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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1922, p. 12

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The wat1 Indt4piendîient THUIRSDAY, APRIL 6th., 1922 Burglarsentered the' home of Mr. Jesse W. Williams, Oshawa, Monday evening about 8.30 o'clock and stole $95 from the pocket of a coat in a closet. Mrs. H. Hopkins who was in the house at the timt, with her mother, thought she heard a noise in the bouse and locked back and front -doors. She later discovered bed- room windows open. Mrs. Williams ,lad held a sale of furniture a f ew days previously and was preparing to -.oove to Tôronto. Mr. Williams is in Oshawa Hospital where he is ser- iously ill. Mr. Williams is brother ,of Mr. Chas. Williams of this town -mrho is also critically ill. An Easter'Specal Sale Extraordinary of Ladies' Coats, Suits, Dresses, Blouses From Maker to Wearer 3 days only=A'pril 6, 7,8- 1These beautiful goods include the latest iu Suits, Coats, Dresses, etc., and are being shipped direct from our factory to the store. You buy them at merchauts' prices. No two are alike Latest goods, styles and shades. Corne early and have a good choice. Your new Easter lothes are here at -your owu price. WAISTS 2 dozen Waists, Crepe De Cliene, Voile and Stripes. Regular $3.98 for ..................98C 2 dozen Waists, Georgette, Crepe De Clene, lace trîmmed, beaded, etc. Regular $4.45 .... $1.98 2 dozen Waists, Georgette, Crepe De Clene, Satin and Silk. Regular $5.98 for ..........$2.98 "You must corne early to get a good choice" SKI RTS Stripes and Checks, Prunella ClotI. Regular $7.50 for...........................................4.48 Also another line ligl-class Prunella ClotI. Regular $1.1.50 for.............................. $7.48 SUITS 25 Serges, embroidered, lined witli silk. Latest styles and tailoring. Direct from factory $22.98 25 Suits, embroidered, riclly lined and correct- ly tailored ....................................... $27.98 25 Higli-class Suits, very best Tricotines and Porri Twill; best of lining .................$34.98 COATS A higli-class stock of Spring Coats in Velour and Tricotines: full silk lined in ail shades; no two styles alike. Very special at ...............$22.48 Anotler lot, in Polo ClotI, Velour, Tricotine, liaitf . unes; ail sizes, 2 sliades, and styles at $17.48 Véry Special Velour Coats tlree-quarter lengtl; ail sizes and shades ..............................$12-48 A lot of Young Girls' Coats-Velours in ahl slades ,embroidered and plain Sizes 12 to 14, for..................-............................... $10-48 Sizes 8 to 10 .................................... $7.48 Burberry Coats, Englisl and Domestic Clotlis, no two alike; wonderful coats and a wonderful value .................................$22.98 and $27.98 DRESSES Children's Dresses, Sailor Style, pleated Skirts in good serge; 6 to 14 years ................$4-98 Also a smart little dress, embroidered waist and pl,,ated skirt; good serge. Sizes,6 to 14 .. . .$3.98 SEXTON WANTED Applications will be received up to April 24, 1922, for position of sexton of Newcastle Methodist Chuch. State salary expected. For particu- lars apply to Geo. P. Rickard. 14-3 H. R. Pearce, Secretary.. WINNIPEO SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERT BRANDON CALGARY VANCOU VER REGINA EDMONTON VCOI AND ALL WESTERN POINTS CHOICE 0F ROUTES Leave Toronto 8.45 daily, Standard Sleeping car Toronto. to Winnipeg via North Bay and Cochrane. Through Tourist Sleepmn car Toronto to Winnipeg on Tuesdays. Thuredays, Saturdays an.i Suadays. NEWCASTLE Chief Colman is.,indisposed. Mrs. R. W. Gibson is iudisposed. Mrs. Chas. Gomme is, indisposed. Mrs. Parnaby Martin(is seriously M.I Mrs. Walter Deline will not receive this montb. Mr. Walter Crowther is under the, care of Dr. Butler. Miss Cora Butler bas returued home from Toronto. Miss Sarah Ballagh is visiting friends lu Montreal. C. R. Carveth i5 shipping hay via C. P. R.-seven cars. P. J. O'Neil of the West End Gar- age is:sporting a fliver. Miss Mary Witherall, Oshawa, spent Sunday at home., George Houey is recovering from a severe attack of grippe. Foreman A. Bevis speut Sunday with bis family in Toronto. Mr. and JMrs. W. Jamieson visited Oshawa friends o n Sunday. Mrs. James Lovekin remains in a very critical state of health. Mr. Wmn. Thackrey, Cobourg, visit- ed friends in town last week. Have you sent in your suggestion for a name for our new park? Mrs. Win. Mclntosh was taken sud- denly ill on Thursday, morning. MViss Annie Kenefick is speuding a few weeks with Toronto friends. Mrs. Frank Bennett is visiting bier daughter, Mrs. Cully, lu Torouto. Dr. Walton BaIl, Toronto, spent the week-end at Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Mr., E. Weeks bas eugaged with Messrs Allin Bros. for the preseut year. Miss Frances Gibson, Oshawa, spent the week-end at home at "Wil- low Hill". Miss Pearl B. Cobbledick is makîng extensive improvements to bier home on Beaver-st. Ellison Moise bas taken a position with the Thomson Knitting Co. at Bowmanville. Mr. Wilson MeManus bas bis fam- ily comfortably settled in their new home on Beaver-st. Miss Rose's auction sale passed off very satisfactorily under the skilful hand of our own Joe. The Board of Education is adver- tising for Tenders for painting aud eavetroughing the sehool. A number of our local borsemen attended the big "Speed Sale" held in Toronto on Wednesday. Reports have it that Mr. H. C. Bonathan will sbortly occupy the Els- worthy bouse ou King-st. East. Mrs. J. Franklin Boue entertained on Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Wellington A. Adams, nee Olive Souch. The many friends of Mrs. Culley (nee Marie Bennett), extend con- gratulations on the arrival of a baby daughter. Mrs. C. Gomme held a very success- fui auction of hier household effects, Tufesday last, J. Coulson was the suc- tioneer, nuf sed. Contractor Page of Toronto, paid a visit here thelast of the week and found everything ýprogressing to bis satisfaction on the new hall, Mr. Joseph Toms is the new Truant Officer for thevillage. This means that Joe's movernents will be under close observation by "Young New- castle". Isn't it about time to start that "MemorialDrive». It is te be hoped that someone will make a start soon and push tbis worthy object to a suc- cessful finish. Mr. C. H. Hill of Troy, Ohio, bas installed a dlock in Troy Metbodist Church in memory of bis wif e Min- nie A. Baskerville, who passed away ou March 26, 1921. Mr. C. H. Hill, Troy, Ohio, bas had The Banner hanging in bis office win- dow for months for the best work in bis telegraph business in competition with 34 other towns. Miss Lee, one of the nurses sent out by the Dept. of Education, is iu towa doing practîcal work along linesi suggested by Dr. Kitley on hier recent inspection of our schols.i TENDERS WANTED Tenders for painting the outaide of the Newcastle Sehool and also for eavetroughing the school will be re- ceived by the Secretary of the Board of Education, J. Scott Montgomery, up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, April 15, 1922. Specifications may be had by applying to Thos. Moffat, Chairman of Property Committee. Tenders may be separate or jointly for each part of the work. No tender necessarily accepted. 1&-2 M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS O0 EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, ,v hite Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- can. Ask for information. Phonel 53, Bowmanville. NEWCASTLE Shop where you are invited te shop., Other Clarke news appears on an inside page. Mrs. L. Glendenning is spending a f ew days in Toronto. Rev. J. S. aud Mrs. Howard are spending a f ew weeks in Toronto. Mrs. J. W. Bradley and Miss Mur- iel spent a f ew days in Toronto. week. Miss Margaret Wilmot has returned home after a visit with friends in Toronto. Building operations have com- menced at Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Contractor Buckley i5 building a large addition to the Dr. Carveth house, formerly owned by Frank Ben- nett. Building operations are in full swing on the new Gommunity Hall. A large force of men are employed put- ting in the cement foundations and the brick layers are expected to start soon. Newcastle was well represented at the big Hlstein Cattle Sale at Bow- manville last week, "Bob" was heard, to remark that as the cisteru was full of water he would have nothing to milk one in se did not buy. Mr. Chas. MeMullen, formerly of Bowmanville, but for the past year stationed at S. Johns, N. B., is the new Teller in the Standard Bank here. Here's te you Mac and may you enjoy your stay in Newcastle., Contractor Buckley is preparing to ereet two bouses on bis lately acquir- ed property, King and Baldwin-sts, This is one of the best building sites in the village and Mr. Buckley is to be congratulated for bis enterprise. Mr. L. Parnell who bas been ap- oi nted Section Boss on the C. P. .bas taken up bis new duties. We understand it is Mr. Parnell's inten- tion to move bis famiily here at once and tbey will occupy Mr. Crowther's house on Edward-st. HORTICULTURAL MEETING AT NEWCASTLE POSTPONED Owing to thedeath of Mr. Earl C. Fisher the Horticultural meeting an-1 nounced for Friday evening will be postponed until further notice. EASTER MONDAY PAGEANT 70 characters will take part la the wonderful pageant, "Striking of Can- ada's Hour" in the Newcastle Meth- odist Sunday Sehool Hall on Monday, April 17, at 8 p. m. Admission 35c. No extra charge for reserved seats. Plan at H. C. eonathan's store week before conc.ert. 12-2 Mrs, Oscar Rolph, Orono's Soloist,, will take part on the program. KENDAL Sunday night'services are beiug held here conducted by laye n good înterest is shown, Msrs. Wm. Williams and Wm. Arstrong, two of the oldest of our people are in a low state of healtb. Mr. John Jackson bas removed to tbe bouse recently purchased by him from Mr. Allin and Mr. John Colin moves into the bouse vacated. Mr. E. Boadway of York Co. suc- ceeded Miss Katie Stephens of Dar- lington as teacher bere and he and Mrs. Boadway and their baby boy are a valuable accession. In'bis address on "Influence" dur- ing the special services bere, Rev. E. R. Brown paid the finest tribute te the memory of John Knox and John Wesley we bave ever bheard. Some mysterious disease bas caused the death of three valuable horses be- longing to Mr. Fred Falls and the people here are very rnuch in syrn- pathy with him in bis severe loss. Very happy times were spent by the choir of our church at the homes in our congregation during the past f ew months. Sometimes a few other frîends were învited to join and a very pleasant and profitable evýeniug was spent. The last evening was spent at the borne of Mr. James jWannan. HOLSTEIN-FRlESIAN SALE ,Large Attendance and Pýrces Satis- factory. The first consignment sale of the Durham County Hoistein-Friesian Club held at Beith's Waverly Stables on Wednesday, March 29, was largely attended and prices realized were very satisf actory. A large percentage of the stock was purchased by breeders outside of the county as will be Veen by the list of sales below. This association was organized in 1917 with a view to developing andi improving the "black and white" breed which bas been growing in popularity in this district probablyl mor 'e than any other breed of cat- tie. The officers of the club for 1922 are: President-R. R. Stevens, Bow- manville. Vice-President-W. F. Fallis, Mill- brook. Secretary-Treasurer-A. Arthur Gibson, Orono. Directors--Archie Muir, Courtice, Neil Mutton, Bowmanville, A. J. Run- nalis, Welconie, J. T. Pearce, Port Hope', A .J. Tamblyn, Orono, S. Jose, Newcastle, F. P. Johnston, Millbrook T. W. Belch, Millbrook. Mr. L. C. Franklin, Toronto, was auctioneer. T. Foram, St. George, from L. C. [Snowden, 3-year old female, $190. Neil Mutton, Bowmanville, fromn L. C. Snowden, 1-year old female, $100. N. Mutton from W. F. Fallis, 6- yr old female, $250. Percy, Leslie, Oakville, from W. F. Fallis, 6-yr old female, $160. T. Foram from W. F. Fallis, 5-yr old female, $325. A. J. Runnalîs, Port Hope, from W. F. Fallis, year old bull, $105. H. Gifford, Oshawa, from Harold Muir, 3-yr old female, $180. T. Foram fromn Archie Muir, 6-yr old female, $160. D. H. Dick, Omemee, fromi Archie IMuir, 2-yr old bull, $130. Alan Campbell, Bowmanville, from Archie Muir, 5-yr old female, $165. N. Metcalf, Bowmanville, from C. B. Sissons, 4-yr old female, $100. Percy Leslie fromn A. A. Powers, 4-yr old female, $120. H .Pascoe, Hampton, fromn A. A. owers, 6-yr old female, $170. Perey Leslie from A. Arthur Gib- son, 2-yr old f emale, $160. J. Crang, Weston, from A. A. Gib- son, 3-yr old cow, $160, caîf $75. N.* Mutton fromn A. J. Tamblyn, 9-yr old cow, $160; W. G. Werry, cale $55. T. Foram from A. J. Tamblyn, 5- yr old female, $240. W. G. Werry, Bowmanville, fromn A. J. Tamrblyn, 9-yr old cow, $115; R O. Trimble, Bowmanville, caîf, $95. J. Crang from A. J, Tamblyn, 5- yr old female, $400. A. Campbell from A. J. Tamblyn, 4-yr old female, $180. 'W. G. Werry from A. J. Tamblyn,j 3-yr old female, $190. N. Metcaif £rom Jas. D. Brown, 2- yr old female, $110. Percy Leslie froin Jas .Seymour & Sons, 3-yr old female, $150. J. S. Spry, Whitby, from J. Sey- mour & Sons, 3-yr old female, $235. S. Matchett, Peterboro, fromn J. Seymour & Sons, 3-yr old female, $230. J. Crang fromn J.,Seymour & Sons, 3-yr old female, $235, S. Matchett' from J. Seymour & Sons, 3-yr old female, $190. S. Brooking, Wesleyville, from J. Seymour & Sons, year old bull, $90. W. G. Werry £rom Harry 1. Sey- mour, 9i-yr old female, $175. S. Runnalîs, Newcastle, from H. I. Seymour, îl1-yr old female $140; Luke Buttery, Bowmanville, caîf, $30 N. Paterson, Rockwood, from H. I. Seymour, 2-yr ol.d f emale, $130. G. Piekell, Bowmanvîlle, fromn H. 1. Seymour, 9-yr old' female, $160; H. Jose, Newcastle, caîf, $30. J. R. Spry fromn L. C. Snowden, 2- yr old female, $130. A. Campbell from R. R. Stevens, bull caif, $65. H. G. Pascoe, from J. D. Stevens, 4-yr old femlae, $190. J. Crang fromn R. R. Stevens, 2- yr o'ld female, $190. J. Crang from R. R. Stevens, 5-yr old female, $200., A. L. Pascoe, Hampton, from R. R. Stevens, 2-yr old female, $185. Hutchinson & Poster, Alliston, fromn C. Powers, $180. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMBP, M.- D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, also of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of womn- en and chiîdren. Office- -Parkerýî Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University, Fellow of Trinity Medical Colleg., Licentiate of the State Universtyi of New York, Matriculate of the Peut- Graduate Medical School and Hos-. pital of New York and Fellow of the roronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton'ý Residence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. mn., 1 to v . m., and by appointment. Another Car of Coal In We now hav e ready for immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We lave for sale Portland or Super Cernent in any quantity desired. Fred Graha m PHONE 3323 NEWCASTLE Why does the barber s trop his Razor ? When the barber's razor loses its extreme keeness-what does He do? Does lie throw his razor away? Not lie-ie strops it. The Valet Auto Strop Razor strops it- ~~ self. That's wliy it givesa dlean, smootli satisfactory slave. : The Valet' Auto Strop Razor is an economical razor. Tliere are 500 perfect sliaves guaranteed from every dollar packet of Valet Auto Strop blades. AUTO STROPS FROM $1.00 TO $5.00 Hl,. C. BONATHAN Hardware Newéast le Secure your Wall" Paper Now While tlie clioice is good. GREAT VALUES' Great specials in Wringers while they last HOUSECLEANING NEEDS Everything, you need for Spring Housecleaning will be found: lere. WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle BRITTON'S BUILDS VITALITY Eat more ofit. Jt's the great food for grow- ing chiîdren and adults. Britton's Better Bread is full of rich paste and nourisîment. Britton's Dread maintains your liealtl and energy. H, S. BRITTýION Baker & Grocer Newcastle ALWAYS Wlien you slop at our store you always get fresl groceri es of the best quality and at lowest COAL I have 'on hand a supply of the best SCRANTON COAL botl Nut and Stove size. Slieds at the G. T. Ry. Plione ýA1220 Geo. Jamieson Newcastle qu m

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