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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1922, p. 3

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140W PETERBORO VIEWS ILEASIDE'S PROPOSITION (Peterboro Examiner) Considerable interest has beer caused around the Central Ontari( Legecircuit by the letter sent oui by Manager George Peacock, of th( Leaside Athletic Club, stating that a housing 'as scanty at Leaside' and t1he MaYL ,y of the e-mployes of Vis pla.-nts resided in Toronto, the Leasid( Club wanted the residence rule waîv. ed in their case. That is a prett3 broadl request and there doles noi seemi ' 'c be any chance of it being gmanted, in the form asked for by Miý Peacock. Industrial teams are e dangerous proposition in an amateui leagiie ait any time--the O. H. A. bai them- from playing in any three hock- ey series- but an industrial tean with no residence rule would have an unlimited chance to get away with ai] kinds of violations of the rules.'Per- haps the Central Ontario rules co'uic be amended in the case of Leaside sýo that the residence qualifications wiould noV apply; but if this were donep, it wouid be necessary to compel the Leaside Club to submit a list of its players before 1 5th May, with propur proof thlat they are employees of the plants, and not allow any more players Vo be added Vo the Leaside iist after that date. Without some ïuch safeguard, the League would lie tmtter offwithout Leaside, Superior Service and Reliable Goods Canmoi LMe Sooner or later their true character IIl develop, in satisfaction to the patient. It is grati- fyingto Mr. Mit- cheil to note that mucli of his in-, creased, patronage îs coming from par- ties to whom he has been recommend- ëd by pleased ,pat- ients. Our years of praet- ical experience plus only first qual- ity frames and lenses-not fact- ory left-overs--is the guarantee be- hind every pair of Mit'-'chell Glasses, R ÎAV. Mitchell & Co. Druggiats & Optometrists Bowmanville, Ont. "Say it with Flowers", Fresh Cut F lowers and Plan ts at Reasonable Prices Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs our Specialty 1C. C.M. Bi'cycles! are sold by ~ry Aluin lut et ~oyaI Theatre REB~ )ILT 1 CLES aCR SA. __ S4PORTING NEWS~ d ~BASEBALL NOTES. Officiai colora, of Bowmanvilie Basebali team in C. O. L. is green an! ywhite. ýt Opening game here between Belle- g ville vs Bowmnanvilie will be played r. in the afternoon. a Harold Dainty who pitched for .r Oshawa champions last year bas beeî r signed Vo, play with London in Michi- -gan-Ontario League. uBowmanville has entered into sport n activities in reai earnest, and has or- 1ganized an Amateur Athletic Associa- -tion, which wiii handie ail branches d of sport. Dr. Devitt, weli known in * Lindsay, was elected President.- * Lindsay Watchman-Warder. ýl Referring Vo Port Hope's objection V o admitting Leaside Lindsay Post hasks, "WIhat is te difference between $ Leasiýde securing some good playen èfrom Toronto and Oshawa bringing u n practically the, brains and bea' àplayers of Kingston Ponies? Go to t, brothers, but remember titis lis a strictly amateur isague. William Deer, who did te twirling f or the local team last year has re- turned Vo town and accepted a posi- tion here. Bill anys the old wing is in grand form and he is anxious to hear his um-p caIl play bail. _We will not publish Vthe names of the otheu nsw arrivais just now, as he sudden shock might be too much for oui Lindsay friends.-Port Hope Guide. Information emanating from Bow- manvihle during the iast few days wouid indicate that the Bowmanviile Athietic Association intend putting a strong team ihe C.0.B.L. At a meeting held there titis week twenty- two responded Vo te cail for players -ýhie ite latest report dlaims that "Shinny" Moise, of Newcastle, who has appeared in a Port Hope uniforun te last two seasons, will tumn out with G. O. Patterson's squad-Lind- say Post. Secretary G. O. Paterson reports arrivai of basebali uniforms and equipment. Itle a >»tty looking, uniform, too. Material is grey with fine stripe and trimmed with green and letter 'B' on both siseves. Cap is also grey with green peak and 'B'j on top. Stockings are green with a whtite circle and are being made rigitt in Bowmanville by Thomson Knitting Co. Limited. One of our euterprising merchants should' have one of these attractive uniforms on dispiay in his window. Port Hope Guide does not loit w ith favor on the admission of Lea- sîde into thte Central Ontario League, for several reasons. One is that the League teams wili be unabie to keep tally on what players Lesisde will have, as they are able, under present circumstances, to draw from the en- tire city of Toronto. Another rea- son the Guide sets f orth is that If Leaside wins the championsip it will practicaliy kili te League. Titere rnay begrounds for the Guide's opin- uon, but it is not altogether clearhow Leaside is going Vo geV Vite pick of Toronto, with so ma ny other good leagues in existence in te city, and it might be that Leaside would be the weak sister of te League. If it is, Leaside will have but a year's exist- ance in, the C.O.A.B.L., as they are ,.ound Vo have heavy expenses, -as al b c (ir trips will be long ones, tbey be- irg ths outside town. Outside of Leaside and Lindsay the league is a compact one. Cobourg Sentinel Star- With a Junior town leagus in existence, te annual meeting of the senior town league nsxt week, and a team lunte, Centrai Ontario League, it appears as if Cobourg will have basebaîl every day this season. Last year the town, league games attracted good big crowds, and it is 'anticipated titat about he same clubs wiii be in te league again titis season. Witit a junior league hs players under 18 will have a better chance Vo show their ability, and dsvelop quicker in- t0 players of senior calibre, Cobourg bas always been a good base-ball town, and with te two town leagues under a strong management, this pop- ular sport shouid have a banner year. IV is expected that hs Central On- tario teamn will make a good showing, and witit Dick Turpin as the manager, good hings are looked Vo. Dick was in his day hs best first baseman and one of hs best batters in- hs league, but like mnny another, age and weight have slowed hlm up and dim- med his batting oye. IV bas not hurt his headJ any for basebaîl, and he bas our best wishes for making good as manazer. TH ED. O. & P. CO. CHAMPIONS 0For te third time in as muany 1 years D, O. & P. Co. howlers wo ite championisiip iVite Five Pin Town Bowling League. The final gaine of the double schedule was played at te Goodyear Club Alieys Monday revening with Dr. G. C. Bonnycastbe's .team as their opponents. On te eveings play it was a dlean cut victory for te musicians as they won t he tres games as foliows: D. O. & P. Co. S. Morris 151 138 213 A. Mitchell 199 187 212 H. L. Pearn 183 230 153 C. Osborne 200 175 170 J. B. Mitchel 134 192 167 867 922 915 Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle's Team Dr. Bonnycastle 173 168 164 Tr. A. Dustan 171 157 173 M. Comstock 141 219 217 F. Williams 192 143 118 Alex Eliiot 152 151 157 834 838 82 BOWLING FOR GRAHAM TROPHY By virtue of titeir standing first among the Plant Two Goodyear eams, entsred in the town Meague, for both scitedules, C. A. ýSmuth's team of five pin bowlers, qualified to meet he team from Goodyear Head Office in te first round of the semi- finals for Vhs Graham Tropity. On Wednesday, March 29, tite Head Office tsam, captained by W. Roe, in- vadsd hs local alleys for hs first set-to. Whether it was Vhs close- ness of the atmosphere or the noisi- ness of the supporters, cannot be said-there was plenty of both-but both teams seemed Vo be sligittiy off their game, wit thtie exception of one or two. Howsver, Roe's team seem- ed to have enough stage experience Vo stand hs razz a littie better than Smith's crowd and Smithy took te short end of the score, 149 pins down on he evening's bowling. The score: After a substantial lunch itad been served, a number of brief remarks from both sides indicated that tite best of feeling prevailed between the tsams, in spite of the ribaid rooting of a short ime previous. Plant 2 A. Piper-559 (199-170-190) A. Friss-438 (144-129-165) G. Callan-439 (131-157-151) T. Large-489 (137-144-208) C. A Smith-456 (156-116-184> 2381 Head Schultz--473 Wilson -502 Nicios-496 Ros -491 Collins-5 68 253U Office (152-120-201) (147-214-141) (143-153-200) (234-162-172) Saturday, April 1, te retumn -game was piayed in Toronto. C. A. Smitht evidentiy figured Vtat Vhe 149 pin lead was not much handicap, and his teami proceeded Vo deiuonstrate that they realiy were bowlers of some calibre. Witit Ab. Piper lead- ing he run, they roiled up a score which umnbled their 149 deficit into aiead of~ 92 pins on hs round, Plant 2 A. Piper-658, (183-234- 241) A. Frise-4 21 (159-1-30-132) G. Callan-457 (176- 160-121) T. Large 4M6 (165-131-130) C. A. Smiti-590 (182-193-215) 2552 Head Office Sciutz-386 (129-121-136) WVilson -452 (145-170---137) Nichos-474- (146-178-150) Ros -495 (149-169-17 7) Golins-504 (196-131-177) 2311 After f ortifying themsîves with a good supper, hey tackled the New Toronto eam, who held.,hs bye. Piper was aili troliing Vms Ve o forun and the rest of hs eaun were givini ail hey had Vo itold the Plant One eam down. Nsw Toronto secured a iead in te first ganie, and despite he fact tat Smithy's men ook hs next Vwo, tey were 67 pins down on hs first round when Vhes suoke cieared away. Plant Z A. Piper -629 (217-169-243) A. Frise -434 (143-161-130) G. Callan -404 (169-130-105) T. Large -428 (113-151-164) C. A. Smith-531 (170-175-186) 2426 Plant 1 Caunter -549 (194-195-160) Wright -517 (146-197-174) GOODWOOD TO ENTER TEAM Waiker -406 (145- 91-170) 1Routledge-483 (180-137-166) C. A..Mason, Secretary of Vte Osht- ,Wain - 538 (246-138-154) awa and District Football Associa- tion, is in receipt of an application 2493 for membership from Goodwood The retura game wiil be played on Football Club and if ut la acceptsd, hs aiieys at the Goodyear Club bers whicit it wiil undoubtediy be, tite on Saturday evening, April 8tit. Tite G .W. V. A. Club will be ransferred local team are entireiy confident, that Vo hs eastemn division. In titis given teir sitars of the breaks, hey event each section would be composed wiil overcome te 67 pin lead and of five Veama witit ail tires Oshawa bring Vhe Graham Tropiyty o Bow- teama playing in Vhs samne section. manville for hs second ime. _________As a spectator from Head Office, FOOTALL ROSPCTS OOD Tunbridgs was a owsr of strengtit FOOBAL _PRSPCTS_ VD o bis Vsam. Wit pacicll al o lst1V r' Toronto crutucs!ý, remarked that eam avaiiabls Bowmnanville's pros- ie'fatblwodn eefc- pects in Vhs football amena look par- ive on Vhe Toronto alleys. The ticuiarly brigitt. Captain Reg. Hard- score siteet don'V bear titis out. îngals hs lcatd evealnew play- Bill Robbins, Bill Woodward and ing als osetdsera theFrankt Bottrel wers ths eams lons ters whoroise o tregtsn'hssupporters at Toronto un te after- There appears Vo be no trouble lu noon. For Vte evening game, Vte getting players for te Junior team team itad Vo tumn Vo and make some as hs youngsters will be literally music for teir own support. falling over each ithier witen te itne tV ooks 1ke te final game on ,%t- comes tVO pick out their teami. A urdsay night will be a thriller. New iitue dry weatiter is witat Vte boys Toronto> are coming down iii force, want now. according Vo rumor. B3USY MEETING B~. A.,A. A. Fvery effort is being put forth by the officers of the B. A. A. A. Vo put this organization on a sound practîcai working basis. Every member of the executive seems to be keen to fis part as was shown at the iargely attended mneeting on Tuesday even- ing iast. Adidition committees were formed ps foliows: Finance-C, S. Hailman, R. F. Aitchison, F. Williams. Property-Dr. J. C. Devitt, A. Campbell, AX W.' Edger. Publicity-R. E. Wilson, G. O. Pat- erson, G. N. Thurston. Hi gh School Board has kindly con- sented to the use of thes chool grounds by the association. r Next meeting wiil discus s arrange-j ments for program of sports for Wed- nesday, May 24th. Committee to promote and take charg-e of Junior Branch of B. A. A. A. includes Principal, W. J. Morrison, B. A., Major'R. J. Gi, C. H. Mas- 3on, J. D. Carruthers, Dr. G. C. Bon- nycastie. r Sports for ladies was Ieft with Dr. B. J. Haziewood, R. E. Wilson and A. W . Edger, who wiil report pro- gress at next meeting. Communication Vo' promote la- crosse was flot entertained at present. Messrs. Campbell, Aitchison aud Jas. Nokes reported regarding use of Agricuitural Grounds. It was de- cided to have a solieitor draw up an oagreement for the association, the 1matter being ieft in charge of AFin- ance Committee. Basebail Committee was instructed to secure following material and equipment in readiness for coming season: 15 uniforms, balls, bats, catchers' supplies, lst base man's mit, 3 bases, home plate, bat bag, etc, Committees reported their chair- men and secretaries, respectively, as foliows:, Base Bal-'R. E. Wilson, G. O. Paterson. Foot Bal-A. Frice, R. G. Harding. Hockey-Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, A. W. Edger. Meeting adjourned to meet Tue&- day, April 4th. Peterbore A. A. A. wiII put on a minstrel show Vo raise fundsf. Herbert Booth, manager of Osh- awa basebaff team for 1922, was manager of Kingston Ponies for two, years. "We can save money by not adv-er- tisîng". "Yes", replied the adver- tising man, "and you can sIso save money by not eating".-Detroit Fme Press.t ,Charles Munrose, son of'D. Munroe, Garden Hill, while sawing wood at Cephas Hoskins' when adjusting seme machinery his right hand came in contact with the saw, and three o the putation was necessary.t TLire Repairing by Modern Methods Your worn or injured tire wili receive skilled attention in our Vulcanizing Sitop and its life wiI be lengtitened. We wil repair it according to modern metitod--the hast metitods known toVite ire in- dustry. AIl materiai tat we put inte your tires will F ite best mater- lals, procurable. Bring in your woSn caing- Vlere may be mlefge fi thenu. If there is, we wiii ses txt you get it.. If your tires are flot worth repairing, we'il tell yu. ME SELL TIRES Jamieson Bros. EXPERT TIRE RE-PAIRERS 1Bowmanville Oshawa1 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALta 1 arn ofYering two of the cholceast onc atCreL buildinig lots in the town o! Bow- manville at very reasonable prices, in good localty on Liberty-st., just one block aouth o! Nursery corner. Excellent gar- den with about 50 good apple treeson each lot just coming Into bearlng. Nor. mrnan S. B. James, Statesman Office, Boyv. sanvîlîe. $25. - $60". Wlveek 100 men wgnted at once, Vo work as Auto Gas Tractor Mechanics. Low fees. Part pay, part earn, plan. Write for particulars, quickly. Big- gest prospects for ten years. Hemp- hîll's Auto Gas Tractor School, 163 Bownianville Limitedr t'- Ia. DRESS UP FOR 'EASTER 0f course you are going to have a new suit for lEaster and you wiHl find no better place to get just what you want-style, material and right price-than right at "THE SIIOP THAT- LEADS" You find in this shop a well assorted range of Ready-to-W ear Suits, ail nemr stock, and ciustomers tell us they are iindoubtedly the best values they have seen-from $20.00 up. Then, if you want a. suit tailored to your own measurement "ART CLOTHES" fil the bill to perfection-with designs that are new, nmatcrials that are of the finest quality, workmanship that is highly speciaized-this summarizes the clothes that we are showing at popular prices from $20 to $58 WAKE UP To the fact that we are headquarters for the hest Uûiderwear,, Shirts, Coliars, Neck- wear and up-to-date MEN'S FURNISIIINGS.. If you bluyHaberdashery of us you know that it is correct.. Corne in, look around any tirne, whether you buy or not.. thne Shop That Leads G. N. THURSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date llaberdashery and Fur Shop. Your, Spring SUit Built Just as: You W 'ould, Have It Bulit o.cbberlin Tailored, Perfect in Fit, Fabrie and WorkmPanship You get real tailoring in a Hobberfin made-to-measure suit-smart fit, correct style and workmnanship of unusual skill and care-giving that quality of tailor- ing that stands the test of wear. See our new prices, new patterns, new qualities and new values for Spring. See the NewFabries and Styles. They have Just Arrived. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN 1 Report on sale of msmbersitip tickt- King-st., WstV, Toronto, Ontario.,1 ets amounted Vo $249 to date. 14-V

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