j ,*~~i k r ri ir ir A ~ ~~f ' li ii M KJ tllV11XiXI£ " M JUST ARRIVED The laies will find them a very smart ac- companiment for'their new spring suit. In any shade or shape desired,' real leather tooled. al manner of fitments-vanity mirror, puif pockets, llm'mo tablets, coin purse, etc. Comparing our prices with similar goods be- ing sold in Toronto we are 25% to 50%7 lower. Our' prices for these new hand bags mun from $2 .50 to $6.00. JEVELER' ALEX. ELLIOT BOWMAN VILLE AD VICE A great many of our customers are in a quandary as to what course to pursue as to their coal requirements for next'year. We would respectfully suggest to you the advis- ability of having sufficient coal in your cel- Jars 'before April lst to last you until June lst, at least. When the suspension is ôver place your ord er with us for delivery of your season s reqieet and you will then par- ticipate in any reductions which may corne,' both on account of reductions in the price of coal and in freight rates. McC"elean & Co., Limited Kimsg St. East Office Phone 165 Bowguanville Hou». Phones 228, 274, 218 NO ROOM FOR AN ARGUMENT We have the largest variety of choie cooked i~ ~iiand prices are always the lowest. WEEK-END SPEC IALS ~We are always putting across somne bargains in inets hatmakes it worth your while to watch our windowý,s, providing you are interested in getting the maost for your money. G.A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Plione 21 BowmanvIlle BEDS. BEDS. BEDS. -WOOD BEDS, MRON BEDS? BRASS BEDS For n~ ~ekwe are makinga special of Beds, ail kinds and t izes, with an extra eut of 20 % from present low p ices. SShould yoti contemplate buying a new Bed this Spring, buy n<zw and save money. Corne and ---ee these beds for yourself, they are nearly ail just in from the factories and ail the newest patterns. Prh. Store for Furniture Bowinanville Ont. 'i PORT GRANY MR. SION POWE, 1 A BOY ON THE RADIO Since Pa put ia thse radio we have a lot of fun, We hustie toy my room upstairs as soon as snpper's done, And Pa he tinkers with thse dises to get it ioud and clear, Then says: "Wnit just a minute- now there's nothing yet to hear. Oh, now it's coming. Silence there! Now don't you mrov,,e a tbing, Say Ma, this is n, marvelous age, a lady's goiag to sing". Then Mn she listens f or a wbîle, as pleased as she eabe, And when 1 want ta hear it, too, she says "Don't botheî me! Your tura cornes next and sisteî's, 1too; don't jump around that way, I want to beau tIse orchestra, it's just begun to play. 1 wish you childuen wouldn't fuss, I'm suie I cannot beau WIiie you are trying ail thse time to snatch it from my eau", Then Pa takes up tIse thing awhîle and says: "Oh, that's just gret; A man is teling stouies now. Yeu kids will have to wait. It's wondeuful to tbink bis voice is fioating la the air, And people sitting ln thelu homes an beau it everywheie, Ail rigbt, ail right! It's youu tura now. Peubaps tbis man wlll teach You youngsteîs how you should be- bave. A parson's goiag to prench". Pa put the radio in fou me, at leat be told me se, But if it's realiy mine or nlot la some~- tbing I don't kaow, 'Coz 'P'a be wants it aIl himself to; beau the funny tbings An' Ma, must bear thse concerts, through when some great artist sings, But wbea thse pauson starts to taik on Selfisbness and Sin, Pa says: "Now it bas come thse time Farmers are finding:difficuity in, disposing of potatoes at Cobourg, merchants not being anxious te load up. Saturday's markset $ 1.50 peu: bag was asked while tbey were being, sold in town at $1,10 or 20 cents' a peck., 1 -t i ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ n i1,l,~ WI UAL -oÀ %.,miIei% --m liOreteedtahr is ai avfo eeateddSiee-4ak l wsP.htIa-fl n nM 3 /' i Selby, is recovering very saisfactor- ily from hier recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. D. Whitney have re- tuîned home fîom their Toronto vis- it,,bîingiag with themn a new car. Several of our niost prominent citi- zens have: attended the, evangelistie meetings in Newtonville during the past t'wo weeks. 1Mr. 'Percy: Dallimore, Toronto, re- cently visited la this neighborhood. Mrs. Thos. Brown and Miss Ida Ross spent Wednesday at Mr. Isaae Selby's,, Newcastle. Mi. Brigbam Young visited at Mr. Roger Rutherford's enroute to Hamilton. 1Miss Mabel Haskill and Mi. Nor- man Holman of Newtonville îecently ,iisited Mi. and Mis. Franklin Gil- mer. 1Mr. and Mis. Will Lord have moved to their new home, and Mr. Lord bias made a start at Spring woîk. Thursday's severe storm reminds us'very forcibly of winter, BLACK CHAPTER ORGANIZED AT PONTYPOOL Sir Sam Hughes Preceptory. Organized Protestantismin aMan- vers township is gettiag stronger, and witb a ne* community cburch whose trustees are Orangemen, and an Orange Lodge wbicb is taldng pride in .improving its work, and a niinister wbo is County Master and Deputy Grand Chaplain and who bas cam- paigaed extensively against the R. C. Bisbops' demaads, it oaly required a Black Chapter to entreach îtself. The new Preceptory started with an en- thusiasmn that surpassed ail expecta- tions, with two joinîng by clearance and 26 charter members 'who were advanced to the degree of Red Cross. R. W. Sir Knight Geo. Porter 261, Grand Lecturer of O. E., was the efficient installing officer, assisted by Sur Knights W. R. Manly, Past Pie 261; W .G. Moîîow, Dep. P. 261 and W.' L. Moncrief, ail of wbom journey- ed from Peterboro foi the occasion. The Pîeceptory owes its existence to untiring efforts of Sir Xnigbt James Richardson, ia whose nane the Dispensation was granted, and who, with bis brother Bert, came over fromt Devitt's Chapter, Blackstock, 398. Sir Knighbtg W. R. Adams and Rob- ert Adams of Devitt's, and W. Cro- thers of Collingwood, weîe among tbe visitors and aistagd In the work, Grand Mastet's permission is be- ing sought to use thse naine of "Sir Sam Hughes", who was a familiar figure la thse teriitoiy, and whose nep- hew is the first treasurer'of the tire- ceptoy Meetings will be beld on 3rd Mondays, Thse W. Preceptory was autborized to negotiate forý para- phernalia and supplies and tû attend Grand Lodge. It was nearly 7 a. mi. when the Degree work was ifinished. New officers are: W. P-James Richardson Dep. P.-E. E. Patterson. Chaplain-Rev. A. MeLauchln, B. A., B. D. Registrar-P. M.eflichardsoa. Dep. Registrai-W. Hf. Hýooper. Tieasurer -R. Spîenceîr. lst Lecýturé-r-.A. Morton,. 2nd Lecturer-Tom iTeh,,bé Censor-li. Richardson.. 2nd Censor-Edgar Thoînt6in, 1 S. B.-F. Howett. 2nd S. B.-John Payne, 1 P. 8,-Fred Graham,. 2nd P. S.-Wm. Rennie, Committee-W. A. Corbett (Ree of Township) Wilbur Henry, Win. J.' Hamilton, Bert Richardson. R. Aid,j W. J. Fowleî. Rev. Brown's mee,7ings at Newtonville and weîe spiritually blest.' Many of oui fair ladies are begia- ning house-cleaning which is like the song of the robin "A sign of Spriag". Miss Beulab Hallowell was home over the week-end, and, we believe, hier school is closed owing to illness la that section. Glad to see many who were ill able to be out'again, and we are boping to see Doîothy Savery, Bessie Hl- lowell and Manson Souch soon able to join us.1 Mi. Jackson of Kendal took Rev. Tink's place Sunday and gave us a ,fine address,,bis text beiag "If a man die shall be hive Again?" A ques- tion, we should all think about. Marcb came in lamb-like and went out lion-like giving us a chance for another sleigh ride, but thse Iast few days are so brigbt and balmy giving us another hope of close approach of Spring. Rev. E. R. Brown will preach Sua- day afteraooa and eve 'ning at ShiloIs and continue meetings every eveniag except Saturday for two \veeks. Ail are invited to take advantage of the golden opportunity of attending as eMr. Brown is an able speaker and a agood singer. r"A day well spent brings a week of y content, And, health f or the 'work of to- % 1morrow; * But a day profaned, whate'er may be * gained, Is a certain forerunner of sorrow". ORONO e Mus. Marshall, Toronto, la visit- *ing lier parents, Mr. and Mis. Geo. Cooper. d Mu. Wm. Cornish bougbt thse tbree *acre field east end of Centre-st., known as the late H. Moulton Proper- ety. t Mr. Alex, Watson bas boug'ht £roms e Mi. H. J. SoucIs what was known as 1the Ab Bowen propeîty, Clarke Un. rio n. liard and sof t corn§ both yield to Holloway's Coin Remover, wbich is entirely saf e to na.;e and certain and satisfactorinla haaction. Mr. Edmoads, foreman for Mrr. May, on thse Nei1 Smith faim, is ne- rgotiating fôr the purchase of thse rHoneywell rasidence and garden at Cowanville. Mu. James Lygett bias bougbt the ilate -Horace MoultOn farm, 7,0 acres, îand will utilize it a% a stock faim. Mu. Lycett is a most ainbitious and pro- gressive farmer. Mr. Marshall ChAtterton, Fort Stewart, Bancroft distr,etÈ, who ré- cently bougbt Jas, Taiilyn faim, Claîrke Union, arrived this Week wlthi his b)ride. Welcome. Reported that Mu. Alfred Little, noe là thse West, has bought tIse Chester f aras, originally thse Thoins Vicke"a armsatead-always considér- ed one of the best 50 acre faims ià the distrid4, Good côÈgiregationsý at Missionary services lin th it hurch Suaday week. Rev. À, L.. SnAstI, M. A., of Mission Board simit4ined bis reputa- tion and delighted tIse poople witb bis address. Choir t4o, wau in splendid foras. Worms sap thse stren h ai -i nmder- nse thse ,vitality %, elsildren, Stantbeatheai by usifl, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminato, Pïto, drive out th(>e pairasites. ReY.-J, W,. Bae was in Toroitter- cently to, bld faréwell to his son>s Dr. C. A.-Bac,, late superinteadeat of- Isolation HO5pital, Riverdale, wbo blis gone to Loridon, Enigland, to take e' special course lin Nose, Eau and Throat. May be giene fer two years. Mi. James G.- Ta mblyn had bis face badly bruised and cu-t wlsile assisting at wood sa wing at Mr, Chas. Woods, wben a block caugstini tihe teeth of the revolving ciicularsaw and hurled it witb great force striking him. acroas thse face ,rendering hlm- maconscious for a few minutes. Mr. William Hill, wbo,ý passed a.way at Cobourg last week, was a resident of Orono about 54 years ago, when hie and his brother George, were in paitnershîp la business. , Later lhe went to Hlampton and rua a gîoceîy store. Fîom there went to Cobourg ,and took up sIsoemaking, whicbhle carîied on ,until his death. Mr. Richard li of Orono, only, surviv-, ing ýrother, with bis daughter, Mis. His 95th Bilthday.- Mr. Simon Powers, who is at pies- ent residing with his son, Mr. A. A. Powers, Toronto, celebrated at the home, Logan Avenue, recently bis 95th birthday. Mr. T. H. Powers, his nephew, Orono, spent the day with him, and congratulatory mes- sages were received by hini from other citizens of Orono. Mr. Powers was a resident of Clarke for 90 years, coming here from Brockvllle with bis father, the late Nathaniel Powers, and other members of the family, in June 1832. they lived ia Kirby for for some years, and then settled on lot 28, la the 6th concession, now the home of his gran-dsoa ,Mr. G. N. Powers. Con- sidering his extreme age, his condi-ý tion of mmnd and body is a marvel to his friends. lie can stili con- verse freely on incidents connected with the early settiement of the town- ship, recail the names of the settiers, and relate interesting happenings of those early ciys. He also continues to take much interest la present day events, and spoke îegretfully of the passing of former- old friends: Ezra Hall, Mis. Blewett, Mis. Chapman, Dorlan Gamsby and others. Mr. andMis. Jesse W. Williams of Bruce St., 0Oshawa have sold their home and expeet to, move to Toronto shortly. "Glorious Twelith" is to be cele- brated in Lindsay and may be the largest ever held in Eastern Ontario. All Midland Counties Lodgeà, and a, number from Ontario County will be present. Oshawa and OriUla lodges are asked to celebrate in lindsay, witb others in Simcoe County. Revelations Secrets and Formulas BeatyCulture and THE SCALP Just Published by Dr. DuMaurier, Tu. 1D PRICE $1.00 Advance orders dealti with striçtly in rotation. Address Dr. DuMaurier 66 King-st. East Haniilton ïont. A Dominoîni Matches ........3 for 34e Granulated Sugar, 10 lb ........1.......................... 75ec 100 lb. St. Lawrence Sugar .......................$7.35 100 lb. Dominion Sugar ............................ .....$7.20 OUR SPECIAL pICl CHM 5 THIS WEEK CI A S2Clb 5 to 7 lb. each ALWAYS SOME GOOD SPECIALS ON OUR COUN TERS. COME IN AND LET, US SHO0W THEM TO YOU Poultry Men lell US: that they are getting excellent results from feeding H-O Steani Cooked Chick Peed. H-O Baby Chick Grit. H-O Chîck Charcoal. If y&u are not using these splendid preparations' try somé, to-day and you will notieë sudden im- provement~ in chicks.11 Quaker Oats îs cheap food for chicks'. We have it in 90 lb. bap, NEW MAPLF. SYRUW J4JST ARRIVE» Sole agents for bixon's Birmingham EngfrAnd Celebrated Poultry aud Pige6i Remedies. HAWR PR~ME~ 186 ALLIN BOCWMAN VILLE ~orPôâuIfr ha s côst rea iney and hould have tii. pow ~tOnf a Ë: , ing, pertnanelt la103eiy spaced aà dela tii strength ta keep ý,out .!i~corne intrudç-,a. It is a 'ferme warthy ~nl~thse BOck of fepoiu fancier asweII i4tat o~f thse every d & ltj rainer. ~\ ti~ig ta t 8 felet. S, fler, fos,,every requirernent T~E À ELL-HOXIÊ W r- FiCeC Co. limited '~~efor our IIIustraedBok4 on I lM. il dniâm A "ri-9 il A ÊKK 111 Oir mi.. MuýieI MR. SIMONPOWERS.,,_ý. p-.- Cýl 1 THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES 0F CANADA Try our "CEYLON & ASSAM"T A4cl "'RICHMELLO" BLEND T A4' b OUR "SPECIAL BLEND" EA 59 IS SPLENDID QUALITY 5elb Mclntyre Domne fl60' who wish to Miy 4rsi; f'hJ2gh-grade ini fAk'g sfoc-- We have excel- lent- faciIiti.ý, for handling youte b;Qisies As mëË 6rr2 I-îe 'Toronto Stock hEciiangc-,ýe, are ina position tO' exe 1ut a your orders ln <he betst ina-rkêt, Write us3fW ,hire parmmî«%, L (i. reen L&OI members, TyOento Stock E~Ag COAL -OIL H. E. Smtînith Successor to J'as. fi1t When staîting to j.se your coal o11 stove Shredded Cocoanut 20c lb Dessicated Cocoanut 20c Sheriff's Marmalade 4s. 65c tin Lily White Syrup 2s 21c Lily White Syrup 5s 47c Lily White Syrup 10s 89C Toilet Paper 6 for 25c Campbell's Soups 15C Choice Bulk Seedless 1naisin s .............24c lb Ipfflum PORT GRANBY 0 0 St. Charles Milk 15c large tin Carnation, Milk 15c large tin Cross Fish Sardinaes 16c Jutland Sardines 1oc Brunswick Sardines 71/2c Gillett's Lye 2 for 29e Castile Soap 9 cakes 30c Ammonla Powder 2 f9r 15