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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1922, p. 2

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f - I DURHAM COUNTY BOYS BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 6th., 19221JFEBRUARY LIVE STOCK MARKET TheCaijadian Statesman AND The Bowmanville Newr, With which is incorporated TH-E NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT COMBINED- CIRCULATION 2800 ADVERTISING RATES Legal, Officiai, Municipal and Go,ý ernmen_ýt otices-12c per nonparei uine (12 lines ýto inch) for first in. sertion, and 8c per uine for each sub. sequent insertion. READING MATTER Readers or locals-lOc per linE each insertion, minimum charge 50c: on First Page 15c per line each in- sertion. ADVANCE NOTICES Every advance notice of any kind -where the object is the benefit or convenience of any person or number of persons-is advertising, and will be treated by the publishgrs as such. If no -instructions accompany the notice, advising us who to charge il to, it will be charged to'the persor p3honing or sending it in. COMMERCIAL DISPLAY Transient, rates-front page, 50e -per inch; run of paper, 40e per inch, each insertion. For a yearly contrnct apply at the ,office. Special positions 25% extra. CLASSIFIËD ADVTS For Sale, Wanted, To Rent, Lost and small advt of similar character- 2c per word, first insertion, minimum 50c; le per word each subsequent in- sertions, minimum 25c. Advertisements sent without in- structions will be inserted until writ- ,ten orders are received for their dis- continuance. Abovev rates include both The James P lapers. M. A JAéMES & SONS ' Publishers. Bowmanvillîe, Ont. Members-"Canadian Weekly Nýews- papers' Associations" and "Select- edTown Weeklies of Ontario". LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD... IBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY inoney to loan on Farma and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. ;Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, 'House 343. music T. W. STANLEY- (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist CÉurch, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure, For ternis phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-sim* MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Oold Medalist of Trinity University 'Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- ziscian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel HIospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. \ý,Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly, of Enniskîllen. Office, and residence, Dr. Beitji's, former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t Durhami county farmers will be in- Iterested in learning that theére was à marked declinie in the average prices of live stock in Canada in the montî of February this year compared witl the quotations for the samne month last--year. But there appears to have been, judging from the returns of the Dominion' , Stock Bragnch, Ot- tawa, te have been somewhat of a rush to market. At the five prin- cipal markets in Canada-Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Ed- monýton-the receipts thîs year and last. year, in Febrùary, were respect- ively; cattle,, 34,832 and 31,786; calves, 9,250 and 6,016; hogs, 60,146 and 48,671 and sheep, 18,473 and 14,- 446, the larger number in each cast being for 'this year. The average edecline this year in prices per hun- ~dredweight for February compa:ed with the 'samne month last year lat the five markets was: cattle $1.93; calves $2.30; hegs, $2.09 and sheep $1.65. The farmers' loss in this Il CANADA'S CORN CROP eOver Fifteen Million' Bushels Grown t-Ontario Produces Seven-Eightis. The Deputy Minister of Agricult- ure for the Dominion, Dr. J,. H. Gris- dale, in a recent address -dealt with the history, production and utiliza- ion of corn and tells of the devast- ating sprtad of the European corn berer in the principal cern-growing diStricts of this province.. Canada's crop of corn iB over fifteen millioný bushels of grain of which Ontario! Lproduces close te seven-eights, and -six million tons of forage storedin ibetween fifty and sixty thousand silos. The advantages of grewîng corn fer ensilage in Canada are its cheapness and succulence for feed, large return per acre, best crop on which to apply manure, for cleaning, land and for breaking up a sod field, easiest crop te harvest as te weather conditions, mest cheaply housed, most easily handled in feeding, best fer supplementing dry pastures and tq help in inducing cattie te consume coarse and poor roughage, and the crep that permits the carrying of Most live stock per acre. Dr. Grisdale stated that in ail 100 townships in Ontario are known te be infested, and urged farmers te ce- eperate in control of this very ser- ious pest by f olhowing instructions given in leafiet No. 16, "The Control of the European Corn-borer" obtain- able free on application te the Pub- lications Branch, Department of Ag- riculture, Ottawa. BOYS' HEALTH CHORES WiII The Statesman Famiily Circle Boys Join This Health Crusade? 1 I washed my han ds withý soap and water ýbefore each meal to-day. 2 I washed my face, ears and neck, and cleaned my finger nails te- day. 13 I kept fingers, pencils, and everything likely te be unclean eut of my mouth and nose to-day. 4 I drank, four glasses of water to-day, inciuding ont before each meal, and drank ne tea, coffee, or other injurieus drinks te-day. 1 5 I brushed my teeth thoroughhy after breakfast and in the evening to- day. 6 I took. 12 or more slow, deep breaths of fresh air to-day. I tried to-day te sit up and stand up straight. 7 I played outdoors or with Win-, dows open more than hirty minutes to-day. 8 I was in bed 9 heurs or more ast night and kept my window open. 9 I. tried to-day te, eat only whole- some food and te eat slowly. I at- tended te toilet at iLts regular time. ý10. I tried to-day to, keep neat and cheerful censtantly and te be helpful te others. I was careful te, protect others if I spît, coughed or saeezed& 11 I took a full bath on one or more days of the week. DENTAL "MAKE-A-WILL'" WEEK (~rduae o Roal entl ClleeMr. Man, Have You Made Your WilI Drrdat fR.oJ.aC.DenItalt mkea olar gveeb Toronto. Office, IKing-st., East, Bow- Haîf a dozen simple'rules for those manville. Offce hours 9 a. m. to 6 wishing t aeawl r ie.b p. m. daily ex ept Sunday.t Phone Bruce Barton, writing in Collier's. 90a. House fZhne 90b. They are: DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 1 Make a list of ahl your posses- ,ffoor radute n Detis sions and indicate the way you would 11oor radat inDenisry Toronto like to have them distributed. University. Graduate of the Royal (3ollege of Dental Surgeons of On- h2 Take 'the list to your lawyer and tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville hve hlm draw your will. Office phone 40. House phoùÎé 22: 3 Sign it in the presence of at least tw witnesses, making sure they see DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, 1 you sign it and understand that it is Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- your will. Have them sign as wit- versity and member'of Royal College nesses in your presence and the pres- of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to, ence of each other. -practice in Ontario and the Domin-' 4 Put your will in a safe place, and !on. Dentistry in ail its branches. let your heirs know where it is. Offic-Kingst., Bowmianyihle 5 Don't make change.% afterward Opposite Bank of Montreal without the advice of your lawyer. Phone 301 o 6 Most important of all,don't put off doing the thing until you are sick _______or about to die If these instructions are followed there is likely to be no costily itiga- FUNERAL DIRECTORS tion, and the will is likely to remain F. F. MORRIS Co. as it was drawn Up. equimen. Suday Many families have been disrupted Most complet equpet Sna owing to ýtroubles that might have and night caîls promptly attended vie a h edo h Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. family maded ad teill.ofth Branch at Orono. fniYmd il Mrs.-R. H. Warder and Miss Mar- THEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTriONEERq ion were recent guests of Mr. and Par an Hose aie 4Lspetaiy.Mrs. W. E. Souch, Oshawa. Trm oanHe Sae ecat. There is nothing repulsive in Mil- 1-fEnniskiflen P. 0. Phone 197-i3. ler's, Worm Powders, and they are as pleasant to take as sugar, se that tew, children will refuse them. Ia Norman Baldwin, Black Successfûl Journalist,. 'Ve thank Mr. M. J. Hutchinson, ihimself a Durham county boy who ihas risen in journalism by his own ienergy and perseverance to be Mana- eger of the Canadian National News- epapers and Periodicals Association, -head office, Toronto, for this informa- ion of the rise of a Port Hope old -boy to position and fame-now head of Rotarians and who worked his way up from printer's devil to a Fargo, INorth Dakota, Publisher. Norman Baldwin Black, publisher 3of the Fargo, N. D., Forum, has been - elected district governer of Rotarians. H1e has been president of the Fargo Rotary Club for the last year, and re- *presented North'Dakota clubs at the 1Edinburgh international convention tlast August. Mr. Black was born in Port Hope, Ont., September 27, 1865. He was educated in the Port Hope schools and the, office of, the Weekly Guide, printer's devil, until he ,keached tho age of twenty. iThen he went to where he acquired experience as a- Merrill, Wis., where an older brother was already engaged in job printing and publishing. In 1889 he jeined the staff of the Marinette, Wis., Daily Eagle, and in 1903 hie went to St. Paul and became associated with the Minneapolis Paper Company. After three years there he went to North Dakota and took the management of the Grand Forks Times. In 1911 he consolidated the Times and the Herald and served as' génerau manager of the consolidated papers until 1917 when he and. his asseciates purchased the Fargo Forum. ABOUT TREES AND HEDGES Questions and Answers on Forestry by Canadian- Forestry Associaition Q. Our tewn is arranging to plant shade trees along several of -the' streets. ls iL considered good pract- ice to plant only ont variety of trees?, A. By nîl means keep to one type of tree on each Street. Keep, to the hardy and long lived tret such as the elm and Norway Maple. Q. Where can I obtain information as to the plantîng of hedges, and the selection of material that will pro-. duce bést resuits? A. Write for a výry informative bookiet to W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist, Central Expérimental Farm. Ottawa. Q. As a newspaper editor how can I figure out how much wood is re- quired to keep this paper supplied with newsprint f or a year? ;V A. It takes one and a haîf cords of, spruce or balsam wood to E'ake one ton of newsprint. Q. ls it a fact that timber supplies of the United States useful for theJ manufacture of newsprint paper are in danger of depletien? A. It is a positive fact thoroughly Well establishedfrom American sour- ces. In at most ten years, many of the great United States industries manufacturing paper for newsprint purpeses will have to transfer to Que- bec, Ontario or New Brunswick. Q. My ýbrother's farm contains much waste land which he would ike to plant.. Who can help me get such' planting work under way? A. Write to Provincial Forester, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, who will ýbe glad to advise you as to pro- cedure and he may be able to supply you with sufficient' tree stock from the Provincial Nursery. SUCCESsýý IN BUSINESS iq bas ed on right training, We give -personal indiviclual instruction. Shorthand, typewriting and business methods. Over 20.000 graduates. Eleven schools ini Toronto. Start at enytime. Write for cqmpIete prospectus. P. McINTOSH, Chief Principal -sH&,TORONTO Make Good Your Credit at the Bank When Your Crops are Harvested Vour first dulty after the crops liave been harvested is to 4"(cleaursup " advan- ces at the Bank. The n=aun who does this rarely bas diffi- culty iobtaining cre4iit. Yeu should give a state- ment of affairs to the Bank se that you mnay obtain the-fullest credit te which yeur standing entitîts you. The RGyaI Bank Larger Business If the business of any retailer in this community is to grow bigger in the years to corne, it wilI flot be a matter of accident or due to an increase of pop-. ulation only-it will be the resuit of intelligence added to energy, plus ADVERTISING. Wherever you find a big, flourishing business you will find behind it a strong, pushing man of indom- itable spirit, driven by the power of these 5 words- "I caii and I will". This man advertises-he MUST deliver his message to triose with ears to hear. Multiplied dustomiers and larger turnovers are ab- solutely essential to hisprogress. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC i Help on the business of those who show themselves eagerto have your custom-who invite it and prize it enough to ask for it. Shop where you receive the best service, values, and goods. Reward with your f avor those who solicit your favor by messages addressed -to you each week in our advertising columns. Shop Where You are Invited to Sh'p' Issued by Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association A. N. McMILLAN& CO. Local Representatives Bowmanville Quotations Bowmanville Unlisted Stocks STOCKS Bld Asked Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Preferred .66 .70 Thomson Knitting, Company, Preferred with Bonus 50% Common .00 .M Canada Scale & Slicer Company, Preferred make bid. We recommend the purchase of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Stock. This Company is now back to pre-war con- ditions, and it is exipected that the Company will shortly pay a back dividend, which would go to the present purchaser of the Stock. BONDS BONDS bought, sold and -quoted fQr cash. No delay. REAL ESTATE : See our extensive REAL ESTATE liats. LOANS Advances to farmers at current rates of interest for Live Stock I ~~ &T S A'i uI ! l 1 SMALL ACCOUNTS. "I would lie to take the opportunity of stating that we cordià.lly welcome small accounts atail our offices. -Sir F,'eerck Wilhaor, Gmred 7vdrger, dt the anau4 ueemg of t& k of 'Monire4. BOWMANVILLE ]BRÂNCH, J. A. McCLELLAN - Manager. UlilIf Buy Electric Bulbs at Hydro Shop Where you get first quality with a guarantee, ail sizes in stock--both 'clear and frosted. Electric Fixtures Reduced We also have a large, stock of ElJectric Fixtures at greatly reduced prîces., There is a fixture for every room. inspection Invited You aire invited to inspeet our stock where you will find tÈhe quality the best and prices that are right. Buy Your Electrical Goods At An lElectrical Shop The Hydro Shiop BOWMANVILLE PHONE 192 CHANGE OF TIMEj For theconvenience of the travel-) ling public I am now making daily 1 Zutoo Nature's Own Industry Next te growing the grain, flourmilling is the most natural of ail Canadian in- dustries. Yet, strangely enough, this industry ha& iiet had the growth in Canada that its merits deserve, or that the ainazlng profts in it should have atimulated. Fer exainple: If you will write te us we will send you a 'Record of Dividendî of the five Ieading Canadian Flour Miil- ing Companies for the past four years. This record1 stimulates keen interest inG the prospectus of a Flour Milling Com- pany whose, shares we are now off ering for public subscription. Write imme- diately and get a copy. flAN~RS OND O P 1 - a mmi ri ý W ts,

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