S. ROY FOSTER, BUTCHER, ANNOUNCES Improved Service I wish to announce to my many custori-ers that I have rented part of Mr. J. B. Martyn's store and will have for sale fresh and cured meats of all kinds. 1 will continue to deliver meat as usual each morning and will be in the shop every afternoon and Saturday evenings. Mr. Martyn will1 serve those desiring meat at the shop in the, mornings. Lnder this new arrangement meats will be kept in a cooled refrigerator which assures you of safe and sanitary care of meats, at ail times. MY PRICES WILL STILL BE OTHE LOWEST SROY FOSTER B6winanville Butcher WE SELL AT HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Best Manitoba Flour, Ontario Flour, Western Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereails, etc., Always best quality and right price. DON'TBUY SEED CORN until you havceeenus. We are -expecting some very choice seed corn almost any day. CHOPPING AND CRUSHING We are prepare d to do ail kinds of chopping and'crushing on short notice. CHrAS. HORN Phone 129r6 Hampton Spalding's Base Bail and Foot Bail Goods, etc.- Mason &Dale's hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville ----- ---- Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream ýare high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want You rs If we, fail to cçà on you we wouid appreciate a phone cali or write us. Orono Creamery Co., ORONO E.yeo. if they 'Eire;, FOR Itch, Smart or Bq",% Ë-..,.if Sore, Irrïtated, In- YOUR L 1 flamed orGranulatc'd, useMurineoften. seoohesRefiereshsSafefc'r Infant or Adult.*At ail Druggists. Wrîte ok"cottoI Root CooePoun edicine. Sod lthree d.- green o' stregt-N.5c'. $1; - No. 2, $3 ;M.3, $N per box. Sold by ail druggista. or ent- * prepid on reçept Of prie. ) ree ripamlpbIèt. Addressa -ME COOK Mk*ulclmE Co., Phone 45 *PURE MILK SUPPLY Dr. John Spencer's Address at Chamber of Commerce Dr. Spencer's opening remarks were: Gentlemen, I believe w-e are alI agreed regarding Our milk SUP- ply in Bow-manville, and that some- thing s1kould be doue to correct it. The chief trouble lies in lnck of uni- formity, botb in quality and cleanli- ness, and la order to correct these matters we must seek out the cause, before effective remedies can bie ap. plied. Iu the fii'ht place, this is not and neyer w-as n dairying section and only until recently bas dairing on a com- mercial scale been given attention. A f9w years ago, a few of our farmers west of the tow-n were attracted by! greater -remunerative prospects ini dairying launched eut and punchas- ed pure bred Hoîsteins.. Througli shippinig their milk to Toronto ledi to officiai inspection of their herdsl and premises w-hich placed them on a betten -dairying basis. This aiw-ays has been a stnitl beef and grain growing section and w-hile 'our barns and stables are among the best on earth for'the pur- pose for w-hich they were, intended, they are flot adapted for clean milk production. Daîry herds should have isolated quarters, quite equal to quar- antine. No othen stock sbould occupy their abode. There should be ample iight and ventilation. No feed should, be stored, within the wnils of their quarters. No dust-creating feed chute shouid enter. Everything must be scrupulously dlean in -order to pro- duce uncontaminated milk, for it is due to contamination, and contamin- ation oniy, that milk spoils. 0f al food products with which we have to deal, milk nequires the greatest cane. No matter hiow w-el intended, no one can produce dlean milk in any but inost cieaniy and sanitary stables. Again passing along the line, Dr. Spencer said: Our dealers, geuerally speaking, lacked equipment., Their end of the business cailed for .,act- ing conditions-isoiated miik hôuses, proper cooling and storiug quarters, efficient sterilizers, and a better gen- eral understanding of conditions cou- ducive to their proper responsibility. Again hie stated that no dairy is complete without free accees to the Babcock test, if for not other purpose than the knowledge of the p1foductive values of their 0w-n individual cows. Why keep unprofitable boarders? The only way to weed them ont is by the milk test. The Dr. then weut ou to deai witb dangers arising for sprea'd of disease -both those w-hicb are communicable from cattie to man and those w-hicb are conveyed from infected premnises other than cattle disease, and men- tioued a f ew of the more.-important milk-born diseases. H1e dw-elt at some length ou tuber- cuiosis, ,quoting statîstîcs and inform- ed the audience that post-mortem findings lu the large centres in the United States, Engiand and Germauy reveaied the startling fact that from 70% to 100% were found tubercul- osis among people, mauy of these be- ing the bovine type. H1e stated that thene were three types of tubercie baccili, that from the human, bovine and avain. The latter showed parti- aiity to pouitry, w-hile the second to cattie and hogs. These types of bac- ilia differed only in their shape, al other properties beiug aearly ident- ical. The bovine types have been found in a large measure infective to maa especialiy, w-heu germs of higb virulen~ce from young cattle w-ene takea by highly succeptibie people, especially cbildren. They need not be fatal but, think men, w-hy place such a handicap on our future generations and iow-en their efllciency? Watch the Doctors' offices daiiy and 'note the stream of people making their visits. I w-ou- der, hie said, if the tuberculia teat were applied to ahl, as w-e do in cat- tie, what pencentage w-ouid react and reveai the true nature of many of 'the ailments. But perbaps this is doue, 1 don't know. Quoting fnom Hutyra and Marek, Vol. 1, pages 637-38, at the present day, tuberculosis ix the most djeatruct-. ive disease of mankînd. Estimates show- that one seventh of ail deaths, and one-third of ail deaths occurring during the "Wonking Age" of human beings, are due to this disease. Infection as a ruie is caused by the human type of the tubercle bacilia, the bacilia of animais and especialiy Dr. Spencer recommended te bis audience, as a remedy after the moat careful survey and cousideration of inviting the co-openation of the Health of Animai Bnancb at Ottaxv a w-ho maintained a staff of qualifled workers and w-ho w-ere ready to give us'the necessary assistance to place our miik suppiy on a betten basis, w-hy not avail' ourseives te their ser- vice? The w-hoie question is oee of co-eperation betw-oen producer, deai- Other Donations Mrs. J. O'Neil-Tea. Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl, Infanit'is outflt. Miss M. Allen-Tea. Mrs. F. J. Mauning-Canned fruit. Mrs. (Dr.) John Spencer-Sugar. Mrs. W. H. Wiliams-Tea & Sugar Mrs. A. Tait-Oranges and Tea. Mrs. C. Arthur Cawker-Canned Fruit. Mrs. (Rev.) C. P. Muirhead-Can- ned Fruit. Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock-Canned Fruit. Mrs. D. B. Simpson-Oranges. Mrs. Alec. Haddy-Onanges. Mns. A. N. McCellan-Lard. Miss McCellan-J-eily and ýcovers for drinking glasses. Mrs. L. A. Tole-Canned Fruit. Mrs. Fowler- Sieves. Mrs. L. Cobbledick-Butter. Mrs. J. McClellan-Curmýant Bread and Fruit, Mrs. Marion Moore-Tea. Mrs. F. A. Haddy-Biscuits and Tea. Miss Mns. Miss Mrs. Young-Grape 'Fruit. i E. S. Seakler-Cane ri Stephens-Eggs and Tea. J. Lyle-Sugar and Canned Peas. Mrs. A. S., Tilley-Flour. Mrs. W. G. Garner-Tea. Miss E. Paiinton-Bà,.th Towels, Mrs. W. Painton- auned Fruit. 1Mrs. J. Bateman-Canned Fruit. Mrs. R. Hoîrnes-Pickles. Mrs. A. R. Scott-Grape Fruit. Mrs. W. F. Dale-Butter. Mrs. J. L. Howard-Sugar. Mr. John McMurtry-Oranges. Mrs. D. R. Morrison-Malted Milk Mrs. R. M. Mitchell-Absorbent Cotton. Mrs. F. Pattinson-Canned Fruit. Mrs. D. Smith-Canned Fruit. Mrs. M. A. Neal-Cnnned Fruit, Mrs. A. M. Wlliams-Tea, But- ter and Canned Fruit. Mrs. A. Bingham-Oranges. Mrs. A. T. Christie-Butter. Mrs. C. H. Mason-Cocoa and Grape Fruit. Miss A. Cawker-Sugar. Mrs. Fred- R. Lovekin-Canned Fruit and apples. Mrs. Geo. Robinson-Canned Fruit and Eggs. Mrs. A. Armstrong-Canned Fruit. Miss C. Lathrop-Eggs. Vqomen's Institute Institute Members-Silver Tea Pot Mrs. F. Jackman-Cocoa & Sugar. Mrs. Jas. Rickard-Sread, Bunis and Marmalade.. Mrs. W. G. Mutton-Canned Fruit. Mrs. A. L. Nieholls-Towels. Mrs. W. B. Pollard-Pickles. Mrs. T. C. Jewell-Canned Fruit. Miss Bellman-Canned Fruit, Sdiatica for Years But is WeII A gain Why C. Lachance Recom- mends Dodd's Kidney Pis. QuebecMan Relieved of Long Suifer- ing Shouts Praises of Dodd's Kid- ney Pis. Petite Vallee, Gaspe Co., Que. April 3. (Special)-Mr. Chaines Lachance. a well-known resident here is shouting the praises of Dodd's Kid- ney Pis. "I bad sciatica and rheumatism", Mr. Lachance states. "My trouble 9tarted from a eoid. 1 perspired freely with the ieast exertion. -My limba swelled. "Then came tbe sciatica and rheu- matism and for five years I was a suifferer, Pis. Now my-healtb bas corne back and I tell everyone w-ho suiffers from sciatica, rheumatism or kîdney trouble to use Dodd's Kidney Pilla". Dodd'a Kidney Pills act directlyon the kidneys. They put the kidneys in condition to strain the unie acid out of tbe blood. Without urie acid in the blood there eau he no rheumna. tism or sciatica. Ask your neigbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pills do flot make heaithy kid- neya. er and consumer. Mauy questions w-ere asked regard-ý ing the reliability of the tubercular test, and the causes bf failure in its aceuracy 'Lully answe'-e'l which hbri f. i y were: F-i.àt, inert tuberculin; 2nd,l incompetent and indîffereut operat.. ors and disguising by previous pre- paration of suspected animais by un-~ scrupulous ownen-all of w-hich eau be overcome by more modern meth- ods uow-ilu'Vogue. HOSPITAL BIRTHOAY PARTY Philantl*opic Citizens and Others Who Kindly Remnembered This Deserving Institution. Bowmanville Hospital Auxiliary held its Annual BirthdayParty on Wednesday, 'March 29, when this list of contribution s were received: Cash Donations Mrs. F. C. Vanstoie .. ....... $5.00 Mrs. A. E. McCready .....50 Mrs. J. Flem n...... 1.00 Mrs. J. B. Mitchel............ 1.00 Mrs. F. C. Trebilcock........ 1.00 Mrs. J. C. Devitt ............ 2.00 Mrs. Lenore Dart ............ 3.00 Mrs, Kate Wight............. 1.00 Mrs. M. G. V. Gould ...... 1.00 Mrs. J. H. H. Jr.....5.00 Mrs. D. Davis .......... «75 Mrs .J . D. Carruthers....... 2.00 Mrs. M. Knowles ............. 1.00 Miss M. Webber.............. 25 Mrs. D. Biekeli ............... 25 Miss F. M. Galbraith ,.... 1.00 Miss Clara Allen ......... 1.00 Mrs. E. Beilman............. 1.00 Mrs. C. W. Siemon........... 2.00 A Friend....................2-5 Total $30.00~ OBITUARIES Port Hope Guide:- "It ualigbt be w-ei for Cobourg Councilil tc, resiga su John L. Mason, Davenport, la. that they would be in a position to ________devote their entire time to scrap- Another Bowmnanville oid boy pas- ping. sed aw-ay suddenly on Sunday, April Rub it in for Lame Back.-A bnisk 2, lu the person of John Lawrence rbigwt r hms ceti Masn o Daeuont Ioa. He "Yas Ou wîll relieve lame back. The skia the eldest son of the late Samuel and wl meitl bobteo n Elizabeth Rowe Mason, and w-as born itwIim editatetheabssrutes o and n in owmnvile n Jly 4, 844 Hespeedy relief. Try it and be con- is survived by two brothers, Frank vinced. As the liniment sinks in,l H. Mason of Lexington, Oklahoma, U. S., and Mr. S. W. Mason, Dr y the pain cornes ont and there.are, Goods Merchant, Bowmauviile. ample, grounds for saying that it is an excellent article. W. J.Mcmurtry-GaIt William J. MeMurtry, one of Galt's veteran retailers, is dead ftra illuess exýending over sevnyas He w-as boru in Bow-manville 63 years ~A H1e had lived there ever since, con- N v v ductiug a hardware business on Main Street, ail that time. He was one of the best, known men lu bis huneof PRICE SI business lu Ontario,, baving at one tîme operated five stores; two lu GaIt jFO A A ET two in St. Thomas, and one in Lon- ' FO A A ET don. A, widow and three daughters Single roll 50c-Floral survive.1 leadmlerwt1 Mr. McMurtry was a brother of! leadm lerwt Mn. T. J. McMurtry and Mrs. Robt. on a grey background. Collacott, Bow-manville, the former or sitting-rooms. attended the funeral. Before leav- ing this tow-n he was empioyed in the F LA ET PS hardware store of Lee & Edsall. F LA ET P S Single roll 35c-Al1ovi The stomach regulates the condi- dued color combinatîons tion of the blood and is the founda- leprpit o tion of good bealth or disease. Keep bu. A poraefrl in good shape by taking Taulac. JuryHITZBE & Loveli. C IT E Single roll 25c-Soft p RAILWAY TIME I*ABLE,,%-%.R of pink,blue, rose and g: 1BoWMANVILLE. 1 rudw. mc ti Grand Truuk Railway. rud lhamc tî Goiag Eas... Goiug West IMITATION FA D Express 12.33 a. en. x Express 8.42,a. m. Express 4.22 D Single roll 25c-Cut-ou *Express 9.18 a. m. Express 5.38 D D Express 10.35 a m Pass'ngr 10.02 x a weave treatments ini " Passeuger 3.09 p m Passenger 7.06* and blue. Cut-out bordE x Local 7.14 p. m. Passenger 7.13* D Mail 9.58 p m. Passeuger 8.16 x etc., to match. Suitable x Passenger 1,18 p m Fassenger 1 56* halls. * Sundays only; x Daily except Sun- day; ! Flagged. FLORAL] Canadian Pacifie Railway I Going East Going West I pinks and blues, a]. Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. m blue, 15c per single roll. Express 2.36 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m.* Local 10.08 p. m.* Express 4.40 p. m. Express 12.20 a. m Express 7.42 p m* C. B. KexenT sAgent.* C.aBy.exept, und)Agent Canadian Nmqfonal Railway.. Big 20 West Bound East Bound *Daily except Sunday. THEY'RE ALL TALKING ABOUT IT "THE OAKLAND" SPORTING SPECIAL Before you definitely decide on what car you are go~ buy this Spring see the OAKLAND-the latest in the realm of motordom-now on dispiay in our sh'ow rooms. You can't help but admit the OAKLAND is about the smart- est design yet put on the mkarket- thoroly constructed, ail kinds of power, complete in every detail. As one admirer put it "She certainly is a daisy". expect. And the price is not so high as you might Most complete garage under one roof CAR DEPT, SUPPLY DEPT. OLDSMOBILE Parts for Oldsmobile and Oak- OAKLAND land, Tires, Accessories, gas, USED CARS 011. BATTERY DEPT. PAINT SHOP Ilepair ail makes. Sales agents Painting in ail branches, exe- Wîllard Battery. cuted in an artistic manner. REPAIR DEPT. SERVICE DEPT. Expert meehanics, thoroly Courteous, efficient and capable, repairail makes of prompt service-night and cars. day. Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd. OSH AWA BOWMAN VILLE II~ Tom Pawlenchuk, esia au a boast of beig able to keep two wÎ'vesî living at peace with him in the saM& house. To Asthma Suif erers. Dr. -J. D.- Kellogg's Asthma Reinedy cornes like a helping band to a sinking swun- mer. It gives new 1W e and hope- something he bas corne te believe im-~ possible. Its benefit is too evident Io be questioned-it is its o'wvn best argunwnt-ïts owu best acivertise- ment. If you suifer from asthma get this time-tried rernedy a.nd find help like tbousands of others. l Papers PECIALS 'RY WALL PAPER al seroil treatment in rdcl black ,coilor arrangements Suitable for living-rooxns. TRY WALL PAPER ver leaf treatment in sub- sof buif, rose, green and ower rooms or small halls )ROOM PAPER pastel collor arrangements ,reen, on a white back- pe overprint. ABRIC PAPERS ,t Borders, yard 5e-Bur- acombinations of brown [ers showing birds, leaves, for lower rooms or small DESIGNS Lso stripes in yeilow and ~EN Bookstore