tickets were sent toeflien in flic affernoon. Tliey came witbout tickets and I was or-1 dened as cabinboy te, make theni go1 back for fhem. One of theni pre- tended sbe was sick. Supper was served in bedr4onýs, deeoMatýed la cabîns and after chicken pie for sup- per we piayed -deck games on the pan- lor floor fi 12.00 o'clock. Wednesday af 10.80 a. mi. she ieft ini car for Chochi ini. Ail the scbool kida were let ouf f0 say, good-bye1 and were lined Up in a long row in the school yard to bow f0 ber. Thei wif e of the governor of the province I was fliene in ber ilîks fe say good-bye1 and presenrit,'ber witb siik for a 'dres, Neediess fe say we were ail there. Laat nigbf the W. M. S. housc- re- turned the favor by invifing us over to a doughnuf feed from which we refunned safeIy af 12 o'elock. Mrs, Swearer now in charge there ia going borne flua summer for good. Mrs. Amendt is stili getting Christ- ,e e,; à c ' ' ar- get,spertî neio cif the ýetalso ihrush ïn h'i 'fect, fistula, etc. bz sleqding at one. -%emoves proud f1csh, soi eness and sweli- ing. At ail Dealersanmd Druggista. Manufaetnred only by DOUGLAS & CO., NAP-ANýEE, Ont. LEONARD EAR O1L RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES ,"Rub it ia Back of the Ears" (Neyer Put in Ears) Insert ln Nostrils rDecf2eaa in greatly relieved b,' a s;imple treatment witb Leonard Ear 700. Spatial instructions by a eoted Far Specialist for differeut kinda of De,-. asess and Head Noises contained l ncach, Package. Leonard Ear 011 isn nt anq emperiment, but bas bcdt a successfai sale since,1907. "Yencano afford t b, def." TRY TIISc onoLt TIfbas belped thousands of people. Wby neot von? Descriptive ciz lr pn muat.l MAD)E IN CANADA . .LEGNARD,Inac., Mra,70 ithAs., N.Y.City, JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville tmas parcels. This morning she gof ia purpie sweater coat from home 1which was made to suit her waisf 3 tyears ago and looks as fight as a wet sbathing suit when she wears it, 1 ibis week we have both skated and played tennis which is veryr f unny frorn a Canadian standpoint. Mr. Adrnendt was ouf to a Korean feast yesferday noon but 1 was not invifed. 11e leaves fo-morrow to in- speef some of bis outlying cburches and will be gone 10 days. He is gafbering up books to-day and freez- ing some pork to fake along. I arn tgetfing hirn sorne iodine and simple medicinea to fake along. Jnnuary 30, 1922. Tbe Koreans runbon tbe moon cal-i endar of fbe Chinese, i. e. tbey have a new monfb every fime if la new moon.' This la the New Year nevw rmoon and they celebrate for two weeks until tbe moon is full. During this time sacrifice fo their ancestors are the order of the day and tbey end up the big tirne by a sacrifice f0 the risingfuli moon. Every day so f ar tbe band bas piayed in the streets. The band master ia f00 big feeling to carry a bafon so be sticks a feather in bis bat and keeps fime with the feather by throwing bis head around in a most terrifying manner. Mean- wbile be folds bis arms since no Kor- ean of any standing wili carry any- fhing. The first season of the year is spring., 80 you see tbey are ahead on thaf deal even if fbey *are bebind -on everytbing else. They usualiy do thinga backward. For instance, you migbf fell Will thaftbtey bang up ail dead f owl by the neck 80, that tbey will not lose tbe blood. In piaying tennis fbey only count wben the bail goes out of play. We go skating in the flats by the river here and that the ice here is nof up aide down. (To be continued) H1e Has Tried Them' and Found Them Good Joseph Siaud Recommends ,The Dodd's Remedies ,Has No Trouble With His Kidueys, Even When the Weathet. Changea, Since Uains Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Duek Lake, Sask., March 27th. (Speciai) ~-Joseph Siaud, a well- known resident here la a firni be- liever in the Dod4's Remedies. ., 1believe 1 have the righf fa ob", Mr. Siaud says. "For 1 bave given tbem a thorougb trial". Kidney Pis and 46 boxes-of Dodd'u Dpspepsia Tablets and fhey have dons me a lot of good. 1 don't feel any sore frommy kidneys now ýeven when tbe weafher changez. "To anyone suffering from Kidney disease or Dyspepsia I recommend the ,Dodd's Remedies. Give fhem a trial before tryîng any other. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tabiefs give good digestion. Dodd's Kidney Pilla make pure biood. Wifh good diges- tion and pure blood good healfh is assured. Ask your neighbors about fthe Dodd's Remedies. vv THE r'LIFTUP 9 ALL BIAS FIL LED CORSETS aedesigned in conformity with Te*LIF "-a patented invention wihnon-slip elastie tnde beit. getysupp~orts the abdomen %md very benieficial for use after â,.rx- ation involving an abdominal incision. Moat effective in relieving those physicaiailiments ftrn wbach n mii' women sufer. ad celi-measurement. FREE. The genaine s'atented *'LIFTLIP" ,a DIAS CORSET made oniy b,'i 43 lasilSTrAniq siamn Dwrr. F PHONE MAIN 3700 CORSETS ~~ ýBff Touare fmot ngwhen 0,LEMA ou e .Dr. ECZEMAhase s Oint. ment for Eczema and 3km Irrita- dions. 18 relieves at once and gradu- ai el the skmn Sampîe box Dr. (hase'Î^ Ole-tnent free if you mention this pape r and send 2o. stanp for postage.60C. a box'al deniers 'or te4Î & o 'Llmltd, Torinta daunB o Popularity tver Increasing Natural Leaf Green Tea is recognized, as the tremendous increase in the de- ma.nd for it shows. R306 Try it to-dlay YQU will liRe it A slow oven, will not spoil your baking when you use ORDER FROM YOURD NEIGHEORHOOD GROCER, Always Good Every time you buy "SURPRISE" you get a big, bright, solid bar of the hîghest grade household soap. HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED, OSHAWA SEED GRAIN Seed Qats, Seed WMeat, Seed Barley, Seed Rye Stock complete. Ask for prices. CLO VERS & TIMOTHY Ail kinds and of finest quality. Ask for a price on our Feeds-Corn, Shorts, Cotton Seed, and 0i1 Cake, also on Corn and Peas ground together. Oats, oats, Hiogg & Lytie, Limited. Phone 203 Ton. lullCndlo VOum EYSAB" ~N 7eurybmGsaa, araa Udb Wrie fr P. %YeC.BDk Oshawa A eafe. reliable regsdatissg lnedlicnae. Bold lu three de.. grees of sýtreagth-No. 1, Si, N.2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. * ..~ Sold by ail druegiste, or sent j frcýp&d POn re1ceipt of rc a re amphlet. Ad= .-a 'CHE COO0K MEDICINE CO., l c TnesnSrn gn r... .. There is Always Pur bakery department is always helping some- body. It may be unexpected visitors, an after- noon tea, a party or just the regullar meals of the day. Our ,large and varied assortment of fancy and plain baking is always at your service. Why not. take advantage of this service? CHRISTIE'S BA.KERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville 77ý

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